Imari Posted May 12, 2016 Posted May 12, 2016 (edited) In case anyone missed it (as if), there has been some news on the upcoming Pokemon games Sun and Moon. For starters, the release date has been announced, it will be November 18th 2016 worldwide except Europe where fans will have to wait until November 23rd 2016 and China which apparently doesn't have a release date yet. All copies will be playable in nine languages: Japanese, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese. The region will be called Alola and the starters will be Rowlet (Grass/Flying), Litten (Fire) and Popplio (Water). Japanese Name: Mokuroh English Name: Rowlet German Name: Bauz French Name: Brindibou Spanish Name: Rowlet Italian Name: Rowlet Korean Name: Namolppaemi (남올빼미) Type: Grass/Flying Ability: Overgrow Height/Weight: 0.3m and 1.5kg Known Moves: Leafage (new) Japanese Name: Nyabby English Name: Litten German Name: Flamiau French Name: Flamiaou Spanish Name: Litten Italian Name: Litten Korean Name: Nyaobul (냐오불) Type: Fire Ability: Blaze Height/Weight: 0.4m and 4.3kg Known Moves: Ember Japanese Name: Ashimari English Name: Popplio German Name: Robball French Name: Otaquin Spanish Name: Popplio Italian Name: Popplio Korean Name: Nurigong (누리공) Type: Water Ability: Torrent Height/Weight: 0.4m and 7.5kg Known Moves: Water Gun Other new Pokemon are probably Sun legendary probably Moon legendary The games will be compatible with Pokemon Bank to receive Pokemon from the VC games Red, Blue and Yellow. More news to hopefully follow soon BTW if anyone could enlighten me on how to insert images without them also appearing below the post as attachments I'd be much obliged. Edited May 18, 2016 by wraith89 Add Korean names
wraith89 Posted May 18, 2016 Posted May 18, 2016 I believe you can upload images to outside hosts such as imgur and use the [noparse][/img][/noparse] tags to get things done without attachments. We will make a new forums for 7th generation soon, I hope. I guess I can say I really like the owl and I don't dislike the seal, unlike many people I know. I think I'm too partial towards water types or something. It is also the first time since Bulbasaur where the first stage starter has a double typing. I wonder what they will turn out to become.
theSLAYER Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 Roundup of today's reveal: Sun Legendary Solgaleo is a Psychic Steel Lion that charges at opponents with the impact of a meteor Moon Legendary Lunala is a Psychic Ghost Bat that fires Moongeist beam and takes reduced damage when HP is full. You venture the Alola region that so far has 5 islands revealed (and a few more blocked by clouds on the map) With a possessed Pokedex, which you probably can't use the Pokemon in battle. Also, if you enjoyed using QR codes in ORAS, you get to use them to share pokemon encounter locations! Also, it is seen that the male character is wearing a yellow diamond shaped item as an accessory around his left wrist..
Imari Posted June 4, 2016 Author Posted June 4, 2016 (edited) Thnx for the roundup. I think I can add a little more. Solgaleo has the ability Full Metal Body, Lunala has Shadow Shield. Solgaleo knows the move Sunsteel Strike which ignores the opponent's ability, as does Lunala's Moongeist Beam. The Alola region's professor is called Kukui (Hawaiian for candlenut, the state tree of Hawaii). Japanese Name: Prof. Kukui English Name: Prof. Kukui German Name: Prof. Kukui French Name: Prof. Euphorbe Spanish Name: Prof. Kukui Italian Name: Prof. Kukui His assistant's name is Lillie. She apparently plays an important role in the story. Japanese Name: Lillie English Name: Lillie German Name: Lilly French Name: Lilie Spanish Name: Lylia Italian Name: Lylia Your (best?) friend's called Hau. He's about your age. Japanese Name: Hau English Name: Hau German Name: Tali French Name: Tili Spanish Name: Tilo Italian Name: Hau Female Player Character Male Player Character (still don't like how I have to insert images, but it'll have to do) :confused: Edited June 7, 2016 by Imari Images didn't stay up so back to the drawing board
Imari Posted July 5, 2016 Author Posted July 5, 2016 News RoundUp (sorry for being very late, life sucks sometimes) CoroCoro Comic has revealed two new Pokémon Japanese Name: Nekkoara English Name: Komala German Name: Koalelu French Name: Dodoala Spanish Name: Komala Italian Name: Komala Type: Normal Ability: Comatose Height/Weight: 0.4m and 19.9kg The Drowsing Pokémon Comatose keeps it perpetually asleep, preventing it from being afflicted by any other status conditions Japanese Name: Iwanko English Name: Rockruff German Name: Wuffels French Name: Rocabot Spanish Name: Rockruff Italian Name: Rockruff Type: Rock Ability: Keen Eye or Vital Spirit Height/Weight: 0.5m and 9.2kg The Puppy Pokémon It can learn the move Bite It is capable of evolving at least once New info on known Pokémon: Japanese Name: Solgaleo English Name: Solgaleo German Name: Solgaleo French Name: Solgaleo Spanish Name: Solgaleo Italian Name: Solgaleo Type: Psychic/Steel Ability: Full Metal Body Height/Weight: 3.4m and 230.0kg The Sunne Pokémon Solgaleo has a minor alternate forme known as Rising Phase. In this phase it is described as being like the sun, more radiant and its colored accents all become yellow. It is seen in this phase duing the animation for its signature move Sunsteel Strike. Japanese Name: Lunaala English Name: Lunala German Name: Lunala French Name: Lunala Spanish Name: Lunala Italian Name: Lunala Type: Psychic/Ghost Ability: Shadow Shield Height/Weight: 4.0m and 120.0kg The Moone Pokémon Lunala has a minor alternate forme known as Full Moon Phase. In this phase it is said it calls the moon wtih its wings glowing white, highlighting its skeletal structure. It is seen in this phase during the animation for its signature move Moongeist Beam. Both Pokémon are said to be at full power during their specific phase. Japanese Name: Magearna English Name: Magearna German Name: Magearna French Name: Magearna Spanish Name: Magearna Italian Name: Magearna Type: Steel/Fairy Ability: Soul-Heart Height/Weight: 1.0m and 80.5kg The Artificial Pokémon It can learn the new move Fleur Cannon Other Info: A special Pokémon Ga-Olé disk (receivable at movie) will include a QR Code to obtain Magearna at level 50, with the Ability Soul Heart and the moves, Flash Cannon, Fleur Cannon, Helping Hand and Lucky Chant. It was previously confirmed that the Magearna distribution will also be by QR Code in Europe and North America later this year Besides the three formes of Zygarde there are Zygarde Core and Zygarde Cell. The latter two can't battle on their own, only together as the form one of Zygarde's Formes. Though there are many Zygarde Cells, there are only a few Zygarde Cores and although Zygarde Cores each have their own will, Zygarde Cells are lacking a will of their own. During the Taiwan National Championships, the first footage of Zygarde 10% Forme and Zygarde Complete Forme was shown. Both Zygarde 10% and Zygarde 50% can have either the Ability Aura Break or Power Construct. The Ability Power Construct allows Zygarde 10% Forme or 50% Forme to change into Complete Forme, and appears to activate when it is at low HP. It can learn the move Core Enforcer, which erases the Abilities of opponents that have already used a move that turn. Zygarde 50% Forme is able to learn Thousand Arrows, which already existed unused in the Gen VI code and that Zygarde 10% Forme has already been shown to use in Pokémon Sun and Moon.
Imari Posted July 5, 2016 Author Posted July 5, 2016 (edited) Some more new Pokémon revealed by the official Japanese YouTube channel and the official Sun & Moon mini-site. Japanese Name: Tsutsukera English Name: Pikipek German Name: Peppeck French Name: Picassaut Spanish Name: Pikipek Italian Name: Pikpek Type: Normal/Flying Ability: Keen Eye or Skill Link Height/Weight: 0.3m and 1.2kg The Woodpecker Pokémon Japanese Name: Yangusu English Name: Yungoos German Name: Mangunoir French Name: Manglouton Spanish Name: Yungoos Italian Name: Yungoos Type: Normal Ability: Stakeout or Strong Jaw Height/Weight: 0.4m and 6.0kg The Loitering Pokémon Japanese Name: Kapu Kokeko English Name: Tapu Koko German Name: Kapu-Riki French Name: Tokorico Spanish Name: Tapu Koko Italian Name: Tapu Koko Type: Electric/Fairy Ability: Eelctric Surge Height/Weight: 1.8m and 20.5kg The Land Spirit Pokémon It can learn the new move Nature's Madness, which reduces the target's HP by half Japanese Name: Agojimushi English Name: Grubbin German Name: Mabula French Name: Larvibule Spanish Name: Grubbin Italian Name: Grubbin Type: Bug Ability: Swarm Height/Weight: 0.4m and 4.4kg The Larva Pokémon Japanese Name: Denjimushi English Name: Charjabug German Name: Akkup French Name: Chrysapile Spanish Name: Charjabug Italian Name: Charjabug Type: Bug/Electric Ability: Battery Height/Weight: 0.5m and 10.5kg The Battery Pokémon It's the evolution of Grubbin It can learn the move Spark Japanese Name: Kuwaganon English Name: Vikavolt German Name: Donarion French Name: Lucanon Spanish Name: Vikavolt Italian Name: Vikavolt Type: Bug/Electric Ability: Levitate Height/Weight: 1.5m and 45.0kg The Stag Beetle Pokémon It's the evolution of Charjabug and the final forme of Grubbin It can learn the move Zap Cannon Japanese Name: Jijiiron English Name: Drampa German Name: Sen-Long French Name: Draieul Spanish Name: Drampa Italian Name: Drampa Type: Normal/Dragon Ability: Berserk or Sap Sipper Height/Weight: 3.0m and 185kg The Placid Pokémon Berserk raises its Special Attack one stage when its HP falls below half It can learn the move Dragon Breath Japanese Name: Hagigishiri English Name: Bruxish German Name: Knirfish French Name: Denticrisse Spanish Name: Bruxish Italian Name: Bruxish Type: Water/Psychic Ability: Dazzling or Strong Jaw Height/Weight: 0.9m and 19.0kg The Gnash Teeth Pokémon Dazzling prevents opponents from using increased priority moves It can learn the move Psywave Japanese Name: Aburii English Name: Cutiefly German Name: Wommel French Name: Bombydou Spanish Name: Cutiefly Italian Name: Cutiefly Type: Bug/Fairy Ability: Honey Gather or Shield Dust Height/Weight: 0.1m and 0.2kg The Bee Fly Pokémon It can learn the move Fairy Wind Japanese Name: Togedemaru English Name: Togedemaru German Name: Togedemaru French Name: Togedemaru Spanish Name: Togedemaru Italian Name: Togedemaru Type: Electric/Steel Ability: Iron Barbs or Lightning Rod Height/Weight: 0.3m and 3.3kg The Roly-Roly Pokémon It can learn the move Discharge Other Info: Popplio can learn the moves Disarming Voice while at the beginning of the journey it has the moves Tackle, Growl and Water Gun. Litten is able to use the moves Scratch and Ember. Rowlet can use the moves Growl, Tackle and Leafage. Each island in the Alola Region has its own guardian Pokémon. The island where you start is called Melemele and its guardian is Tapu Koko. In the gameplay dialogue is says you've met before. In the neighboring town there's a festival where you'll battle Hau for the first time. During this battle Hau will use Pikachu and the Starter that is weak to your Starter of choice. During battle, you can now see how much a stat is altered after a stat altering move is used. Also attacking moves now display whether they are Not Very Effective or Super Effective against the Pokémon you're battling, but only after having faced the Pokémon at least once before. When Pokémon are registered in the Pokédex, Poké Ball icons indicate how many Pokémon are in the evolution chain Battle Royal is a new battle mode and is held in the Battle Royal Dome. In this battle mode, four players each battle with three Pokémon each sending out one at a time. It's a Free-For-All battle and afterwards each trainer is ranked based on how many Pokémon they each knocked out, and Pokémon they have remaining You will be able to ride specific Pokémon, including Stoutland Besides being able to choose skin color, you can also customize your clothing in the game. The Pokémon Ga-Olé machine will start rolling out in Japan starting July 7th 2016. This arcade game replaces Pokémon Tretta and will have some links to Pokémon Sun & Moon The special Pokémon Ga-Olé disks will be the first set of special Pokémon QR Codes that will be compatible with Pokémon Sun & Moon through the QR Scanner Hidden within the official site's post regarding the Magearna distribution in Japan this summer, where you get given the disc for Magearna for Pokémon Ga-Olé which contains a QR Code to scan into Sun & Moon that gives you Magearna, it was noted that the QR Code can only be scanned into Japanese versions of Pokémon Sun & Moon, suggesting that future events distributed by QR Code will likely be region locked as well. BTW thnx to whoever for moving this thread to a more appropriate place. Edited July 5, 2016 by Imari forgot to say thnx
Imari Posted September 4, 2016 Author Posted September 4, 2016 Very late July roundup New Pokémon: Japanese Name: Yatōmori English Name: Salandit German Name: Molunk French Name: Tritox Spanish Name: Salandit Italian Name: Salandit Type: Poison/Fire Ability: Corrosion Height/Weight: 0.6m and 4.8kg The Toxic Lizard Pokémon Japanese Name: Kiteruguma English Name: Bewear German Name: Kosturso French Name: Chelours Spanish Name: Bewear Italian Name: Bewear Type: Normal/Fighting Ability: Fluffy or Klutz Height/Weight: 2.1m and 135.0kg The Strong Arm Pokémon Japanese Name: Mimikkyu English Name: Mimikyu German Name: Mimigma French Name: Mimiqui Spanish Name: Mimikyu Italian Name: Mimikyu Type: Ghost/Fairy Ability: Disguise Height/Weight: 0.2m and 0.7kg The Disguise Pokémon Japanese Name: Kosokumushi English Name: Wimpod German Name: Reißlaus French Name: Sovkipou Spanish Name: Wimpod Italian Name: Wimpod Type: Bug/Water Ability: Wimp Out Height/Weight: 0.5m and 12.0kg The Turn Tail Pokémon Japanese Name: Amakaji English Name: Bounsweet German Name: Frubberl French Name: Croquine Spanish Name: Bounsweet Italian Name: Bounsweet Type: Grass Ability: Leaf Guard or Oblivous Height/Weight: 0.3m and 3.2kg The Fruit Pokémon Japanese Name: Cuwawa English Name: Comfey German Name: Curelei French Name: Guérilande Spanish Name: Comfey Italian Name: Comfey Type: Fairy Ability: Flower Veil or Triage Height/Weight: 0.1m and 0.3kg The Posy Picker Pokémon Japanese Name: Banbadoro English Name: Mudsdale German Name: Pampross French Name: Bourrinos Spanish Name: Mudsdale Italian Name: Mudsdale Type: Ground Ability: Own Tempo or Stamina Height/Weight: 2.5m and 920.0kg The Draft Horse Pokémon Magearna is holding a Silver Bottle Cap You can ride Tauros, Sharpedo and Lapras You're able to groom your Pokémon like in Pokémon Amie A new mode called Hyper Training is announced. With Hyper Training, Pokémon that have grown to Lv. 100 will be able to increase their individual strengths (IVs), something that until now not possible. It makes use of Bottle Caps, which have to be brought to Mr. Hyper, as an item in order to boost the stats. Magearna will be given one when distributed. You can also host your own competitions on the Pokémon Global Link In a Friendly Competition you can challenge your friends an set your own rules You can also organize an Online Competition where everyone can join in. At a certain amount of contenders it will even count towards your ranking. Last but not least you can hold a Live Competition where you can organize a tournament for local players through a QR-code. The customizable rules in Pokémon Global Link hosted tournaments are as follows: Name - The Name of the competition Description - The Description of the competition Ruleset - Currently only Singles & Doubles are listed Pokédex - Currently can select Alola Pokédex or National Pokédex Restrictions - Can choose whether to be Pokémon Sun/Moon only or to include Pokémon transfered via Pokémon Bank Duration - The length of the competition Timer - The duration of battles | 10 minutes or 30 minutes Battles Per Day - The number of battles allowed per day Competition Type - Public or Private Participating Trainers - Everyone or Specified Trainers, with a selection allowing you to specify trainers Once everything is filled in you'll get a QR Code that when scanned allows players to enter. In Japan if you buy the double pack guidebooks for Sun and Moon, you will receive a special Serial Code for Pokémon Sun & Moon. This Serial Code will give you access to a special new as of yet unknown item for Pokémon Sun & Moon.
Imari Posted September 18, 2016 Author Posted September 18, 2016 August roundup New Pokémon There are actually 4 forms of Oricorio. It changes form by sipping the nectar of certain flowers. Japanese Name: Odoridori (Mera-Mera Style) English Name: Oricorio (Baile Style) German Name: Choreogel (Flamenco-Stil) French Name: Plumeline (Style Flamenco) Spanish Name: Oricorio (Estilo Apasionado) Italian Name: Oricorio (Stile Flamenco) Type: Fire/Flying Ability: Dancer Height/Weight: 0.6m and 3.4kg The Dancing Pokémon It can learn Revelation Dance, which type depends on Pokémon type Japanese Name: Odoridori (Pachi-Pachi Style) English Name: Oricorio (Pom-Pom Style) German Name: Choreogel (Cheerleading-Stil) French Name: Plumeline (Style Pom-Pom) Spanish Name: Oricorio (Estilo Animado) Italian Name: Oricorio (Stile Cheerdance) Type: Electric/Flying Ability: Dancer Height/Weight: 0.6m and 3.4kg The Dancing Pokémon It can learn Revelation Dance, which type depends on Pokémon type Japanese Name: Odoridori (Fura-Fura Style) English Name: Oricorio (Pa'u Style) German Name: Choreogel (Hula-Stil) French Name: Plumeline (Style Hula) Spanish Name: Oricorio (Estilo Plácido) Italian Name: Oricorio (Stile Hula) Type: Psychic/Flying Ability: Dancer Height/Weight: 0.6m and 3.4kg The Dancing Pokémon It can learn Revelation Dance, which type depends on Pokémon type Japanese Name: Odoridori (Mai-Mai Style) English Name: Oricorio (Sensu Style) German Name: Choreogel (Buyo-Stil) French Name: Plumeline (Style Buyō) Spanish Name: Oricorio (Estilo Refinado) Italian Name: Oricorio (Style Buyō) Type: Ghost/Flying Ability: Dancer Height/Weight: 0.6m and 3.4kg The Dancing Pokémon It can learn Revelation Dance, which type depends on Pokémon type Japanese Name: Meteno English Name: Minior German Name: Meteno French Name: Météno Spanish Name: Minior Italian Name: Minior Type: Rock/Flying Ability: Shields Down Height/Weight: 0.3m and 40.0kg The Meteor Pokémon Minior's body color depends can on the color of the debris they absorbed while in the stratosphere, such as pink, green, yellow, blue, and purple It has a different color underneath it's mantle Yungoos' evolution Japanese Name: Dekagūsu English Name: Gumshoos German Name: Manguspektor French Name: Argouste Spanish Name: Gumshoos Italian Name: Gumshoos Type: Normal Ability: Stakeout or Strong Jaw Height/Weight: 0.7m and 14.2kg The Stakeout Pokémon Japanese Name: Karikiri English Name: Fomantis German Name: Imantis French Name: Mimantis Spanish Name: Fomantis Italian Name: Fomantis Type: Grass Ability: Leaf Guard Height/Weight: 0.3m and 1.5kg The Sickle Grass Pokémon It can learn a new move called Solar Blade Fomantis' evolution (and Akala Island Totem) Japanese Name: Rarantesu English Name: Lurantis German Name: Mantidea French Name: Floramantis Spanish Name: Lurantis Italian Name: Lurantis Type: Grass Ability: Leaf Guard Height/Weight: 0.9m and 18.5kg The Bloom Sickle Pokémon It can learn a new move called Solar Blade Mudsdales pre-evolution Japanese Name: Dorobanko English Name: Mudbray German Name: Pampuli French Name: Tiboudet Spanish Name: Mudbray Italian Name: Mudbray Type: Ground Ability: Own Tempo or Stamina Height/Weight: 1.0m and 110.okg The Donkey Pokémon Continues into next post
Imari Posted September 18, 2016 Author Posted September 18, 2016 Japanese Name: Sunabā English Name: Sandygast German Name: Sankabuh French Name: Bacabouh Spanish Name: Sandygast Italian Name: Sandygast Type: Ghost/Ground Ability: Water Compaction Height/Weight: 0.5m and 70.0kg The Sand Heap Pokémon Sandygasts evolution Japanese Name: Shirodesuna English Name: Palossand German Name: Colossand French Name: Trépassable Spanish Name: Palossand Italian Name: Palossand Type: Ghost/Ground Ability: Water Compaction Height/Weight: 1.3m and 250.0kg The Sand Castle Pokémon Bewears pre-evolution Japanese Name: Nuikoguma English Name: Stufful German Name: Velursi French Name: Nounourson Spanish Name: Stufful Italian Name: Stufful Type: Normal/Fighting Ability: Fluffy or Klutz Height/Weight: 0.5m and 6.8kg The Flailing Pokémon There are 2 forms of Wishiwashi. If it reaches a certain level it can change forms with its Schooling ability. Japanese Name: Yowashi (Solo Form) English Name: Wishiwashi (Solo Form) German Name: Lusardin (Einzelform) French Name: Froussardine (Forme Solitaire) Spanish Name: Wishiwashi (Forma Individual) Italian Name: Wishiwashi (Forma Individuale) Type: Water Ability: Schooling Height/Weight: 0.2m and 0.3kg The Small Fry Pokémon Japanese Name: Yowashi (School Form) English Name: Wishiwashi (School Form) German Name: Lusardin (Schwarmform) French Name: Froussardine (Forme Banc) Spanish Name: Wishiwashi (Forma Banco) Italian Name: Wishiwashi (Forma Banco) Type: Water Ability: Schooling Height/Weight: 8.2m and 78.6kg The Small Fry Pokémon Japanese Name: Namakobushi English Name: Pyukumuku German Name: Gufa French Name: Concombaffe Spanish Name: Pyukumuku Italian Name: Pyukumuku Type: Water Ability: Innards out Height/Weight: 0.3m and 1.2kg The Sea Cucumber Pokémon Japanese Name: Nemashu English Name: Morelull German Name: Bubungus French Name: Spododo Spanish Name: Morelull Italian Name: Morelull Type: Grass/Fairy Ability: Illuminate or Effect Spore Height/Weight: 0.2m and 1.5kg The Illuminating Pokémon Japanese Name: Bakugames English Name: Turtonator German Name: Tortunator French Name: Boumata Spanish Name: Turtonator Italian Name: Turtonator Type: Fire/Dragon Ability: Shell Armor Height/Weight: 2.0m and 212.0kg The Blast Turtle Pokémon new move called Shell Trap Japanese Name: Makenkani English Name: Crabrawler German Name: Krabbox French Name: Crabagarre Spanish Name: Crabawler Italian Name: Crabawler Type: Fighting Ability: Hyper Cutter or Iron Fist Height/Weight: 0.6m and 7.0kg The Boxing Pokémon Continues into next post
Imari Posted September 18, 2016 Author Posted September 18, 2016 Also some Alola Forms have been revealed. These are new variations of previous gen Pokémon. New Alola form Pokémon Alolan Exeggutor Type: Grass/Dragon Ability: Frisk Height/Weight: 10.9m and 415.6kg Alolan Vulpix Type: Ice Ability: Snow Cloak Height/Weight: 0.6m and 9.9kg Alolan Ninetales Type: Ice/Fairy Ability: Snow Cloak Height/Weight: 1.1m and 19.9kg Alolan Sandshrew Type: Ice/Steel Ability: Snow Cloak Height/Weight: 0.7m and 40.0kg Alolan Sandslash Type: Ice/Steel Ability: Snow Cloak Height/Weight: 1.2m and 55.0kg Alolan Meowth Type: Dark Ability: Pickup or Technician Height/Weight: 0.4m and 4.2kg Alolan Marowak Type: Fire/Ghost Ability: Cursed Body or Lightning Rod Height/Weight: 1.0m and 34.0kg Alolan Raichu Type: Electric/Psychic Ability: Surge Surfer Height/Weight: 0.7m and 21.0kg Continues into next post
Imari Posted September 18, 2016 Author Posted September 18, 2016 People: Team Skull Leader Japanese Name: Guzma English Name: Guzma German Name: Bromley French Name: Guzma Spanish Name: Guzmán Italian Name: Guzman Admin Japanese Name: Plumeri English Name: Plumeria German Name: Fran French Name: Apocyne Spanish Name: Francine Italian Name: Plumeria Grunts Other info: Z-Move used by Pikachu which was Normal-type called Hyper Sprintangriff in German translates to Hyper Sprint Attack With PokéRide you can ride various Pokémon, like Charizard, Stoutland and Mudsdale and the previously mentioned Tauros, Sharpedo and Lapras, though they will not join your team. Z-Moves are 'super-attacks' that use a special bracelet for trainers. The Z-Ring fits on a your arm, and Z-Crystals are set into it. If a Pokémon holds the same type of Z-Crystal, they will be able to resonate with eachother. Crystals that correspond to each Pokémon type have been found in the Alola region. There are two conditions for performing Z-Moves: a Pokémon must learn a move of the same type as a Z-Crystal, and it must be holding the corresponding Z-Crystal. There's a special Island Challenge where you face up against Trial Captains who specialise in a certain type of Pokémon. Water-type Japanese Name: Suiren English Name: Lana German Name: Tracy French Name: Néphie Spanish Name: Nereida Italian Name: Suiren Grass-type Japanese Name: Mao English Name: Mallow German Name: Maho French Name: Barbara Spanish Name: Lulú Italian Name: Ibis Electric-type Japanese Name: Māmane English Name: Sophocles German Name: Chrys French Name: Chrys Spanish Name: Chris Italian Name: Chrys Fire-type Japanese Name: Kaki English Name: Kiawe German Name: Kiawe French Name: Kiawe Spanish Name: Kiawe Italian Name: Kawe At the end of a challenge you fight the Kahuna of the island in the Grand Trial. The Kahuna of Melemele Island, where you'll begin your journey, is Hala, who gave you your starter Pokémon. He's also the grandfather of your rival Hau. Japanese Name: Hala English Name: Hala German Name: Hala French Name: Pectorius Spanish Name: Kaudan Italian Name: Hala You can also face a Pokémon known as a Totem Pokémon in a SOS Battle, who can then call on other wild Pokémon for help. The use of a Silver Bottle Cap at Hyper Training. This allows you to increase one stat e.g. Attack. You can use the Silver Bottle Cap to increase one stat only. Gold Bottle Caps will boost the IVs to maximum. It is yet unclear how and how many Bottle Caps you can find.
theunreal Posted October 2, 2016 Posted October 2, 2016 Thanks for sharing! Learned alot from this thread. Anyone knows if the IVS in gen.7 will be same as older generation?
pharohzeke Posted October 5, 2023 Posted October 5, 2023 On 7/5/2016 at 9:44 AM, Imari said: Some more new Pokémon revealed by the official Japanese YouTube channel and the official Sun & Moon mini-site. Japanese Name: Tsutsukera English Name: Pikipek German Name: Peppeck French Name: Picassaut Spanish Name: Pikipek Italian Name: Pikpek Type: Normal/Flying Ability: Keen Eye or Skill Link Height/Weight: 0.3m and 1.2kg The Woodpecker Pokémon Japanese Name: Yangusu English Name: Yungoos German Name: Mangunoir French Name: Manglouton Spanish Name: Yungoos Italian Name: Yungoos Type: Normal Ability: Stakeout or Strong Jaw Height/Weight: 0.4m and 6.0kg The Loitering Pokémon Japanese Name: Kapu Kokeko English Name: Tapu Koko German Name: Kapu-Riki French Name: Tokorico Spanish Name: Tapu Koko Italian Name: Tapu Koko Type: Electric/Fairy Ability: Eelctric Surge Height/Weight: 1.8m and 20.5kg The Land Spirit Pokémon It can learn the new move Nature's Madness, which reduces the target's HP by half Japanese Name: Agojimushi English Name: Grubbin German Name: Mabula French Name: Larvibule Spanish Name: Grubbin Italian Name: Grubbin Type: Bug Ability: Swarm Height/Weight: 0.4m and 4.4kg The Larva Pokémon Japanese Name: Denjimushi English Name: Charjabug German Name: Akkup French Name: Chrysapile Spanish Name: Charjabug Italian Name: Charjabug Type: Bug/Electric Ability: Battery Height/Weight: 0.5m and 10.5kg The Battery Pokémon It's the evolution of Grubbin It can learn the move Spark Japanese Name: Kuwaganon English Name: Vikavolt German Name: Donarion French Name: Lucanon Spanish Name: Vikavolt Italian Name: Vikavolt Type: Bug/Electric Ability: Levitate Height/Weight: 1.5m and 45.0kg The Stag Beetle Pokémon It's the evolution of Charjabug and the final forme of Grubbin It can learn the move Zap Cannon Japanese Name: Jijiiron English Name: Drampa German Name: Sen-Long French Name: Draieul Spanish Name: Drampa Italian Name: Drampa Type: Normal/Dragon Ability: Berserk or Sap Sipper Height/Weight: 3.0m and 185kg The Placid Pokémon Berserk raises its Special Attack one stage when its HP falls below half It can learn the move Dragon Breath Japanese Name: Hagigishiri English Name: Bruxish German Name: Knirfish French Name: Denticrisse Spanish Name: Bruxish Italian Name: Bruxish Type: Water/Psychic Ability: Dazzling or Strong Jaw Height/Weight: 0.9m and 19.0kg The Gnash Teeth Pokémon Dazzling prevents opponents from using increased priority moves It can learn the move Psywave Japanese Name: Aburii English Name: Cutiefly German Name: Wommel French Name: Bombydou Spanish Name: Cutiefly Italian Name: Cutiefly Type: Bug/Fairy Ability: Honey Gather or Shield Dust Height/Weight: 0.1m and 0.2kg The Bee Fly Pokémon It can learn the move Fairy Wind Japanese Name: Togedemaru English Name: Togedemaru German Name: Togedemaru French Name: Togedemaru Spanish Name: Togedemaru Italian Name: Togedemaru Type: Electric/Steel Ability: Iron Barbs or Lightning Rod Height/Weight: 0.3m and 3.3kg The Roly-Roly Pokémon It can learn the move Discharge Other Info: Popplio can learn the moves Disarming Voice while at the beginning of the journey it has the moves Tackle, Growl and Water Gun. Litten is able to use the moves Scratch and Ember. Rowlet can use the moves Growl, Tackle and Leafage. Each island in the Alola Region has its own guardian Pokémon. The island where you start is called Melemele and its guardian is Tapu Koko. In the gameplay dialogue is says you've met before. In the neighboring town there's a festival where you'll battle Hau for the first time. During this battle Hau will use Pikachu and the Starter that is weak to your Starter of choice. During battle, you can now see how much a stat is altered after a stat altering move is used. Also attacking moves now display whether they are Not Very Effective or Super Effective against the Pokémon you're battling, but only after having faced the Pokémon at least once before. When Pokémon are registered in the Pokédex, Poké Ball icons indicate how many Pokémon are in the evolution chain Battle Royal is a new battle mode and is held in the Battle Royal Dome. In this battle mode, four players each battle with three Pokémon each sending out one at a time. It's a Free-For-All battle and afterwards each trainer is ranked based on how many Pokémon they each knocked out, and Pokémon they have remaining You will be able to ride specific Pokémon, including Stoutland Besides being able to choose skin color, you can also customize your clothing in the game. The Pokémon Ga-Olé machine will start rolling out in Japan starting July 7th 2016. This arcade game replaces Pokémon Tretta and will have some links to Pokémon Sun & Moon The special Pokémon Ga-Olé disks will be the first set of special Pokémon QR Codes that will be compatible with Pokémon Sun & Moon through the QR Scanner Hidden within the official site's post regarding the Magearna distribution in Japan this summer, where you get given the disc for Magearna for Pokémon Ga-Olé which contains a QR Code to scan into Sun & Moon that gives you Magearna, it was noted that the QR Code can only be scanned into Japanese versions of Pokémon Sun & Moon, suggesting that future events distributed by QR Code will likely be region locked as well. BTW thnx to whoever for moving this thread to a more appropriate place. Expand hey, these attachments you placed on here, were they the actual pokemon files or something else?
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