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Posted (edited)

From Serebii

Update 4/13:


The first images from CoroCoro have leaked and have revealed the first details about the upcoming movie, The Archdjinni of the Rings - Hoopa, due for release in Japan in Summer 2015. In it, it reveals Hoopa Unbound which is a Psychic/Dark-type alternate form. It is said to be 13 times taller and 50 times heavier than standard Hoopa. It also reveals the the 6 Legendary distributions running from June as being: Groudon, Kyogre, Kyurem, Dialga, Palkia & Giratina. These Pokémon are obtained by prebooking your tickets to the movie, and taking the tickets to stores such as the Pokémon Center, Toys 'R' Us and 7-11 in order to download one of the six Pokémon. They can be obtained from June 20th to August 31st

All Pokémon are Level 100. Giratina comes with the moves Aura Sphere, Draco Meteor, Shadow Force, Iron Head and holding the Griseous Orb. Kyurem comes with the moves Glaciate, Scary Face, Draco Meteor, Iron Head and holds the Life Orb. Kyogre has the moves Water Spout, Thunder, Sheer Cold, Ice Beam and holds the Choice Scarf. Palkia comes with Earth Power, Aura Sphere, Spacial Rend, and Hydro Pump while holding the Lustrous Orb. Dialga comes with Metal Burst, Overheat, Roar of Time,Flash Cannon and the Adamant Orb and finally, Groudon comes with the moves Fire Punch, Solar Beam, Hammer Arm, and Rock Slide while holding the Choice Band.


Pokemon: Arceus

Gender: None

Level: 100

OT: デセルシティ

ID: 03074

Ability: Multitype

Nature: Random



Blast Burn

Hydro Cannon

Earth Power

Item: Silk Scarf or a random one of the 17 elemental Plates

Pokeball: Cherish

Ribbon: Classic

Location: Pokémon Movie 15

Dates: March 7 - August 31, 2015

Game Distribution: XY ORAS

Distribution Type: Serial Code (Region-locked to Japanese games!)

Distribution Location: 7-Eleven, Ito-Yokado, Æon, Æon Supercenter, Toys "R" Us, Apita, Piago, AL.PLAZA, Heiwadou, Daiei, Fuji, Pokémon Center stores, Pokémon Stores, and cinemas showing Pokémon movies (Credit to Bulbapedia)

Edited by Mega Sceptile
more info!
  wraith89 said:
No Frenzy Plant? Why the hate on Grass?
I read that while looking at your avatar lmao

Some of the other legendaries with Arceus are probably gonna be Lugia, Palkia, Giratina, Dialga and Kyurem. There's also another Shiny Rayquaza distribution. This time, it's thru CoroCoro and it's different from the World Hobby Fair one.


Pardon, where does it say the 6 legendaries will be a random distribution? I mean, maybe you can choose?


Yes it is random. Bring your movie ticket to participating stores. And you will get a RANDOM legendary event. Too many sources. Mostly bulbapedia and Serebii article about it. Gonna search link and update my info


I don't trust Bulbapedia and Serebii didn't say random.

I can read Japanese and CoroCoro also didn't say random in those scans. So I was wondering...


Yeah, neither Bulbanews nor Serebii says random Legendary.

Arceus will be in a Cherish Ball, have a Wishing Ribbon, its OT is デセルシティ (Deseru City), ID# is 03074. There's also no confirmation that its Nature is random, although a screenshot shows a Timid one. (source)


It's not random. The official website updated and it clearly says you can choose.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Purin said:
It's not random.

When I said random I meant 6 legendaries that are still unannounced. Sorry if you got confused by my wording. :/

I changed it to "other" and will update the OP until we get information on those 6. Gonna play MH4U until then :P

  KeldeoJustified said:
Anyone has a code or is there a code generator online? I want a shiny one.

There is a chance the arceus will be shiny...

Where did you get that info ? Arceus was shiny-lock until then and given the amount of cheating right now I will not believe that until I've had a look at a legit wc6 file.


Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha - Shiny Arceus Event

In Japan, the special pre-order promotion for the movie has begun and with the purchase of the tickets comes a serial code to allow for the download of Arceus. This is the only distribution of Arceus so far in Generation VI with the Generation VI native mark. At first, it was announced that there are 18 different Arceus being distributed at random, but a 19th version has been received by players. This Arceus is a special Shiny Arceus, marking the first time Arceus has legitimately been available as a Shiny since its reveal and release in 2009. The Arceus players receive when they redeem the code is completely random, with an equal chance between all 19 possibilities. Check our Event Database for details on each Arceus distribution


  The Shiny Jirachi said:
serebii said it could be shiny too

yeah i know it can now be shiny i could use my Powersaved Movie Arceus (shiny) on battle spot online and i can trade it as well!

Also i could also use my Shiny TRU Arceus As well (even though its illegal) anywho if you want one of those ill be happy to trade!

  khanny123 said:
yeah i know it can now be shiny i could use my Powersaved Movie Arceus (shiny) on battle spot online and i can trade it as well!

Also i could also use my Shiny TRU Arceus As well (even though its illegal) anywho if you want one of those ill be happy to trade!

tx but i got a legit shiny and all beside i don't use legend exept jirachi

  • 4 weeks later...
Pokémon ORAS - Legend Events

Following their reveal in CoroCoro on Monday, we have new details for the upcoming event in Japan where players can receive 1 of 6 possible Legendary Pokémon: Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Kyurem, Groudon or Kyogre. First, aside from Kyurem, all of them have got set natures: Kyogre - Timid, Groudon - Adamant, Dialga - Modest, Palkia - Timid and Giratina Brave. In addition to that, there has been further confirmation that the distributions of Dialga, Palkia and Giratina are set to have their Hidden Ability of Telepathy. Giratina's will only be noticeable when you remove the attached Griseous Orb. These abilities were previously only available using Pokémon Dream Radar

The Giratina is a drag because even at 0 spe IV, it's too fast for a Trick Room team.

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