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Pokémon X & Y - Japanese Shiny Jirachi

As part of the annual Tanabata Festival in Japan, a new distribution will take place at the Pokémon Center in Tohouku. This event will give you a Level 10 Shiny Jirachi. This Jirachi has the moves Wish, Swift, Healing Wish & Moonblast and will be given from August 1st to August 31st. We'll bring more details as it comes

Pokemon: Jirachi

Gender: None

Level: 10

OT: たなばた

ID: 08014

Ability: Serene Grace

Nature: Random

Moves: Wish, Swift, Healing Wish, Moonblast

Item: Star Piece

Pokeball: Cherish Ball

Ribbon: Classic Ribon

Location: PC Tohoku

Dates: August 1-31, 2014

Game Distribution: XY

Distribution Type: Local Wireless

Distribution Location: Pokemon Center Tohoku

Edit: Serebii added it to his eventdex: http://www.serebii.net/events/dex/385.shtml

Edit2: Here's the official Japanese website announcement: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2014/07/140711_p03.html?i001=news

I'm so pumped! How about you guys? :D

As of August 7, this event is now available on Power Saves 3DS!

Edited by Mega Sceptile
  Mega Sceptile said:
I'm so pumped! How about you guys? :D

I would be ECSTATIC for this if I actually had a way to obtain one. Sometimes I really with I had a friend in Japan to help me out. Especially since you can now get events with the Pokemon's name in the various alternate languages depending on which one your game is set to. I'd really like a shiny, English Jirachi. :/

  Michael J. Caboose said:
I would be ECSTATIC for this if I actually had a way to obtain one. Sometimes I really with I had a friend in Japan to help me out. Especially since you can now get events with the Pokemon's name in the various alternate languages depending on which one your game is set to. I'd really like a shiny, English Jirachi. :/

I'm gonna wait for one to be uploaded onto Powersaves.

Either that or I hope someone gives us the MAC address,

and I connect using MACycler.


I've contemplated dipping into the realm of Powersaves, and this might push me over the edge. Do the Powersaves' Wondercards function the same as they have for previous generations? Meaning the device inserts the Wondercard and you still get your own "uniquely" generated Pokemon at the time you pick it up? I like collecting the Pokemon for the sake of my own personal collection (no battling or anything really), so I would prefer not to have a mass clone situation.


I was pumped when I heard it was to be distributed in Japan...until I read it was only in Pokesen Tohōku. :(

It would be really nice if it was nationwide coz I'm planning to visit the one in Ōsaka on my birthday to get a Sylveon and a Vivillon.

  theSLAYER said:
I'm gonna wait for one to be uploaded onto Powersaves.

Either that or I hope someone gives us the MAC address,

and I connect using MACycler.

MAC address of what? And what do you think would happen if you used it?

  Michael J. Caboose said:
I've contemplated dipping into the realm of Powersaves, and this might push me over the edge. Do the Powersaves' Wondercards function the same as they have for previous generations? Meaning the device inserts the Wondercard and you still get your own "uniquely" generated Pokemon at the time you pick it up? I like collecting the Pokemon for the sake of my own personal collection (no battling or anything really), so I would prefer not to have a mass clone situation.

Well, I've put some of the Japanese powersaves events on my game and the wondercards is in Japanese but after i claim the Pokemon they have their name in english for me. :) I can't sr for different genders on dual gender events (like the Inkay event was always giving me a female one). :)

Also, this event is completely better than the shiny Wishmaker Jirachi because they can be any nature and have an unlearnable move: Moonblast!:)


So using Powersaves' wondercard for the Inkay event was always giving you males (maybe you were just unlucky?), but were you still getting other natures, IV spreads, etc?

I don't really want to waste my money if everyone is getting the exact same Pokemon. :/

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