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Hi there. I have a GSSP. The only GBA Pokemon Game it backups the save file is LeafGreen for some reason. But, neither VBA nor A-Save have the option to import or export .GSV files, so I can't edit my save file at all... I do have an ARv3, but this one has no hole to plug an USB port, so I can't extract my save files from it. Does anyone knows a way to convert .GSV to .SAV and vice versa? .SPS to GSV would work very fine to me as well.

  TokoyamiTheDark said:
Unfortunately, it didn't worked at all... Plus, the GSV I extracted had a new game, unlike my real-life cart does, for some reason.

Erm, a few ideas:

1. rename your .gsv to .sav and load on "import as battery file", once imported soft reset, proceed to game and save.

2. import as "raw" in no$gba

I used to have this problem and I solved it, but as of now I can't remember how I did it,

but it is probably along those lines.


If the guide mentioned above (http://gbatemp.net/threads/a-gba-save-converter.53867/#post-694180) does not work, you have to re-check your save file with hex editor. I have used to download one .GSV save file from GameFAQs. But when I opened that file with HxD, there are only trash data.

Here is a download link to this save, for reference: http://www.gamefaqs.com/gba/918915-pokemon-firered-version/saves


Save Game File 05/16/05 sleep_mode 33K

Full Pokedex, All Badges, Name: Max, Money: 342,750

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