randomspot555 Posted July 5, 2009 Posted July 5, 2009 (edited) EDITED: Important stuff not in the first post: here and here And for any potential Shoddy users, read this Want to post about how I'm screwing this up/other complaints? Read this first! Now, onto what I originally posted: Ok, I've wanted to start organizing Project Pokemon tournaments for quite some time, and I've got a job that's being fairly flexible with my time, so I'm doing this now! I'd like to host a combination of tournaments here. Some of them will be straight up battles in the UU, OU, or Uber tier with the standard clauses (Sleep, Evasion, OHKO, Species). Some will be tier battling with some type of theme. Some will be themed battling, centered around some sort of gimmick, which may or may not have different rules/clauses. And ideally, I'd switch between battle centric tournaments and themed/gimmick tournaments. Hopefully we can do this once a month. Maybe more if it goes quickly enough. To start out, I think the first tournament should be fairly casual. But at the same time, so we can get a good feel for battling styles and whatnot. So, for the first Project Pokemon tournament: Kanto Nostalgia Trip! I can already feel the excitement. The Rules Sleep/Evasion/OHKO/Species Clause. Look em up, they're all over this forum Banned Pokemon: Have fun, be cool, don't be a jerk. I think you guys can handle this :bidoof: 3 Pokemon per team. No item substitutions, EV modifications, move substitutions, etc... may be made, but you can switch the order in which they are used. Battles will be best two out of 3. For this time, there will be no loser's bracket. The FAQ (which no one asked about Can I use [evolution/Pokemon in a later gen]? No. Why not? Because it's not in the Kanto Pokedex. But I want to use Blissey! That isn't a question So when's this shit gonna go down? The battling will start July14, brackets will be posted July 13, which is the same day sign-ups will end. Can I use Shoddy or PBR? In this case, it'll be acceptable, though I'd much prefer the use of a cart, especially Plat because of the video recorder. It's highly encouraged to use a cart rather than anything else. In other words, use Shoddy as a last resort, and only if your opponent also agrees to it too. Everyone here probably has a 4th gen cart, not everyone is on Shoddy.On that note, Plat is the cart preference due to Vs Recorder and Hypnosis accuracy, and it (mostly) reflects the game mechanics done for Shoddy battle.. What about hax0rz? As long as Pokemon fall within the legal parameters of the game, I'm fine with it. Any accusations of illegality should be PMed to me and I'll deal with it privately though playing legit is highly encouraged How do I sign up? Post here and say so. What do I win? Prizes for first, second, and third place TBA One other note, when the time comes, please contact your opponent via PM or some other method. I don't want this thread full of "where r u? im on teh wifi" and crap like that Sign-up list: Reveal hidden contents randomspot555 Varna bear831 Greencat dragonmaster005 Flootenkerp Neodraven Final Round (Shogun Ryu) You can also feel free to suggest ideas for future tournaments. And if anyone wants to help with prizes, PM me. Edited July 10, 2009 by wraith89 8 people now :/
Toffeuy Posted July 5, 2009 Posted July 5, 2009 (edited) Ok, Glad you simplified it but sadly, I don't have Wi-Fi so I don't think I'll be able to participate Btw, i'm taking so much space, I won't show my sig just for this post. Edited July 5, 2009 by Toffeuy Typo
randomspot555 Posted July 5, 2009 Author Posted July 5, 2009 If you absolutely can't do wireless battling, you can join and use Shoddy. But cart usage is highly encouraged for everyone who does have access to a DS, cart, and Wi-Fi. So wraith, can i put you down for this?
wraith89 Posted July 5, 2009 Posted July 5, 2009 Sorry, I don't own a DS. And I may be busy this whole summer... I'll advertise this thread in Shoddy if you want though (to our members I guess). Would that be fine?
randomspot555 Posted July 5, 2009 Author Posted July 5, 2009 Yeah, go for it. Don't own a DS? Is this the case for most of the forum? If so, I'm fine making exceptions about "Wi-Fi encouraged" rule.
wraith89 Posted July 5, 2009 Posted July 5, 2009 (edited) randomspot555 said: Yeah, go for it.Don't own a DS? Is this the case for most of the forum? If so, I'm fine making exceptions about "Wi-Fi encouraged" rule. LOL. My brother has a DS, but I rarely use it (because it is his and he plays with it all the time). And no, I think many people in the forums has a DS. It's just me... and I think Pokemonfan doesn't have Wifi, but other than that, most people have Wifi, so it's all right. Creepy picture of Mewtwo, btw. To explain the rules in case people do not know: Evasion Clause: The moves Double Team and Minimize are banned. Indirect effects like Sand Veil is still okay though (because you can't control that). OHKO Clause: Sheer Cold, Fissure, Guillotine, and Horn Drill are banned. Sleep Clause: Only ONE Pokemon in each party can be put to sleep at a time (the technique REST does not count though) Species Clause: You may only have one Pokemon of each kind in a party (example: you cannot have two or three Clefables in one team). I'm not sure about NFEs though, like Diglett and Dugtrio. Would both be allowed on one team (not that anyone would use both, I hope)? Allowed viable Pokemon: To make the story short, any Pokemon numbered 149 or lower in the Kanto/National Pokedex are allowed. If you are too lazy to check all, then these are the ones that are fit for battling... Reveal hidden contents [icon]003[/icon] Venusaur [icon]006[/icon] Charizard [icon]009[/icon] Blastoise [icon]012[/icon] Butterfree [icon]015[/icon] Beedrill [icon]018[/icon] Pidgeot [icon]020[/icon] Raticate [icon]022[/icon] Fearow [icon]024[/icon] Arbok [icon]025[/icon] Pikachu [icon]026[/icon] Raichu [icon]028[/icon] Sandslash [icon]031[/icon] Nidoqueen [icon]034[/icon] Nidoking [icon]036[/icon] Clefable [icon]038[/icon] Ninetales [icon]040[/icon] Wigglytuff [icon]042[/icon] Golbat [icon]045[/icon] Vileplume [icon]047[/icon] Parasect [icon]049[/icon] Venomoth [icon]051[/icon] Dugtrio [icon]053[/icon] Persian [icon]055[/icon] Golduck [icon]057[/icon] Primeape [icon]059[/icon] Arcanine [icon]062[/icon] Poliwrath [icon]065[/icon] Alakazam [icon]068[/icon] Machamp [icon]071[/icon] Victreebel [icon]073[/icon] Tentacruel [icon]076[/icon] Golem [icon]078[/icon] Rapidash [icon]080[/icon] Slowbro [icon]082[/icon] Magneton [icon]083[/icon] Farfetch’D [icon]085[/icon] Dodrio [icon]087[/icon] Dewgong [icon]089[/icon] Muk [icon]091[/icon] Cloyster [icon]094[/icon] Gengar [icon]095[/icon] Onix [icon]097[/icon] Hypno [icon]099[/icon] Kingler [icon]101[/icon] Electrode [icon]103[/icon] Exeggutor [icon]105[/icon] Marowak [icon]106[/icon] Hitmonlee [icon]107[/icon] Hitmonchan [icon]108[/icon] Lickitung [icon]110[/icon] Weezing [icon]112[/icon] Rhydon [icon]113[/icon] Chansey [icon]114[/icon] Tangela [icon]115[/icon] Kangaskhan [icon]117[/icon] Seadra [icon]119[/icon] Seaking [icon]121[/icon] Starmie [icon]122[/icon] Mr. Mime [icon]123[/icon] Scyther [icon]124[/icon] Jynx [icon]125[/icon] Electabuzz [icon]126[/icon] Magmar [icon]127[/icon] Pinsir [icon]128[/icon] Tauros [icon]130[/icon] Gyarados [icon]131[/icon] Lapras [icon]132[/icon] Ditto [icon]134[/icon] Vaporeon [icon]135[/icon] Jolteon [icon]136[/icon] Flareon [icon]137[/icon] Porygon [icon]139[/icon] Omastar [icon]141[/icon] Kabutops [icon]142[/icon] Aerodactyl [icon]143[/icon] Snorlax [icon]144[/icon] Articuno [icon]145[/icon] Zapdos [icon]146[/icon] Moltres [icon]149[/icon] Dragonite Edited July 6, 2009 by wraith89
randomspot555 Posted July 5, 2009 Author Posted July 5, 2009 NFE's are certainly allowed to be used alongside their fully evolved counterparts. Porygon-2 and Porygon-Z fulfill two different roles. Okay, bad example since neither are allowed in this tournament.
Varna Posted July 5, 2009 Posted July 5, 2009 (edited) I need something to cure my boredom, so why not? I'll sign up or whatever. Edited July 5, 2009 by randomspot555 Edited out off topic stuff. Sorry Varna, I agree with ya for once, but I wanna make sure the topic is dead
Syberia Posted July 5, 2009 Posted July 5, 2009 (edited) Why not have this on NetBattle, and actually use RBY rules and mechanics? That was such a fun generation to play... EDIT: Also, what Varna said. As a totally random side note, I work for the mortgage company taking pictures of houses that are for sale. The other day, I did one on a Varna street. My mind immediately thought "hey, isn't that a Project Pokemon user?" Edited July 5, 2009 by randomspot555 edited out off topic debate
Varna Posted July 5, 2009 Posted July 5, 2009 (edited) I like the idea of a RBY mechanic tourney, though you know it would be horribly broken and abusive. =p Oh, if this "Varna street" exists, I totally need to see it someday. Edited July 5, 2009 by randomspot555 edited out off topic discussion
randomspot555 Posted July 5, 2009 Author Posted July 5, 2009 Syberia said: Why not have this on NetBattle, and actually use RBY rules and mechanics? That was such a fun generation to play... I'm personally against that because Gen I, as a generation, is so incredibly broken due to the glitches. HOWEVER, I am willing to let that be talked about, and see what other participants think about it. If enough people like the idea, then we'll do that. Okay, enough of the discussion about swearing from both sides. If you wanna complain about it (from either side), PM me and I promise not to read it :bidoof: And if you wanna complain about it some more, we have a Debate forum. EDIT: If we do end up using NetBattle for it, I might end up banning a few other Pokemon from usage.
FLOOTENKERP Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 I'll go for it. I have access to a DS and a cart, but I'm more comfortable with Shoddy. Pair me up with somebody who doesn't have a DS so I can do it on Shoddy, and when I get deeper in the competition (If I get deeper in the competition) I'll battle people using a DS. The problem is, what if this player is dishonest? With Shoddy, you can record the log and better yet have people watch the battle, but with Wi-Fi, you have to take the person's word they won. Maybe you should make DS a second resort and Shoddy the first.
Varna Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: I'll go for it. I have access to a DS and a cart, but I'm more comfortable with Shoddy. Pair me up with somebody who doesn't have a DS so I can do it on Shoddy, and when I get deeper in the competition (If I get deeper in the competition) I'll battle people using a DS. The problem is, what if this player is dishonest? With Shoddy, you can record the log and better yet have people watch the battle, but with Wi-Fi, you have to take the person's word they won. Maybe you should make DS a second resort and Shoddy the first. Two words: VS Recorder.
wraith89 Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 For people who do not know how to battle 3 v 3 on Shoddy: Shoddy doesn't allow a 3 v 3. It must be 6 v 6. But, we can fix that. Put three Pokemon that you are gonna use, and the other three can be level 1 Magikarp (or some Pokemon you hate, I put Zapdos) with only Splash (or Snore or something) holding Black Sludge. BUT, you are NOT allowed to switch into them as sacrifice until all three used Pokemon of yours are defeated. They're there so once someone's eliminated, the other guy can just simply finish them off. Some potential problems include phazing (Roar + Whirlwind) and if status kills off your third Pokemon before you get to finish off their 3 weaklings. However, the one with the last usable Pokemon standing is already the winner, so whatever... the phazing part is the only problem
randomspot555 Posted July 6, 2009 Author Posted July 6, 2009 Varna said: Two words: VS Recorder. Ta-da. Plat is the cart preference due to changes such as the Vs Recorder, Hypnosis accuracy, etc...
FLOOTENKERP Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 You can't expect everyone to own Platinum. And wraith, what if your enemy is poisoned and he has red health, he beats your three Pokemon and then the remaining three that you switch in is long enough to stall to faint it? I don't think it could work like that.
wraith89 Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: You can't expect everyone to own Platinum. And wraith, what if your enemy is poisoned and he has red health, he beats your three Pokemon and then the remaining three that you switch in is long enough to stall to faint it? I don't think it could work like that. Um, the guy is still considered the winner. And Whirlwind/Roar is still a problem. Well what did you expect, a perfect solution? >.>
randomspot555 Posted July 6, 2009 Author Posted July 6, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: You can't expect everyone to own Platinum. What part of "preferred" is confusing? People who sign up to post on fan message boards are pretty much the most hardcore fans of any given fandom. It's a reasonable assumption to make that the vast majority of this board owns Diamond or Pearl along with Platinum. They probably own multiple copies of each. For those with Plat, you've got the solution to the concern you raised. For those that don't care, they can use D/P or Plat. But if someone, like yourself, is that concerned about a record of a Wi-Fi battle, then you should go out and get Platinum if you don't already own it. Quote And wraith, what if your enemy is poisoned and he has red health, he beats your three Pokemon and then the remaining three that you switch in is long enough to stall to faint it? I don't think it could work like that. You are reading way too much into this. As wraith said, it's not a perfect solution, but for those that have to use Shoddy, it works. Anyway, this thread is barely more than 24 hours old, and most of it is filled with endless whining. So, as of RIGHT NOW I'm invoking the Bambi Rule: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all . Want to join the tournament? Cool. Want to offer suggestions to help make the tournament run more smoothly? Awesome. Donate prizes? Great. Questions about the tournament or suggestions for future tournaments? Coolio. Anything else I'll be marking as spam and infracting. I'm just honestly trying to do something fun here, and I didn't expect it to be met with so much cynicism and whining. I made a VERY harsh post here before, but quickly edited it. It was stupid and mean and not something that should be said by any member here, let alone a mod. I'm in a moderate amount of pain right now due to a fun little medical adventure, but seriously guys, I'm just trying to run a Pokemon tournament. Post, stay on topic, take the whining and complaining elsewhere. :biggrin::grog::kikkoman: ---------- Post added at 11:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 PM ---------- Re-opened. Hopefully the night krew can spruce this thread up.
Greencat Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 I suppose I will join in as well. Although, I'll be using Shoddy Battle. I hope this comes our great as PP's first Tournament!
dragonmaster005 Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 The solution for the is to make it 6 v 6 on shoddy and i willmake sure nothing goes wrong with the PPShoddyServer
randomspot555 Posted July 6, 2009 Author Posted July 6, 2009 I have never used netbattle. Can that support a 3v3 format? Is it compatible as of plats release like new moves, choice items, etc...
wraith89 Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 dragonmaster005 said: The solution for the is to make it 6 v 6 on shoddy and i willmake sure nothing goes wrong with the PPShoddyServer Wouldn't that be inconsistent? I mean, those people on Wifi will play 3 v 3 and the people on Shoddy get to 6 v 6? Seems unfair, don't you think? And randomspot, I think Netbattle only went up as far as Gen III battling. So you'll have all Dark moves being special, all Poison moves being physical, etc. I think it can run RBY metagame. If that's the case, some Pokes (like Alakazam) might prove too strong I don't know about 3 v 3 on Netbattle, nor do I know if that's possible.
Greencat Posted July 6, 2009 Posted July 6, 2009 Than just make it all 6v6. And yes, it supports all moves and items from Pokemon Platinum.
randomspot555 Posted July 6, 2009 Author Posted July 6, 2009 Greencat said: Than just make it all 6v6. And yes, it supports all moves and items from Pokemon Platinum. For people playing legit via cart, getting a team of 6 ready in a little under a week might be a challenge. 3v3 is a good medium for those new to battling and for those who are hyper competitive. For tournament #1, it'll be 3v3. I'm sure it'll increase as time goes on.
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