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  HottSushiz said:
Well legendaries aren't that too difficult, because I'm able to form my catching team, i just think the legendaries take way to long, because of the process, it's like:

-Bring out Pokemon.

-Status it.

-False Swipe it.

-Switch to Pokemon that can take a large amount if hits.

-Start hurling Pokeballs.

I found Giratina quite annoying, because i was unable to use False Swipe, and it was frustrating to get to the Pokemon.

For status i prefer Paralyze, because they get slowed down, and quite often they are unable to do an action, while Sleep the Pokemon can break out of it, Poison it's kinda based on luck, you only have on chance until the Poison kills the Pokemon, getting the Pokemon Burned is basically the same as Poison.

This works, i caught Palkia and Dialga with the first pokeball i threw, by false swiping it and putting them to sleep.

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Hardest pokemon I ever found hard to catch was Munchlax, the bugger didn't enjoy my pokeballs, greatballs or ultra balls. In the end I had to catch it with a Luxury ball.

  wraith89 said:
Doesn't matter. RNG rolled in the favorable direction for you. I don't know what else to call that. It's not because I believe in luck (which I don't), but it's because I don't know any other words for it >.>

Okami, stop being a troll and post the hardest Pokemon to captured that you've faced. o_O

I don't see how that is being a troll, Wraith, as I am contributing to conversation here. I am just saying that I caught a Beldum with little problem, and I don't see what's so hard about catching one-because you guys were stating that is was difficult for you to capture it.

And again, I'm still Munchlax hunting. It's still evading me. That is on topic, because in saying that I haven't found it yet, I haven't been able to capture it myself; therefore, it is the most difficult pokemon for me to capture!

EDIT: And of course, trolling is in my nature. I'm from the lower penisula, for cryin' :tongue: Come on, you've got to love good Michigan humor! don't kill me >.> It's a joke!

Also, I'm going towards Heatran tomorrow, so we'll see how hard it is to capture. ^__^ I need to go load on some Ultra Balls, which means getting more money!


^Dusk Balls are better than Ultra Balls in catching Heatran :) don;t forget to bring some too, and good luck ;)

For me, the hardest pokemon to catch is Beldum. Others may not find it hard, but a pokemon with such a semi-insane catch rate and "recoil effect" is truly very hard to catch. :)


At this point, I must say that I agree with Heatran being hard to capture. I took a brave team of six in, was left with Showers the Vaporeon @ Leftovers in the end (the results exactly as I wanted) and was just casually throwing greatballs, along with 3 ultra and 2 timer balls, totaling up to over 80 balls in the end, before it struggled itself to death. Luckily I saved before entering battle and can retry.

I want to throw out this question, though. What makes a pokemon hard to capture? Is it the length of time it takes to capture said pokemon, the number of balls used in capture, or something else?

Because honestly, in that respect, Heatran was not hard in battling, nor was it frustrating, or anything else. It was simply a failure in the end. My next time I'm going to try my set of ultra balls as the main and see where it leads.

  empoleonmikel said:
^been telling you, Dusk balls have higher catch rate than Ultra Balls when you are inside caves or during night time (even if you are outside caves) ;) give dusk ball a try ;)

Shall try, Mikel. Hopefully I have an escape rope to get out of that treaterous mountain so I can go get more money for repels and duskballs xD


^have you been trying the SR technique? :) i mean you can bring about 30 dusk balls, if you run out of pokeballs, then, soft reset your DS ;)

and yeah, you need repels too... uhhm, catching heatran is expensive, isn't it? lol

anyway, good luck then. :)


I had a hard time catching this beast on Emerald.


I have no idea why... I just remember that he was a nightmare for me to catch.

I probably didn't use status conditions or False Swipe back then.

I can catch it easily now, though.

Posted (edited)

Munchlax is VERY HARD to find. I used the Munchlax Tree Calculator to find mine. It took me like 1.5 months at Fuego Ironworks until I got Munchlax. And it had an adamant nature (my umbreon has adamant nature too, it has the ability, sychronise which makes wild pokemon 50% have the same nature as it) and also to my surprise it had 31 Attack IV's. But still It took me quite an amount of Nest Balls to catch it.

Edited by Toffeuy

I went on a crazy spree this morning and eventually got my...female Heatran in a duskball.

It was male the first time I battled it >.>

  Okami said:
I went on a crazy spree this morning and eventually got my...female Heatran in a duskball.

It was male the first time I battled it >.>

The PIDs change its value. Heatran can either be male or female. Yep, mine's female too... and goodness gracious, it took 12 Dusk Balls to catch it X_X


Yeah, it took me 25 or so. But I got it ^__^ And now have lots of duskballs and max repels to spare. I think I have an idea for a new thread here....Only, my DS is on the other side of the room and I need it for names of routes X__X


THe Pokemon that took me forever to catch: RSE's Regice. Seriously, it took one Net Ball to catch Kyogre, one Ultra Ball to catch Groudon (idk how), one to catch Regirock, one to catch Registeel, and Regice took me 7 tries... because one time, I ran out of balls. The next time, it took 70 + Ultra Balls to get him. GRRRR!

  empoleonmikel said:
^wow! finally! a female specie which does not "lay eggs"

Nidorina / Nidoqueen say "hi". Also technically any "baby" Pokémon.

Sort of back on topic: remember how in GSC some Pokémon could run away from you? I don't mean the roaming legendaries, I mean the likes of Teddiursa. That was a pain. I never seemed to have a Fast Ball when I needed one.

Back on topic for sure: I've bumped Yanma up on my list, as I attempted to catch it in the Great Marsh the other day. I didn't get one yet. :(

  codemonkey85 said:
Nidorina / Nidoqueen say "hi". Also technically any "baby" Pokémon.


yup, i know that, my expression was intended for her in catching Heatran (which I am fond of calling the "female pokemon which does not lay eggs"). ;)


So far, Beldum, Regice & Registeel are still the hardest pokemon for me to catch. :redface:

  codemonkey85 said:
Back on topic for sure: I've bumped Yanma up on my list, as I attempted to catch it in the Great Marsh the other day. I didn't get one yet. :(

I agree with you there, I haven't caught a single one..


Yanma has always been pretty rare, hasn't it?

I'll agree with you that it's a pain to get.

10% encounter as a daily Great Marsh Pokemon in DPP (and only after the National Dex in D and P) and something like a 1% encounter rate in ONE route in GSC (unless there was an outbreak/swarm, but that was a different route I think).

A little bit easier to get in FRLG, I think. There was some place in the Sevii Islands where you could encounter it normally, but with a pretty low encounter chance I think.

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