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Yeah, so I'm really not into PokeGen at the moment and am still using 'sav. The issue as of right now is that every time I create 'mon in my storage box and try to generate them, they don't show up. I've done everything right. I used the same methods with 'sav for 4th gen games without any issues, but for some odd reason the 'mon I created wont show up in my English version of White.

I'm using the English translated B/W 'sav, and this might be the problem. A few of the moves have the Japanese translated English names (like Coil Around instead of Coil) and that might be why they don't generate. But other than that, I'm doing everything the way I did with gen 4 'sav. I'd created my 'mon (via storage) and create the XML file, copy/paste the code, and begin the game. When I press L+R, nothing happens (all my buttons are working), but when I use regular codes, they work. So I don't know why 'sav wont generate my 'mon.

I'm not generating more than what the game can handle. The other day I just made a simple 'mon that met legal standards and it still wouldn't generate. So I don't know what's up. I'm sure this issue will eventually lead me to using PokeGen. I like 'sav; the layout is so easy to use. Wish 'gen was more like that. But the issue stands, and if anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it.

~ Aether Nexus


I don't know whether or not the translated versions of Pokesav ever added AR support properly for different regions, but I can tell you that it wouldn't be the first thing buggy about it.

I highly suggest you stop using Pokesav, ESECIALLY the translated versions.

Personally, I don't see why you think the layout of Pokegen is worse than Pokesav, but it'll do your AR stuff just fine, and with more options.

  Guested said:
I don't know whether or not the translated versions of Pokesav ever added AR support properly for different regions, but I can tell you that it wouldn't be the first thing buggy about it.

I highly suggest you stop using Pokesav, ESECIALLY the translated versions.

Personally, I don't see why you think the layout of Pokegen is worse than Pokesav, but it'll do your AR stuff just fine, and with more options.

I've used 'sav for so many years that the layout is like second nature to me now. PokeGen is a whole new ballpark, and every time I try to use it, I get so confused with all the tabs for different things. With 'sav, you have everything to create a 'mon all in one edit page. With 'gen, you have to fix its IV's in one tab, its main info in another, and so on. I could create a 'mon with 'sav in like 2 mins, but with 'gen, it takes me like 5-10 minutes. Sometimes I think I did something wrong when creating a 'mon in 'gen.

I would like 'gen more if it had a bigger window, and had a nicer layout like 'sav. I'll eventually adjust to 'gen, I'm sure, but as I right now, the first thing that comes to mind is "Where do I begin?!" lol. But yeah, so about my generating issues, it seems you're not suppose to press L+R; you're apparently suppose to press Start+Select. But I've tried that too, and it doesn't work either. And if I do a Google search about it, I find the same issue, but people keep telling them to either use 'gen or use the stupid online GTS. So, it looks like I'm going to have to start getting use to 'gen.

~ Aether Nexus


If for whatever reason you'd still prefer Pokesav for creating Pokémon, you can still export your PKM files and use Pokegen for AR code creation. But honestly, Pokesav is to Pokegen as Internet Explorer is to Firefox, or as a casette is to an MP3.

I highly suggest you give Pokegen a fair shake.

  Guested said:
The design was done that way because so many people still have ancient computers with low resolution and Pokesav's layout wouldn't fit.

Shame. 'savs layout is one of the reasons I preferred using it over 'gen once 'gen came out and was able to be used with gen 5 (and 'gen was better).

Isn't there a way someone who had the extra time (not demanding this; just throwing it out there) to sort of alter 'gens look into a more 'sav'ish look? Because I would love 'gen to have the edit Pokemon layout. It's all right there; I wouldn't have to keep going back and forth to change info. It's not a big issue; it would just be helpful.

  codemonkey85 said:
If for whatever reason you'd still prefer Pokesav for creating Pokémon, you can still export your PKM files and use Pokegen for AR code creation. But honestly, Pokesav is to Pokegen as Internet Explorer is to Firefox, or as a casette is to an MP3.

I highly suggest you give Pokegen a fair shake.

Yeah, I've been messing around with it for a few hours and am getting use to it. It's all trial & error, but I'm getting the hang of it.

I did like the fact that I could load up my 'mon save files onto 'gen, but some things sort of get screwy and have to change them when they're on 'gen. But I didn't think about loading them up on 'gen and generating the AR codes. I do like that idea and I thank you for that.

Within time, I'm sure I'll get more adjusted to using 'gen over 'sav, but in the mean time, I'll probably use that whole 'sav-'gen AR code generator. When I cant figure out what to do in 'gen, I usually just click out lol. But I have to think back and remember that I use to be the same way when 'sav came out. After so many uses, I got use to 'sav, and hopefully I do too with 'gen and eventually start using that 100%.

Anyway, thanks for the help fellas. Much appreciated.

~ Aether Nexus


to be honest, when it came to the decision what to use nex, i had the same fear of new thingy like you have, but I figured out very fast that pokegen is the best choice to be made when it comes to get legal Pokemons for your games, as Pokesav suffers from a bad PID support for legal PID´s and i only use PSav for creating the Bag-Codes noting more nothing less, Pokemons will be only made in Pokegen (as it has a very good working PID generator for legal Pokemons......i only wanted to get more PID´s specialy for Shiny PKMN with specific Nature and Hidden POwer at PowerLvL. 70!)

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