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Looking at the source for VSPlayer, I see that Natural Cure is scheduled to heal status when a Pokémon is switched in, rather than when it switches out like in the games. This would cause a desync if a teammate used Beat Up while the Natural Cure Pokémon was on the bench with a status it shouldn't have (although this is an extremely low percentage scenario).


There's a desync on turn 6 of this battle: http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=674939062951

The Cresselia was taunted on turn 3, but it never wore off. So it successfully used Trick Room and Swagger on turns 6 and 7, but VSPlayer lists them as failing due to the taunt.

p.s. I see Natural Cure was fixed to cure status upon switching out, but it still is listed as curing status upon switching in. This would cause a desync if the Pokemon had Natural Cure removed by Worry Seed\Gastro Acid\etc.



on turn 6, Arceus was hit by gear grind when it should have missed due to shadow force's activation (arceus survived through the end of the battle). also, Gastrodon did not flinch in turn 4 (it sucessfully used ice beam OHKOing unfeasant) and it should have done more damage thanks two SpAtk boosts it was baton-passed from espeon's calm minds (this should have also passed the two SpDef boosts, lessening the damage gastrodon took).


I don't know if this has come up before (it probably has, but w/e), but Encore doesn't seem to be working right.

In Battle Video 71-64051-46162 on Turn 6, Whimsicott uses Encore on Ludicolo, which should force it to continue to use Fake-Out. But that doesn't happen. Instead the script shows Ludicolo using Surf like it was commanded to do.

EDIT: There's other issues, like moves critting when they don't (Zapdos Thunderbolt on Turn 6 does not Crit Whimsicott) but the entire battle is coocoo bananas after Encore doesn't work right so it barely matters.


Some issues with this match:

- On turn 3, Garchomp takes a Haban-reduced Outrage for 70 damage. However, playing the battle video on the game shows it takes 74 damage instead. This doesn't actually cause a desync, just something I noticed while investigating the next issue.

- On turn 6, Overheat hits Ferrothorn, but on the game it actually misses so Ferrothorn survives.

- On turn 7, on the game Ferrothorn uses Shadow Claw, but it fails outright for no apparent reason. I think it may have accidentally selected to attack its partner, though.

  Purimpop said:
I don't know if this has come up before (it probably has, but w/e), but Encore doesn't seem to be working right.

Fixed by implementing Encore

  OmegaDonut said:
- On turn 3, Garchomp takes a Haban-reduced Outrage for 70 damage. However, playing the battle video on the game shows it takes 74 damage instead.

Fixed (incorrect target selection)

  OmegaDonut said:
- On turn 7, on the game Ferrothorn uses Shadow Claw, but it fails outright for no apparent reason. I think it may have accidentally selected to attack its partner, though.

Fixed (do not redirect to user if target is fainted ally)


In this battle using FC: 98-68465-84359, at the start of turn 9 it doesn't include the special attack boost after Jolteon's Charge Beam attack, and turns 10 and 11 would show the attacks being less than a knockout not taking the boost into consideration.



For this battle, his Thundurus taunted my Sableye on turn 1, but Sableye didn't consume its mental herb to cancel its effects. What should've happened is quite hilarious actually: Sableye used gravity, and his Garchomp KOes its partner Thundurus with Earthquake. I totally expected that to happen....ok I lied, not really. I was just extremely thrilled that it happened that way.

  goatee said:
In this battle using FC: 98-68465-84359, at the start of turn 9 it doesn't include the special attack boost after Jolteon's Charge Beam attack, and turns 10 and 11 would show the attacks being less than a knockout not taking the boost into consideration.

Actually a magic bounce problem. Looks like the fix doesn't solve everything and might add new problems

  BlakDragon said:

Added Mental Herb


On a similar note, from looking at the code, you've got Flatter down as boosting the target's Sp. Atk by two stages. In-game, it only boosts it by one stage.

  OmegaDonut said:
On turn 2, opposing Lickylicky is Swaggered, but Own Tempo does not block its confusion, eating up an extra RNG call. This causes a desync for the rest of the battle.


  Wichu said:
On a similar note, from looking at the code, you've got Flatter down as boosting the target's Sp. Atk by two stages. In-game, it only boosts it by one stage.


  OmegaDonut said:
On turn 2, VSPlayer has Hammer Arm as hitting Porygon2, but on the game it misses, causing a desync.

Fixed Download mechanism

Posted (edited)


Turn 5 I had Metagross use Protect a second time in a row because I thought that due to it not being targetted it would have got the guaranteed Protect but that didn't happen (it failed)... that causes a desync.

Edit: I'm not sure what happened here...

Edit 2: Moonlight recovery reduction from certain weather isn't taken into account.

Edited by Hozu
  Hozu said:

Turn 5 I had Metagross use Protect a second time in a row because I thought that due to it not being targetted it would have got the guaranteed Protect but that didn't happen (it failed)... that causes a desync.

Yeah, Protect's counter will go down if it succeeds, regardless of whether the Pokemon is targetted (I have tested this in-game). Protect will fail and reset, however, if every other Pokémon this turn has already made their move. That's actually what happened in this post.

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