pokemonfan Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 (edited) Now based on the title I'm sure you can realize that this page is going to be about the wiki social group I made. This group is dedicated to working on the wiki by making in depth articles that clearly, show mastery of the topic, are neat and organized, and pleasant to read. The group is also dedicated to brainstorming ideas for articles because sometimes its hard to come up with things to write. We all have our writers block moments. Here is a link to the group page. If you either have the wiki contributor badge, have ever contributed to the wiki, or want to contribute to the wiki but need ideas then this is the group to join. I highly suggest that if you do have the wiki contributor badge that you join the group, just because you obtained the badge doesn't mean you should ever stop contributing. *note: You do not have to be a member of our group to edit the wiki...just thought I'd say that.* Some standards we want the members of our group to abide by. Reveal hidden contents -Be accurate -Be neat -Be as short as possible but in depth as possible. It is vital to not lose the attention of the reader. -Work together Current projects Reveal hidden contents Bag data (a combination of a lot of projects all thrown into one) Anime Episodes Evolution guide Pokemon mystery dungeon item list Breeding page National Dex page Wiki pokedex Great Marsh_Post National dex (meaning after obtaining the national dex) For specifics on the projects go to the topic that talks about them on the group page. Current members Reveal hidden contents Pokemonfan Flootenkerp mewtwo Ex pichu2001 coolness 4evil Batman Begs Albinodrow Naru-Chu Bear831 Telos Skaterman1995 Neodraven bobtheedibleone Wiki pokedex project info Reveal hidden contents Members working on it... ~pokemonfan ~Naru-chu ~Telos ~Bear831 Reveal hidden contents what needs to be included in each article ~appearance in the anime ~level up moves ~TMs/HMs ~Wild data ~tutor moves ~ egg moves (this can come later or so) ~origin ~name origin ~special facts (trivia) ~and anything else you can cram in there. If you have any questions PM me Check out this page. It's the perfect example of what needs to be on it. If you dont have all the information or the time to edit it all in just at least create the section for others to work on. Props to bear831 for the correct way to do it. He set it all up but didn't add all the info but at least he set it up! Bag data project Reveal hidden contents The bag data project, formerly the item dex project, is a merging of several projects that link from one page. This project deals with every item you can ever have in your bag. Its going to be one of our bigger projects like the wiki pokedex project. I found a wonderful list of items somewhere else on the wiki. I have no idea who made it otherwise they would be credited. This list is very useful. LIST Reveal hidden contents Master Ball Ultra Ball Great Ball Poké Ball Safari Ball Net Ball Dive Ball Nest Ball Repeat Ball Timer Ball Luxury Ball premier Ball Dusk Ball Heal Ball Quick Ball Cherish Ball Medicine Potion Antidote Burn Heal Ice Heal Awakening Parlyz Heal Full Restore Max Potion Hyper Potion Super Potion Full Heal Revive Max Revive Fresh Water Soda Pop Lemonade Moomoo Milk EnergyPowder Energy Root Heal Powder Revival Herb Ether Max Ether Elixir Max Elixir Lava Cookie Berry Juice Sacred Ash HP Up Protein Iron Carbos Calcium Rare Candy PP Up Zinc PP Max Old Gateau Battle Items Guard Spec. Dire Hit X attack X Defend X Speed X Accuracy X Special X Sp. Def Poké Doll Fluffy Tail Blue Flute Yellow Flute Red Flute Black Flute White Flute General Items 1 Shoal Salt Shoal Shell Red Shard Blue Shard Yellow Shard Green Shard Super Repel Max Repel Escape Rope Repel Sun Stone Moon Stone Fire Stone Thunderstone Water Stone Leaf Stone TinyMushroom Big Mushroom Pearl Big Pearl Stardust Star Piece Nugget Heart Scale Honey Growth Mulch Damp Mulch Stable Mulch Gooey Mulch Root Fossil Claw Fossil Helix Fossil Dome Fossil Old Amber Armor Fossil Skull Fossil Rare Bone Shiny Stone Dusk Stone Dawn Stone Oval Stone Odd Keystone Griseous Orb (Platinum only) Adamant Orb Lustrous Orb Mail Grass Mail Flame Mail Bubble Mail Bloom Mail Tunnel Mail Steel Mail Heart Mail Snow Mail Space Mail Air Mail Mosaic Mail Brick Mail Berries Cheri Berry Chesto Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry Aspear Berry Leppa Berry Oran Berry Persim Berry Lum Berry Sitrus Berry Figy Berry Wiki Berry Mago Berry Aguav Berry Iapapa Berry Razz Berry Bluk Berry Nanab Berry Wepear Berry Pinap Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Grepa Berry Tamato Berry Cornn Berry Magost Berry Rabuta Berry Nomel Berry Spelon Berry Pamtre Berry Watmel Berry Durin Berry Belue Berry Occa Berry Passho Berry Wacan Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry Chople Berry Kebia Berry Shuca Berry Coba Berry Payapa Berry Tanga Berry Charti Berry Kasib Berry Haban Berry Colbur Berry Babiri Berry Chilan Berry Liechi Berry Ganlon Berry Salac Berry Petaya Berry Apicot Berry Lansat Berry Starf Berry Enigma Berry Micle Berry Custap Berry Jaboca Berry Rowap Berry Held Items BrightPowder White Herb Macho Brace Exp. Share Quick Claw Soothe Bell Mental Herb Choice Band King's Rock SilverPowder Amulet Coin Cleanse Tag Soul Dew DeepSeaTooth DeepSeaScale Smoke Ball Everstone Focus Band Lucky Egg Scope Lens Metal Coat Leftovers Dragon Scale Light Ball Soft Sand Hard Stone Miracle Seed BlackGlasses Black Belt Magnet Mystic Water Sharp Beak Poison Barb NeverMeltIce Spell Tag TwistedSpoon Charcoal Dragon Fang Silk Scarf Up-Grade Shell Bell Sea Incense Lax Incense Lucky Punch Metal Powder Thick Club Stick Red Scarf Blue Scarf Pink Scarf green Scarf Yellow Scarf Wide Lens Muscle Band Wise Glasses Expert Belt Light Clay Life Orb Power Herb Toxic Orb Flame Orb Quick Powder Focus Sash Zoom Lens Metronome Iron Ball Lagging Tail Destiny Knot Black Sludge Icy Rock Smooth Rock Heat Rock Damp Rock Grip Claw Choice Scarf Sticky Barb Power Bracer Power Belt Power Lens Power Band Power Anklet Power Weight Shed Shell Big Root Choice Specs Flame Plate Splash Plate Zap Plate Meadow Plate Icicle Plate Fist Plate Toxic Plate Earth Plate Sky Plate Mind Plate Insect Plate Stone Plate Spooky Plate Draco Plate Dread Plate Iron Plate Odd Incense Rock Incense full Incense Wave Incense Rose Incense Luck Incense Pure Incense Protector Electirizer Magmarizer Dubious Disc Reaper Cloth Razor Claw Razor Fang Key items Explorer Kit Loot Sack Rule Book Poké Radar Point Card Journal Seal Case Fashion Case Seal Bag Pal Pad Works Key Old Charm Galactic Key Red Chain Town Map Vs. Seeker Coin Case Old Rod Good Rod Super Rod Sprayduck Poffin Case Bicycle Suite Key Oak's Letter Lunar Wing Member Card Azure Flute S.S. Ticket Contest Pass Magma Stone Parcel Coupon 1 Coupon 2 Coupon 3 Storage Key SecretPotion Vs. Recorder (Platinum only) Glacidia Flower (Platinum only) Secret Key (Platinum only) I have created the main page that has all the links to bridge off of. Here is a link to that page. If you have any questions please PM me. JOBS Reveal hidden contents I noticed that maybe there are certain jobs that need to be made for our wiki group such as the following... -critic -writer -leader -editor Critic Critics are the people that will review and rate each one of our articles. They will rate out of ten. 2 points for neatness (is the article neat) 2 points for clarity (can you understand the article) 2 points for appeal (does the article have a nice appealing look to it?) 2 points for content (does the article have good information?) 2 points for proper grammar (does the article properly use grammar, punctuation, and spelling?) Then at the bottom of the page you write your review and give your rating. Make sure to state why so if its anything less then a ten our group can fix it. Writer Everyone in the wiki group is set as a writer until further notice. The people with writer status write the articles..simple as that. Editor Each member is also partially set as an editor (but it would be nice if we could have some people that mainly focused on this) their job is to read the reviews of the critic or read the article and fix the mistakes add content and stuff like that. The writer and editor job usually goes hand in hand. Leader These people are the ones in charge of the various projects our group runs. These people are very important. I myself am the leader of the group but I'm only the co. leader of all the projects so that others can be the "head honchos" of a specific project and I'm not supremely in charge of everything. Any questions about the specific jobs or you want to have one of the specific jobs (other then writer) then PM me. Current leaders... -pokemonfan (obviously) (co leader of all projects and mains the anime project) -Albinodrow (berry and breeding pages) -Telos (evolution guide and wiki pokedex) -Naru-chu (wiki pokedex) Current writers.. -everyone Current editors -no one yet that focuses completely on editing the fine details Current critics -bobtheedibleone ==========================Project Workers============================== I'm very sorry if I forgot your name in some of the places where it needs to be. Reveal hidden contents ===================== Bag data workers================== -pokemonfan -4evil -bear831 -Albinodrow -coolness -bobtheedibleone (looking for leader) for now pokemonfan is in charge ====================Berries Page workers================= -Pokemonfan (leader) -Albinodrow (leader) (goes along with bag data project) ==================Anime episodes======================= -Pokemonfan (leader) ==================Evolution Guide====================== -Telos (leader) ==================Pokemon Mystery dungeon item list======== (no one) I would like it if we put this aside for now. It doesn’t directly have to do with the generation games. I would like to avoid it and come back to it later. ================ Pokeballs page ====================== -Pokemonfan -Coolness -bobtheedibleone (practically the leader of this extension) (part of bag data project) ================== Breeding page ==================== -albinodrow (leader) -Pokemonfan Mainly done but we need to check it over =================== National dex page =========================== -naru chu (leader) This page is to link to all the different pages in our wiki pokedex =================== Wiki pokedex ============================= -naru chu (leader) -Pokemonfan (leader) -telos -bear831 In depth guys! Better then your normal pokedex ======== Great Marsh_Post National dex ================================= (no leader and no work) A side project really don’t focus on it much. DISREGARD EVERYTHING I SAY ABOUT SEREBII FEEL FREE TO USE IT. It would be nice if you double checked the information you took from their with some other source though. As SCV said they sometimes make up things just to have something to say. If you decide to start working on one of the projects please PM me otherwise try to stick with one and not spread yourself out. Also if I forgot your name somewhere in a spot where you have been working please PM me so I can fix that. Also if you have any project suggestions please PM me. Several people have and their projects have not been added yet due to the fact that we have lots to deal with at the moment. If we get two or three projects out of the way the new ones will be added in. =========================================== I will be editing with more updates! Please join! Edited June 23, 2009 by pokemonfan merged a project with another it has become a big one now
AlbinoDrow Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 Well since I joined the group (got invited) I decided to actually make edits and make things better. I'm working on making the berry page epic, and afterwards I already have a guide I wrote on breeding and such. I'm pretty much just taking my guide and what I already have on stuff and putting it in here Oh well, back to berries
Endless Eden Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 Well i am working on a platinum guide if anyone whould like to help me (as i have been quite busy and not gotten to it in a while ) then please dont hesitate to ask Also i think an evolution guide whould be good you know when a pokemon evolves,weather certain tasks must be accomplished for evolution that kinda stuff.If one is needed i can do it/help to do it?
pokemonfan Posted June 16, 2009 Author Posted June 16, 2009 Did you want to join the group? Its been a while since I've checked the group page but your welcome to join. The evolution guide sounds like a good idea.... Edit: Albinodrow, you did some mega good editing on the berries page As for the breeding...I'm pretty sure there are already pages for the topic of breeding. You could edit them cleaning up the article and adding new things.
Endless Eden Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 I will join when i have a bit more done...and if you do decide to do the evolution guide i will help okay?
pokemonfan Posted June 16, 2009 Author Posted June 16, 2009 Ok I'm adding it down under a list of our current projects.
AlbinoDrow Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 pokemonfan said: Did you want to join the group? Its been a while since I've checked the group page but your welcome to join. The evolution guide sounds like a good idea....Edit: Albinodrow, you did some mega good editing on the berries page As for the breeding...I'm pretty sure there are already pages for the topic of breeding. You could edit them cleaning up the article and adding new things. Edited, re-wrote, and otherwise fixed the entire page to be 100% accurate and easy to understand. Holy crapola there was a lot of bad info...
Endless Eden Posted June 16, 2009 Posted June 16, 2009 (edited) I have made a start on the evolution guide i have numbers 1 -101 done more tomorrow :kikkoman: Edited June 16, 2009 by Endless Eden
pokemonfan Posted June 17, 2009 Author Posted June 17, 2009 AlbinoDrow said: Edited, re-wrote, and otherwise fixed the entire page to be 100% accurate and easy to understand.Holy crapola there was a lot of bad info... I wrote that article I realize that it was hard to understand and probably had a lot of flaws. Your newer article looks great. Short, sweet, neat, and to the point! Good job!
Endless Eden Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 Numbers 1 - 151 are done now who will tell me how to add a table of contents?
Ziz Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 telos said: Numbers 1 - 151 are done now who will tell me how to add a table of contents? The Table of Contents is an automatic feature that happens when there are 4 or more headers, and it then appears before the first heading. There are codes to get rid of it, place it in a certain spot, etc. But not make one appear, this is why the Table of Contents cannot be seen anywhere on the Edit Page.
Endless Eden Posted June 17, 2009 Posted June 17, 2009 (edited) I see thanks naru-chu :wink: EDIT; just a little update i joined the group and posted my progress there please gimme some feedback thank's Edited June 17, 2009 by Endless Eden
pokemonfan Posted June 18, 2009 Author Posted June 18, 2009 Awesome telos. This is great guys I never thought that I'd get such a positive response. We're doing great but I think we're spreading ourselves thin. I think we should choose a project and stick with it or at least not introduce new projects. I was having brainstorms and I figured it wouldn't do that much but we need to concentrate ourselves if we're ever going to get anything done. This next part is very, very important... Edit: In no way are we EVER to use serebii. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER...I saw who was credited in the indepth national pokedex page and practically died. (no offense naru chu you're doing great) but NO more serebii. If you need images take them from our site's pokedex NEVER EVER SEREBII'S. "..."serebii-ization" of this community. No one wants that, but there are already signs of it around the site and forums." ~Satoshix Let's not add to those signs people. DONT USE SEREBII.
wraith89 Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 pokemonfan said: Awesome telos. This is great guys I never thought that I'd get such a positive response. We're doing great but I think we're spreading ourselves thin. I think we should choose a project and stick with it or at least not introduce new projects. I was having brainstorms and I figured it wouldn't do that much but we need to concentrate ourselves if we're ever going to get anything done.This next part is very, very important... Edit: In no way are we EVER to use serebii. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER...I saw who was credited in the indepth national pokedex page and practically died. (no offense naru chu you're doing great) but NO more serebii. If you need images take them from our site's pokedex NEVER EVER SEREBII'S. "..."serebii-ization" of this community. No one wants that, but there are already signs of it around the site and forums." ~Satoshix Let's not add to those signs people. DONT USE SEREBII. ... that's not what Satoshi meant. What's wrong with using other Pokemon sites as resources? If you ever need resources, use all the resources you can. But I wouldn't solely depend on Serebii.
pokemonfan Posted June 18, 2009 Author Posted June 18, 2009 I know, but really why serebii? I probably mistranslated his words...maybe its my own serebii dislike. Why cant we use our own site to see the order of the national dex or take pictures, or use their movesets? Why do we have to venture elsewhere when a lots of it is right here? Although there are some parts that just cant be taken from this site but serebii in my eyes should be avoided. Dont I have a right to voice an opinion? Wouldn't serebii ization also be taking exact data from their site? Why would we want to do that..dont you think that's a tad bit of serebii ization?
wraith89 Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 pokemonfan said: I know, but really why serebii? I probably mistranslated his words...maybe its my own serebii dislike. Why cant we use our own site to see the order of the national dex or take pictures, or use their movesets? Why do we have to venture elsewhere when a lots of it is right here? Although there are some parts that just cant be taken from this site but serebii in my eyes should be avoided. Dont I have a right to voice an opinion?Wouldn't serebii ization also be taking exact data from their site? Why would we want to do that..dont you think that's a tad bit of serebii ization? I think he was referring to the community, NOT the website itself. It is useful, you have to admit. But really, I wouldn't use Serebii as your main source either though.
pokemonfan Posted June 18, 2009 Author Posted June 18, 2009 Its not me! I mean I would use marilland, bulbapedia, our site (more then anything), and anything but serebii if I can avoid it. For some reason I cant stand that place.
Jiggy-Ninja Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 The data is the same, no matter what the source. Whether we get it from Smogon, Marriland, Serebii, rip it from the ROM, or pull a rabbit out of a hat with the data written on an index card in its mouth, the data will always be the same, unless someone makes a mistake.
pokemonfan Posted June 18, 2009 Author Posted June 18, 2009 good point...but you have to credit your source. I have a problem with crediting serebii. Maybe its just me...
wraith89 Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 Jiggy-Ninja said: The data is the same, no matter what the source. Whether we get it from Smogon, Marriland, Serebii, rip it from the ROM, or pull a rabbit out of a hat with the data written on an index card in its mouth, the data will always be the same, unless someone makes a mistake. This. And PF, don't ever let bias get to you. Bias ruins everything.
HottSushiz Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 May i join, I'm not really sure what i could, do although if you gave me a specific job, i will do them to the best of my ability....... and i don't really have anything better to do, well i have to do my homework, although i could just wake up early, and do it then. :tongue:
pokemonfan Posted June 18, 2009 Author Posted June 18, 2009 wraith89 said: This. And PF, don't ever let bias get to you. Bias ruins everything. Yeah yeah, I see your point *stops arguing*, maybe that's why I lose most arguments :tongue: HottSushiz said: May i join, I'm not really sure what i could, do although if you gave me a specific job, i will do them to the best of my ability....... and i don't really have anything better to do, well i have to do my homework, although i could just wake up early, and do it then. :tongue: Yeah sure hottsushiz anything in particular?
wraith89 Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 pokemonfan said: Yeah yeah, I see your point *stops arguing*, maybe that's why I lose most arguments :tongue: It's not about winning arguments, PF. You are missing the point. All I'm saying is... if you want to be successful in this Wiki Project, make sure you're not biased. Articles should be in Neutral Point of View to be effective (unless you're writing for a Right-Wing/Left-Wing publisher, but that's besides the point). I'm only offering help... don't shun it like that o_O If you know you're mistaken, accept it, and learn from it. Your bias currently is refusing Serebii as a citation tool... well, don't do that. Serebii provides some good information too... so give credits where credits are due.
pokemonfan Posted June 18, 2009 Author Posted June 18, 2009 I know its a good resource, doesn't mean I have to like it. Thanks wraith now I'm arguing again.
wraith89 Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 pokemonfan said: I know its a good resource, doesn't mean I have to like it. Thanks wraith now I'm arguing again. ... what? Of course you don't have to like it, but if you used it, you must cite it. General courtesy rules... and legal rules.
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