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Hey guys :), thank you for the abundance of assistance potentially offered in this thread...

I have been working on a Deoxys, and am having some little difficulty...

1. HEX value of Birth Island, and as it's not in HG/SS, would it simply read Faraway Place? I am endeavoring to create a "traded" deoxys...

2. I used PokeGen (http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6424-Pokemon-Generator-%28Pokesav-replacement-for-Pokemon-editing%29) to create some hex data with a freshly created deoxys, and utilized "far away place" and "pal park",

However, for the 46h value, it reads "BA", which, according to this thread, is a Route...

The 47h Value reads "0B", which i am unable to find much information on, currently, and then the 86h value "04" for a pokeball...

Clarification and / or potential assistance upon the aforementioned might potentially be appreciated :)...

  Pseudonym said:
I used PokeGen (http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6424-Pokemon-Generator-%28Pokesav-replacement-for-Pokemon-editing%29) to create some hex data with a freshly created deoxys, and utilized "far away place" and "pal park",

However, for the 46h value, it reads "BA", which, according to this thread, is a Route...

The 47h Value reads "0B", which i am unable to find much information on, currently, and then the 86h value "04" for a pokeball...

Clarification and / or potential assistance upon the aforementioned might potentially be appreciated :)...

0x46 is a 2-byte value. Faraway Place is 3002, or 0xBBA. The data is being written correctly based on your input.

I don't know which values are appropriate for what you're trying to do, though.

Posted (edited)
  Codr said:
0x46 is a 2-byte value. Faraway Place is 3002, or 0xBBA. The data is being written correctly based on your input.

I don't know which values are appropriate for what you're trying to do, though.

Thank you, Codr :)...

What i am endeavoring to do is create a seemingly legitimate Deoxys that was caught on birth island in Emerald, migrated into platinum, then traded to HG/SS...

PS. Thank you for the hard work invested into PokeGen, it's really a very nifty piece of software :)...

So, i guess some of the confusion might potentially stem from where the 46h BA was generated. In pokegen, it was nothing but pal park and faraway place, so why then is 46h BA generated?

in HG/SS, 46h BA is seemingly Route 38...

And the 47h 0B...? if anyone cares to elaborate :)...?

Edited by Pseudonym
  SmellTheBurningEmber said:
Bump. ~STBE

Just received Dragon's Den Dratini with Extreme Speed, Saved, Downloaded save to a computer, opened save in pokesav, checked...

85h - "18"...

Luck to you :)...

  Pseudonym said:
So, i guess some of the confusion might potentially stem from where the 46h BA was generated. In pokegen, it was nothing but pal park and faraway place, so why then is 46h BA generated?

in HG/SS, 46h BA is seemingly Route 38...

And the 47h 0B...? if anyone cares to elaborate :)...?

You don't need to worry about the raw values if you're using PokeGen. It sets them right for you based on what you select in the program. (Well, it's possible that there are still some bugs, but I know of none at the moment.) As I said in my previous post, 0x46 is a 2-byte value. Two bytes make up the number stored at this address. It's not 0xBA, it's 0x0BBA, or 3002, which I also said.


Hey guys, I'm pretty confused by all of this.

I'm trying to make a legit pokemon, but I just don't understand what it said. If I want it to look like I traded a pokemon from D/P to SS can I just leave all of my values at 00?

  stev0623 said:
Hey guys, I'm pretty confused by all of this.

I'm trying to make a legit pokemon, but I just don't understand what it said. If I want it to look like I traded a pokemon from D/P to SS can I just leave all of my values at 00?

Try the aforementioned PokeGen ( http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6424-Pokemon-Generator-%28Pokesav-replacement-for-Pokemon-editing%29 ) , there are selectable menu items where you can select the game...

Try fiddling about with the locations, save the pokemon as a party pokemon, and import the pkm file into pokesav...

Unless i'm mistaken, if a pokemon from a game is traded to another game, and the location where the pokemon was caught does not initially exist in the game the pokemon is being traded to, the location "in-game" may just read "faraway place", however, you might consider checking some of the hex generated by pokegen, perhaps it might be of some potential assistance :)...

Luck to you...


Alright, i think i have got this down. I edited the guide a bit from the front page (If a mod wants to edit the FP with this info)

Let me know if i missed anything.

44h & 45h - Who you received an egg from (Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver)

• Always 00-00 if not an egg.

• Cynthia = DB-07 (PL-Togepi)

o Egg Hatched Location 2011 (44h & 45h change from Hall of fame to Cynthia)

• Mr. Pokémon = DD-07 (HG/SS-Togepi)

o Egg Hatched Location 3002

• Riley = 45-00 (PL-Riolu)

o Egg hatched Location 2010

• Primo = DE-07 (HG/SS-Slugma, Mareep, Wooper)

o Egg Hatched Location 3002

• Pokémon Ranger = B9-0B (PL/HG/SS-Manaphy Egg)

o Egg Hatched location 3001

• Day Care Couple = D0-07 (PL/HG/SS-All other Eggs)

o Egg hatched location 2000

46h & 47h - Location of the Hatched/Caught Pokémon (Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver)

• Met in Place = location converted into hex, add zeros until there are four digits, split in half, and flip the values. The Met in Place (In Dec.) and 46h/47h (In Hex.) should always match.

o EX: Met in Place Spear Pillar (51). Convert to Hex (33). Add Zeros (0033). Split (00-33). Flip (33-00)

o PL/HG/SS exclusive places are always Met in Place 3002. 46h & 47h give correct the location.

• Platinum Locations (46h & 47h)

o 70-00- Battle Frontier (Also used in HeartGold/SoulSilver)

o 71-00 - Battle Factory (Also used in HeartGold/SoulSilver)

o 72-00 - Battle Castle (Also used in HeartGold/SoulSilver)

o 73-00 - Battle Roulette (Also used in HeartGold/SoulSilver)

o 74-00 - Battle Stage (Also used in HeartGold/SoulSilver)

o 75-00 - Distortion World

o 76-00 - Global Terminal (Also used in HeartGold/SoulSilver)

o 77-00- R.A House

o 78-00 - Match Place

o 79-00 - Rotom's Room (Also used in HeartGold/SoulSilver)

o 7A-00 - Eterna Galactic HQ

o 7B-00 - Iron Ruins

o 7C-00 - Iceberg Ruins

o 7D-00 - Rock Peak Ruins

o DB-07 - Cynthia (46h & 47h will change this from Hall of Fame to Cynthia)

• HG/SS Locations (46h & 47h)

o 7E-00 - New Bark Town

o 7F-00 - Cherrygrove City

o 80-00 - Violet City

o 81-00 - Azelia Town

o 82-00 - Cianwood City

o 83-00 - Goldenrod City

o 84-00 - Olivine City

o 85-00 - Ecruteak City

o 86-00 - Mahogany Town

o 87-00 - Lake of Rage

o 88-00 - Blackthorn City

o 89-00 - Silver Cave

o 8A-00 - Pallet Town

o 8B-00 - Viridian City

o 8C-00 - Pewter City

o 8D-00 - Cerulean City

o 8E-00 - Lavender Town

o 8F-00 - Vermillion City

o 90-00 - Celadon City

o 91-00 - Fuchsia City

o 92-00 - Cinnabar Island

o 93-00 - Indigo Plateau

o 94-00 - Route 1

o 95-00 - Route 2

o 96-00 - Route 3

o 97-00 - Route 4

o 98-00 - Route 5

o 9A-00 - Route 6

o 9B-00 - Route 7

o 9C-00 - Route 8

o 9D-00 - Route 9

o 9E-00 - Route 10

o 9F-00 - Route 11

o A0-00 - Route 12

o A1-00 - Route 13

o A2-00 - Route 14

o A3-00 - Route 15

o A4-00 - Route 16

o A5-00 - Route 17

o A6-00 - Route 18

o A7-00 - Route 19

o A8-00 - Route 20

o A9-00 - Route 21

o AA-00 - Route 22

o AB-00 - Route 23

o AC-00 - Route 24

o AD-00 - Route 25

o AE-00 - Route 26

o AF-00 - Route 27

o B0-00 - Route 28

o B1-00 - Route 29

o B2-00 - Route 30

o B3-00 - Route 31

o B4-00 - Route 32

o B5-00 - Route 33

o B6-00 - Route 34

o B7-00 - Route 35

o B8-00 - Route 36

o B9-00 - Route 37

o BA-00 - Route 38

o BB-00 - Route 39

o BC-00 - Route 40

o BD-00 - Route 41

o BE-00 - Route 42

o BF-00 - Route 43

o C0-00 - Route 44

o C1-00 - Route 45

o C2-00 - Route 46

o C3-00 - Route 47

o C4-00 - Route 48

o C5-00 - Diglett Cave

o C6-00 - Mt. Moon

o C7-00 - Cerulean Cave

o C8-00 - Rock Tunnel

o C9-00 - Power Plant

o CA-00 - Safari Zone

o CB-00 - Seafoam Islands

o CC-00 - Sprout Tower

o CD-00 - Tin Tower

o CE-00 - Burnt Tower

o CF-00 - National Park

o D0-00 - Radio Tower

o D1-00 - Ruins of Alph

o D2-00 - Union Cave

o D3-00 - Slowpoke Well

o D4-00 - Lighthouse

o D5-00 - Rocket Hideout (Mahogany Town)

o D6-00 - Ilex Forest

o D7-00 - Goldenrod Underground

o D8-00 - Mt. Mortar

o D9-00 - Ice Path

o DA-00 - Whirl Islands (Lugia's Chamber)

o DB-00 - Silver Mountain Cave

o DC-00 - Dark Cave

o DD-00 - Victory Road

o DE-00 - Dragon's Den

o DF-00 - Tohjo Falls

o E0-00 - Viridian Forest

o E1-00 - Pokéthlon Dome

o E2-00 - S.S. Aqua

o E3-00 - Safari Zone Gate

o E4-00 - Cliff Cave

o E5-00 - Frontier Front

o E6-00 - Path to Tin Tower

o E7-00 - Shinto Ruins

o E8-00 - Hidden Tower

o E9-00 - Pokéwalker

o EA-00 - Cliff’s Gate

85h How a Pokémon was received (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver)

• Roaming Pokemon - Cresselia/Mespirit/Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres In D/P/PL

Raikou/Entei/Lati@s in HG/SS - will vary depending on where they are caught.

Most of the time it will be 02 (Tall grass) but can also be 07 (Water)

• 00 - Egg/Pal Park/Event/Honey Tree

o Shaymin (D/P/PL) Zapdos/Suicune (HG/SS)

• 02 - Tall Grass

o Darkrai/Rotom (D/P/Pt)

• 04 - Dialga/Palkia (D/P/Pt)

• 05 - Cave/Hall of Origin

o Giratina-A/Uxie/Azelf/Heatran/Regigigas/Regirock/Registeel/Regice (D/P/Pt)

o Mewtwo/Articuno/Moltres/Kyogre/Groudon/Rayquaza (HG/SS)

• 07 - Caught in the Water (D/P/Pt)

o Lugia (HG/SS)

• 09 - Caught in Buildings (D/P/Pt)

o Ho-oh (HG/SS)

• 17 - Distortion World (Giratina-O) (Pt)

• 18 - Starter Pokémon/Bebe's Eevee/Fossils/Porygon (PL)

o Giratina/Palkia/Giratina/Bill's Eevee/Game corner Pokemon/ExtremeSpeed Dratini/Spikey Eared Pichu (HG/SS)

• 0A - Great Marsh/Safari Zone (D/P/PL/HG/SS)

• 0C - Starter Pokémon/Fossils(D/P) Starter Pokémon (HG/SS)

86h Pokeball used to capture Pokémon (HeartGold/SoulSilver)

• Eggs,Starter Pokemon, and Shedinja are always 04-Pokeball.

01 = Master Ball

02 = Ultra Ball

03 = Great Ball

04 = Poke Ball

05 = Safari Ball

06 = Net Ball

07 = Dive Ball

08 = Nest Ball

09 = Repeat Ball

0A = Timer Ball

0B = Luxury Ball

0C = Premier Ball

0D = Dusk Ball

0E = Heal Ball

0F = Quick Ball

10 = Cherish Ball

11 = Fast Ball*

12 = Level Ball*

13 = Lure Ball*

14 = Heavy Ball*

15 = Lovely Ball*

16 = Friend Ball*

17 = Moon Ball*

18 = Compé Ball*

*-Set to Pokeball. 86h will change to the correct HG/SS ball)

  Rob the vast said:

• 0A - Great Marsh/Safari Zone (D/P/PL/HG/SS)

  zrawrxd said:
For 85h, if Pokemon(HeartGold) was caught in safari zone(grass) will it be 0A or 02?

You fail sir at reading.


I have a question - I fully understand hex values (how they work etc) but I have recently come to have some japanese pokemon - which for some reason to not follow this hex values guide (yet they do have hex values)

they are all from PT - its just that the values don't check out (and i've run them through legality checker)

So basically what im asking is are japanese hex values different in anyway or has someone hacked these pokemon and done a very good job but messed up hex values?

eg Ryhperior (met at level 0) , egg recieved from day care (2000), met at place (19)

based on this guide for a PT it should have

44h D0

45h 07

46h 13

47h 00

85h 00

I believe

Yet it has the values:

44h 00

45h 00

46h 36

47h 00

85h 05

Thus i am extremely confused - help would be appreciated


I've scoured this entire thread and not been able to find what I need, so I'm going to go ahead and ask/explain:

I'm trying to hack a Groudon that came from Soul Silver, but I do not see Embedded Tower under the listings of the 46h/47h hex. What would those two values be for Embedded Tower?

  Jalapeno said:
If made the hex values correct etc. is there any chance of the pokemon passing the hack checks from the VGC?

You can create Pokemon that're completely indistinguishable from genuine things. People will throw the whole "legitimate" concept down your throat, but just ignore them.

  Codr said:
You can create Pokemon that're completely indistinguishable from genuine things. People will throw the whole "legitimate" concept down your throat, but just ignore them.

no the reason why i ask is because people say the VGC hack checkers check the game for tamperment, check the hex values etc.. and i just wondered if the pokemon would still get through.

also i cant seem to find a pokesav which has HG / SS locations on it..

its not on the main site where u can download pokesav.. please help. xD

  Jalapeno said:
no the reason why i ask is because people say the VGC hack checkers check the game for tamperment, check the hex values etc.. and i just wondered if the pokemon would still get through.

What I said is saying "yes" to that indirect question. You just have to do it right. I don't know if Pokesav alters save files in a way that's undectable, but I'm positive that PokeGen doesn't leave any signs.

also i cant seem to find a pokesav which has HG / SS locations on it..

its not on the main site where u can download pokesav.. please help. xD





so... if i wanted to say (for soul silver)

I bred an egg and it hatched at violet city, and it hatched in soulsilver, the values would be:

44h : ??

45h : ??

46h : 80

47h : 00

85h : 00

86h : 04

are my values correct? could somone give me the 44h and 45h values that will say that i bred the egg (ie would it say recieved at daycare and what are the soulsilver values for this)??

please help...


Trying to make a HG Ho-Oh, what's the 85th Hex Value? I'm assuming it's "Caught in a Building" which would be "09". Can anyone confirm that as correct before I continue?

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