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Seriously! (moved)


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Guested edit: I've moved the off-topic posts from a different thread here.

Seriously! What is up with you guys! Spamming events and giving them out like crazy. You know what I did troll about the world2011 scrafty. You know why? I left early my vacation and drove 5 hours to the san diego event just to get my own and make it special . I come here and you guys give them to people like it wasn't worth going to the event and keeping it yourselfs. And also why are you guys spending your lives collecting pokemon events (including every nature and characteristic) and storing them on your computer and leaving them unused. Do you think its worth it? What happens when you have them all? Do you win a big trophy or a medal and be known everywhere on the internet? No you still aren't cool . Don't you guys have anything else to do with your lives? Please listen to me people. These things aren't worth it. They aren't even alive!! And nintendo will probably make better things in the future and these will be trash like a gameboy color and super nintendo. I am pika216 on neoseeker forums and I loved pokemon since I was 5. 1998-2000 those were the good times. When we cared about the game itself and using the cards or toys and not making them collectables or keeping them new and later get covered in dust and never touched again.

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I left early my vacation and drove 5 hours to the san diego event just to get my own and make it special . I come here and you guys give them to people like it wasn't worth going to the event
This is exactly what bugs me too! There should not be public downloads.

Only contributors should get access to files, preferably with a trade ratio of something like 1:10, and of course every submission would need proof that the contributor really went to the event in person in order to eliminate fakes and theft.

(btw unquoted parts of your post are made of pure bullshit)

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First of all, this isn't really the place to discuss this as this is a thread about an event that will be distributed over wifi.

Secondly, I've said numerous times that the purpose of collecting the events here and posting them where anyone can get them is for those who weren't able to attend an event either related to issues of having the spare time, or geographic problems.

That's great that you were willing to drive so far to get an event. Most people can't. Most events (like the Japanese ones) aren't even available in all countries.

Re-posting them here gives others the chance to have them as well. It doesn't affect you. It doesn't de-value yours in any way. Yours is still special to you because of the effort you put in to getting it and it serves as a memento of the event you attended.

If you're worried about events from here being traded around... if you're trading events, you really shouldn't be trading stuff like this with people you don't know and trust, anyway. The only "worth" these events have are personal worth.

We don't hide these away and make them available only to a select few because we don't feel stuff like this should be hoarded. It should be shared with everyone. As for the "proof" factor... we DO ask for proof (such as a photo), but most of the bogus submissions usually get cleared up and fixed rather quickly since numerous people attend these events.

A lot of your post seems to be directed at event trading communities (the parts about collecting all dates/characteristics/natures) and I think that's rather misplaced, since there isn't really any event trading happening in this community.

At any rate, this is the wrong place to discuss this.

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So what if you didn't go to the event? Why does it matter? As long as you got it yourself is what matters. Do you people really trust everyone on the internet? Wondercards can be made by scratch and poke gen or what other program to create pokemon doesn't help either. I can make fakes myself as easy as 123 and yet they look legit. And I know nothing about computer programming or even taken a class. AR can give you a liberty pass, manaphy egg, azure flute, and you can catch the pokemon yourself even if the event was over 2 years ago. And people can say "they got it themselves" but they can lie that it wasn't the real event item. How does everybody know the files here aren't fake as well. I went on your old files site and I downloaded some pokemon and still have that link of your site and many I found fakes! Even some gen 4 events. Second, I know their is many japanese citizens here but how is it that you can get a event on the day of it release or the day after even when some of you probably need to fly there or don't live close or too busy that day with work or school. But you also ask others for the event and its wondercard. How do you know they aren't hackers? Or liers? And you only waited 1 or 2 days since the release. And already trust it. Didn't your parents teach you guys not to trust anyone on the internet? Do you even know what they look like? If they are smart? If they look like a hardworker, if they do others things then collect pokemon for others? I mean collecting pokemon for others then doing other more important things like school or work or going outside running during a sport/ activity? Doesn't that sound fishy?

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I mean collecting pokemon for others then doing other more important things like school or work or going outside running during a sport/ activity? Doesn't that sound fishy?

Shouldn't you be doing more important things too?

Collecting Pokemon can be a hobby to people, such as collecting stamps and other collectibles is to others. Forgive us if your heart of stone refuses to let you see the point of it all.

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Second, I know their is many japanese citizens here but how is it that you can get a event on the day of it release or the day after even when some of you probably need to fly there or don't live close or too busy that day with work or school.

But you also ask others for the event and its wondercard. How do you know they aren't hackers? Or liers? And you only waited 1 or 2 days since the release. And already trust it.

Didn't your parents teach you guys not to trust anyone on the internet? Do you even know what they look like? If they are smart? If they look like a hardworker, if they do others things then collect pokemon for others?

I mean collecting pokemon for others then doing other more important things like school or work or going outside running during a sport/ activity? Doesn't that sound fishy?

And what if the contributors receive the Wondercards from people that they know and trust from real life? Hmm?

Why must you come here and act as if you knew everything about their personal lives?

It is true that most of us would have to fly there to get the event. But what you seem to not realize is that it only takes at least one person who has access to a Pokémon Center + a movie theater to be able to receive pretty much every Pokémon Center events and Movie events.

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First of all, this isn't really the place to discuss this as this is a thread about an event that will be distributed over wifi.


At any rate, this is the wrong place to discuss this.

These were the two most important points from my post. They're also the same point.

Not sure yet if I'm gonna move all these posts to a different discussion thread or just delete them.

If you don't see them anywhere else, then you know why.

(BTW, thanks to those of you who actually have a good understanding of how this stuff is working)

But seriously, no more trolling and no more feeding the troll.

If you wanna talk about this Mewtwo, this is the place to do it.

If you want to talk about something different, but post that here anyway, then it's gonna get deleted.

Edit: I've moved this thread now.

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Whateves with you people. Close this please. Just don't come crawling back to me when you realize this isn't worth it. Oh and im a girl not a guy so I like to be address like one. But I rather be on Neoseeker with my buddies than here. I'm still mad for what you did to the world2011 Scrafty and I will never forget you for wasting my time . 5 hours was long time and leaving a vacation early was something I shouldn't done.

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Whateves with you people. Close this please. Just don't come crawling back to me when you realize this isn't worth it. Oh and im a girl not a guy so I like to be address like one. But I rather be on Neoseeker with my buddies than here. I'm still mad for what you did to the world2011 Scrafty and I will never forget you for wasting my time . 5 hours was long time and leaving a vacation early was something I shouldn't done.

We fully recognize what we're doing. We believe Pokemon should be available for everyone to obtain legal copies of, regardless of what games they own. And they shouldn't have to suck up to trade forum elites, like your BFFs at Neoseeker.

If you don't like what we do here (which we make no secret about), then feel free to leave. Door is over there.

You didn't post scrafty. You posted the OT/ID info, told people ours was wrong, then said "lol oops"

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I'm still mad for what you did to the world2011 Scrafty and I will never forget you for wasting my time . 5 hours was long time and leaving a vacation early was something I shouldn't done.
Re-posting them here gives others the chance to have them as well. It doesn't affect you. It doesn't de-value yours in any way. Yours is still special to you because of the effort you put in to getting it and it serves as a memento of the event you attended.

If you can't see it this way, then I think you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

Did you go to all that effort simply to get something to trade away?

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It just doesn't feel right to upload data people normally have to pay money for. There's a reason some events are only distributed to those who PAID or traveled a long way. This is nothing but paid DLC.

And don't say, "it's a FREE giveaway for those who got the movie ticket." You pay for the marketing, the staff who have to give you the event to your game card, the TV commercials (yes, there are TV ads just for Pokémon distributions), basically everything to make this possible. It's pure piracy just uploading it "for all the poor who couldn't buy a movie ticket or ... (anything)".

I know there are people who feel they must share everything with everyone no matter what, I used to be that way, but eventually realized it's completely wrong and hurts more than it helps, especially those who spend money, time, and efforts to obtain their DLC, and of course also the creators.

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You're making a much bigger deal of it than it really is.

99% of events don't require any purchase. And they ARE marketing. The entire purpose of events is to get people to get up and go to a store. And even then, I'd say most of the people that do go for the event do not purchase a single item. Staff who have to give you the event? They were working there anyway, and they don't have to do a thing once the cartridge is in the DS system. It's not piracy if you don't have to pay for it. And it's a complete moot point talking about it when the files are going from here to people who don't even live in the same country the event took place in. Pretty sure people like YOU never even had any kind of chance to reserve a movie ticket (the 1% of events that require a purchase). And I'm willing to bet you that 90% of the people who DID purchase an advance ticket to get an event were people who were already planning on seeing the movie in the first place.

Ultimately, you could put ALL events into the same category as Wi-Fi events, as their purpose is evident. They are there simply to keep fans interested in the game. It doesn't really matter where it's coming from.

And really, it's not piracy if it doesn't cost anything.

I'm not trying to argue this, since it's clear we see it differently. I'm just trying to state my position, and the position that this site and it's predecessors have always had. The cards are here for people that were unable to attend events, or people who have started to play the game now and want a Liberty Ticket (etc, etc) (that's actually one of most-oftenest downloaded cards).

I just hope that no one tries to convince me or anyone else that these things have any value, other than marketing and personal value.

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It just doesn't feel right to upload data people normally have to pay money for. There's a reason some events are only distributed to those who PAID or traveled a long way. This is nothing but paid DLC.

And don't say, "it's a FREE giveaway for those who got the movie ticket." You pay for the marketing, the staff who have to give you the event to your game card, the TV commercials (yes, there are TV ads just for Pokémon distributions), basically everything to make this possible. It's pure piracy just uploading it "for all the poor who couldn't buy a movie ticket or ... (anything)".

I know there are people who feel they must share everything with everyone no matter what, I used to be that way, but eventually realized it's completely wrong and hurts more than it helps, especially those who spend money, time, and efforts to obtain their DLC, and of course also the creators.

See? at least someone understands me. Dude Gusted and other mods here. I dont get why you make this. sooner or later nintendo is going to stop making events thanks to you guys. You know why some events exist? to get people to come to their events and spend money. American DW Lucario is a perfect example and the movie event pokemon as well. I think I know why Nintendo is doing more DW special unique code, its to stop from spamming! People, remember the first event pokemon you got yourself, the happy moment when you go to a place surrounded by other pokemon fans that are there in person from all ages. Kids get their first mew and thank their parents for taking them, we older people meet battle and trade with new friends. Every time I go get my event from a Gamestop or Toyrus it makes me smile seeing a 5 year old get a shiny Suicune, Celebi, Scarfty. why are we here? should we be letting kids do this. I mean I love Pokemon but I know most of us here have to be at least age 15 and over. We all need to grow up and learn that one day Pokemon will get canceled and the games wont exist anymore. I mean you seen the new pokemon Nintendo is running out of ideas. Pokemon has existed since 1996 and the anime creator died not too long ago. why cant we all just not obsessed over it to much. I mean get an event but is collecting and trading online is it really worth it? How many of you have spent hours just trading with people or waiting for them to sign on so you can meet up with them on wifi? My mom had to take away my nintendo DS many times because I spent half my day in my room trading and meanwhile my grades went down in school. What about you computers? full of pokemon files pokegen or other programs like Python right? Messy isnt it?

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See? at least someone understands me. Dude Gusted and other mods here. I dont get why you make this. sooner or later nintendo is going to stop making events thanks to you guys.

this is straight up a lie. go back to neoseeker with your event collector buddies and don't come back. you're not wanted here. i'm sick of reading this shit.

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Well jeez. I wonder where NeoSeeker and other places get Events from and where they originate... I've been looking at this thread for a while now. And I think it's time I've posted my thoughts about what I believe.

Concerning "DLC" and Events: This has been discussed on the Forums before, and while I do sympathize with this a little bit. I don't think it's wrong, especially if it's being saved on the Save File, it's not something that's Generation 3 where it couldn't be saved. If Nintendo really wanted to, they wouldn't be allowing people to download Wonder Cards via their retail games for generating. You could argue that it wasn't meant to be distributed again, unlike the Secret Key on Platinum. But it's really not any better than hosting the Event on a GTS or doing a Wi-Fi Trade. And if you want worse than that, go look on eBay if you want to see people selling Events for money. I've personally always liked Wonder Cards, at least it's different everytime you acquire the given present if inserted right from the original data. You never know what you're going to get in a trade, mind you.

Concerning 0 Day Japanese Events: While people do go out grab these Events. It's really not my fault or anyone else how instant they might be or not. It's troubling sometimes to know what's right with different Events, such as the Trade for Evolution! Events, or that Sing Pikachu. These are the only two Events I've failed with either not knowing that the Card ID was a faulty one, or something that I didn't catch before, like a space at the end of the OT for generating purposes. And like I've stated around 2009ish when I started wanting to contribute to this site (was a fan of Pkmdb and this site around 2008ish). I literately stay up all night, looking around for things like Events and now Distribution Text for Generation V. There's also been times where I've looked around for Events for days at a time and even then there's still Events that are missing.

It's a pleasure to contribute anything here. Most people around here have been nice over the years I've been here. No, I'm not a Staff Member and maybe people would take me a little bit more seriously if I was. I want to help because it's what I'm choosing to do. If it weren't for people maintaining Events in the past. I wouldn't be able to enjoy those older Events like those Movie ones or whatnot back then when I was just a fan. I wouldn't be a contributing if it weren't for that.

I know there's still people that respect what I do and I know who you are. I, absolutely won't quit. And I don't care what other site maintainers gaining something off of this Forum think of me, if it's hot linking and stealing watermarked images or whatnot. Getting things out for fans are a first in my priorities.

I'm trying my best. My only advice is try to understand what we're trying to do for our community. If you dislike it, then there's always other places to go to, Right? Just so people know, I'm not going to waste time with people repeating their selves. I'm also not going to repeat myself. It seems like a situation where it's what you believe in or a complaint of what we're doing, IMO.

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So I have been part of a certain private Japanese mailing list for years and this can no longer be a coincidence.

Nigoli, you always upload the very same events just a few hours after a new event has been contributed to our private mailing list. It is obviously not YOU who put efforts in obtaining the events, it's different people who try to keep the events in a small group of collectors, not to be shared with the global public.

This has been going on for years and even the latest Birthday Audino from Tohoku appeared here on Project Pokemon the same day it was finally collected by us.

"If you want to thank me for my Contributions"...

You really should stop adorning yourself with borrowed plumes and taking all the false credit.

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For the record, I get a lot of the Japanese events in person myself. And Nigoli isn't sneaking the ones he gets from some private community, he gets them from public sources. I don't know if someone from your mailing list is "leaking" them out, but I'm pretty dang sure they aren't the only ones who get their hands on the events and put them online.

I haven't closed this thread because I think it's fine to talk about this. But obviously not everyone agrees, so I'd like to remind certain users to keep the flaming and/or trolling down or this WILL get shut down.

The whole "not agreeing" thing could lead to this discussion going on forever, so I think everyone should keep that in mind as well. Not everyone is going to agree with everyone.

What we do here is not going to stop events. Regardless of what we do here, people will still go events. Those five year olds will still get their events and what we do here does not devalue that experience or their Pokemon. People will still spend money at events, and people will still NOT spend money at events (sometimes I pick something up at the Pokemon Center, sometimes I just get my Pokemon and go home).

DW events are beside the point here, so Lucario does not apply to this conversation. DW events are not hosted in the Gallery and I have never posted or shared any from my personal collection that required a purchase. But in MY opinion... if you ever buy something JUST to get the event, I would suggest that you rethink your purchase.

Interesting information for thought:

I was looking through the Gallery statistics, and two of the most consistently downloaded files are the Liberty Ticket and the Manaphy Egg.

Those are two events that have long since passed, but merely activate in-game content. Do you think people should be forever denied access to those two items? Using these WC files is really no different than a Gameshark(etc) code that activates that event.

Furthermore, in that line of thinking, one could essentially argue that ALL Wondercards are basically the same as a Gameshark code. No event yet has ever introduced data to a game that was not already present in it. It's just an arrangement of data.

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So I have been part of a certain private Japanese mailing list for years and this can no longer be a coincidence.

Nigoli, you always upload the very same events just a few hours after a new event has been contributed to our private mailing list. It is obviously not YOU who put efforts in obtaining the events, it's different people who try to keep the events in a small group of collectors, not to be shared with the global public.

This has been going on for years and even the latest Birthday Audino from Tohoku appeared here on Project Pokemon the same day it was finally collected by us.

"If you want to thank me for my Contributions"...

You really should stop adorning yourself with borrowed plumes and taking all the false credit.

Yeah I feel even tho they act so generous I sense something fishy about you guys. And no im not stopping, not doing this for pokemon only. Some people here need to get their butts off the computer and stop doing something that isn't worth it or your time! Ok playing games is good. But I think people here take the line "got to catch them all" way to seriously. No matter what all you guys like many others will get tired. this is probably for most of us some obsessed phase. No matter how many pokemon events you get. Does that change you anything in person? Were we born just to do this? Most of us here can do way better then this. You guys know it! :)

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Some people here need to get their butts off the computer and stop doing something that isn't worth it or your time!
You're one to talk, all over a single Wonder Card. inb4neoseekerisgr8 / We figured you would do this sort of thing again. Staff can feel free to lock this topic up now, IMO. I honestly don't see how this is going anywhere, all over trolling about one Event. You also shouldn't try flattering yourself when someone tries to stick up for your situation or just go against us. People go through tough times trying to do things. Deal with it and quit feeling sorry for yourself.
So I have been part of a certain private Japanese mailing list for years and this can no longer be a coincidence. Nigoli, you always upload the very same events just a few hours after a new event has been contributed to our private mailing list. It is obviously not YOU who put efforts in obtaining the events, it's different people who try to keep the events in a small group of collectors, not to be shared with the global public. This has been going on for years and even the latest Birthday Audino from Tohoku appeared here on Project Pokemon the same day it was finally collected by us.
Good for you. I was not aware of a Mailing list. I happen to find my Events from different saves from different places as a matter of fact, and I'm just dandy with that. Stated this when I started out when asked, and it's been explained quite a few times by others. Hence why it takes some hours to find them sometimes. I can assume you're the one with the .de Email address that PMed me back in 2010 harassing me about Events. *another duplicate account that's spam to add to my nonsense list* It's also clear you aren't contributing anything Japanese to that "Mailing list" either then, especially if you're located from Germany. Leech much?
"If you want to thank me for my Contributions"... You really should stop adorning yourself with borrowed plumes and taking all the false credit.
I strictly put that there to keep the Contributions Thread clean trying to help the Staff out. Oh~ I'm so very sure, that everything I've contributed up until now, is from different save files and none of my Contributions. Let's not forget other things I do around here, or other Events I've contributed that aren't off of finding random save files. And contributing to this Forum and getting Events off of different saves are two different things entirely. Hence how things like Event Databases began. Hence Contributing to the site. And if you ever contribute anything here, you can call yourself a hypocrite. Events are going to get out there one way or another, if it's on different sites / communities, and it's really nobody's fault. Not even you can stop that flow. Because nobody owns Events!

Here's a link to my post once again, since there's some people that seem too dense to read my posts.

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Okay, thread has run its course.

The one person I haven't already (temp) banned who hates what we do here at PP, feel free to leave.

Bartman, the BFFs on your mailing list aren't the only people who collect events. Surprisingly, some people like us believe to share as much as possible with the entire fandom rather than hoarding stuff among a small clique.

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