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I hope I helped, now did I you tell me??  

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  1. 1. I hope I helped, now did I you tell me??

    • Yes, it was helpful and I could understand what your were getting at
    • Yes it was helpful but some of it was confusing
    • No it wasn't helpful I know it already and your version was more confusing
    • Not helpful at all I'm so confused now!

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Posted (edited)

Yes there is a way to get the pokemon you want without using the ever wonderful !!Pokesav!! and breeding pays a big part in this. Also other things like EVs and IVs play a huge part in getting the pokemon you want.

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I hope that this guide helped and you all could understand it. Remember don't give me EV questions because that is not my strong point. The reason IVs didn't show up in the guide is because I don't know much about them. So maybe you could get someone else to help on that. Anyway I did the best I could here so please comment or add to what I missed or left out because I am deprived of information in that section. It would be appreciated!

Just in case you dont know click on the actual spoiler button to show the guide. If you want to use a spoiler just go like this ["spoiler] text text text content content text ["/spoiler"] just minus the quotation marks and the text text content stuff, that is supposed to stand for the stuff you show in the middle.

Hope it helped! *comment please!*

Edited by pokemonfan
Because I wanted to inform the community

for someone whos knowledge on pokemon seems average at best you sure do right alot of guides, i hope there not misleading, ill skim through them later, bit too much reading for me, they should be short and to the point. but anyway, keep up the good work.

  Doc said:
for someone whos knowledge on pokemon seems average at best you sure do right alot of guides, i hope there not misleading, ill skim through them later, bit too much reading for me, they should be short and to the point. but anyway, keep up the good work.

Average! I am appalled I think I know quite a bit not everything because if I did I would tell you everything. Ugh that was somewhat of an annoying post. I'm sure that these guides aren't misleading I write them from my own experience and I have combined them with other research that I have done and this research on things I have proven. Once again I am appalled!:eek::mad:


thanks although I already have trained the majority 5/6 of my pokemon team this was great help on the 5th I have now decided to dedicate the last slot in my team to you its a drifloon btw


Wow, I am well honored for someone to do something like that. I'm glad to have helped it is one of my goals. That and to have my information used on the main site. So if there is something lacking in any of my guides I want to be told. People have already told me some things and I'm planning to add them.

  pokemonfan said:
Average! I am appalled I think I know quite a bit not everything because if I did I would tell you everything. Ugh that was somewhat of an annoying post. I'm sure that these guides aren't misleading I write them from my own experience and I have combined them with other research that I have done and this research on things I have proven. Once again I am appalled!:eek::mad:

your right your guides are very helpful for putting together a killing team :D

  ReD_RoToM said:
take a deep breath.....in the nose...out the mouth. ::hugs pokemonfan:: :)

a dude what's up with you *stares in shock at person hugging someone randomly*


thats no random person...its pokemonfan :) only 3 days on the forums and i have shocked someone...thought that would have taken longer...eh. btw, pokemonfan that is a nice guide that will be taken into consideration as i work on my project.


this being based on the assumption that i am male...? and pokemon fan is also male....? thats a double assumption sandwich that i would wanna eat, but as i can see that you wanna take a bite, be my guest. with that said im thinkin that about enough of this discussion for a pokemon forum.

  ReD_RoToM said:
this being based on the assumption that i am male...? and pokemon fan is also male....? thats a double assumption sandwich that i would wanna eat, but as i can see that you wanna take a bite, be my guest. with that said im thinkin that about enough of this discussion for a pokemon forum.

well the odds are 50/50 and when people post you can tell by what the say or by three avatar exception damio


well guessing happens a lot like me I'm guessing you are a male to but i have nothing to back it up also what would you suggest i do with 2 new eevees that i got by you know how


I can easily guess that everyone on this site is male, and only be wrong a few times (but there are some people I know are female).

Oh and btw, on the old forums, my avatar was a girl for a couple of weeks, but it was also this one (first avatar), so avatar's cannot be used to assume someone's gender.

but, how does this matter?

Also on the guide, I don't have time for most of this, that is why I hack :P


This seems like it should be a basic introduction to breeding, EV's, IV's and the like, but while the guide is correct although there are a few parts where the information is muddy, provides excess information that doesn't help to prove/assert a point. and Instead of providing some basic information when it should, refers you to an outside guide. It also should be structured a little better so it's easier to read.

I don't mean to be harsh, as constructive criticism should be taken impersonally and I'm just trying to help you improve your guide. And I would offer more details as to what it is I feel needs to be changed, but that would be me rewriting it. Good luck with it.

  damio said:
I can easily guess that everyone on this site is male, and only be wrong a few times (but there are some people I know are female).

Oh and btw, on the old forums, my avatar was a girl for a couple of weeks, but it was also this one (first avatar), so avatar's cannot be used to assume someone's gender.

but, how does this matter?

Also on the guide, I don't have time for most of this, that is why I hack :P

some can if you don't change to different avatars that change gender perspective of you :P

  Enkidu said:
This seems like it should be a basic introduction to breeding, EV's, IV's and the like, but while the guide is correct although there are a few parts where the information is muddy, provides excess information that doesn't help to prove/assert a point. and Instead of providing some basic information when it should, refers you to an outside guide. It also should be structured a little better so it's easier to read.

I don't mean to be harsh, as constructive criticism should be taken impersonally and I'm just trying to help you improve your guide. And I would offer more details as to what it is I feel needs to be changed, but that would be me rewriting it. Good luck with it.

Well for one: Thanks for the advice

Two: I dont want to copy off of other fan sites plus by referencing them people know they exist and they can find other information there that is not here yet

Three: What were the muddy parts?

Alright so since we already have a pokemon chosen we can skip right to the next part on the list. The moves you want it to know. Well you can find a pokemon's move pool at this location:


I'm sure though that we will eventually have all of that information right here on project pokemon. So then I will just be linking to other pages here! So choose the moves but when choosing the moves you have to keep in mind what role this pokemon is going to play in your party. This leads me into my next point which is considering the pokemon's role.

This is extremely important when creating a good pokemon for it is the basis to all of your efforts. Now I knew exactly what my drifloon was going to be like. I was not a dumb battler I knew that smart moves=crippled opponent=easy win. So I figured well my drifloon can learn both stockpile and spit up which combined can create a powerful special attack but stockpile can also be used to hunker down and defend myself when I destroy them in their dreams because I wanted drifloon to know dream eater and hypnosis.

Now look at this next bit. It will tell you the moves I wanted my drifloon to learn and how.

Stockpile: at Lv 22

Spit up: at lv 27

Dream eater: TM85

Hypnosis: Egg

Now stockpile and spit up they are the easiest because you learn them naturally and maybe you want all lv up moves that is perfectly fine and normal it isn't a bad thing. In this case though Dream eater and Hypnosis are going to be harder to get on a pokemon. Now to get dream eater you must find it in the game or obtain it through cheats. In platinum dream eater can be found by the side of lake valor I believe. Hypnosis can be bred on to a drifloon by using breeding. If you want to read my guide on Breeding: Egg moves: then use the following link.

http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=93 (link to my egg move guide on breeding) :it will help you understand egg moves better:

so just to recap I have my four moves chosen, pokemon chosen, and their role chosen. However I mentioned that choosing their role would be crucial to the development and training of the pokemon. Why is that? Well because of EV training!

EV training is where you have your pokemon battle specific pokemon so that it can get stronger in a particular stat. Now some pokemon are naturally strong in certain stats and those stats vary from pokemon to pokemon. Drifloons are naturals when it comes to raising their HP they raise it when they level up in usually large numbers. Now maybe you are wondering what exactly EVs are well EVs are Effort Values which are appropriately name for at the end of training the amount of EVs will show in the stats. When you battle a pokemon in game not and not at the battle tower, wifi, friend or stuff like that each pokemon you fight will give EV points, based on their strong stat. Like if you did battle a drifloon then you would get 1 HP EV point towards your EVs now a pokemon can have a max number of 510 EV points otherwise your pokemon could become immortal practically if there wasn't a limit. It takes 4 EV points to actually make one point addition on the stats. So it takes some work but it is worth it in the end. Now what pokemon give what in stats well a member of this site made a list which is good of him here comes the link...

http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=120 (link to EV training list) *Created by: NeoDraven thanks a bunch!*

Now if you still have questions ask NeoDraven because EVs really aren't my strong point. However, if your pokemon wasn't on the list go to this link and search on the pokemon you are looking for.

http://pokemon.marriland.com/platinu...x/list/sinnoh/ Pokedex link

Eventually though, all of this information will be on the site and there will be no need for multiple browsers linked to other sites.

Now, I know the moves and all my attack moves are special moves so I'm going to find a pokemon that gives EV points towards special attack and find the one that is most common in the wild at lower levels. For my drifloon's battling opponent I chose gastly because 1: easy to find, 2: low level, and 3:I respect them because they helped get hypnosis onto my drifloon.

With that settled we can start finding the perfect nature a nature that boosts special attack. Well it took me a while to breed the pokemon with the right one but I finally got one. The nature was rash which boosts special attack and lowers special defense. I was really shooting for modest because if boosts sp. atk and lowers atk and Atk would be irrelevant if no attack moves were the atk type. But I stuck with rash because I had tried many times and I really got board of hatching eggs. Here is a list of all the natures and their effects:

That whole part isn't organized or put in the right order where the information builds up the way it should in a guide, you have a few points but they are scattered and make it difficult for people who don't already know this stuff to learn much.

Your putting a lot more of your opinion in this than you should, and it takes away from the "guide" part of it, which is supposed to objectively show how to get things done or how mechanics work.

Spacing and pictures would be nice as well, as it gives the guide a very relaxed; not tl/dr wall of text kinda feel. Which really invites players to read all of it instead of skimming.

 and are your best friends.


Or even smaller things like dpiconani425.gifdpiconani393.gif Every now and then really help to make a guide "flow" or whatever you want to call it.


You put an image URL inside of em and it displays it as a picture. Pretty useful when your in the groove and just want to keep on typing instead of having to go up to the top and hit the insert image button.

Right click>Paste to put the URL in here to close off the image tags :D

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