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Making my .SAV look legit?


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would anyone like to take my sav file and make sure it's legit?

the hex values are wrong, but most of my pokemon were "bred" in platinum.

Meaning that the daycare couple gave them to me, and then they were hatched in solaceon town. I have around 40-ish pokemon.

So does anyone want to help?

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Well, I don't think you can comb through every byte of a save and know if it's legit or not. =/ That's like asking how many hairs are on a person's head and how many hair cuts they have had with just the hair info. :P

On another note, we can not make a 100% legal Pokemon. There are still event flags we (people in general) don't know about, however, you can make it legal enough to fool the game. ;P

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