Jiovanie Posted July 30, 2011 Posted July 30, 2011 I tried this code and it worked so thanks a bunch, Also I don't mind recatching and re meeting pokemon, now I have a reason to keep playing now Also I would like to add the only pokemon I want in my pokedex are my faveorites the others can just not exist.
HollywoodRequium Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 well its not workin for me i did it right caught a pokemon the pokemon registered and all but i still have a complete pokedex so i call it a fail....
Kaphotics Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 HollywoodRequium said: well its not workin for me i did it right caught a pokemon the pokemon registered and all but i still have a complete pokedex so i call it a fail.... I call you a fail, you obviously didn't follow the instructions properly. It works...
t0ad! Posted August 11, 2011 Posted August 11, 2011 Thanks for the info, you don't know how much you helped TwT
rosimic Posted August 11, 2011 Posted August 11, 2011 can someone please tell me HOW to add this cheat to the cheat list?
Kaphotics Posted August 11, 2011 Posted August 11, 2011 rosimic said: can someone please tell me HOW to add this cheat to the cheat list? copy paste done just like you'd add any other cheat found on the web.
rosimic Posted August 12, 2011 Posted August 12, 2011 well, that is my question, how to add any cheat i found on web?
arcee Posted August 12, 2011 Posted August 12, 2011 .. Codr said: What's a tab? And what's a search feature??????????? This is all so complicated. ? Fourth result on google. First three were videos on how to add codes.
Colter Posted August 12, 2011 Posted August 12, 2011 Since the problem is Shiny Zekrom, Reshiram, and Victini as well as Genesect, Meloetta, and Keldeo, is there a code for a pokedex excluding these? In fact, if someone decides to work on it, null all shinies from the code. Shiny pokemon are supposed to be unique
jariesuicune Posted August 14, 2011 Posted August 14, 2011 (edited) edit: Ugh. Well, looks like this isn't gonna be much use after all. I haven't been able to find ANY combination that results in a Dex that will be glitch-free AND pass the check, even if the areas with any of the problem Pokemon are completely empty (set to 0). It keeps on producing at least one entry that has SOMETHING wrong with it (usually the image of the Pokemon is glitchy, resulting in a crash if it's seen.) So, the best I can see happening with this code is just making it produce a mostly-empty Dex, instead of just an empty one, for connecting to the PGL and then using the Complete-Dex code afterwards. sigh... I really wish that PokeGen's Dex code wasn't so HUMONGOUS! If only a fix for that were made soon... (I wouldn't mind if it automatically set any given Pokemon to have all Forms+Shiny and Languages (where applicable) for the desired Pokemon, if that would reduce the code-length. I'd then just trade or use the Encounter Code to get the non-Shiny of Victini/Zekrom/Reshiram to top it off.) Heh. That code is EXACTLY what I'm working on. If you didn't already notice, the difference between the Complete Dex and Empty Dex codes is that one has a line of "FFFFFFFF" and the other "00000000". These refer to groups of Pokemon affected. If you want to help me get this finished up as good as it can (since any other Dex-mod codes are WAY too long for an AR), I'll post what specific data I know about this code. I THOUGHT I'd finally gotten it right... but apparently not, since I get the error even with this version... T_T (Sorry it looks a bit funny in parts... I didn't take the time to account for TAB spaces while putting it together in Notepad. And I'm too lazy to fix it... ; Ah well. If it's going to make sense to you, it'll make sense.) Basic code's layout: (XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX) <---This area varies between each B/W game and each region. My posted examples use the Black (JP) and White (JP) info, respectively. To convert this code for other regions, just apply that region/game's code here. 0223d030 00001803 d5000000 [1234{5}{6}{7}{8}] <---THIS, the second set of 8 Hexadecimal digits, which I have NUMBERED 1-8 are the working numbers here, specifically 5-8. These are NOT their desired Hexadecimal numbers for the code. c0000000 00000131 d6000000 0223d034 d2000000 00000000 Each number in the brackets refers to a set of 80-84 Pokemon in the Pokedex, non-sequential. (Well, there IS a sequence, but I'm not gonna try to figure it out.) The variable sets which Pokemon are Seen&Caught, has MOST Forms&Shiny included (if a Form is missing, so is the Shiny for it). Language-dexes appear as well, but seem almost random; they're not that important anyway. X-variable | Packet's Pokedex Count Which PGL-blocking Pokemon are in which packet (An "------" means it's a good one for the PGL) (0-F) 1-5 6 7-8 Packet 5 Packet 6 Packet 7 Packet 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 | 00 00 00 | (none in packet) 1 | 20 21 21 | ------ Genosect ------ ------ 2 | 20 20 21 | Victini ------ ------ ------ 3 | 40 41 42 | Victini Genosect ------ ------ 4 | 20 20 21 | ------ ------ Keldeo Reshiram 5 | 40 41 42 | ------ Genosect Keldeo Reshiram 6 | 40 40 42 | Victini ------ Keldeo Reshiram 7 | 60 61 63 | Victini Genosect Keldeo Reshiram 8 | 20 20 21 | ------ ------ Meloetta Zekrom 9 | 40 41 42 | ------ Genosect Meloetta Zekrom A | 40 40 42 | Victini ------ Meloetta Zekrom B | 60 61 63 | Victini Genosect Meloetta Zekrom C | 40 40 42 | ------ ------ Keldeo & Meloetta Zekrom & Reshiram D | 60 61 63 | ------ Genosect Keldeo & Meloetta Zekrom & Reshiram E | 60 60 63 | Victini ------ Keldeo & Meloetta Zekrom & Reshiram F | 80 81 84 | (all in packet) Packets 6-8 (and others likely) may have glitches when viewed in the Pokedex if the rest of the resulant numbers are mostly set to ZERO or possibly other low numbers. -To avoid this, using a fairly completing code should work (ie: 100% complete, mostly complete, 000% complete) ---------------------------------------------- I had THOUGHT that the desired setting would be: "FFFFDE33" (since it excludes all 6 problem Pokemon), but it won't let me on with that set (also caught Zekrom, Reshiram, and Victini for their normal sprites. So... I'm starting to wonder if there's something else that's included in the check, like for Shiny Arceus/Celebi/ or others that CAN NOT LEGALLY be obtained in their Shiny form in any game since Gen III (must have been Event Shiny or catchable in either Gen III/GenIV/GenV, I would suppose.) Anyone want to help test for others that could be issues? Also, it could be that those codes are still unlocking data in the Dex relating to those main 6 Pokemon, but it doesn't become visible... I dunno. Edited August 16, 2011 by jariesuicune Looks hopeless
Colter Posted August 16, 2011 Posted August 16, 2011 This sounds promising, but maybe you can try to exclude every shiny. That might prove helpful as any illegitimate shiny can ruin the pokedex.
jariesuicune Posted August 16, 2011 Posted August 16, 2011 (edited) Nope, no other customization is possible. You can only "choose" the species (groups). I don't know nearly enough about coding to try to figure out the rest of how it works, it was a miracle I figured out that much... It always unlocks the Shiny form of any forms that it unlocks (ex.: if it sets 4 of Rotom's 6 forms, always including basic form, as well as their matching Shiny). Not that I care about Shiny being unique... I actually wish some/most had more than one color-form, even if slightly! ; What do you mean "illegitimate shiny" ruining the Dex? I don't understand that at all... However... after much trial and error, I've only been able to conclude that the best you could hope for would be a not-quite-empty-the-Pokedex code. So far, it's always had a glitched image (I'm not sure what causes that, but it only seems to occur if one of the variable numbers is set to 0), and, if you set the last four numbers (which have the 6 problem Pokemon) to anything other than 0, it seems that they will SOMEHOW have some data set, even if you can't see it. So, I've given up on this. Dang, that hurts to say... I really don't like to give up on something that looked so promising. As of yet, the only thing I know works is PokeGen's Dex code. But, unless you HAPPEN to have the ARDSi-MicroSD card version, you can't actually make use of that code because it is extremely long, and the AR was stupidly built to not handle that much text. So, unless a NEW firmware is released that includes expanding the length a code can be and work, it looks pretty hopeless. edit: I keep getting messages that say a new reply has been posted to this forum, but I never see any past this one of mine... what's up with that? Edited September 14, 2011 by jariesuicune
kypy Posted September 26, 2011 Posted September 26, 2011 hello people i am new in this forum I resolve the problem i catch the pokemon to the pokedex examiname the first pokemon but when I try to enter the pokedex I get the error how do I enter the pokedex
Codr Posted September 26, 2011 Posted September 26, 2011 jariesuicune said: I really wish that PokeGen's Dex code wasn't so HUMONGOUS! If only a fix for that were made soon... (I wouldn't mind if it automatically set any given Pokemon to have all Forms+Shiny and Languages (where applicable) for the desired Pokemon, if that would reduce the code-length. It can only be shortened by about 167 lines at most. You simply can't remove data without removing the guarantee that everything is written as it should be.
Bond697 Posted September 26, 2011 Posted September 26, 2011 jariesuicune said: Nope, no other customization is possible. You can only "choose" the species (groups). I don't know nearly enough about coding to try to figure out the rest of how it works, it was a miracle I figured out that much...It always unlocks the Shiny form of any forms that it unlocks (ex.: if it sets 4 of Rotom's 6 forms, always including basic form, as well as their matching Shiny). Not that I care about Shiny being unique... I actually wish some/most had more than one color-form, even if slightly! ; What do you mean "illegitimate shiny" ruining the Dex? I don't understand that at all... However... after much trial and error, I've only been able to conclude that the best you could hope for would be a not-quite-empty-the-Pokedex code. So far, it's always had a glitched image (I'm not sure what causes that, but it only seems to occur if one of the variable numbers is set to 0), and, if you set the last four numbers (which have the 6 problem Pokemon) to anything other than 0, it seems that they will SOMEHOW have some data set, even if you can't see it. So, I've given up on this. Dang, that hurts to say... I really don't like to give up on something that looked so promising. As of yet, the only thing I know works is PokeGen's Dex code. But, unless you HAPPEN to have the ARDSi-MicroSD card version, you can't actually make use of that code because it is extremely long, and the AR was stupidly built to not handle that much text. So, unless a NEW firmware is released that includes expanding the length a code can be and work, it looks pretty hopeless. edit: I keep getting messages that say a new reply has been posted to this forum, but I never see any past this one of mine... what's up with that? not that it matters a whole lot because that code is total crap, but that isn't exactly how it works. let's use the white english version as an exmaple: 94000130 FFFB0000 0223D1D0 00001803 D5000000 FFFFFFFF C0000000 00000131 D6000000 0223D1D4 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 activator(FFFB is select), whatever 0223D1D0 00001803 constant 32-bit write of "00001803" to 223d1d0 D5000000 FFFFFFFF set the ar's data register(aka. 'Dx' or i sometimes call it 'rD') to FFFFFFFF, as that is the value we'll be (stupidly) writing over and over C0000000 00000131 the loop statement- we can make a for-loop out of this and we will at the end D6000000 0223D1D4 called post-increment addressing in arm, the ar does 223d1d4(+offset) = FFFFFFFF, 223d1d4 + (offset += 4) (the 4 here isn't being added straight to 223d1d4, it's being added to another ar register called the "offset" and that is being added to 221d1d4) D2000000 00000000 loop execute/terminator- keeps running the loop starting at C0000000 00000131 or terminates the ar code and pus everything back as it should if the loop is done. each time it hits this line, it does 0x131 - 1. well not 131 every time, but the original is 131 then -1 on the first loop, etc. we can do it like this, really: if(press select) { *(0x0223D1D0 + offset) =0x00001803; rD = 0xFFFFFFFF; for (int i=0; i<0x131; i++) { *(0x0223D1D4 + offset) = rD; offset += 4; } } what i'm saying is that that part you have labelled as affecting 80-some pokes at a time actually doesn't. try tweaking the number of loops.
jariesuicune Posted September 27, 2011 Posted September 27, 2011 Well, since the current code generated is 343 lines long... what's the maximum the ARDSi can handle? Would 176 lines work, if that was the only code on? It would be fine if someone had one that just simply set the Dex to as complete as 'possible' for each game-version/language, since that's what is probably most wanted anyway? Sorry, I'm not trying to sound demanding; no matter how hard I try, I just can't get my mind around how these all work, past the super super simple stuff, so I can't just do this myself... Bond697 As for the runty code, as I had said, it did (visibly, at least) affect a range of 20/40/60/80 Pokemon, depending of the variables. Test out what I said, if you don't get what I mean; it certainly does affect those ranges (How does your "131" equate to being 20, 40, 60, or 80?). I can't say I really understand what you were saying. Considering that it seems to always have some data half-entered in end (unless you do 000% or 100% complete), the code is useless anyway. I tested every single possibility with the variables I mentioned, and I completely doubt that it would make any difference to simply tweak those loops. Altering the number of Pokemon affected would be pointless if there's always something incomplete. So, I've given up on it. You're welcome to show me wrong on that though. I'd be more than happy to see that I'm just being a pessimist about a possible gold mine! ;
Bond697 Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 (edited) Edited September 28, 2011 by Bond697 hold that thought
jariesuicune Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 Hm, thanks for the attempt... but which version/region is that for? I test on Japanese Black (I don't have English versions, and White is my gaming one). As to why it crashes at that point, it's probably the same issue as the small code: incomplete data, or something like that. When seen (before it crashes, unless the screen simply freezes), you can tell which Pokemon it happens on, because it will either show the wrong Pokemon (somehow) or it will have random glitched-up colors, or just be turned into a black/white 'coloring'. Also, does that include Victini's Shiny or not? (since it needs to not have it's Shiny, like with Zekrom/Reshiram [unknown if there are other problem-Shinies], and the total absence of Meloetta/Keldeo/Genosect. Well, since it doesn't reach them, it wouldn't include those others. ; ) ... "blow up an AR"? it'd take a lot more than a bad code to do that. Who started that idea in the first place? (rhetorical)
Bond697 Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 that obviously was a joke. it's for english white and it's missing stuff intermittently, not the last 25 or so.
Bond697 Posted September 28, 2011 Posted September 28, 2011 here: 94000130 FFFB0000 DC000000 0223C074 90000000 FFFB0000 DA000000 00000000 D4000000 00000004 D7000000 00000000 D0000000 00000000 D3000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 2223D1D0 00000003 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 FFFFFFFF C0000000 00000013 D6000000 0223D1D4 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 0223D224 0000003F 0223D228 8FFFFFFF 0223D22C FFFFFFFF 0223D230 FFFFFFFF 0223D234 F7FAFFFF 0223D238 FFFFFFFF 0223D23C FFFFFFFF 0223D240 FFFFFFFF 0223D244 FFFCDFFF 0223D248 FFFFFFFF 0223D24C FDFFFFFF 0223D250 FFFFFFFF 0223D254 F7FFFFFF 0223D258 6FFFFFFF 0223D25C FF7FFFFF 0223D260 DFFFFFFF 0223D264 FFFFFF7F 0223D268 FFFFFFFF 0223D26C FFFFFFE7 0223D270 FFFFFFFF 0223D274 FFCFFFFF 0223D278 0000003F 0223D27C 7FFFFFFF 0223D280 FFFFFFFC 0223D284 FFFCFFFF 0223D288 7E7FF9E7 0223D28C FF9C7EF7 0223D290 FFFFFFFF 0223D294 FFFFFEFF 0223D298 F8E3E6FF 0223D29C FFFFFFFF 0223D2A0 FEFFFFF7 0223D2A4 FF3CFFFF 0223D2A8 081FFFFF 0223D2AC DFFFFFFC 0223D2B0 FFE7FFFF 0223D2B4 39FFDFFF 0223D2B8 FFFFC090 0223D2BC F9FFFFFF 0223D2C0 FFFFFFFF 0223D2C4 FE3FFFFF 0223D2C8 1FF39FBF 0223D2CC 00000000 0223D2D0 8FFFFFFF 0223D2D4 FFFFFFFF 0223D2D8 FFFFFFFF 0223D2DC F7FAFFFF 0223D2E0 FFBFFFFF 0223D2E4 FFFFFFFF 0223D2E8 FFFFFFFF 0223D2EC FBFCDFFF 0223D2F0 FFFFFFFF 0223D2F4 FDFFFFFF 0223D2F8 FFFFFFFF 0223D2FC F7FFFFFF 0223D300 6FFFFFFE 0223D304 FF7FFFFF 0223D308 DFFFFFFF 0223D30C FFFFDD7F 0223D310 FFFFFFFF 0223D314 FFFFFFE7 0223D318 FFFFFFFF 0223D31C FFCFFFFF 0223D320 00000033 0223D324 7FFFFFFF 0223D328 FFFFFFFC 0223D32C FFFCFFFF 0223D330 7E7FF9E7 0223D334 FF9C7EF7 0223D338 FFFFFFFF 0223D33C FFFFFEFF 0223D340 F8E3E6FF 0223D344 FFFFFFFF 0223D348 FEFFFFF7 0223D34C FF3CFFFF 0223D350 081FFFFF 0223D354 DFFFFFFC 0223D358 FFE7FFFF 0223D35C 39FFDFFF 0223D360 FFFFC090 0223D364 F9FFFFFF 0223D368 FFFFFFFF 0223D36C FE3FFFFF 0223D370 1FF39FBF 0223D374 00000000 0223D378 8FFFFFFF 0223D37C FFFFFFFF 0223D380 FFFFFFFF 0223D384 F7FAFFFF 0223D388 FFFFFFFF 0223D38C FFFFFFFF 0223D390 FFFFFFFF 0223D394 FFFCDFFF 0223D398 FFFFFFFF 0223D39C FDFFFFFF 0223D3A0 FFFFFFFF 0223D3A4 F7FFFFFF 0223D3A8 6FFFFFFF 0223D3AC FF7FFFFF 0223D3B0 DFFFFFFF 0223D3B4 F87FFF7F 0223D3B8 E7FEE68F 0223D3BC 13FB74E5 0223D3C0 C5CCB923 0223D3C4 FE4EEFEF 0223D3C8 0000003F 0223D3CC 70000000 0223D3D0 00000000 0223D3D4 00000000 0223D3D8 08050000 0223D3DC 00000000 0223D3E0 00000000 0223D3E4 00000000 0223D3E8 00032000 0223D3EC 00000000 0223D3F0 02000000 0223D3F4 00000000 0223D3F8 08000000 0223D3FC 90000000 0223D400 00800000 0223D404 20000000 0223D408 07800080 0223D40C 18011970 0223D410 EC048B1A 0223D414 3A3346DC 0223D418 01B11010 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 00000000 C0000000 00000029 D6000000 0223D41C D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 00000000 C0000000 00000014 D6000000 0223FB58 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 D5000000 FFFFFFFF C0000000 00000069 D6000000 0223D4EC D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 0223D698 07FFFFFF 0223D4C8 FFFFFFFF 0223D4CC FFFFFFFF 2223D4D0 000000F3 2223D4D1 000000FF 1223D4D2 0000FFFF 0223D4D4 FFFFFFFF 1223D4D8 0000F3FF 1223D4DA 00000001 0223D4DC 54151000 1223D4E0 00004512 2223D4E2 00000050 2223D4E3 00000000 0223D4E4 00000000 0223D4E8 00000000 D2000000 00000000 646 seen/caught, no crashes, nothing shiny that shouldn't be. pokemon white english, etcetc. works on both a real ar and desmume. made from pokegen's, so credit to codr/pokegen, really. e: open the dex then press select. e2: if anyone wants to adpot this to another version, it's really easy. look at what i changed and just make the same changes.
jariesuicune Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 Sorry, I knew it was a joke. It's all over the net... ; (I kinda do really wonder how it got started though. >_>; Even though I don't really want to know.) But... O_O All of a sudden you have a working one!? That the AR can actually handle? Gotta test this... (but I still don't get how to do the changes needed for the version/region change... T_T Look at what you changed relative to... the regularly-generated code from PokeGen? 'Cause that'd be a lot of lines to compare... [i always end up doing things the longest way, since I'm no good at understanding the shortcuts] Sorry...) Oh, and does it include the National Entries for 001-493 (those that it includes)? I know it's not a "big" thing, but it is something rather neat to have (and EXTREMELY time consuming to do manually...).
Codr Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 Bond697 said: if anyone wants to adpot this to another version, it's really easy. look at what i changed and just make the same changes. That wouldn't be possible in a lot of cases due to there not necessarily being a large group of consistent bytes to write.
jariesuicune Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 Really? Dang... T_T Still, if it works (and then similar for other region/versions), it might lead to at least finding a set of codes that gives ~95% completeness, which would be quite the accomplishment! I just wish I could be of help to this...
Codr Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 jariesuicune said: Really? Dang... T_T Still, if it works (and then similar for other region/versions), it might lead to at least finding a set of codes that gives ~95% completeness, which would be quite the accomplishment! ...Bond says his code works on the AR?
Bond697 Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 yeah, tested and working on a real ar. and i was meaning that if anyone wants this exact code to work with another version of the game. trying other combos of dex entries likely won't work, you're certainly right about that.
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