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Posted (edited)

I need some help/info on how to figure out my Secret ID's on the following Gen 3 games: Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, and FireRed.

I own a Gameshark SP (which go for an outrageous $70+ on eBay now), so if there is no in-game way to figure it out, I suppose using the GSP would be an alternate form if need be.

Edit: After browsing around here & there, it seems I would need to catch a Shiny Pokemon legitimately and that's one way I can figure out my SID. But is there a code I can use to make this faster? Or any method to make this faster so I can see what my Secret ID codes are?

~ Aether Nexus

Edited by Aether Nexus
  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I know the codes to use to figure out on an AR GBA, but unfortunately there are no SID revealing codes for GSSP, which sucks.

What I have found out though, and it being much cheaper than buying an AR GBA off of eBay to figure my SID's out, is that I can buy a flash card or whatever it is (like an R4 for my DS/DS Lite) and put the R4 in my first slot of my DS, and my Pokemon cartridge game in my second slot. I can send my save file into the R4 and then from the R4 put it into my PC and move the file somehow with a program that reads it and load it up on VBA. This way, I can use the AR GBA code on VBA and with my save file loaded and figure out my Secret ID that way.

Will that work? Does anyone know? I don't have any experience with stuff like R4's, and the guy in the video had an Edge card, which his model is no longer sold (they only sell Edge cards for the DSi's now) but I'm sure an R4 is the same thing, isn't it? So if anyone has any experience with that kind of stuff, do give me some information on if it's possible to transfer my save file from my GBA games to my R4 then load it up on VBA.

~ Aether Nexus

  BananaMan14 said:
try this GSSP/Codebreaker is the same as Raw


Try this

00000000 18035430
000088D4 00000000

Nope, doesn't work for me. That might have worked for the older Gamesharks for the GBA, but not for the SP. The codes to input on the GBA SP are much different. There are only 12 digits for each line, and it spaces after 8 digits, so it'd be like this: 12345678 1234. AR codes, codebreaker codes, and older GS codes are 16 digits in one line and split at the 8 digit mark. Nothing I can do with those codes.

I'm thinking I just try the method I used in the post above. I buy an R4, save my game cartridge game file to the R4, then import the save to my PC through the SD micro card on the R4 and open it up with VBA, then use the AR SID code to see my SID on my save file through VBA. There are only 3 options, and that's one of them. The other is to buy an Action Replay GBA off of eBay for $70+, catch a legit shiny in-game and use the method with a shiny to figure out my SID (or close to it, apparently), and lastly buy an R4 and import my save to it, load it on the PC, load it into VBA, put in the AR SID revealing code, and figure out my SID that way (the R4 with an SD micro card will cost me around $15-30 -- better than buying a AR GBA).

~ Aether Nexus

Posted (edited)
  BananaMan14 said:

Wow, thanks. I didn't know they still sold those. So it says for the GBA and GBA SP. Also, I know that the GBA AR's have a disc that comes with them, so does it install a program on my PC and I enter in my codes then load them into the AR and put my cartridge in after and just start the game with those selected codes, like how the ARDS does? Wow, if that's really how it does it, then that'll save me tons of time. My GSSP only enables manual codes, and if I screw up one of the codes, I have to restart the code. It's a lot of trial & error/hit & miss with the GSSP if you're trying out new codes that aren't listed on the Gameshark website.

~ Aether Nexus

Edited by Aether Nexus
  • 4 years later...
  Delta Blast Burn said:
Does this work for your gssp

18035430 88D4

I'm not the person you were helping, but I tried all the codes you mentioned for Sapphire on Visualboy Advance and they did not show the secret ID instead of trainer ID and I want to make a Pokemon in PokeHex that looks like it came from Sapphire, and I need my Secret ID from Sapphire so I would appreciate any help you can give me.

  geekqueen2010 said:
I'm not the person you were helping, but I tried all the codes you mentioned for Sapphire on Visualboy Advance and they did not show the secret ID instead of trainer ID and I want to make a Pokemon in PokeHex that looks like it came from Sapphire, and I need my Secret ID from Sapphire so I would appreciate any help you can give me.

From what i've experienced, VBA has imperfect handling of ar/gs codes, just load your save in A-Save.

Just open your .sa# file (With the open button after launching A-Save) if you dont see a .sa# file in your vba folder find the file that has a creation/ modification time of when you last played the game, with a file size of 128 kb and the name of your rom file.

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