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Pid Type of NYPC Wish Hypno?


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I would like to create a legit looking NYPC wish hypno. However Im unsure what PID type I should be using. Im aware that it was hatched with the trainers Name/ID who recieved the egg. However I have seen examples of event eggs with event PIDs.

I would also like any other usual tips for crafting one, as well as I would like to look at any premade .PKM files anyone has handy that checked out.

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Going to the event is the only way of making/receiving legit pokemon.

Brb, going to go buy a time machine to obtain something maybe 2 people in the world I know of have, lul. I said legit "looking" for personal use, Im Adhd like that. Im fully aware Ill never get a real one, but I would settle for the next best thing.

Be real man. You are on a website that specializes in hacking or busting rng for various reasons.

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Who said I was going to trick anyone? I want this hypno for personal use. Let me rephrase this so you will actually read my post and quit picking out words to brow beat me. I would like to make a "Legal" NYPC wish hypno.

Im 24 years old, I dont give a damn about pokemon trades, I like to make mons that I can personally use in battles with friends that pass hack checks. All im intrested in. Now either answer my question and stop picking key words out to argue, or Im done with this website. This is entirely unappropriate, twisting words and making half baked assumptions.

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None of us support tricking other users with "legit" Pokemon. The way you worded it was shady :P

We only provide the information to create Legal things, hence 'legal.exe'

Your answer is here.

clicky the link, ctrl-F PC New York

PC New York 2004 (WISH) - Obedience Flag Check / Limited to Uncommon GBA



Have a nice day :)

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clicky the link, ctrl-F PC New York



Have a nice day :)

You are pathetic, if I were 4 years old what does it matter? I fail to see how this is at all relevant to what I asked. I came here to discuss the data, and you came here to argue. I am done with childish antics, enjoy this slowly dying website. The information I need is elsewhere.

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