LacusEternal Posted March 11, 2011 Posted March 11, 2011 Can someone find me a Move modifier code for pokemon white/black please. that works.
Typh39 Posted March 11, 2011 Posted March 11, 2011 I have a very noobish question, apologies. I noted the XML that riolu posted in the thread to you get those cheats into a game? I mean, I have no idea what to do with the actual XML files. Thanks.
ImminentG Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Hello ALL. Been dying for a black+white move modifier. Tried one that was allegedly supposed to do all four at the same time with separate hex values. Yeah, GOODBYE PROGRESS. I, like many who are in love with gen V moves and the ridiculous new stat buffing, just want to see someone create something along the lines of how we used to mod our sets. Typically that would include a good 3 or 4 codes, those being 1.all tms, 2.teach any tm, 3.tm17 mod, 4.REMOVE ALL TMS/HMS FROM BAG. Nobody wants to be in that wtf moment where you realize you shouldn't've held onto those damned things. Especially now that they dropped this infinite tm thing on us in gen V. I mean, how are we supposed to dump them?! C'mon, I know I'm not the only one. All over the internet there's people crying and weeping tears of WHY?! Ev's, Iv's, Natures, Shinies, but... NO decent MOVE MOD?!?! WHYYYYYYYYY?!?! Don't take it the wrong way, I love this site, I've been using it for cheat info and some of the best methods for several releases, you guys are great, the best, even. I know it's only been a week since the release, which shocks me seeing all the cheat progress that's been made, but I would be eternally grateful for and to whoever writes that make or break move mod. THANK YOU all in advance.
Butterfree 1967 Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 To Riolu Aura Sphere: I really hope you come up with an instant egg code for B/W as your codes always work well! I didn't see one in your XML file!!!! Thanx
Hurricane Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Pokemon White/Black Crown Beasts in box 3 slots 10,11, and 12. (Press SELECT to activate) White: 94000130 FFFB0000 0221E494 3A706BF2 0221E498 B8070000 0221E49C 1A3D5439 0221E4A0 0AB33184 0221E4A4 0D0E6841 0221E4A8 8D4C6FE6 0221E4AC DCE626DB 0221E4B0 0ECFB713 0221E4B4 14D31C08 0221E4B8 217525D1 0221E4BC B84E7F21 0221E4C0 5EEEAF09 0221E4C4 F7B1527F 0221E4C8 5469CD22 0221E4CC B97FA780 0221E4D0 AD7DECEA 0221E4D4 E763C84D 0221E4D8 0A286D8D 0221E4DC B9FE3434 0221E4E0 34740815 0221E4E4 70F74A71 0221E4E8 80B5229A 0221E4EC 3B8F94C2 0221E4F0 D2F10FF6 0221E4F4 E66D7D06 0221E4F8 7578107E 0221E4FC D74DACA5 0221E500 415681D8 0221E504 F61A68F3 0221E508 C5EF1D7E 0221E50C 332216CE 0221E510 3BF97715 0221E514 4008720A 0221E518 4000A33A 0221E51C D89410DF 0221E520 33800000 0221E524 9F5C6433 0221E528 4C9F9974 0221E52C B67F039C 0221E530 883EC7F9 0221E534 2431CA3A 0221E538 16F77008 0221E53C BEBBD2F2 0221E540 BFDB24AE 0221E544 C0DF1779 0221E548 9E9DC0BC 0221E54C 6CFA93F8 0221E550 D9B35434 0221E554 BD0D9CB1 0221E558 9F06FF37 0221E55C A8383E43 0221E560 E2497540 0221E564 8C426A1D 0221E568 49E74E25 0221E56C 3827B48B 0221E570 9E4350BC 0221E574 1F6D00A8 0221E578 100B2A8E 0221E57C E452CB60 0221E580 40EC4E48 0221E584 302CFAC2 0221E588 0428E699 0221E58C 91F6B239 0221E590 674E16E6 0221E594 E2988A91 0221E598 19D8FD81 0221E59C 95C2C60D 0221E5A0 CFA40693 0221E5A4 D8942614 0221E5A8 60AE0000 0221E5AC 2D3E12C7 0221E5B0 925BCBB4 0221E5B4 838DB32E 0221E5B8 E6550325 0221E5BC 17E89DCE 0221E5C0 0FA3BA8D 0221E5C4 0D552E77 0221E5C8 59B0D2A0 0221E5CC 9A6F82BB 0221E5D0 B4925179 0221E5D4 57C5B6E9 0221E5D8 679CE056 0221E5DC 33060AE2 0221E5E0 CF4EB008 0221E5E4 762748F2 0221E5E8 FE2BA16A 0221E5EC 58D23B23 0221E5F0 5C1C43C9 0221E5F4 F58B36FE 0221E5F8 D58C2FC1 0221E5FC 3B71657A 0221E600 30D291CD 0221E604 4565E727 0221E608 1F0D318A 0221E60C B1C510F8 0221E610 5FA28FC1 0221E614 55E6A1DA 0221E618 9B6AE9B7 0221E61C AA03079E 0221E620 A278BCAB 0221E624 BCFE43E9 0221E628 162C94BB D2000000 00000000 Black: 94000130 FFFB0000 0221E474 6E003F83 0221E478 B8070000 0221E47C 1A3D5439 0221E480 0AB33184 0221E484 0D0E6841 0221E488 8D4C6FE6 0221E48C DCE626DB 0221E490 0ECFB713 0221E494 14D31C08 0221E498 217525D1 0221E49C B9A37FB3 0221E4A0 5FB2AF95 0221E4A4 FDC14615 0221E4A8 546932DD 0221E4AC 92813014 0221E4B0 A17DECEA 0221E4B4 E763DB48 0221E4B8 0A286D8D 0221E4BC B9FE3434 0221E4C0 34740815 0221E4C4 70F74A71 0221E4C8 80B5229A 0221E4CC 3B8F94C2 0221E4D0 D2F10FF6 0221E4D4 E66D7D06 0221E4D8 7578107E 0221E4DC D6A0AC37 0221E4E0 400A8144 0221E4E4 FC6A7C99 0221E4E8 C5EFE281 0221E4EC 18DC815A 0221E4F0 37F97715 0221E4F4 4008610F 0221E4F8 4000A33A 0221E4FC 6E00A648 0221E500 33800000 0221E504 9F5C6433 0221E508 4C9F9974 0221E50C B67F039C 0221E510 883EC7F9 0221E514 2431CA3A 0221E518 16F77008 0221E51C BEBBD2F2 0221E520 BFDB24AE 0221E524 C1CE16B4 0221E528 9FEAC004 0221E52C 66ABBBA4 0221E530 264C5464 0221E534 9D030B45 0221E538 9F06F434 0221E53C B8384877 0221E540 E249755E 0221E544 8C426A1D 0221E548 49E74E25 0221E54C 3827B48B 0221E550 9E4350BC 0221E554 1F6D00A8 0221E558 100B2A8E 0221E55C E452CB60 0221E560 40EC4E48 0221E564 313DFB0F 0221E568 055FE621 0221E56C 9BA79A65 0221E570 98B116B6 0221E574 C2961D65 0221E578 19D8F682 0221E57C 85C2B039 0221E580 CFA4068D 0221E584 25FADB7E 0221E588 60AE0000 0221E58C 2DAB1275 0221E590 6984CEE6 0221E594 83D930AB 0221E598 1BAA2D75 0221E59C 1CE89DCE 0221E5A0 0FA3B18E 0221E5A4 1D555B46 0221E5A8 5DB0D2BE 0221E5AC 9B9283A1 0221E5B0 B4045083 0221E5B4 52BFA299 0221E5B8 9863E033 0221E5BC 0C089F76 0221E5C0 C34EB008 0221E5C4 76274FF7 0221E5C8 FE2BA16A 0221E5CC 58473B91 0221E5D0 A7C3469B 0221E5D4 F5DFB57B 0221E5D8 28730191 0221E5DC 3071657A 0221E5E0 30D29ACE 0221E5E4 55659216 0221E5E8 1B0D3194 0221E5EC B03811E2 0221E5F0 5F348E3B 0221E5F4 509CB5AA 0221E5F8 6495E9D2 0221E5FC 950D920A 0221E600 AE78BCAB 0221E604 BCFE44EC 0221E608 162C94BB D2000000 00000000 Copy and paste into Action Replay Code Manager for fastest use! ENJOY (Made by myself, use credits for me please)
NosLived Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 I have a very noobish question, apologies.I noted the XML that riolu posted in the thread to you get those cheats into a game? I mean, I have no idea what to do with the actual XML files. Thanks. Drag the XML File onto the AR Manager window and onto the game's codelist ON THE AR, not the Manager's Database. Conversely, you could open the XML in a text editor (Word, Notepad, Wordpad, etc.) and copy just the codes you want and paste them into the AR Manager manually. Also, I'm not a mod, or the starter of this thread, but I would like to ask that when posting codes, please use the spoiler tag, as some of the more specific codes get very lengthy. Just for the convenience of everyone viewing. Nobody wants to scroll down a wall of codes they aren't interested in.
ImminentG Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Hey, the hex list on faospark code list blog is updated, and it turns out I was using the completely wrong list for the move mod!! IT WORKS!! http:// http:// All credit to faospark WAY TO GO
LacusEternal Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 (edited) Could someone change this code from Pokemon Heartgold so that It can work on both games White/Black. Please and Thanks.. ::Pokémon Gender Modifier Change 1st Pokémon Gender via Box 1 Slot 1 Press L for Male/Press R for Female 94000130 FDFF0000 B2111880 00000000 2000F710 0000007F D2000000 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 B2111880 00000000 2000F710 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Please test first I don't want to crash my game. Edited March 12, 2011 by LacusEternal adding
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 How od I activate the Quick Hatch code? There is no activation, just walk/run/bike around a few steps and the Egg should hatch.
Ness Rabbid Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Please... help.... need....code......for all KEY items.
Solid Sawyer Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 If you change the nature via PID Modifier (Pokegen, Pokesav, etc.) then you're fine. But if you change only the nature with an AR cheat, it will come off as illegal, as the cheats only change the Nature value, without appropriately changing the PID to match it. The same goes with Shiny Pokemon, and Gender Modification codes as well. That's what I kinda suspected, thanks for confirming. If you used a code to trigger a wild pokemon encounter I would imagine that pokemon would come across legal, is that correct? Cause the way I see it happening is the code is telling the game to make a pokemon but the game itself is making the pokemon. Just curious about this type of thing. I'm not trying to make a fake pokemon to fight online with or something, I only play single player.
JohtoTrain Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Possible lead here on the modifying poke'ball code. Anyone able to convert it to the US version? (Black) 02019698 FBB2F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76F040XX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF (White) 020196B4 FBA4F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76F040XX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF Replace XX with a Pokeball Hex Value. Any ideas?
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Marking Pokeball Modifier Mark a Pokemon in any PC (Black) 020195B4 FC24F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76F04XXX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF (White) 020195D0 FC16F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76F04XXX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF Replace XXX with a Pokeball Hex Value. 001 - Master Ball 002 - Ultra Ball 003 - Great Ball 004 - Poké Ball 005 - Safari Ball 006 - Net Ball 007 - Dive Ball 008 - Nest Ball 009 - Repeat Ball 00A - Timer Ball 00B - Luxury Ball 00C - Premier Ball 00D - Dusk Ball 00E - Heal Ball 00F - Quick Ball 010 - Cherish Ball 011 - Fast Ball 012 - Level Ball 013 - Lure Ball 014 - Heavy Ball 015 - Love Ball 016 - Friend Ball 017 - Moon Ball 018 - Comp Ball 019 - Dream Ball
JohtoTrain Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 (edited) Marking Pokeball ModifierMark a Pokemon in any PC (Black) 020195B4 FC24F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76F04XXX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF (White) 020195D0 FC16F7E8 02001E00 73B4B4FF 02001E08 24017E88 02001E0C 76F04XXX 02001FFC BDF8BCFF Replace XXX with a Pokeball Hex Value. 001 - Master Ball 002 - Ultra Ball 003 - Great Ball 004 - Poké Ball 005 - Safari Ball 006 - Net Ball 007 - Dive Ball 008 - Nest Ball 009 - Repeat Ball 00A - Timer Ball 00B - Luxury Ball 00C - Premier Ball 00D - Dusk Ball 00E - Heal Ball 00F - Quick Ball 010 - Cherish Ball 011 - Fast Ball 012 - Level Ball 013 - Lure Ball 014 - Heavy Ball 015 - Love Ball 016 - Friend Ball 017 - Moon Ball 018 - Comp Ball 019 - Dream Ball Just tried the code, doesn't seem to work. Is there a button combo or another method? EDIT: Am I supposed to add another line of code? I keep trying this with different pokemon in different balls, marking and unmarking. Still nothing. Any tips? Edited March 13, 2011 by JohtoTrain
Mattycake360 Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Can anyone make a code that makes the pokemon a fateful encounter? Or make a fateful encounter Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genosect. Nothing fancy, just fateful encounter, so they can activate the in game events to learn their moves and so genosect can get the held cassettes. Thanks guys!
Mattycake360 Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 I also noticed that the all item code is leaving out giratina's griseous orb, or at least I dont see it. Maybe this can be fixed as well. Thanks again!
Immabeast Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Can anyone make a code that makes the pokemon a fateful encounter? Or make a fateful encounter Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genosect. Nothing fancy, just fateful encounter, so they can activate the in game events to learn their moves and so genosect can get the held cassettes. Thanks guys! i dont think Putting Fateful encounter infront of it will make a diff you need a complete diff code luckily i found one dont know if it trully works though >.> soooo yeah...... that for Meloetta try it and tell me, replaces first pokemon btw oh and if anyone has a SID code i have 2 i got em to work once and ddnt write the number like a moron and cant get em to work anymore :*( once in a gametime code? lol 94000130 fcff0000 b2000024 00000000 e00196c4 000000dc ad319ffb cd060000 ae91573e f9f705f2 4c1d3a87 f2dd06f4 418a65e2 79901418 66ec7814 54b0a583 948004e7 af1754b3 6eb877b7 097557e2 08bf80a3 e750e30b 54adfa8e 46a92ffb 6640bebb 0c036af5 1b6537ce da6d7a41 6098e429 50ee2bc6 f41b92ff 6de5abb7 41c1158f 29438d04 61523a44 e6bbc079 3c41be30 7d14cd31 6185794d d29daa1c 3fec5401 6a3dd593 9223cdee 064b4093 abeda036 36455460 9adec60b 9b3a38ee 039a1368 77fc8d2c a3869d0e 2bf378ac 39c29cc9 87323388 0b5655f7 4bc42883 76aabe4a 704c156d 4a3beecc f7cccdcc d28ba123 00000000 d2000000 00000000
Lusol Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 This is a german code that I would like converted to US. Thanks in advance to anyone who can. The code is a move modifier. : : A t t a c k M o d i f i e r : : : ( L + R ) Y o u g e t 5 5 9 n u g g e t s m o d i f y i n g t h e a t t a c k n u m b e r ( l i s t ) . ( R ) T M 4 4 w i l l b e t h e n e w a t t a c k . 9 4 0 0 0 1 3 0 F C F F 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 E E C 0 2 2 F 0 0 5 C D 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 0 1 3 0 F E F F 0 0 0 0 D A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 E E E D 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 9 E A 7 6 D 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
JD0711 Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 how to use action replay code on desmume? thank you
Mattycake360 Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 The code doesnt have your own OT. Also the name is spelt wrong lol. So maybe someone else can find something to activate these events or something.
UltimateZekrom Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Is there an EV multiplier code yet, to multiply the amount of EVs I get by a certain amount for White? thanks
Agonist Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Anyway, The IV/EV viewer code: At pokémon status screen press L for IV's, R for EV's and Start for normal White: 521D5384 EFE6F660 E2002000 00000068 29016DA9 2108D12D D1074208 42080189 0849D10A D0244208 E006200D 20A04911 390A7008 E0051D02 1CC22046 7008490D 70083154 3001315E 280F7008 2848D003 28A3D001 3001D101 2812E7F4 284BD003 28A6D001 3803D100 D1EB4290 65A92100 47702010 021DA108 021D5384 FE3CF62C D2000000 00000000 what I'm asking is can someone change the ev part so it has a [start]button trigger, and get rid of the [start] for normal part someone doing this would be greatly appreciated
Steelra Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Uhhh... did anyone else get stuck in the 5th gym after using walk through walls? I cant use an escape rope, and dig/teleport/fly probably wont work inside the gym. Does anyone have a code to teleport to somewhere else, like the pokemon center in this town or even just my house in the first town? If not, is there a code for using teleport anywhere, and replacing the 1st pokemon in my party with an abra?
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