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Editing HG/SS's Route 48 and Cliff Cave


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I'm editing HG currently and I found that PPRE doesn't seem to support these two routes; Route 47 is fine but there are two weird things for Route 48 and Cliff Cave is just plain not on there.

Since PPRE won't work with those two the only way I'm gonna be able to edit the Wild Pokemon is through hex I presume. I know the narc file for HG wild Pokes is at root/a/0/3/7 but I don't have a clue where the data for the Wild Pokemon for those two areas are in it.

Would anyone know what the offsets are/how to work them out? Or, alternatively, am I on the complete wrong track?

Edit: never mind got it, editing the narc via the japanese rom and an english patch instead

the code names for the cliff cave and route 48 are D50R0101 and R48 respectively if anyone wants them

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