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I went through it just fine. I have also completed the cheren and bel battles at the beginning of the game that is now 100% English. I looked at the N thing and it shouldn't freeze, Let me try on my acekard and r4 real quick.

Froze on the r4 (I added an extra . to "I see.." so it is now "I see..." and it works fine.

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  ruinairas said:
If anyone has a save on desmume next to that can i get a screenie? and I'll look into it it's rather important

well like i mentioned before, the DESmuME has no problem with that part. It's when you defeat N and he walks away, it freezes. The flash cards, like my SUPERCARD DStwo had this problem and it seems to effect that other guy with his Acekard2i. :confused: So all in all, the emulator wins this time lol

  Romruto1 said:
well like i mentioned before, the DESmuME has no problem with that part. It's when you defeat N and he walks away, it freezes. The flash cards, like my SUPERCARD DStwo had this problem and it seems to effect that other guy with his Acekard2i. :confused: So all in all, the emulator wins this time lol

I got acekard 2i and it works. =D I have the HW 80 version though I dunno his. Nor do I know his setup...lol pokemon black/white is a pain to work to begin with.

I'm making fresh black AND white patches. I'd recommend every start a new game and start from scratch to see if that solves the issue.

  NSSVelocity said:
Just name the time and I'll find the text file if needed.


that was an old patch. Try the new one I'm uploading them for both white and black

Added to first post of this thread. Hope that solves peoples issues, I've also took all other download links down. So if it don't work odds are you just need to get the one on the thread now.

  ruinairas said:
Btw could you locate the text for people outside on the 3rd town. and 4th. I had them but lost it in my mess of a desktop.

No Problem, can you PM the text files also?

  ruinairas said:
I got acekard 2i and it works. =D I have the HW 80 version though I dunno his. Nor do I know his setup...lol pokemon black/white is a pain to work to begin with.

I'm making fresh black AND white patches. I'd recommend every start a new game and start from scratch to see if that solves the issue.

I just tried that just now with the Supercard and it freezes.

  NSSVelocity said:
No Problem, can you PM the text files also?

How about I PM you the NARC file. For some reason my computer doesn't like to extract to file on the PPTXT thing.

  Romruto1 said:
I just tried that just now with the Supercard and it freezes.

I've uploaded a new patch on the first post. I hope it fixes it. If I can't fix it I hope velocity can.

  Romruto1 said:
ill try it later lol. I solved that problem by just saving it through the emu and loading it back to my supercard.

Okay, thats good. Coupe with me guys. I'm trying hard to locate and fix all known issues, but it's hard to do with it works on my end though no matter what...0.0

Looking for text files:

Route 2

Sonyou City/w Signs and houses

Team Plasma in sonyou City

Whatever town 4 is.

  ruinairas said:
How about I PM you the NARC file. For some reason my computer doesn't like to extract to file on the PPTXT thing.

That'll work, you still have a changelog for the newer parts? Hopefully you record the files you edited.

  ruinairas said:

Route 2

Sonyou City/w Signs and houses

Team Plasma in sonyou City

Whatever town 4 is.

Still quicker for me to get a screenshot of the text. I haven't even beaten the first Gym yet. lol

  Romruto1 said:

here's a video. Just turn on "annotation mode" on youtube and here's my two cents on what should be changed or fixed.. I haven't done a full look through yet of the video, but I will finish it sometime soon. So take a look at the video.

very helpful romruto1! I've added that to my bookmarks to review later once I start working on those fixes. Watching it I noticed it said "Thats a nice nickname" even though you didn't choose to nickname it well you did but practically canceled it.


In that video, when they introduce Bel. They say "She always is fighting". That bothers me so much. Shouldn't that say, "She is always fighting her mom and dad."

Engrish makes me sad :(

  Hieber said:
In that video, when they introduce Bel. They say "She always is fighting". That bothers me so much. Shouldn't that say, "She is always fighting her mom and dad."

Engrish makes me sad :(

That is text that was on v2. I haven't even touched that yet. I'll change it though...looks as though I'll have to go back and fix a lot of peoples errors lol. I've fix what you call Engrish =D

  ruinairas said:
omfg. crazy. Is it because I change so much or do I make it confusing..if thats the case how can I make it less confusing?

Starting now, Record the file edit and the lines. Like I normally do when I edit:

0436.txt: Lines 10-31, 35

It's only a real problem as your NARC's aren't up2date with my fork along with others. It does give me time to look over the file.

Strange no comment about the time, lol


Well, I'll start doing that on route 2 then (Which is what I'm currently working on, everything up to that point IS ENGLISH). Because everything up to there has already been fixed or translated. So prolly another 100000 lines of merging pain...:/ Oh, actually if I can find the actual phonecall that takes place on route 1 then I'll be able to translate that too, but no lucky duck there.

  ruinairas said:
Well, I'll start doing that on route 2 then (Which is what I'm currently working on, everything up to that point IS ENGLISH). Because everything up to there has already been fixed or translated. So prolly another 100000 lines of merging pain...:/ Oh, actually if I can find the actual phonecall that takes place on route 1 then I'll be able to translate that too, but no lucky duck there.

The phone call?

Give me a sec.


Oh, I see. Hmmm. I'll keep track of the lines. I got another issue with this http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc503/ruinairas/StoryMon_10_2449.png it happens every time I translate that last part of Cherens sentence before the phonecall..it's odd, I take it out and it's fine...

UPDATE: Actually no matter what I get the issue...trying to fix it now.

I fixed it. was a memory over dump issue. The size of the narc went to like 100 gigs...I have a backup and it works...my computer never fails to surprise me.

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