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  Kaarosu said:
It's legible but not quite localized/translated to something we can use, we try and avoid using machine generated translations we only use them as a reference. Also that's story related I'm not working with that right now. But at least now we know what that file is haha thanks.

Question how r u people translating these files im goin to bed gonna wake up early PM me hw u people r translating i mcould help by pulling some threads........till morning bye


any, and all pokemon move descriptions, please send to me, im working on it right now, please try to follow this format:

"Move Name" ~ "three or four words before the issue where it goes off screen"


Bug Bite ~ The foe is bound with silk blown from *Off-screen issue*

thanks everyone ^__^


Translation on 000/0007.text:

Welcome \ xfffeto the Battle Tournament!

The Do not Batorutai \ xfffeWi-Fi connections \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe Do you want to be done with Wi-Fi \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe Translations No maritime event to be performed \ xfffe Did you Raibutai \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe Pokemon that you left \ xfffe has been registered, the Battle Box \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe is Pokemon \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe then registered, and to speak Ichidotai \ xfffe Yuuha crushed me by Do you want \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe battle box \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe strange because this can not be \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe please - rated \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe Then I want to play at left \ xfffe not digital The Shushou \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe data is registered, so that \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe Please do try to speak \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

Do you want to Wi-Fi

Raibutai to Do

Shushou not explore digital

You ask, explain



Do you want Wi-Fi is \ xfffe to your original PC \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe of Pokemongurobarurinku \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe homepage and \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe cloudybay Thank you good to speak \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe says you can do \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffehttp: / / www.pokemon-gl.com/ \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe rules and Audio Book lately Do you want the \ xfffe Pokemon Global Link \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe please speak to me at home \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

Do you want a Wi-Fi \ xfffe What do you think?

I would like you to speak to Mr. \ xfffe I Stop?



Do what's Josuru

To speak Raibutai \ xfffe What do you think?

Did the Raibutai \ xfffe Youhouni Sentence For Kaisa \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe in Pokettomonsutaofisharusaito \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe you can do to speak \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffehttp: / / www. pokemon.co.jp / \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe rules and Audio Book lately Do you want the \ xfffe Pokettomonsutaofisharusaito \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe I please speak to the homepage \ xf000 븁 \ x0000


Some line is still in Japanese so I translate in 0000/0008.txt:

Battle Videos

Frontier Record

Random Match Stats



My Video

Other Videos

Delete Videos

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000's Video


\ Xf000ȃ \ x0001 \ x0000


\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Video no.: \ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000-\ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001-\ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0002

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Video no.: \ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000-\ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001-\ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0002 ★

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000's Profile


\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Birth month: \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Location

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Trainer's quote




\ Xf000Ĥ \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000ĥ \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000Ĝ \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ĝ \ x0001 \ x0001

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000's Video

My video

Other videos


\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Kesu a good mushroom

Search by ranking

Data Appreciated

30 Ken Shin Sai

For details here

Search by number

Find and speak with

Search by Pokemon

Search by Facility

Search by Pokémon

Search by Location

Send Photo

View Photo


Please Eran like Pokemon

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 above shows the \ xfffe \ xf000Ĝ \ x0001 \ x0001

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xfffe \ xf000Ĝ \ x0001 \ x0001

Above shows

Send Box Data

View Box Data








For details see











This Week's Rankings

Last Week's Rankings

Switch Rankings

Switch Teams

Team: Trainer type

Team: Birth month

Team: Favorite Pokémon

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001: \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001: \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000 commuting is rare

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001: \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0001

\ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000: \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0001 Gatsu

\ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000: \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0001

Last Week's Results!


Battle Frontier


View Battle \ xfffeVideo

Video Battle

Battle Video \ xfffe 30 Ken Shin Sai

Top-Ranked Battle Videos \ xfffeColosseum

Top-Ranked Battle Videos \ xfffeBattle Frontier

Ken Battle Video Sakushita \ xfffe Daichi Ran

Where would you like to save \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000's Battle Video?

Wow brat Hozon

Is it OK to delete \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000's Battle \ xfffeVideo?

View Battle Videos

Send Battle Video

Newest 30


Search by Video NO.

Search by Facility

Search by Pokémon

Search Your Location


Please enter the Video Number.

Please choose the facility.

Please choose the Pokémon.

Please enter the search criteria.

You haven't set any search criteria.

Loading Battle Video ...

There is no matching Battle Video ...

Sending the Battle Video ...

We collected a battle video!

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000View Profile

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Close Profile

Newest 30 Battle Videos

Please set the search criteria.



The same Battle Video can't be sent again. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

You have not registered your location.

There is no Battle Video to send.

\ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000

Tsushin Taisen

Battle Points:

Live on cane \ xfffe \ xf000Ĥ \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Single Battle

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Double Battle

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Multi Battle

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Wi-Fi Battle

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000 Batorusabuuei

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000 Supashingurutorein

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000 Supadaburutorein

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000 Supamaruchitorein

Eran like cough Please speak



\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000ȃ \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000ȃ \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 Battles

Trainer and multi-

And multi-friend


Kiro's atomic speak Ku

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Wi-Fi Train Play Audio

Atomic speak:

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 rating

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000 Retingumodo Play Audio

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000 for Free Play Audio

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000Win

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000Lose

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 Single:

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 Double:

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 Triple:

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 rotation:

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 Shooting:

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000ȃ \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000Rating

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000 Yes

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000 No



From Wi-Fi Connection \ xfffe Do you want me to speak it?

Colosseum \ xfffeSingle, No Restrictions

Colosseum \ xfffeSingle, Standard Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeSingle, Fancy Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeSingle, Little Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeSingle, Light Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeSingle, Double Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeSingle, Other Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeDouble, No Restrictions

Colosseum \ xfffeDouble, Standard Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeDouble, Fancy Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeDouble, Little Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeDouble, Light Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeDouble, Double Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeDouble, Other Cup

Colosseum \ xfffeMulti

Battle Tower \ xfffeSingle

Battle Tower \ xfffeDouble

Battle Tower \ xfffeMulti

Battle Factory \ xfffeLevel 50 Single

Battle Factory \ xfffeLevel 50 Double

Battle Factory \ xfffeLevel 50 Multi

Battle Factory \ xfffeOpen Level Single

Battle Factory \ xfffeOpen Level Double

Battle Factory \ xfffeOpen Level Multi

Battle Hall \ xfffeSingle

Battle Hall \ xfffeDouble

Battle Hall \ xfffeMulti

Battle Castle \ xfffeSingle

Battle Castle \ xfffeDouble

Battle Castle \ xfffeMulti

Battle Arcade \ xfffeSingle

Battle Arcade \ xfffeDouble

Battle Arcade \ xfffeMulti

Colosseum \ xfffeSingle, No Restrictions

Colosseum \ xfffeSingle, Cup Match

Colosseum \ xfffeDouble, No Restrictions

Colosseum \ xfffeDouble, Cup Match

1: Colosseum \ xfffe Single, No Restrictions

2: Colosseum \ xfffe Single, Cup Match

3: Colosseum \ xfffe Double, No Restrictions

4: Colosseum \ xfffe Double, Cup Match

5: Colosseum \ xfffe Multi

6: Battle Tower \ xfffe Single

7: Battle Tower \ xfffe Double

8: Battle Tower \ xfffe Multi

9: Battle Factory \ xfffe Level 50, Single

10: Battle Factory \ xfffe Level 50, Double

11: Battle Factory \ xfffe Level 50, Multi

12: Battle Factory \ xfffe Open Level, Single

13: Battle Factory \ xfffe Open Level, Double

14: Battle Factory \ xfffe Open Level, Multi

15: Battle Hall \ xfffe Single

16: Battle Hall \ xfffe Double

17: Battle Hall \ xfffe Multi

18: Battle Castle \ xfffe Single

19: Battle Castle \ xfffe Double

20: Battle Castle \ xfffe Multi

21: Battle Arcade \ xfffe Single

22: Battle Arcade \ xfffe Double

23: Battle Arcade \ xfffe Multi

\ Xf000 봂 \ x0000Touch Here!

Is it OK to disconnect from \ xfffeNintendo Wi-Fi Connection?

User authentication error. \ XfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting.

This data is already registered. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

There appears to be a problem with the \ xfffeDress-Up Data.

There appears to be a problem with the \ xfffeProfile data.

An error occurred. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

User authentication error. \ XfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting.

There appears to be a problem with the \ xfffechosen Pokémon.

An error occurred. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

User authentication error. \ XfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting.

This data is already registered. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

There appears to be a problem with the \ xfffeBox Data.

There appears to be a problem with the \ xfffeProfile data.

There appears to be a problem with your \ xfffeparty.

An error occurred. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

User authentication error. \ XfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting.

There appears to be a problem with your \ xfffeparty.

An error occurred. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

User authentication error. \ XfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting.

An error occurred. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

User authentication error. \ XfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting.

Failed to receive ranking data. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

There appears to be a problem with your \ xffferanking record.

here appears to be a problem with the \ xfffeProfile data.

An error occurred. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

User authentication error. \ XfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting.

This data is already registered. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

There appears to be a problem with the \ xfffeBattle Video.

There appears to be a problem with the \ xfffeProfile data.

An error occurred. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

There appears to be a problem with your \ xfffePokémon. Data was not sent.

There appears to be a problem with a \ xfffeplayer's Pokémon. Data was not sent.

User authentication error. \ XfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting.

There appears to be a problem with the \ xfffesearch criteria.

An error occurred. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

User authentication error. \ XfffePlease wait a while before reconnecting.

No matching Battle Videos found ... \ xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

An error occurred. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

An error occurred. \ XfffeError Code 10601

An error occurred. \ XfffeError Code 10602

An error occurred. \ XfffeError Code 10603

An error occurred. \ XfffeError Code 10604

Unable to connect. \ XfffeError Code 10605

An error occurred. \ XfffeError Code 10606

Unable to connect. \ XfffeError Code 10607

An error occurred. \ XfffeError Code 10608

An error occurred. \ XfffeError Code 10609

There is no response. \ XfffeError Code 10610

There is no response. \ XfffeError Code 10611

There is no response. \ XfffeError Code 10612

Communication was interrupted. \ XfffeError Code 10613

Unable to connect. \ XfffeError Code 10614

The connection to the server was lost. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

There is nothing saved. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

Please choose a Box.

An empty Box's Data can't be sent.

Where would you like to send this?

Only one Box Data may be sent at a time.

The same Box Data can't be sent.

Which category would you like to see?

The saved data could not be deleted ...

The same Battle Video can't be saved again. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

Saving ... \ xfffeDon't turn off the power.

Receiving ranking data ...

Sending save data ...

Save completed. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

Do you want to delete \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000's \ xfffeBattle Video?

Is it really OK to delete this data?

Deleting data ... \ xfffeSaving ... Don't turn off the power.

The data was deleted. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

Sending your Dress-Up Data ...

Receiving Dress-Up Data ...

Sending your Box Data ...

Receiving Box Data ...

You have no saved data to send. \ XfffeTake a photo in the Goldenrod Tunnel.

The same data can't be sent again. \ XfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

Receiving Battle Videos ...

No matching data was found ... \ xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

No matching Box Data was found ... \ xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

Your Battle Video was sent. \ XfffeVideo no.: \ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000-\ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001-\ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0002 \ xfffe

The game will be saved before you can view \ xfffeBattle Videos.

Deleting data ... Saving a lot of \ xfffedata ... Don't turn off the power.

Saving a lot of data ... \ xfffeDon't turn off the power.

Saving ... \ xfffeDon't turn off the power.

There is no ranking data ... \ xfffeTouch the Touch Screen to continue.

Would you like to send your Battle Video?

Latest 20 in the Favorite PC Box

Latest 20 in the Cool PC Box

Latest 20 in the Cute PC Box

Latest 20 in the Suggested PC Box

Latest 20 in the Fun PC Box

Latest 20 in the Select PC Box

School Kid ♂

Bug Catcher

Ace Trainer ♂


Ruin Maniac

Black Belt

Rich Boy

Psychic ♂


Battle Girl


Ace Trainer ♀






  Danh221 said:
Translation on 000/0007.text:

Welcome \ xfffeto the Battle Tournament!

The Do not Batorutai \ xfffeWi-Fi connections \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe Do you want to be done with Wi-Fi \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe Translations No maritime event to be performed \ xfffe Did you Raibutai \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe Pokemon that you left \ xfffe has been registered, the Battle Box \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe is Pokemon \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe then registered, and to speak Ichidotai \ xfffe Yuuha crushed me by Do you want \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe battle box \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe strange because this can not be \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe please - rated \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe Then I want to play at left \ xfffe not digital The Shushou \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe data is registered, so that \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe Please do try to speak \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

Do you want to Wi-Fi

Raibutai to Do

Shushou not explore digital

You ask, explain



Do you want Wi-Fi is \ xfffe to your original PC \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe of Pokemongurobarurinku \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe homepage and \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe cloudybay Thank you good to speak \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe says you can do \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffehttp: / / www.pokemon-gl.com/ \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe rules and Audio Book lately Do you want the \ xfffe Pokemon Global Link \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe please speak to me at home \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

Do you want a Wi-Fi \ xfffe What do you think?

I would like you to speak to Mr. \ xfffe I Stop?



Do what's Josuru

To speak Raibutai \ xfffe What do you think?

Did the Raibutai \ xfffe Youhouni Sentence For Kaisa \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe in Pokettomonsutaofisharusaito \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe you can do to speak \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffehttp: / / www. pokemon.co.jp / \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe rules and Audio Book lately Do you want the \ xfffe Pokettomonsutaofisharusaito \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 \ xfffe I please speak to the homepage \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

For all the people using machine translations, please at least try to fix the text yourself, don't just copy paste it.

Otherwise, most of it is non-sense, I doubt it has any use to us.


Translation for 0000/0009.text

Tei Itino about cane \ xfffe I please, including a constitutional

Please wait a while \ xfffe ... ... B button to cancel

How's that Pokémon Now \ xfffe3 Please sawn Eran \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

How's that Pokémon Now \ xfffe4 Please sawn Eran \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

How's that Pokémon Now \ xfffe6 Please sawn Eran \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

I will discharge to a constitutional \ xfffe you sure?

I will discharge to a constitutional \ xfffe Please wait a while

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 trainer case \ xfffe had showing!


translation for 0000/0010.text:

Detail Page

Created by


I'm Pureiji

\ Xf000đ \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000đ \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0002: \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0003


\ Xf000Ĥ \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xfffe \ xf000ĥ \ x0001 \ x0001

Rei Do you speak Madonna \ xfffe Nzuu to Surechigatta

\ Xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0000 Audio \ xfffe \ xf000 봃 \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001'm in

\ Xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001'm in

\ Xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0002: \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0003

I'm Surechigattaji AM \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000: \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0001

I'm Surechigattaji PM \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000: \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0001

If the skinny \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xfffe speak out and are not

Pokemon and such a special \ xfffe speak out and are not

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xfffe Taisen is a stupid

Gym Leader \ xfffe Taisen is a stupid

Such a special trainer and \ xfffe Taisen is a stupid

\ Xf000ą \ x0001 \ x0000 to \ xfffe etc. If I speak out


translation for 0000/0011.text:

\ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000'm in

Uke If you \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0000'm in

Who to say thanks?

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe have to say thanks!

\ Xf000đ \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe Tsukaimasu you? \ Xfffe speak necessary \ xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0002 this / Do you have a \ xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0003 This

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 affixing what Mr. \ xfffe \ xf000đ \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe Tsukaimasu you?

Dell power Toku jtxx the railroad! ! \ Xfffe \ xf000đ \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe Tsukaimasu you?

\ Xf000đ \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe Tsukaimashita!

Spending power in the Dell \ xfffe Tarimasen the Derudama \ xfffe speak necessary \ xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0002 this / Do you have a \ xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0003 This

\ Xf000đ \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe are soaking \ xfffe rest \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0005 tack

\ Xf000đ \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe are soaking \ xfffe rest \ xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0004 poop \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0005 tack

[\ Xf000Ĝ \ x0001 \ x0000 』and \ xfffe's atomic repellent!

I speak to



I speak to


How are you?

[\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 』Mr. \ xfffe are in nearly

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe's not thin \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xfffe was Kaishi the Play Audio!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe's not thin \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xfffe indications cane was not long ago!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe Pokemon with such a special \ xfffe has Kaishi the Play Audio!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe Pokemon with such a special \ xfffe indications cane was not long ago!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0001 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0002 and \ xfffe have to do a constitutional Kaishi!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0001 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0002 and \ xfffe I have to wonder a constitutional cane!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe Gym Leader and \ xfffe have to do a constitutional Kaishi!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe Gym Leader and \ xfffe I have to wonder a constitutional cane!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe with such a special trainer \ xfffe have to do a constitutional Kaishi!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe with such a special trainer \ xfffe I have to wonder a constitutional cane!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe with such a special trainer \ xfffe have to do a constitutional Kaishi!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe with such a special trainer \ xfffe I have to wonder a constitutional cane!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe's not thin \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe Tsukamaemashita!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe such a special Pokemon \ xfffe Tsukamaemashita!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 for \ xfffe level went up!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 or speak to the \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0001 now!

ID for the same action sequences and \ xfffe dummy message

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe I found!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe the Book Pureiji \ xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0001 hours or a \ xfffe Koemashita!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe involved when we speak because Pokemonzu!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe Do not have my math \ xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0001 to speak \ xfffe Koemashita!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe Union and the Reception Desk in room

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe was to thank!

Speak atomic \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe brass is yes!

Speak atomic \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe brass is yes!

Departures speak strange things atomic \ xfffe brass is yes!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 This is the drama of \ xfffe cane Atarimashita to speak!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 a pep talk that way \ xfffe cane Ukemashita to speak!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 left \ xfffe Nigedashimashita Toukara not!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 in the HP \ xfffe I speak few situation A rest!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 for the PP \ xfffe I speak few situation A rest!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 is \ xfffe situation A is the brink!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 is \ xfffe Youtaiijoudesu same!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe are soaking

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe are soaking

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 left \ xfffe Uketorimashita the egg

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 from the egg's \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0001 Umaremashita that!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 left \ xfffe Yuudesu also speak later

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 left \ xfffe to Batorusabuuei \ xfffe Yousenchuudesu Audio

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 left \ xfffe in Batorusabuuei \ xfffe \ xf000Ȁ \ x0001 \ x0001 Youchuudesu the brick!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 left \ xfffe in Batorusabuuei \ xfffe option if the trophy!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 left \ xfffe trial House \ xfffe butterfly was not

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 left \ xfffe trial House \ xfffe \ xf000ģ \ x0001 \ x0001 by a temple was on!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 left \ xfffe Created caught an olivine

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 left \ xfffe have entered the Pokeshifuta

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 s \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 is a musical \ xfffe Yousenchuudesu Audio

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 left Uketotta \ xfffe \ xf000đ \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe Tsukaimashita!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Mr. \ xfffe [\ xf000Ĝ \ x0001 \ x0001 』and \ xfffe's atomic repellent

ID for the same action sequences and \ xfffe dummy message


translation for 0000/0017.text:

A wild \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 appeared!

A wild \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0001 appeared!

Ack If the skinny \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

If the skinny \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

The dream was \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

\ Xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0002 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0003! \ Xf000 븀 \ x0000

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

Go! \ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Go! \ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001!

Go! \ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001, and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0003!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0003, \ xf000 븀 \ x0000and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0004!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002, \ xf000 븀 \ x0000and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0003!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 is \ xfffeabout to send in \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 \ xf000 븀 \ x0000Will you switch your Pokémon?

You're in charge, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Go for it, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Just a little more! \ XfffeHang in there, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Your foe's weak! \ XfffeGet 'em, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, switch out! \ XfffeCome back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, come back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, enough! \ XfffeGet back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, OK! \ XfffeCome back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, good! \ XfffeCome back!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 withdrew \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 withdrew \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001!

Hit \ xf000Ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000 time (s)!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 used \ xfffeone \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 used \ xfffeone \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 is \ xfffe \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0002 soaked to!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0002 with a shot! !

Now the Mirakurushuta \ xfffe not mean the same!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Hidari!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Hidari!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Migi!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Migi!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 gained \ xfffe \ xf000Ȇ \ x0001 \ x0001 Exp. Points!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 gained a boosted \ xfffe \ xf000Ȇ \ x0001 \ x0001 Exp. Points!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffe to disasters and Katta!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xfffe \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0002 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0003 \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 to disasters and Katta!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffe Created by: Sentence with disasters!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffe Hikiwakeda with the disasters?

Player defeated \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000!

Player defeated \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 ↑ nd \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001!

Player lost against \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000!

Player lost to \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xfffeand \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001!

Player battled to a draw against \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000!

Player battled to a draw against \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is out of \ xfffeusable Pokémon! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 was hastily \ xfffe \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 yen had been no ...

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 as Shoukin \ xfffe \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 Shiharatta circle ...

... ... ... ... \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe pitch - dark since the front of Me!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 got $ \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffefor winning!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 picked yen.

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 grew to \ xfffeLv. \ Xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0001!

Oh, no! \ XfffeThe Pokémon broke free!

Aww! \ XfffeIt appeared to be caught!

Aargh! \ XfffeAlmost had it!

Shoot! \ XfffeIt was so close, too!

Gotcha! \ Xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 was caught!

\ Xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 refurbished data \ xfffe Pokemonzu is registered, the Book!

The Trainer blocked the Ball! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000Don't be a thief!

But it had no effect!

What will \ xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 do?

What will \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 do?

\ Xf000 븉 \ x0001 <But it failed!

Got away safely!

Nige did not!

Can't escape!

If the skinny \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe Nigedashita!

No! There's no running \ xfffefrom a Trainer battle!

Disasters, giving up \ xfffe Would you like pet?

It's super effective!

It's not very effective ...

It hurt itself in its \ xfffeconfusion!

Audio fought the cane!

But the rest of the work point \ xfffe did!

Came Otasuke \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 thanks \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001 for \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 which recovers Yokuga or roasted!

The sunlight turned harsh!

It started to rain!

A sandstorm brewed!

It started to hail!

Tadayoi began to go on forever!

Based on a knee and then went back!

Rain has gone!

The sandstorm subsided.

The hail stopped!

Swollen on forever!

Eigo no longer speak of their skin!

A storm is Fukiareru Su!

Fukisusabu the hail!

It's a one-hit KO!

\ Xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 Yowameta to speak of roasted!

\ Xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0000 frodgers in the \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 Dasenai only!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 Dasenai only!

The status of all \ xfffe returned to the original!

But nothing happened!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000's \ xfffe \ xf000Ć \ x0001 \ x0001

Magnitude 4!

Magnitude 5!

Magnitude 6!

Magnitude 7!

Magnitude 8!

Magnitude 9!

Magnitude 10!!!

A bell chimed!

A soothing aroma wafted \ xfffethrough the area!

The battlers shared \ xfffetheir pain!

Fire's power was weakened!

Electricity's power was weakened!

The twisted dimensions returned to \ xfffenormal!

Gravity intensified!

Gravity returned to normal!

All Pokémon hearing the song \ xfffewill faint in three turns!

Yu Biwofuttara \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0000 I worked up an!

After the natural thing to \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0000 now!

Coins scattered everywhere!

It was too weak to make \ xfffea substitute!

Reflect raised your team's \ xfffeDefense!

The foe's Reflect raised \ xfffeits team's Defense!

Your team's Reflect \ xfffewore off!

The foe's Reflect \ xfffewore off!

Light Screen raised your team's \ xfffeSpecial Defense!

The foe's Light Screen raised \ xfffeits team's Special Defense!

Your team's Light Screen \ xfffewore off!

The foe's Light Screen \ xfffewore off!

Your team became cloaked in \ xfffea mystical veil!

The foe's team became \ xfffecloaked in a mystical veil!

Your team is no longer protected \ xfffeby Safeguard!

The foe is no longer protected \ xfffeby Safeguard!

Your team became \ xfffeshrouded in mist!

The foe's team became \ xfffeshrouded in mist!

How was wrapped to look \ xfffe alone is no longer wearing a white!

And parents had wrapped a \ xfffe alone is no longer wearing a white!

The tailwind blew from behind \ xfffeyour team!

The tailwind blew from behind \ xfffethe foe!

Your team's tailwind petered out!

The foe's tailwind petered out!

The Lucky Chant shielded your team \ xfffefrom critical hits!

The Lucky Chant shielded the foe \ xfffefrom critical hits!

Your team's Lucky Chant wore off!

The foe's Lucky Chant wore off!

Spikes were scattered all around \ xfffeyour team's feet!

Spikes were scattered all around \ xfffethe feet of the foe's team!

Out how the original footprints of \ xfffe Kiesatta Makibishi is!

Ai legs of the original \ xfffe Kiesatta Makibishi is!

Poison spikes were scattered all \ xfffearound your team's feet!

Poison spikes were scattered all \ xfffearound the enemy team's feet!

The poison spikes disappeared from \ xfffearound your team's feet!

The poison spikes disappeared from \ xfffearound the enemy team's feet!

Pointed stones float in the air \ xfffearound your team!

Pointed stones float in the air \ xfffearound your foe's team!

How to look around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Suterusurokku!

Parents are around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Suterusurokku!

How to look around \ xfffe guard is wide Mamotte!

The parents are around \ xfffe guard is wide Mamotte!

How to look around \ xfffe that the Fasutogado Mamotte!

The parents are around \ xfffe that the Fasutogado Mamotte!

How out of the sky took the rainbow!

Ai took the rainbow in the sky!

How the rainbow from the sky out of Kieta!

The rainbow from the sky and parents Kieta!

How to look around the \ xfffe sea wrapped in the he!

The parents are around \ xfffe wrapped in the sea he!

How to look around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Sea of he!

Parents are around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Sea of he!

How to look around \ xfffe and spread the atomic Shitsu!

Parents are around \ xfffe and spread the atomic Shitsu!

How to look around \ xfffe Kiesatta the atomic Shitsu!

Parents are around \ xfffe Kiesatta the atomic Shitsu!

Found that resident Kinchou \ xfffe no longer come only food!

The parents are the Kinchou \ xfffe no longer come only food!

Toku and defending the Bou Irekawaru \ xfffe formed a pneumatic Book!

The maritime Yosare Wandarumu \ xfffe defending and went back under the Toku Bou!

What's immediately remembering the frodgers \ xfffe formed a pneumatic no speak!

Yosare maritime magic room \ xfffe frodgers of immediately returned to the original talk!

\ Xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 for \ xfffe Tsuyometa the medical speak!

You no longer speak because of antiballistic! \ Xfffe to discharge a constitutional to do!

Jikan is too long to disasters \ xfffe Yuudan speak to speak to Sai!

Dharma is the railroad mode!

Created mode maritime Dharma!

Brought together the work of two! \ Xfffe combination that works!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 won't obey!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffeloafing around!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 turned away!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 pretended \ xfffenot to notice!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 ignored orders!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 began to nap!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 ignored \ xfffeorders while asleep!

Risettomubu! !

But what Guwo \ xfffe not lodge a cane!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 in freefall \ xfffe can easily be the same!

This was Mr. Eraba

(\ Xf000Ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000) of Yu Biwofuru \ xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0001: \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0002


translation for 0000/0017.text:

A wild \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 appeared!

A wild \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0001 appeared!

Ack If the skinny \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

If the skinny \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

The dream was \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

\ Xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0002 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0003! \ Xf000 븀 \ x0000

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

Go! \ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Go! \ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001!

Go! \ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001, and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0003!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0003, \ xf000 븀 \ x0000and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0004!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002, \ xf000 븀 \ x0000and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0003!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 is \ xfffeabout to send in \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 \ xf000 븀 \ x0000Will you switch your Pokémon?

You're in charge, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Go for it, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Just a little more! \ XfffeHang in there, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Your foe's weak! \ XfffeGet 'em, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, switch out! \ XfffeCome back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, come back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, enough! \ XfffeGet back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, OK! \ XfffeCome back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, good! \ XfffeCome back!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 withdrew \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 withdrew \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001!

Hit \ xf000Ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000 time (s)!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 used \ xfffeone \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 used \ xfffeone \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 is \ xfffe \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0002 soaked to!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0002 with a shot! !

Now the Mirakurushuta \ xfffe not mean the same!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Hidari!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Hidari!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Migi!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Migi!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 gained \ xfffe \ xf000Ȇ \ x0001 \ x0001 Exp. Points!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 gained a boosted \ xfffe \ xf000Ȇ \ x0001 \ x0001 Exp. Points!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffe to disasters and Katta!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xfffe \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0002 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0003 \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 to disasters and Katta!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffe Created by: Sentence with disasters!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffe Hikiwakeda with the disasters?

Player defeated \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000!

Player defeated \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 ↑ nd \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001!

Player lost against \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000!

Player lost to \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xfffeand \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001!

Player battled to a draw against \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000!

Player battled to a draw against \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is out of \ xfffeusable Pokémon! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 was hastily \ xfffe \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 yen had been no ...

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 as Shoukin \ xfffe \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 Shiharatta circle ...

... ... ... ... \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe pitch - dark since the front of Me!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 got $ \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffefor winning!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 picked yen.

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 grew to \ xfffeLv. \ Xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0001!

Oh, no! \ XfffeThe Pokémon broke free!

Aww! \ XfffeIt appeared to be caught!

Aargh! \ XfffeAlmost had it!

Shoot! \ XfffeIt was so close, too!

Gotcha! \ Xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 was caught!

\ Xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 refurbished data \ xfffe Pokemonzu is registered, the Book!

The Trainer blocked the Ball! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000Don't be a thief!

But it had no effect!

What will \ xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 do?

What will \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 do?

\ Xf000 븉 \ x0001 <But it failed!

Got away safely!

Nige did not!

Can't escape!

If the skinny \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe Nigedashita!

No! There's no running \ xfffefrom a Trainer battle!

Disasters, giving up \ xfffe Would you like pet?

It's super effective!

It's not very effective ...

It hurt itself in its \ xfffeconfusion!

Audio fought the cane!

But the rest of the work point \ xfffe did!

Came Otasuke \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 thanks \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001 for \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 which recovers Yokuga or roasted!

The sunlight turned harsh!

It started to rain!

A sandstorm brewed!

It started to hail!

Tadayoi began to go on forever!

Based on a knee and then went back!

Rain has gone!

The sandstorm subsided.

The hail stopped!

Swollen on forever!

Eigo no longer speak of their skin!

A storm is Fukiareru Su!

Fukisusabu the hail!

It's a one-hit KO!

\ Xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 Yowameta to speak of roasted!

\ Xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0000 frodgers in the \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 Dasenai only!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 Dasenai only!

The status of all \ xfffe returned to the original!

But nothing happened!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000's \ xfffe \ xf000Ć \ x0001 \ x0001

Magnitude 4!

Magnitude 5!

Magnitude 6!

Magnitude 7!

Magnitude 8!

Magnitude 9!

Magnitude 10!!!

A bell chimed!

A soothing aroma wafted \ xfffethrough the area!

The battlers shared \ xfffetheir pain!

Fire's power was weakened!

Electricity's power was weakened!

The twisted dimensions returned to \ xfffenormal!

Gravity intensified!

Gravity returned to normal!

All Pokémon hearing the song \ xfffewill faint in three turns!

Yu Biwofuttara \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0000 I worked up an!

After the natural thing to \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0000 now!

Coins scattered everywhere!

It was too weak to make \ xfffea substitute!

Reflect raised your team's \ xfffeDefense!

The foe's Reflect raised \ xfffeits team's Defense!

Your team's Reflect \ xfffewore off!

The foe's Reflect \ xfffewore off!

Light Screen raised your team's \ xfffeSpecial Defense!

The foe's Light Screen raised \ xfffeits team's Special Defense!

Your team's Light Screen \ xfffewore off!

The foe's Light Screen \ xfffewore off!

Your team became cloaked in \ xfffea mystical veil!

The foe's team became \ xfffecloaked in a mystical veil!

Your team is no longer protected \ xfffeby Safeguard!

The foe is no longer protected \ xfffeby Safeguard!

Your team became \ xfffeshrouded in mist!

The foe's team became \ xfffeshrouded in mist!

How was wrapped to look \ xfffe alone is no longer wearing a white!

And parents had wrapped a \ xfffe alone is no longer wearing a white!

The tailwind blew from behind \ xfffeyour team!

The tailwind blew from behind \ xfffethe foe!

Your team's tailwind petered out!

The foe's tailwind petered out!

The Lucky Chant shielded your team \ xfffefrom critical hits!

The Lucky Chant shielded the foe \ xfffefrom critical hits!

Your team's Lucky Chant wore off!

The foe's Lucky Chant wore off!

Spikes were scattered all around \ xfffeyour team's feet!

Spikes were scattered all around \ xfffethe feet of the foe's team!

Out how the original footprints of \ xfffe Kiesatta Makibishi is!

Ai legs of the original \ xfffe Kiesatta Makibishi is!

Poison spikes were scattered all \ xfffearound your team's feet!

Poison spikes were scattered all \ xfffearound the enemy team's feet!

The poison spikes disappeared from \ xfffearound your team's feet!

The poison spikes disappeared from \ xfffearound the enemy team's feet!

Pointed stones float in the air \ xfffearound your team!

Pointed stones float in the air \ xfffearound your foe's team!

How to look around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Suterusurokku!

Parents are around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Suterusurokku!

How to look around \ xfffe guard is wide Mamotte!

The parents are around \ xfffe guard is wide Mamotte!

How to look around \ xfffe that the Fasutogado Mamotte!

The parents are around \ xfffe that the Fasutogado Mamotte!

How out of the sky took the rainbow!

Ai took the rainbow in the sky!

How the rainbow from the sky out of Kieta!

The rainbow from the sky and parents Kieta!

How to look around the \ xfffe sea wrapped in the he!

The parents are around \ xfffe wrapped in the sea he!

How to look around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Sea of he!

Parents are around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Sea of he!

How to look around \ xfffe and spread the atomic Shitsu!

Parents are around \ xfffe and spread the atomic Shitsu!

How to look around \ xfffe Kiesatta the atomic Shitsu!

Parents are around \ xfffe Kiesatta the atomic Shitsu!

Found that resident Kinchou \ xfffe no longer come only food!

The parents are the Kinchou \ xfffe no longer come only food!

Toku and defending the Bou Irekawaru \ xfffe formed a pneumatic Book!

The maritime Yosare Wandarumu \ xfffe defending and went back under the Toku Bou!

What's immediately remembering the frodgers \ xfffe formed a pneumatic no speak!

Yosare maritime magic room \ xfffe frodgers of immediately returned to the original talk!

\ Xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 for \ xfffe Tsuyometa the medical speak!

You no longer speak because of antiballistic! \ Xfffe to discharge a constitutional to do!

Jikan is too long to disasters \ xfffe Yuudan speak to speak to Sai!

Dharma is the railroad mode!

Created mode maritime Dharma!

Brought together the work of two! \ Xfffe combination that works!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 won't obey!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffeloafing around!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 turned away!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 pretended \ xfffenot to notice!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 ignored orders!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 began to nap!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 ignored \ xfffeorders while asleep!

Risettomubu! !

But what Guwo \ xfffe not lodge a cane!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 in freefall \ xfffe can easily be the same!

This was Mr. Eraba

(\ Xf000Ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000) of Yu Biwofuru \ xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0001: \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0002


translate for 000/0017.text:

A wild \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 appeared!

A wild \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0001 appeared!

Ack If the skinny \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

If the skinny \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

The dream was \ xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

\ Xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 has appeared!

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0002 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0003! \ Xf000 븀 \ x0000

You are challenged by \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

Go! \ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Go! \ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001!

Go! \ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001, and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0003!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0003, \ xf000 븀 \ x0000and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0004!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 sent out \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002, \ xf000 븀 \ x0000and \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0003!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 is \ xfffeabout to send in \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002 \ xf000 븀 \ x0000Will you switch your Pokémon?

You're in charge, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Go for it, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Just a little more! \ XfffeHang in there, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

Your foe's weak! \ XfffeGet 'em, \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, switch out! \ XfffeCome back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, come back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, enough! \ XfffeGet back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, OK! \ XfffeCome back!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000, good! \ XfffeCome back!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 withdrew \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0002!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 withdrew \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001!

Hit \ xf000Ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000 time (s)!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 used \ xfffeone \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 used \ xfffeone \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 is \ xfffe \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0002 soaked to!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001 to \ xfffe \ xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0002 with a shot! !

Now the Mirakurushuta \ xfffe not mean the same!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Hidari!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Hidari!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Migi!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 Pokemon of \ xfffe rotation to Migi!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 gained \ xfffe \ xf000Ȇ \ x0001 \ x0001 Exp. Points!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 gained a boosted \ xfffe \ xf000Ȇ \ x0001 \ x0001 Exp. Points!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffe to disasters and Katta!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 and \ xfffe \ xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0002 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0003 \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 to disasters and Katta!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffe Created by: Sentence with disasters!

\ Xf000Ď \ x0001 \ x0000 for \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffe Hikiwakeda with the disasters?

Player defeated \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000!

Player defeated \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 ↑ nd \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001!

Player lost against \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000!

Player lost to \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xfffeand \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001!

Player battled to a draw against \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000!

Player battled to a draw against \ xfffe \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 and \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0001!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is out of \ xfffeusable Pokémon! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 was hastily \ xfffe \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 yen had been no ...

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 as Shoukin \ xfffe \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 Shiharatta circle ...

... ... ... ... \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe pitch - dark since the front of Me!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 got $ \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 \ xfffefor winning!

\ Xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xf000Ȅ \ x0001 \ x0001 picked yen.

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 grew to \ xfffeLv. \ Xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0001!

Oh, no! \ XfffeThe Pokémon broke free!

Aww! \ XfffeIt appeared to be caught!

Aargh! \ XfffeAlmost had it!

Shoot! \ XfffeIt was so close, too!

Gotcha! \ Xfffe \ xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 was caught!

\ Xf000ā \ x0001 \ x0000 refurbished data \ xfffe Pokemonzu is registered, the Book!

The Trainer blocked the Ball! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000Don't be a thief!

But it had no effect!

What will \ xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 do?

What will \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 do?

\ Xf000 븉 \ x0001 <But it failed!

Got away safely!

Nige did not!

Can't escape!

If the skinny \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe Nigedashita!

No! There's no running \ xfffefrom a Trainer battle!

Disasters, giving up \ xfffe Would you like pet?

It's super effective!

It's not very effective ...

It hurt itself in its \ xfffeconfusion!

Audio fought the cane!

But the rest of the work point \ xfffe did!

Came Otasuke \ xf000Ā \ x0001 \ x0000 thanks \ xfffe \ xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0001 for \ xf000 븀 \ x0000 which recovers Yokuga or roasted!

The sunlight turned harsh!

It started to rain!

A sandstorm brewed!

It started to hail!

Tadayoi began to go on forever!

Based on a knee and then went back!

Rain has gone!

The sandstorm subsided.

The hail stopped!

Swollen on forever!

Eigo no longer speak of their skin!

A storm is Fukiareru Su!

Fukisusabu the hail!

It's a one-hit KO!

\ Xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 Yowameta to speak of roasted!

\ Xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0000 frodgers in the \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 Dasenai only!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 Dasenai only!

The status of all \ xfffe returned to the original!

But nothing happened!

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000's \ xfffe \ xf000Ć \ x0001 \ x0001

Magnitude 4!

Magnitude 5!

Magnitude 6!

Magnitude 7!

Magnitude 8!

Magnitude 9!

Magnitude 10!!!

A bell chimed!

A soothing aroma wafted \ xfffethrough the area!

The battlers shared \ xfffetheir pain!

Fire's power was weakened!

Electricity's power was weakened!

The twisted dimensions returned to \ xfffenormal!

Gravity intensified!

Gravity returned to normal!

All Pokémon hearing the song \ xfffewill faint in three turns!

Yu Biwofuttara \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0000 I worked up an!

After the natural thing to \ xfffe \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0000 now!

Coins scattered everywhere!

It was too weak to make \ xfffea substitute!

Reflect raised your team's \ xfffeDefense!

The foe's Reflect raised \ xfffeits team's Defense!

Your team's Reflect \ xfffewore off!

The foe's Reflect \ xfffewore off!

Light Screen raised your team's \ xfffeSpecial Defense!

The foe's Light Screen raised \ xfffeits team's Special Defense!

Your team's Light Screen \ xfffewore off!

The foe's Light Screen \ xfffewore off!

Your team became cloaked in \ xfffea mystical veil!

The foe's team became \ xfffecloaked in a mystical veil!

Your team is no longer protected \ xfffeby Safeguard!

The foe is no longer protected \ xfffeby Safeguard!

Your team became \ xfffeshrouded in mist!

The foe's team became \ xfffeshrouded in mist!

How was wrapped to look \ xfffe alone is no longer wearing a white!

And parents had wrapped a \ xfffe alone is no longer wearing a white!

The tailwind blew from behind \ xfffeyour team!

The tailwind blew from behind \ xfffethe foe!

Your team's tailwind petered out!

The foe's tailwind petered out!

The Lucky Chant shielded your team \ xfffefrom critical hits!

The Lucky Chant shielded the foe \ xfffefrom critical hits!

Your team's Lucky Chant wore off!

The foe's Lucky Chant wore off!

Spikes were scattered all around \ xfffeyour team's feet!

Spikes were scattered all around \ xfffethe feet of the foe's team!

Out how the original footprints of \ xfffe Kiesatta Makibishi is!

Ai legs of the original \ xfffe Kiesatta Makibishi is!

Poison spikes were scattered all \ xfffearound your team's feet!

Poison spikes were scattered all \ xfffearound the enemy team's feet!

The poison spikes disappeared from \ xfffearound your team's feet!

The poison spikes disappeared from \ xfffearound the enemy team's feet!

Pointed stones float in the air \ xfffearound your team!

Pointed stones float in the air \ xfffearound your foe's team!

How to look around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Suterusurokku!

Parents are around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Suterusurokku!

How to look around \ xfffe guard is wide Mamotte!

The parents are around \ xfffe guard is wide Mamotte!

How to look around \ xfffe that the Fasutogado Mamotte!

The parents are around \ xfffe that the Fasutogado Mamotte!

How out of the sky took the rainbow!

Ai took the rainbow in the sky!

How the rainbow from the sky out of Kieta!

The rainbow from the sky and parents Kieta!

How to look around the \ xfffe sea wrapped in the he!

The parents are around \ xfffe wrapped in the sea he!

How to look around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Sea of he!

Parents are around \ xfffe Kiesatta the Sea of he!

How to look around \ xfffe and spread the atomic Shitsu!

Parents are around \ xfffe and spread the atomic Shitsu!

How to look around \ xfffe Kiesatta the atomic Shitsu!

Parents are around \ xfffe Kiesatta the atomic Shitsu!

Found that resident Kinchou \ xfffe no longer come only food!

The parents are the Kinchou \ xfffe no longer come only food!

Toku and defending the Bou Irekawaru \ xfffe formed a pneumatic Book!

The maritime Yosare Wandarumu \ xfffe defending and went back under the Toku Bou!

What's immediately remembering the frodgers \ xfffe formed a pneumatic no speak!

Yosare maritime magic room \ xfffe frodgers of immediately returned to the original talk!

\ Xf000ĉ \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0001 for \ xfffe Tsuyometa the medical speak!

You no longer speak because of antiballistic! \ Xfffe to discharge a constitutional to do!

Jikan is too long to disasters \ xfffe Yuudan speak to speak to Sai!

Dharma is the railroad mode!

Created mode maritime Dharma!

Brought together the work of two! \ Xfffe combination that works!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 won't obey!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 is \ xfffeloafing around!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 turned away!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 pretended \ xfffenot to notice!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 ignored orders!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 began to nap!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 ignored \ xfffeorders while asleep!

Risettomubu! !

But what Guwo \ xfffe not lodge a cane!

\ Xf000Č \ x0001 \ x0000 in freefall \ xfffe can easily be the same!

This was Mr. Eraba

(\ Xf000Ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000) of Yu Biwofuru \ xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0001: \ xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0002


translate for 0000/0019.text:

\ Xf000ć \ x0001 \ x0000


\ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000 / \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0001

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000 ♂

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000 ♀

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000

\ Xf000Ȃ \ x0001 \ x0000


\ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000

Audio Yuudan are! \ XfffePlease wait!

Because it passes Pureideta \ xfffe to speak to speak Yuudan Sai!

Are skipped! \ XfffePlease wait!

Paused ... \ xfffePlease wait!


translate for 0000/0022.txt:

"IR" for

"Wi-Fi" for

"Wi-Fi" for

"Wireless" on

"Wireless" on

"Wireless" on

"Wireless" on

"Wireless" on

Log "Cox" On

"The butterfly radar" for

"Custom" for

"On / Off" on

And soaking the cough Gaisen \ xfffe to have in front of friends and Kigaru Me \ xfffe can do a constitutional and diplomat. \ Xfffe also know the Aishou \ xfffe check or feeling \ xfffe diplomat also my friend code.

The sinking of the game buttons \ xfffe Erabi Pokemon to Nemura \ xfffeWi-Fi connections \ xfffe you can send them the report.

Wi-Fi can catch the Denpa \ xfffe Off control can not propaganda \ xfffeWi-Fi to be comp.

And soaking the wireless comp \ xfffe and friends are nearly \ xfffe can play next. \ Xfffe · live caster \ xfffe · high link

Castor Live \ xfffeC friend codes in gear \ xfffe diplomat or a Wi-Fi Club \ xfffe together some of Asonda \ xfffe casters and friends live \ xfffe Asobemasu the soaking.

If the high-touch buttons link \ xfffe link you can go high in a moment.

Speak speak around the same atomic \ xfffe Union room is doing \ xfffe Ninzuu reveals. \ Xfffe of wireless and nearly \ xfffe speak may have made a yes \ xfffe know.

The atomic electric gear Soreto C \ xfffe on the people that \ xfffe see around that. \ Xfffe that there are people in nearly \ xfffe the radar and the butterfly Cox \ xfffe speak is easy to catch.

The people Surechigatta \ xfffe is what you have to \ xfffe are deformed in real time. \ Xfffe that touch on the Ai \ xfffe details, or try \ xfffe can easily can be the same photo taken.

The people Surechigatta \ xfffe this Miyashi hobbies can be a butterfly. \ Xfffe Kimere to be like butterfly Sashitainai \ xfffe data Surechigatta people today \ xfffe of people so far Surechigatta \ xfffe can see the data.

Touch the mark and custom \ xfffe Metsu The Ten mark. \ Xfffe button on the situation A \ xfffe do enough for you to touch the Iro. \ Xfffe stood in a line of buttons Iro \ xfffe can make a liking as well.

Touch the mark and atomic electric \ xfffe of on and off Kirikaeru \ xfffe to do anyway turns into a noodle. \ Xfffe is half way to touch off \ xfffe the tally gets dark \ xfffe speak of the radio is turned off.

Next to


To before


translate for 0000/0023.txt:

C, if the atomic electric gear \ xfffe you begin to speak?

When Closing the lid on the DS but the \ xfffe will sleep in situation A \ xfffe Please rest speak immediately available - rated

Atomic electric gear around the corner C \ xfffe Would you speak to me speak it?

\ Xf000 \ xff00 \ x0001 \ x0001 - rated! \ Xf000 \ xff00 \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xfffe including hospital and plane \ xfffe are in and speak to speak radio \ xfffe The cane is a C around the corner atomic electric gear \ xfffe please do I speak to speak

Unable to select atomic C electrical gear \ xfffe want that speak radio in Nihongo \ xfffe is turned off \ xfffe to speak radio propaganda in Off control \ xfffe Please select (50 699)




translate for 0000/0024.txt:

High Link

Live \ xfffe Castor

Union Room

\ Xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000'm in

Wireless infiltration






Translations and far \ xfffe or the Pokemonrepoto Kakikomimasu?

Has been saved \ xfffe Please wait a while

Catching Gear C



High link \ xfffe Connect ...

High link \ xfffe Guest: \ xf000Ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000

High link \ xfffe Mission


Read phonetically



Are you just running the text through an online translator?

And can you put your translations in spoilers so half the page isn't one post? Thanks.


translate for 0000/0026.text:

If your friend code please

Train number \ xfffe please as long (01 - \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000)

Please rank long (01 - \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000)



The train number is not \ xfffe \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000 to please if the maggot Su

There is no such rank \ xfffe \ xf000ȁ \ x0001 \ x0000 to please if the maggot Su

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