DarkJogian Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 ya atrepe el legendario del black jugandolo en ingles
joanmpsamc Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 De momento he traducido las 100 primeras descripciones de los ataques del archivo 203. Me gustaría que más gente participase en la traducción de este archivo ya que actualmente hay 2 personas haciéndolo y yo no dispongo de todo el tiempo del mundo para hacerlo. De momento, aquí traigo el 20% (mas o menos) de la traducción de las descripciones: 203.txt ―\xfffe―\xfffe―\xfffe―\xfffe― Golpea al oponente con la \xfffecola o con las patas etc. Golpea al oponente con un manotazo afilado. \xfffeTiene gran probabilidad de ser un golpe crítico. Abofetea al oponente repetidamente de dos \xfffea cinco veces en el mismo turno. Golpea al oponente con una ráfaga de puñetazos \xfffeque golpean de dos a cinco veces en un turno. Golpea al enemigo con un puñetazo \xfffede gran potencia. Lanza monedas hacia el oponente para \xfffedañarlo. El dinero lanzado es ganado después de \xfffela batalla. Golpea al enemigo con un puñetazo ardiente. \xfffePuede quemar al objetivo. Golpea al enemigo con un puñetazo helado. \xfffePuede congelar al objetivo. Golpea al enemigo con un puñetazo eléctrico. \xfffePuede paralizar al enemigo. Usa unas duras y afiladas garras \xfffepara dañar al oponente. Unas impresionantes pinzas que agarran \xfffey apretan al oponente. Un feroz ataque con unas pinzas. \xfffeEl oponente se debilitará si acierta el ataque. Ataque de dos turnos. Cuchillas de viento golpean \xfffeal enemigo en el segundo turnop. Tiene gran \xfffeprobabilidad de ser un golpe crítico. Frenético baile que acentúa el espíritu combativo. \xfffeAugmenta el ataque del ejecutor. Corta al enemigo con una garra. También puede \xfffeusarse para talar pequeños árboles. Se lanza una ráfaga de aire, un tornado, \xfffepara dañar al objetivoe. El oponente es golpeado con unas largas y extendidas \xfffealas y es dañado. Ataque que auyenta al oponente, remplazándolo por \xfffeotro se su equipo. Si es un Pokémon salvaje, \xfffesla batalla acaba. El usuario se eleva muy alto y ataca al oponente en el \xfffesegundo turno.También puede usarse para volar a un sitio conocido. Se usan tentáculos o un cuerpo largo para atrapar y \xfffegolpear al oponente de dos a cinco \xfffeturnos. Golpea al enemigo con una cola para \xfffeinfligir daño. El oponente es golpeado con látigos y es \xfffedañado. Se aplasta al oponente con un enrome pie. \xfffePuede hacer retroceder al rival. El usuario asesta dos patadas al \xffferival. Golpea al enemigo con una potente \xfffepatada. El usuario salta alto y ataca al oponente. \xfffeSi se falla el ataque, el usuario se daña \xfffea sí mismo. El usuario da un giro rápido y ataca al oponente. \xfffePuede hacer retroceder. Se arroja arena a la cara del rival, \xfffe, reduciendo su precisión. El usuario golpea con su cabeza. \xfffePuede hacer retroceder al rival. Se clava un cuerno en el rival, \xfffeinfligiendo daños. El rival es corneado de dos a cinco \xfffeveces en el turno. Se cornea al rival con un cuerno que gira. \xfffeSi se acierta el ataque, el Pokémon oponente cae debilitado. Ataque físico en que el usuario arremte \xfffecon todo su cuerpo contra el rival, dañándolo. El usuario abalanza todo su peso contra \xfffeel rival. Puede paralizar. Atrapa y daña al enemigo de dos a \xfffecinco turnos. Imprudente carga desmedida contra el rival \xfffepara dañarlo. También daña al Pokémon \xfffeusuario. El usuario ataca al rival durante \xfffedos o tres turnos. Después de los golpes, \xfffeel usuario se confunde. Inconsciente y peligrosa carga contra el riva. \xfffeTambién disminuye en mucha cantidad \xfffelos PV del usuario. El usuario agita su cola contra el rival. \xfffeEl enemigo se confía y su defensa \xfffedisminuye. Se ataca al oponente con una púa venenosa \xfffeEn ocasiones, puede producir envenenamiento \xfffeal objetivo. El rival es alcanzado 2 veces por los \xfffepinchos del usuario. Puede envenenar \xfffeal objetivo. Se disparan afilados clavos a rival. \xfffeEl ataque golpea de dos a cinco veces en \xfffeel turno. Lanza una mirada intimidatoria al \xffferival. La defensa del objetivo se reduce \xfffeun poco. Se muerde al enemigo con afilados colmillos. \xfffePuede hacer retroceder al rival. El usuario emite un bonito y atractivo \xfffeaullido. El enemigo se confía y disminuye \xfffesu ataque. El rival se asusta, huyendo y cambiándose por \xfffeotro de su equipo. Si el rival es un Pokémn salvaje, \xfffehuye y acaba la batalla. Duereme al objetivo gracias a una \xffferelajante canción de cuna. El usuario emite unas ondas de sonido \xfffeque confunden al rival. Golpea al rival con una onda destructiva \xfffeque siempre infilge 20 PV de daño. Impide que el rival vuelva a usar su último \xfffemovimiento durante unos turnos. Lanza un chorro de ácido al rival. Puede \xfffedisminuirle su Defensa Especial. Se lanzan pequeñas llamas al rival. \xfffePuede quemar al objetivo. Se lanza al rival un intenso disparo de \xfffefuego. Puede quemar al objetivo. El usuario cubre su cuerpo con una niebla blanca \xfffeque evita que sus estados disminuyan en \xfffecinco turnos. Lanza un potente chorro de agua \xfffeal oponente. Dispara un enorme chorro de agua a presión \xfffeal rival. Cubre todo el campo de batalla con una ola \xfffgigante. También se puede usar para navegar por agua. Golpea al rival con un rayo de energía helado \xfffePuede congelar al objetivo. Invoca una gran ventisca para golpear al rival \xfffePuede dejarlo congelado. Ataca al rival con un extraño rayo. \xfffePuede confundir al rival. Un energético rayo de burbujas daña \xfffeal rival. Puede bajar la velocidad al \xfffeobjetivo. El enemigo es golpeado con un rayo de arco\xffferis. Puede reducir el ataque del rival. Ataca al rival con un poderosísimo rayo. \xfffeEl usuario debe descansar el sigueinte turno \xfffepara recuperar energias. Pincha al rival con un afilado pico \xfffeo cuerno. Un afilado pico perfora al rival en \xfffeforma de taladro. Asesta un golpe desmedido al oponente. \xfffeTambién daña al usuario. Poderosa patada baj que hace caer al \xffferival. El daño infligido es mayor \xfffeen Pokémon de mayor peso. Movimiento que inflige el doble de daño \xfffefísico recibido. Si el daño recibido es \xfffeespecial, Contador fallará. Lanza al rival e inflige un daño igual \xfffeal nivel del usuario. Golpea al rival con un puñetazo de máximo \xfffepoder. También puede usarse para mover rocas. Ataque drenaje. Los PV del usuario \xfffese regeneran la mitad de daño \xfffeproducido al objetivo. Ataque drenaje. Los PV del usuario \xfffese regeneran la mitad de daño \xfffeproducido al objetivo. Se planta una semilla en el rival. Roba \xfffealgunos PV al rival para curar al usuario cada turno. Fuerza el cuerpo del usuario y le augmenta \xfffeel Ataque y el Ataque Especial. Unas afiladas hojas se lanzan al rival. \xfffeTiene muchas probabilidades de ser crítico. Ataque de dos turnos. El usuario almacena luz \xfffey la dispara en el segundo turno. Una nube de veneno cubre al rival y lo \xfffeenvenena. Lanza polvos al rival que lo dejan \xfffeparalizado. Lanza polvos somníferos que duermen \xfffeal rival. El usuario ataca con pétalos durante dos \xfffeo tres turnos, tras los cuales pasa a \xfffeestar confundido. Lanza un hilo de seda, producido por el \xfffeusuario, al rival. Este ataque reduce la velocidad \xfffedel objetivo. Golpea al rival con una onda de choque. \xfffeSiempre inlfige 40 PV de daño. Atrapa al enemigo en un vieloento \xfffetornado de fuego de dos a cinco \xfffeturnos. Arroja una sacudida eléctrica de alto \xfffenivel que puede paralizar al \xfffeobetivo. Desata un fuerte rayo eléctrico \xfffeen el rival. Puede paralizar al \xfffeobetivo. Lanza una débil carga eléctrica al \xffferival. Siempre que acierta paraliza \xfffeal objetivo. Un despiadado trueno cae sobre \xfffeel rival para ingligir serios daños. \xfffePuede paralizar al objetivo. El usuario coge y lanza pequeñas rocas \xfffe al rival para dañarlo. El usuario desencadena un terremoto que \xfffedaña a todos los Pokémon de la batalla. El usuario abre una gran grieta en \xfffeel suelo y lanza al enemigo dentro. \xfffeSi acierta, el enemigo cae debilitado. El usuario cava y ataca en el segundo turno. \xfffeTambién puede usarse para escapar de cuevas. Envenena al rival seriamente. El veneno \xfffequita más PV cada turno que pasa. Ataca al rival con una fuerza telequinética. \xfffePuede dejar al objetivo confundido. Ataca al rival con una poderosa fuerza \xfffetelequinética. Puede bajar la Def. Esp. del objetivo. Lanza ondas ópticas relajantes al \xfffeenemigo para calmarlo y \xfffedormirlo. El usuario medita y emfortece \xfffesu cuerpo para aumentar su \xfffeataque. El usuario relaja sus músculos para \xfffevolverse más ligero y aumenta su \xfffevelocidad. El usuario embiste al rival con tal \xfffevelocidad, que lo hace invisible.\xfffeSiempre ataca primero. Cada vez que se usa este movimiento, \xfffeaumenta su poder. Se usa para huir de un Pokémon salvaje. \xfffeTambién te lleva a último Centro Pokémon visitado. The user makes the foe see a mirage. \xfffeIt inflicts damage matching the user’s level. The user copies the move last used by the \xfffefoe. The move can be used for the rest \xfffeof the battle. An earsplitting screech is emitted to \xfffesharply reduce the foe’s Defense stat. By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory \xfffecopies of itself to raise its evasiveness. A self-healing move. The user restores its \xfffeown HP by up to half of its max HP. The user stiffens all the muscles in its body \xfffeto raise its Defense stat. The user compresses its body to make itself \xfffelook smaller. The user’s evasion \xfffestat is boosted. The user releases an obscuring cloud of \xfffesmoke or ink. It reduces the foe’s \xfffeaccuracy. The foe is exposed to a sinister ray that \xfffetriggers confusion. The user withdraws its body into its hard \xfffeshell, raising its Defense stat. The user curls up to conceal weak spots and \xffferaise its Defense stat. The user throws up a sturdy wall that \xfffesharply raises its Defense stat. A wondrous wall of light is put up to \xfffesuppress damage from special attacks for five turns. The user creates a haze that eliminates \xfffeevery stat change among all the \xfffePokemon engaged in battle. A wondrous wall of light is put up to \xfffesuppress damage from physical \xfffeattacks for five turns. The user takes a deep breath and focuses \xfffeto raise the critical-hit ratio of its attacks. The user endures attacks for two turns, \xfffethen strikes back to cause double \xfffethe damage taken. The user waggles a finger and stimulates the \xfffebrain into randomly using nearly any \xfffemove. The user counters the foe by mimicking the \xfffemove last used by the foe. The user blows up to inflict damage on all \xfffePokemon in battle. The user faints \xfffeupon using this move. A large egg is hurled with maximum force at \xfffethe foe to inflict damage. The foe is licked with a long tongue, causing \xfffedamage. It may also paralyze the target. The foe is attacked with a discharge of \xfffefilthy gases. It may also poison the target. Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the foe. \xfffeIt may also poison the target. The user clubs the foe with a bone. \xfffeIt may also make the target flinch. The foe is attacked with an intense blast of \xfffeall-consuming fire. It may also \xfffeleave the target with a burn. The user charges at the foe rapidly, and may \xfffemake it flinch. It can also be used \xfffeto climb a waterfall. The foe is clamped and squeezed by the \xfffeuser’s very thick and sturdy shell \xfffefor two to five turns. Star-shaped rays are shot at the foe. \xfffeThis attack never misses. The user tucks in its head to raise its \xfffeDefense in the first turn, then rams \xfffethe foe on the next turn. Sharp spikes are fired at the foe to \xfffestrike two to five times in rapid \xfffesuccession. The foe is attacked with long, creeping \xfffetentacles or vines. It may also \xfffelower the target’s Speed. The user temporarily empties its mind to \xfffeforget its concerns. It sharply \xffferaises the user’s Sp. Def stat. The user distracts the foe by bending a \xfffespoon. It may lower the target’s \xfffeaccuracy. The user restores its own HP by up to half \xfffeof its maximum HP. It may also be \xfffeused to heal an ally’s HP. The foe is attacked with a knee kick from a \xfffejump. If it misses, the user is hurt \xfffeinstead. The user intimidates the foe with the \xfffepattern on its belly to cause paralysis. An attack that works only on a sleeping foe. \xfffeIt absorbs half the damage caused to heal \xfffethe user’s HP. A cloud of poison gas is sprayed in the foe’s face. \xfffeIt may poison the target. Round objects are hurled at the foe to \xfffestrike two to five times in a row. A blood-draining attack. The user’s HP is \xffferestored by half the damage taken by \xfffethe target. With a scary face, the user tries to force a \xfffekiss on the foe. If it succeeds, the \xfffetarget falls asleep. A second-turn attack move with a high \xfffecritical-hit ratio. It may also make \xfffethe target flinch. The user transforms into a copy of the foe \xffferight down to having the same move \xfffeset. A spray of countless bubbles is jetted at \xfffethe foe. It may also lower the \xfffetarget’s Speed stat. The foe is hit with rhythmically launched \xfffepunches that may also leave it \xfffeconfused. The user scatters bursts of spores that \xfffeinduce sleep. The user flashes a light that cuts the foe’s \xfffeaccuracy. It can also be used to \xfffeilluminate caves. The foe is attacked with an odd, hot energy \xfffewave. The attack varies in intensity. The user just flops and splashes around to \xfffeno effect at all... The user alters its cellular structure to \xfffeliquefy itself, sharply raising its \xfffeDefense stat. The foe is hammered with a large pincer. \xfffeThis move has a high critical-hit ratio. The user explodes to inflict damage on all \xfffePokemon in battle. The user faints \xfffeupon using this move. The foe is raked with sharp claws or scythes for two to five times \xfffein quick succession. The user throws the bone it holds. \xfffeThe bone loops to hit the foe twice, coming \xfffeand going. The user goes to sleep for two turns. \xfffeIt fully restores the user’s HP and heals \xfffeany status problem. Large boulders are hurled at the foe to \xfffeinflict damage. It may also make the \xfffetarget flinch. The user bites hard on the foe with its sharp \xfffefront fangs. It may also make the \xfffetarget flinch. The user reduces its polygon count to make \xfffeitself more jagged, raising the \xfffeAttack stat. The user changes its type to become the \xfffesame type as one of its moves. The user strikes with a simultaneous \xfffethree-beam attack. May also \xfffeparalyze, burn, or freeze the target. The user chomps hard on the foe with its \xfffesharp front fangs. It cuts the \xfffetarget’s HP to half. The foe is attacked with a slash of \xfffeclaws, etc. It has a high \xfffecritical-hit ratio. The user makes a copy of itself using some of \xfffeits HP. The copy serves as the \xfffeuser’s decoy. An attack that is used in desperation only if \xfffethe user has no PP. It also hurts \xfffethe user slightly. It enables the user to permanently learn \xfffethe move last used by the foe. Once \xfffeused, Sketch disappears. A consecutive three-kick attack that \xfffebecomes more powerful with each \xfffesuccessive hit. The user attacks and steals the foe’s held \xfffeitem simultaneously. It can’t steal \xfffeif the user holds an item. The user ensnares the foe with a thin, gooey silk \xfffeso it can’t flee from battle. The user senses the foe’s movements with its \xfffemind to ensure its next attack does \xfffenot miss. A sleeping foe is shown a nightmare that \xfffeinflicts some damage every turn. The user cloaks itself in fire and \xfffecharges at the foe. It may also \xfffeleave the target with a burn. An attack that can be used only if the user \xfffeis asleep. The harsh noise may also \xfffemake the foe flinch. A move that works differently for the Ghost type than for all the other types. The user flails about aimlessly to attack. \xfffeIt becomes more powerful the less HP the \xfffeuser has. The user changes its type to make itself \xffferesistant to the type of the attack \xfffeit last took. A vortex of air is shot at the foe to inflict \xfffedamage. It has a high critical-hit \xffferatio. The user releases cotton-like spores \xfffethat cling to the foe, sharply \xfffereducing its Speed stat. An all-out attack that becomes more \xfffepowerful the less HP the user has. The user looses its grudge on the move last used by \xfffethe foe by cutting 4 PP from it. The user attacks with a chilling gust of \xfffepowdery snow. It may also freeze the \xfffetarget. It enables the user to evade all attacks. \xfffeIts chance of failing rises if it is used in \xfffesuccession. The user throws a punch at blinding speed. \xfffeIt is certain to strike first. The user frightens the foe with a scary face \xfffeto sharply reduce its Speed stat. The user draws up to the foe disarmingly, \xfffethen throws a sucker punch. It hits \xfffewithout fail. The user kisses the foe with a sweet, angelic \xfffecuteness that causes confusion. The user maximizes its Attack stat in \xfffeexchange for HP equal to half its \xfffemax HP. The user attacks by hurling filthy sludge at \xfffethe foe. It may also poison the \xfffetarget. The user hurls mud in the foe’s face to \xfffeinflict damage and lower its accuracy. The user attacks by spraying ink in the \xfffefoe’s face or eyes. It may also lower \xfffethe target’s accuracy. The user lays a trap of spikes at the foe’s \xfffefeet. The trap hurts foes that \xfffeswitch into battle. The user fires an electric blast like a \xfffecannon to inflict damage and cause \xfffeparalysis. Enables the user to hit a Ghost type with \xfffeany type of move. It also enables \xfffethe user to hit an evasive foe. When this move is used, if the user faints, \xfffethe foe that landed the knockout hit \xfffealso faints. Any Pokemon that hears this song faints in \xfffethree turns, unless it switches out of \xfffebattle. The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. \xfffeIt also lowers the target’s Speed stat. It enables the user to evade all attacks. \xfffeIts chance of failing rises if it is used in \xfffesuccession. The user strikes at the foe with a hard bone two to five times in a row. The user takes sure aim at the foe. \xfffeIt ensures the next attack does not fail to \xfffehit the target. The user rampages and attacks for two to \xfffethree turns. However, it then \xfffebecomes confused. A five-turn sand-storm is summoned to hurt \xfffeall combatant types except Rock, \xfffeGround, and Steel. A nutrient-draining attack. The user’s HP is \xffferestored by half the damage taken by the target. The user endures any attack with at least \xfffe1 HP. Its chance of failing rises \xfffeif it is used in succession. The user charmingly stares at the foe, \xfffemaking it less wary. The target’s \xfffeAttack is sharply lowered. The user continually rolls into the foe over \xfffefive turns. It becomes stronger each \xfffetime it hits. A restrained attack that prevents the foe \xfffefrom fainting. The target is left \xfffewith at least 1 HP. The user enrages the foe into confusion. \xfffeHowever, it also sharply raises the \xfffefoe’s Attack stat. The user restores its own HP by up to half \xfffeof its maximum HP. It may also be \xfffeused to heal an ally’s HP. The user throws an electrically charged \xfffetackle at the foe. It may also leave \xfffethe target paralyzed. The foe is slashed with scythes or claws. \xfffeIts power increases if it hits in succession. The foe is hit with wings of steel. \xfffeIt may also raise the user’s Defense stat. The user affixes the foe with a dark, \xfffearresting look. The target becomes \xfffeunable to flee. If it is the opposite gender of the user, \xfffethe foe becomes infatuated and less \xfffelikely to attack. While it is asleep, the user randomly uses \xfffeone of the moves it knows. The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal the status \xfffeproblems of all the party Pokemon. A full-power attack that grows more \xfffepowerful the more the user likes its Trainer. The user attacks by giving the foe a \xfffebooby-trapped gift. It restores HP \xfffesometimes, however. A full-power attack that grows more \xfffepowerful the less the user likes its Trainer. The user creates a protective field that \xfffeprevents status problems for five turns. The user adds its HP to the foe’s HP, \xfffethen equally shares the combined HP \xfffewith the foe. The foe is razed with a mystical fire of great intensity. \xfffeIt may also leave the target with a burn. The user looses a ground-shaking quake affecting everyone in battle. \xfffeIts power varies. The foe is punched with the user’s full, concentrated power. \xfffeIt confuses the foe if it hits. Using its tough and impressive horn, the user rams into the foe with no letup. The user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage. \xfffeIt may also paralyze the target. The user switches places with a party Pokemon in waiting, passing along any stat changes. The user compels the foe to keep using only the move it \xfffelast used for three to seven turns. An attack move that inflicts double damage if used \xfffeon a foe that is switching out of battle. A spin attack that can also eliminate such moves \xfffeas Bind, Wrap, Leech Seed, and Spikes. A sweet scent that lowers the foe’s evasiveness. \xfffeIt also lures wild Pokemon if used in grass, etc. The foe is slammed with a steel-hard tail. \xfffeIt may also lower the target’s Defense stat. The foe is raked with steel claws. \xfffeIt may also raise the user’s Attack stat. The user allows the foe to attack first. \xfffeIn return, this throw move is guaranteed not to miss. The user restores its own HP. \xfffeThe amount of HP regained varies with the weather. The user restores its own HP. \xfffeThe amount of HP regained varies with the weather. The user restores its own HP. \xfffeThe amount of HP regained varies with the weather. A unique attack that varies in type and intensity depending \xfffeon the Pokemon using it. The user delivers a double chop with its forearms crossed. \xfffeIt has a high critical-hit ratio. The user whips up a vicious tornado to tear at the foe. \xfffeIt may also make the foe flinch. The user summons a heavy rain that falls \xfffefor five turns, powering up Water- type moves. The user intensifies the sun for \xfffefive turns, powering up Fire-type moves. The user crunches up the foe with sharp fangs. \xfffeIt may also lower the target’s Defense stat. A retaliation move that counters any special attack, inflicting double the damage taken. The user hypnotizes itself into copying any stat change made by the foe. The user charges the foe at blinding speed. \xfffeThis attack always goes before any other move. The user attacks with a prehistoric power. \xfffeIt may also raise all the user’s stats at once. The user hurls a shadowy blob at the foe. \xfffeIt may also lower the foe’s Sp. Def stat. Two turns after this move is used, the foe \xfffeis attacked with a hunk of psychic energy. The user hits with a punch that may lower \xfffethe target’s Defense. It can also smash \xfffecracked boulders. Traps the foe inside a whirlpool that lasts \xfffefor two to five turns. The user can pass \xfffethrough whirlpools. The user gets all the party Pokemon to attack the foe. \xfffeThe more party Pokemon, the more damage. An attack that hits first and makes the target flinch. \xfffeIt only works the first turn the user is in battle. The user attacks in an uproar for two to \xfffefive turns. Over that time, no one can fall asleep. The user charges up power, and raises both its Defense and Sp. Def. \xfffeThe move can be used three times. The power stored using the move Stockpile is released at once in an attack. The power stored using the move Stockpile is absorbed by the user to heal its HP. The user exhales a heated breath on the foe to attack. \xfffeIt may also leave the target with a burn. The user summons a hailstorm lasting five turns. \xfffeIt damages all Pokemon except the Ice type. The user torments and enrages the foe, making it incapable of \xfffeusing the same move twice in a row. Flattery is used to confuse the foe. \xfffeHowever, it also raises the target’s Sp. Atk stat. The user shoots a sinister, bluish white flame at the foe to inflict a burn. The user faints upon using this move. \xfffeIn return, it sharply lowers the target’s Attack and Sp. Atk. An attack move that doubles \xfffeits power if the user is \xfffepoisoned, paralyzed, or has a burn. The user focuses its mind before launching a punch. \xfffeIt will fail if the user is hit before it is used. This attack inflicts double damage on a paralyzed foe. \xfffeIt also cures the foe’s paralysis, however. The user draws attention to itself, \xfffemaking all foes take aim only at the user. An attack that makes use of nature’s power. \xfffeIts effects vary depending on the user’s environment. The user boosts the power of the Electric \xfffemove it uses next. It also raises the user’s \xfffeSp. Def stat. The foe is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for two to four turns. A move that boosts the power of the ally’s attack in a Double Battle. The user catches the foe off guard and swaps the foe’s held item with its own. The user mimics the foe completely, copying the foe’s natural ability. A self-healing move. The user restores its own HP by \xfffeup to half of its maximum HP in the next turn. The user hurriedly and randomly uses a move among those known by other Pokemon in the party. The user lays roots that restore HP on every turn. \xfffeBecause it is rooted, it can’t switch out. The user attacks the foe with great power. \xfffeHowever, it also lowers the user’s Attack and Defense. A barrier reflects back to the foe moves like Leech Seed and moves that damage status. The user recycles a held item that has been used in battle \xfffeso it can be used again. An attack move that inflicts double the \xfffedamage if the user has been hurt by the foe \xfffein the same turn. The user attacks with tough fists, etc. \xfffeIt can also break any barrier such as \xfffeLight Screen and Reflect. The user lets loose a huge yawn that lulls the foe \xfffeinto falling asleep on the next turn. The user slaps down the foe’s held item, preventing the item from \xfffebeing used during the battle. An attack move that cuts down the foe’s HP to equal the user’s HP. The user attacks in an explosive fury. \xfffeThe lower the user’s HP, the less powerful this attack becomes. The user employs its psychic power to exchange abilities with the foe. If the foe knows any move also known by the \xfffeuser, the foe is prevented from using it. The user rests to cure itself of a poisoning, burn, or paralysis. If the user faints, the user’s grudge fully depletes the PP \xfffeof the foe’s move that knocked it out. The user steals the effects of any healing or stat- changing \xfffemove the foe attempts to use. The user attacks with a secret power. \xfffeIts added effects vary depending on the user’s environment. A two-turn attack. The user dives underwater on the \xfffefirst turn, then hits on the next turn. The user looses a flurry of open-palmed arm thrusts that hit \xfffetwo to five times in a row. The user’s type is changed depending on its environment, such as at water’s edge, in grass, or in a cave. The user stares at flashing lights to focus \xfffeits mind, sharply raising its Sp. Atk stat. The user looses a damaging burst of light. \xfffeIt may also reduce the target’s Sp. Def stat. A mistlike flurry of down envelops and damages the foe. \xfffeIt may also lower the target’s Sp. Atk. The user covers the foe with a mass of down that sharply \xfffelowers the Attack stat. The user performs a wobbly dance that confuses all \xfffethe Pokemon in battle. The user launches a kick with a high critical-hit ratio. \xfffeIt may also leave the target with a burn. The user covers itself with mud. It weakens Electric- \xfffetype moves while the user is in the battle. The user continually rolls into the foe over five turns. \xfffeIt becomes stronger each time it hits. The user attacks by wildly swinging its thorny arms. \xfffeIt may also make the target flinch. The user slacks off, restoring its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. The user lets loose a horribly echoing shout with the power to inflict damage. The user bites the foe with toxic fangs. \xfffeIt may also leave the foe badly poisoned. The user slashes the foe with hard and sharp claws. \xfffeIt may also lower the target’s Defense. The foe is razed by a fiery explosion. \xfffeThe user must rest on the next turn, however. The foe is hit with a watery blast. \xfffeThe user must rest on the next turn, however. The foe is hit with a hard punch fired like a meteor. \xfffeIt may also raise the user’s Attack. The user attacks the foe while shouting in a startling fashion. \xfffeIt may also make the target flinch. An attack move that varies in power and type depending on the weather. The user releases a soothing scent that heals all status \xfffeproblems affecting the user’s party. The user feigns crying to make the foe feel \xfffeflustered, sharply lowering its Sp. Def stat. The user launches razorlike wind \xfffeto slash the foe. \xfffeIt has a high critical-hit ratio. The user attacks the foe at full power. The attack’s recoil \xfffesharply reduces the user’s Sp. Atk stat. Enables the user to hit a Ghost type with any type of move. \xfffeIt also enables the user to hit an evasive foe. Boulders are hurled at the foe. \xfffeIt also lowers the foe’s Speed by preventing \xfffeits movement. The foe is attacked with powdery scales blown by wind. \xfffeIt may also raise all the user’s stats. A horrible sound like scraping metal is emitted to sharply reduce \xfffethe foe’s Sp. Def stat. The user plays a pleasant melody that lulls \xfffethe foe into a deep sleep. The user tickles the foe into laughing, reducing its Attack and Defense stats. The user absorbs a mystical power from space to raise its Defense and Sp. Def stats. The user spouts water to damage the foe. \xfffeThe lower the user’s HP, the less powerful it becomes. The user attacks with a sinister beam of light. \xfffeIt may also confuse the target. The user throws a punch at the foe from the shadows. \xfffeThe punch lands without fail. The user attacks with an odd, unseeable power. \xfffeIt may also make the foe flinch. The user attacks the foe with an uppercut thrown skyward with force. The user traps the foe inside a harshly raging sandstorm \xfffefor two to five turns. The foe is attacked with a blast of absolute-zero cold. \xfffeThe foe instantly faints if it hits. The user attacks by shooting out muddy water. \xfffeIt may also lower the foe’s accuracy. The user forcefully shoots seeds at the foe. \xfffeTwo to five seeds are shot in rapid succession. The user confounds the foe with speed, then slashes. \xfffeThe attack lands without fail. The user launches sharp icicles at the foe. \xfffeIt strikes two to five times in a row. The user hardens its body’s surface like iron, sharply raising \xfffeits Defense stat. The user blocks the foe’s way with arms spread wide to prevent escape. The user howls loudly to raise its spirit, boosting its Attack stat. The user slashes the foe with huge, sharp claws. The foe is slammed with an enormous tree. \xfffeThe user can’t move on the next turn. The user tenses its muscles to bulk up its body, boosting both \xfffeits Attack and Defense stats. The user bounces up high, then drops on the foe on the second turn. \xfffeIt may also paralyze the foe. The user attacks by hurling a blob of mud at the foe. \xfffeIt also reduces the target’s Speed. An attack with a high critical-hit ratio. \xfffeThis tail attack may also poison the foe. The user endearingly approaches the foe, then steals the item \xfffethe foe is holding. The user electrifies itself, then charges at the foe. \xfffeIt causes considerable damage to the user as well. The user scatters curious leaves that chase \xfffethe foe. This attack will not miss. The user soaks itself with water. The move weakens Fire-type moves \xfffewhile the user is in the battle. The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise \xfffeits Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats. The foe is slashed with a sharp leaf. \xfffeIt has a high critical-hit ratio. The user vigorously performs a \xfffemystic, powerful dance that boosts its \xfffeAttack and Speed stats. The user hurls hard rocks at the foe. \xfffeTwo to five rocks are launched in quick \xfffesuccession. The user strikes the foe with a quick jolt \xfffeof electricity. This attack cannot be evaded. The user attacks the foe with a pulsing \xfffeblast of water. It may also confuse the foe. Two turns after this move is used, the user blasts the foe with a \xfffeconcentrated bundle of light. The user attacks the foe at full power. \xfffeThe attack’s recoil sharply \xfffereduces the user’s Sp. Atk stat. The user lands and rests its body. \xfffeIt restores the user’s HP \xfffeby up to half of its max HP. Gravity is intensified for five turns, making moves involving \xfffeflying unusable and negating Levitation. Enables the user to hit a Dark type with any type of move. \xfffeIt also enables the user to hit an evasive foe. This attack inflicts high damage on a sleeping foe. \xfffeIt also wakes the foe up, however. The user swings and hits with its strong and heavy fist. \xfffeIt lowers the user’s Speed, however. The user tackles the foe with a high-speed spin. \xfffeThe slower the user, the greater the damage. The user faints. In return, the Pokemon taking its place will have its \xfffeHP restored and status cured. If the foe’s HP is down to about half, this attack will \xfffehit with double the power. The user draws power to attack by using its held Berry. \xfffeThe Berry determines its type and power. An attack that hits a foe using Protect or Detect. \xfffeIt also lifts the effects of those moves. The user pecks the foe. If the foe is \xfffeholding a Berry, the user plucks it \xfffeand gains its effect. The user whips up a turbulent whirlwind that ups the Speed of \xfffeall party Pokemon for three turns. The user applies pressure to stress points, sharply boosting one of its stats. The user retaliates against the foe that last inflicted damage on it \xfffewith much greater power. After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places \xfffewith a party Pokemon in waiting. The user fights the foe up close without guarding itself. \xfffeIt also cuts the user’s Defense and Sp. Def. If the user can use this attack after \xfffethe foe attacks, its power is doubled. If the foe has already taken some damage in the \xfffesame turn, this attack’s power is doubled. It prevents the foe from using its held item. \xfffeIts Trainer is also prevented from using items on it. The user flings its held item at the foe to attack. \xfffeIts power and effects depend on the item. Using its psychic power of suggestion, the user transfers \xfffeits status problems to the target. The fewer PP this move has, the more power it has for attack. The user prevents the foe from using any HP-recovery moves for five turns. The user powerfully wrings the foe. \xfffeThe more HP the foe has, the greater \xfffethis attack’s power. The user employs its psychic power to switch its Attack with its Defense stat. The user hurls up its stomach acids on the foe. \xfffeThe fluid eliminates the effect of the foe’s ability. The user chants an incantation toward the \xfffesky, preventing the foe from landing critical hits. The user tries to cut ahead of the foe to steal and use the foe’s intended \xfffemove with greater power. The user mimics the move used immediately before it. \xfffeThe move fails if no other move has been used yet. The user employs its psychic power to switch changes to \xfffeits Attack and Sp. Atk with the foe. The user employs its psychic power to switch changes to \xfffeits Defense and Sp. Def with the foe. This attack’s power increases the more the foe has powered up with stat changes. This move can be used only after the user has used all the other moves it knows in the battle. A seed that causes worry is planted on the foe. \xfffeIt prevents sleep by making its ability Insomnia. This move enables the user to attack first. \xfffeIt fails if the foe is not readying an attack, however. The user lays a trap of poison spikes at the foe’s feet. \xfffeThey poison foes that switch into battle. The user employs its psychic power to switch stat changes with the foe. The user envelops itself in a veil made of water. \xfffeIt regains some HP on every turn. The user levitates using electrically generated magnetism for five turns. The user cloaks itself in fire and charges at the foe. \xfffeThe user sustains serious damage, too. The foe is attacked with a shock wave. It may also leave the target paralyzed. The user looses a blast of aura power from deep within its body. \xfffeThis move is certain to hit. The user polishes its body to reduce drag. It can sharply raise the Speed stat. The foe is stabbed with a tentacle or arm steeped in poison. \xfffeIt may also poison the foe. The user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts. \xfffeIt may also make the target flinch. The user slashes the foe the instant an opportunity arises. \xfffeIt has a high critical-hit ratio. The user attacks by swinging its tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm. The user slams a barrage of hard-shelled \xfffeseeds down on the foe from above. The user attacks with a blade of air that slices even the sky. \xfffeIt may also make the target flinch. The user slashes at the foe by crossing its scythes or claws as if they were a pair of scissors. The user vibrates its wings to generate a damaging sound wave. \xfffeIt may also lower the foe’s Sp. Def stat. The foe is attacked with a shock wave generated by the user’s gaping mouth. The user tackles the foe while exhibiting overwhelming menace. \xfffeIt may also make the target flinch. The user attacks with a ray of light that sparkles as if it were made of gemstones. An energy-draining punch. The user’s HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target. The user whirls its fists to send a wave of pure vacuum at the foe. \xfffeThis move always goes first. The user heightens its mental focus and unleashes its power. \xfffeIt may also lower the target’s Sp. Def. The user draws power from nature and fires it at the foe. \xfffeIt may also lower the target’s Sp. Def. The user tucks in its wings and charges from a low altitude. \xfffeThe user also takes serious damage. The user makes the ground under the foe erupt with power. \xfffeIt may also lower the target’s Sp. Def. The user trades held items with the \xfffefoe faster than the eye can follow. The user charges at the foe using every bit of its power. \xfffeThe user must rest on the next turn. The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts. \xfffeIt sharply raises the user’s Sp. Atk. The user strikes with a tough punch as fast as a bullet. \xfffeThis move always goes first. An attack move that inflicts double the damage if the user has been \xfffehurt by the foe in the same turn. The user flash freezes chunks of ice and hurls them. \xfffeThis move always goes first. The user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. \xfffeIt has a high critical-hit ratio. The user bites with electrified fangs. \xfffeIt may also make the foe flinch \xfffeor become paralyzed. The user bites with cold-infused fangs. \xfffeIt may also make the foe flinch \xfffeor freeze. The user bites with flame-cloaked fangs. \xfffeIt may also make the foe flinch \xfffeor sustain a burn. The user extends its shadow and attacks the foe from behind. \xfffeThis move always goes first. The user launches a hard-packed mud ball to attack. \xfffeIt may also lower the target’s accuracy. The user tears at the foe with blades formed by psychic power. \xfffeIt has a high critical-hit ratio. The user focuses its willpower to its head and rams the foe. \xfffeIt may also make the target flinch. The user looses a flash of energy from its polished body. \xfffeIt may also lower the target’s accuracy. The user gathers all its light energy and releases it at once. \xfffeIt may also lower the foe’s Sp. Def stat. A charging attack that may also leave the foe confused. \xfffeIt can also be used to scale rocky walls. It reduces the foe’s evasion stat. It also removes spikes, light screens, etc. The user creates a bizarre area in which slower Pokemon get to move first for five turns. Comets are summoned down from the sky. The attack’s recoil sharply reduces the user’s Sp. Atk stat. A flare of electricity is loosed to strike all Pokemon in battle. \xfffeIt may also cause paralysis. An inferno of scarlet flames washes over all Pokemon in battle. \xfffeIt may also inflict burns. A storm of sharp leaves is whipped up. The attack’s recoil sharply reduces the user’s Sp. Atk stat. The user violently whirls its vines or tentacles to harshly lash the foe. The user launches a huge boulder at the foe to attack. \xfffeIt must rest on the next turn, however. A slashing attack that may also leave the target poisoned. \xfffeIt has a high critical-hit ratio. The user shoots filthy garbage at the foe \xfffeto attack. It may also poison the \xfffetarget. The foe slams the target with its steel-hard \xfffehead. It may also make the target flinch. The user launches a steel bomb that sticks \xfffeto the target. This attack will not miss. The user stabs the foe with a sharpened \xfffestone. It has a high critical-hit ratio. If it is the opposite gender of the user, the \xfffefoe is charmed into sharply lowering \xfffeits Sp. Atk stat. The user lays a trap of levitating stones \xfffearound the foe. The trap hurts foes \xfffethat switch into battle. The user snares the foe with grass and trips it. \xfffeThe heavier the foe, the greater the damage. The user attacks using a sound wave based \xfffeon words it has learned. It may also \xfffeconfuse the foe. The user releases countless shots of light. \xfffeIts type varies with the kind of Plate the \xffferuser is holding. The user bites the foe. If the foe is \xfffeholding a Berry, the user eats it and gains its effect. The user fires a concentrated bundle of \xfffeelectricity. It may also raise the \xfffeuser’s Sp. Atk stat. The user slams its rugged body into the foe \xfffeto attack. The user also sustains \xfffeserious damage. The user lunges at the foe at a speed that \xfffemakes it almost invisible. \xfffeIt is sure to strike first. The user calls out its underlings to pummel \xfffethe foe. It has a high critical-hit \xffferatio. The user calls out its underlings to shield \xfffeits body, raising its Defense and \xfffeSp. Def stats. The user calls out its underlings to heal it. \xfffeThe user regains up to half of its max HP. The user delivers a life-endangering attack \xfffeat full power. The user also takes \xfffeterrible damage. The user slams the foe with a long tail, \xfffevines, etc. The target is hit twice \xfffein a row. The user blasts the foe with power that \xfffedistorts even time. The user must \xffferest on the next turn. The user tears the foe along with the space \xfffearound it. This move has a high \xfffecritical-hit ratio. The user faints. In return, the Pokemon \xfffetaking its place will have its \xfffestatus and HP fully restored. The foe is crushed with great force. \xfffeThe attack is more powerful the more HP the foe has left. The foe becomes trapped within a maelstrom \xfffeof fire that rages for two to five turns. The foe is dragged into a world of total \xfffedarkness that puts it to sleep. The user generates a shock wave from within \xfffeits body. It may also lower the \xfffetarget’s Sp. Def. The user creates a gust of repulsive wind. \xfffeIt may also raise all the user’s stats at \xfffeonce. The user disappears, then strikes the foe \xfffeon the second turn. It hits even if \xfffethe foe protects itself. It sharpens its claws. Increases your \xfffeAccuracy and Attack. It protects all its teammates from attacks \xfffefor one turn. May fail if used in \xfffesuccession. With psychic abilities it adds together the \xfffeDefence and Special Defence of it \xfffeand the opponent and then divides them in half. With psychic abilities it adds together the \xfffeAttack and Special Attack of it and \xfffethe opponent and then divides them in half. It creates a mysterious atmosphere. \xfffeAll Pokemon have their defence and \xfffespecial attack switched for 5 Turns. It makes its mysterious brain waves real and \xfffeattacks the opponents. It deals Physical damage. It hurls a special poison. Its power doubles \xfffeif it hits an opponent with Poison status. It cuts off useless parts of its body. \xfffeIt sharply raises its speed and makes its \xfffeweight lighter. It sprinkles itself with a powder that \xfffecauses frustration to call attention \xfffeto itself. All the opponent’s attacks aim towards it. It raises the opponent in the air with its \xfffepsychic abilities. Attacks hit the \xfffeopponent more easily for 3 turns. It creates a strange atmosphere. \xfffeNo Pokemon’s items have an effect \xfffefor 5 turns. It attacks by throwing rocks or bullets at a \xfffeflying opponent. The opponent is \xfffeknocked down and falls to the ground. It strikes the opponent with one mighty \xfffeblow. This attack allows results in \xfffea critical hit. If it hits it attacks the opponent with a \xfffebursting flame. The burst flame will \xfffefall onto those nearby the hit Pokemon. It attacks those near it with a wave of \xfffesludge. It will sometimes cause poisoning. It lightly dances a mysterious dance. \xfffeIt raises its own Special Attack, Special \xfffeDefence, and Speed. It attacks by striking the opponent with its \xfffeheavy body. The heavier it is than \xfffeits opponent, the greater the power. With a strange electric wave it damages \xfffeitself and other Pokemon who have \xfffethe same type. It slams an electric cluster into the \xfffeopponent. The faster it is than its \xfffeopponent, the greater the power. It bathes the opponent in lots of water and \xfffemakes their type Water. It puts on flame and attacks the opponent. \xfffeIt stores strength and its speed rises. It coils up and concentrates. \xfffeIt raises its Attack, Defence and Accuracy. With speedy movements it aims at the \xfffeopponents’ feet It spits out a liquid to melt the opponent. \xfffeIt sharply lowers the opponents Special \xfffeDefence. It uses the opponent’s strength. \xfffeThe higher the fighting opponent’s attack \xfffeis, the greater the damage. It sends a puzzling idea to the opponent. \xfffeThe ability of opponents who receive this \xfffeattack becomes Simple. It dances with a mysterious rhythm. \xfffeIt makes the opponent copy and both of \xfffetheir abilities become the same. It supports the opponent’s actions by \xfffemaking sure it attacks last. It attacks the opponent with song. \xfffeIf everyone sings together you can use the \xfffemove in successive turns and have its power increase. It attacks the opponent with an echoed \xfffevoice. If it or one of its team \xfffemates uses it each turn, the power increases. It looks for a gap and attacks soundly. \xfffeIt deals damage without regard to the \xfffeopponent’s stat changes. It attacks by throwing a clump of special \xfffemud at the opponent. It returns stat \xfffechanges to their original level. It attacks the opponent with accumulated \xfffepower. The higher your stats are \xffferaised, the more powerful this attack. It protects itself and its team mates from \xfffethe opponent’s priority moves. May \xfffefail if used in succession. With a strange power it teleports and \xfffeswitches places with one of its teammates. It attacks by shooting boiling hot water at \xfffethe opponent. It will sometimes \xfffecause a burn. It breaks its own shell and lowers its \xfffeDefence and Special Defence, but its Attack, Special attack \xfffeand Speed sharply rise. It lets fly a Healing Beam that will restore \xfffehalf of its opponent’s maximum HP. An attack like being showered with questions. \xfffeAn opponent afflicted with a status \xfffecondition with receive much damage. It attacks by raising the opponent skyward \xfffeon the first turn, then dropping them \xfffeon the second. The opponent that has been raised cannot move. It spins the gears and not only raises its \xfffeattack, but also sharply raises its \xfffespeed. It throws the opponent in the air and drags \xfffeout the next Pokemon. In case of a \xfffewild battle, the battle ends. It attacks the opponent with fire. \xfffeIt burns any berry the opponent is \xfffeholding, rendering it unusable. It holds the opponent down and makes it \xfffeattack last. It lightly attacks the opponent. \xfffeThe damage is larger when it is not holding \xfffeany item. It reflects the opponent’s type and becomes \xfffethe same type. It takes revenge for a fainted teammate. \xfffeIf a teammate is fainted that turn the \xfffeattacks power increases. It risks its life to attack the opponent. \xfffeIt verges on fainting afterwards, but \xfffedamages a chunk of the opponents HP. When the opponent is not holding an item, \xfffeyou give them your item. It surrounds the opponent with a violent \xfffeflame and burns the opponent. It attacks with a pillar of water. \xfffeIf you combine it with fire, its power \xfffeincreases and a rainbow appears in \xfffethe sky. It attacks with a pillar of fire. \xfffeIf you combine it with grass its power \xfffeincreases and the surrounds become a \xfffesea of flames. It attacks with a pillar of grass. \xfffeIf you combine it with water its power \xfffeincreases and the surrounds becomes a moor. After it has attacked the opponent, it \xfffereturns and switches places with a \xfffewaiting Pokemon. It opposes the opponent by attacking. \xfffeIt lowers the opponents Special Attack. It stamps the ground and attacks anything \xfffenearby. It lowers the opponent’s speed. It attacks by blowing a cool breath on the \xfffeopponent. It will always result in a critical hit. It sends the opponent flying and \xfffecauses the opponent to switch out. \xfffeIn a wild battle, the battle ends. It musters its courage and raises its \xfffeAttack and Special Attack. It attacks by catching the opponent in an \xfffeelectric net. It lowers the \xfffeopponents speed. It covers itself in electricity and crashes \xfffeinto the opponent. It also takes a \xfffelittle damage. It strikes the opponents body while rotating \xfffeits own like a drill. It will often \xffferesult in a critical hit. It strikes the opponent with a hard part of \xfffeits body. It gives damage by \xfffestriking twice in succession. It tricks the opponent with its cute \xfffe behavior before bathing them in this violent attack. \xfffeMay cause the opponent to flinch. It pierces the opponent with its horn and \xfffesucks nutrients. It will restore the \xfffeHP of the attack by half of the damage dealt. It slashes at the opponent with long horns. \xfffeIt deals damage without regard to the \xfffeopponent’s stat changes. It slashes with a sharp shell. \xfffeIt may lower the opponent’s Defence. It slams into the opponent with \xfffea flaming body. The more heavy than the \xfffeopponent it is, the stronger the power. It surrounds the opponent with \xfffesharp leaves. It may lower the \xfffeopponents Accuracy. It flattens the opponent by rolling its \xfffecurled up body. It may cause the opponent \xfffeto flinch. It surrounds its body with fluffy wool to \xfffeprotect itself. It sharply raises its \xfffeDefence. It sends shockwaves of darkness flying. \xfffeIt may lower the opponents Accuracy. It makes its mysterious brain waves real and \xfffeattacks the opponents. It deals Physical damage. It strikes the opponent with its hard tail. \xfffeIt will strike for 2-5 turns. It surrounds the opponent with a monstrous \xfffewind. It may confuse the opponent. It charges at the opponent with a great \xfffeafro’d head. It deals recoil damage. It throws a steel gear at the opponent. \xfffeIt deals damage twice in a row. It attacks all around it with a crimson flame. \xfffeIt may cause a burn. It shoots a Photon Blaster at the opponent. \xfffeThe type of the move varies depending on the \xfffeheld Cassette. It makes the opponent listen to an ancient \xfffesong and appeals to its heart. It may \xffecause the opponent to sleep. It slashes at the opponent with its long \xfffehorn. The mysterious power of the horn deals \xfffephysical damage. It blows a cold chill like being frozen over \xffethe opponent. The opponents speed is lowered. It covers itself in extensive amounts of \xfffeelectricity and charges at the opponent. \xfffeIt may cause paralysis. It surrounds the opponent in a beautiful \xfffeand violent blue flame. It may cause a burn. It covers its wings in fire and flaps them. \xfffeIt raises your Special Attack. It throws a clump of ice charged with \xfffeelectricity at the opponent on the second turn. \xfffeIt may cause paralysis. It surrounds the opponent in a violent chill \xfffethat freezes everything on the second turn. \xfffeIt may cause a burn. It yells at an opponent for a long time \xfffeand lowers their Special Attack. It violently throws a large pillar of ice. \xfffeIt may cause the opponent to flinch. It creates an intensely hot flame from its \xfffeforehead and tackles the opponent with all its might. \xfffeDefence, Special Defence and Speed are lowered. It strikes with a huge flame. Its power will \xfffeincrease if struck by a huge thunder bolt. It strikes with a huge thunder bolt. Its \xfffepower will increase if struck by a huge flame.
adrian1 Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 yo ya no se que hacer me e descargado 7 pokemon white con el fix experiencia y no me parchea ni uno y tambien con roms limpios que los e parcheado con el fix de experiencia pero me los parchea ni el 1e ni el 1d
lone Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Hola chicos, perdon por mi parón pero estoy traduciendo el "Pokesav Blanco y negro" a español. quiero traducir todo asi que en brebe colgare aqui la beta. saludos
adrian1 Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 no sabeis como descargar el pokemon white beta 1 en español es que lo parcheo y na y busco y no encuentro
rubencalde07 Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Porfavorrr!!! Pueeeden Subiiir laass Rooooms ya parcheaaaadaaaass!! Le ahorrarian problemaas a muchoos en realidad... =)
damiajuansalas Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 no sabeis como descargar el pokemon white beta 1 en español es que lo parcheo y na y busco y no encuentro Te he enviado un mensaje privado miralo.
Explosius Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Porfavorrr!!! Pueeeden Subiiir laass Rooooms ya parcheaaaadaaaass!! Le ahorrarian problemaas a muchoos en realidad... =) creo que no lo hacen porque les podrian chapar la web. Si haces un parche no te pueden decir nada
damiajuansalas Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 creo que no lo hacen porque les podrian chapar la web. Si haces un parche no te pueden decir nada Exacto
Kekron Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Es imposible que no os funcione , sinceramente lo haréis mal. Aparte no os explicáis bien ni dais suficientes detalles para que los compiladores compilen por grupos los diferentes tipos de errores.
damiajuansalas Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Es imposible que no os funcione , sinceramente lo haréis mal. Aparte no os explicáis bien ni dais suficientes detalles para que los compiladores compilen por grupos los diferentes tipos de errores. A mi me pasaba lo msimo ,las roms limpias no me funcionaban asi que busque roms parcheadas con el parche de la experiencia y con el parche no freeze y ahora si que me va,probadlo
joanmpsamc Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Voy a hacer un pequeño aporte sin mucha importancia 0055.txt Objetos Botiquín MT / MO Bayas Obj. Clave No estaría mal que en el primer post pusieran también el repositorio de la historia, ya que (almenos yo) me gustaría que se siguiese avanzando en ese aspecto (que creo que puede ser importante, mas que otras cosas que, aunque en japonés, se deducen, como lo que sale cuando guardas... etc) Por supuesto que hay que seguir avanzando con estas traducciones, pero solo es una idea. De todas formas, no sé japonés, asi que no creo que pueda contribuir mucho en la traducción de la historia.
jaluma Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Voy a hacer un pequeño aporte sin mucha importancia0055.txt Objetos Botiquín MT / MO Bayas Obj. Clave No estaría mal que en el primer post pusieran también el repositorio de la historia, ya que (almenos yo) me gustaría que se siguiese avanzando en ese aspecto (que creo que puede ser importante, mas que otras cosas que, aunque en japonés, se deducen, como lo que sale cuando guardas... etc) Por supuesto que hay que seguir avanzando con estas traducciones, pero solo es una idea. De todas formas, no sé japonés, asi que no creo que pueda contribuir mucho en la traducción de la historia. si miras mas atras veras que yo ya lo portee
serginix Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 oigan yo puedo parchear a la perfencion la version Beta 1E (de pokemon White/Blanco), y todo bien pero al intentar luchar contra pokemons salvajes y entrenadores, el texto no avanza, ojo pasa el primer turno, la animacion de atake normal, le bajo vida y de ay el texto no sale mas, sale el cuadrito pero no avanza nada, mas sin embargo el juego sigue, osea los sonidos, e inclusive los movimientos de los pokemon en las batallas, y me toca apagar la consola... alguna idea? gracias....
Edgar_94_ Posted September 29, 2010 Author Posted September 29, 2010 oigan yo puedo parchear a la perfencion la version Beta 1E (de pokemon White/Blanco), y todo bien pero al intentar luchar contra pokemons salvajes y entrenadores, el texto no avanza, ojo pasa el primer turno, la animacion de atake normal, le bajo vida y de ay el texto no sale mas, sale el cuadrito pero no avanza nada, mas sin embargo el juego sigue, osea los sonidos, e inclusive los movimientos de los pokemon en las batallas, y me toca apagar la consola...alguna idea? gracias.... Este y algunos problemas más están solucionados en la Beta 1.2, que ahora publicaré, estoy arreglando un par de traducciones para que el juego quede más "Españolizado"… (Esto es increíble, saco una beta cada día )
Explosius Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Esto es increíble, saco una beta cada día esta bastante bien, asi al menos se ve que avanza la cosa y no se deja en el olvido lo que dices de "españolizado"... um va mas enfocado a español españa que español latino, verdad?
Edgar_94_ Posted September 29, 2010 Author Posted September 29, 2010 me refiero al español oficial de los juegos Pokémon, y si, puesto que soy de España
serginix Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 me refiero al español oficial de los juegos Pokémon, y si, puesto que soy de España Waaaa Gracias Edgar!!!, lol estas al otro lado del mundo (para mi) xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD y aqui que apenas vienen siendo las 3 tengo la tarde encima y tu la noche
Edgar_94_ Posted September 29, 2010 Author Posted September 29, 2010 jaja si pero quiero sacar una versión estable YA, puesto que no duermo bien por las noches, pocas horas, inquietud etc que hacen que mi rendimiento en clase disminuya.. asi que hay que hacer algo
damiajuansalas Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 La verdad que con cada dia una beta,cada dia... Gracias a todo por vuestro trabajo! Seguid asi i llegaremos a navidades con el juego traducido completo seguro(o almenos eso creo y espero).
Explosius Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 vale vale, era por saberlo igual dentro de un mes esta super avanzado
La~ Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Hay que admitir que es una traducción pésima. ¿Porqué no usais las traducciones que ya hay hechas para HG/SS, D/P/Pl? Me refiero a las descripciones de los objetos, ataques y demás, en lugar de traducir literalmente del inglés. Un ejemplo: Vuestra traducción: "El hedor reduce los encuentros \xfffecon Pokémon salvajes ." Traducción oficial: "El olor ayuda a mantener lejos \xfffePokémon salvajes." Si me dais las herramientas usadas para encrptar los textos, os prometo que haré una traducción 100% española y fiel a lo que serán los juegos originales, en lugar de una traducción literal del inglés, y se hará en muy pocas horas gracias a unos programas que tengo.
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