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Pokémon Blanco y Negro Traducción


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hola chicos, que tal, una pregunta, no tenemos el repositorio para la traduccion de los archivos .txt de la historia? o si? i si es que si donde estan


archivos de la historia



\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 received a\xfffe\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000!

\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 received a\xfffe\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000!

\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 received a\xfffe\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000!

Line 5,6


\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 found \xfffea \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000!

\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 found \xfffea \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000!

Line 11,12


\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 put the \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xfffein the \xf000Ē\x0001\x0002\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000 bag.\xf000븁\x0000

\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 put the \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001\xfffein the \xf000Ē\x0001\x0002\xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000 bag.



This tree looks like it can be cut down!\xfffeWould you like to use Cut?

\xf000Ă\x0001\x0000\xfffeused Cut!\xf000븁\x0000

This tree looks like it can be\xfffecut down!

Line 9


It's a big boulder, but a Pokémon\xfffemay be able to push it aside.


Welcome!\xfffeHow may I help you?

Welcome to the TM Shop!\xfffeHow may I help you?

その ほかに わたしどもで\xfffeなにか おちからに なれることは?

Please come again!





Welcome\xfffeto the point Exchange Service! \xf000븁\x0000\xfffeWould you like to trade in\xfffeyour BP for some prizes?

Please save some BP\xfffeand come see us again.


Welcome to the Pokemon Center, here at the Pokemon Center we heal your Pokemon. Would you like to rest and heal your pokemon?

Goodmorning, Welcome to the Pokemon Center, here at the Pokemon Center we heal your pokemon. Would you like to rest and heal your pokemon?

Hello, Welcome to the Pokemon Center, here at the Pokemon Center we heal your pokemon. Would you like to rest and heal your pokemon?

Hello, welcome to the Pokemon center, correct me if I'm wrong but is it your birthday today?

Happy Birthday! Thank you for using Pokemon center and i hope u stay and use our facility. Would you like to rest and heal your Pokemon? I'm sorry about the wait, all your Pokemon have been healed.

.....Is that a silver Card? I have seen a few Pokemon trainers but never seen a silver card so bright. it is such a honor to meet someone like your self, would you like to rest and heal your Pokemon? I'm sorry about the wait, all your Pokemon have been healed.

I'm sorry about the wait, all your Pokemon has been healed

The Pokemon we have received to heal has pokerus, we don't know for sure what they are but they are parasites that live with in your pokemon with this, your pokemon will grow well and strong.

------------- from here down he translated but didn't understand the context so if someone could figure out the proper wording and where it all goes I'd appreciate it.-----------

Welcome to the Pokemon wireless club Union Room, In this facility you can link up with your

friends, trade and talk about your Pokemon. Would you like to enter this room?

in this room you can see everyone that is linked to your system. you can battle

with 2-4 players or trade pokemon, or even chat to everyone that is in your server.

If you could *touch* with them, you can even search for your friends.

We are activating your DS wireless.

We hope you enjoy the time you have in the union room.

*Enter Union Room*


-Listen to instructions

Im sorry to inform you but you can not enter the union room at this point yet,

you carry a pokemon that can not be taken in to the room,

You still have the pokemon written in your trainer book, you need to register the pokemon

to the trainer book for easy use of this room (wtf it doesnt make sence r u sure its all of it?)

First we need to change the image of the Trainer book, If you go through the setting in the trainerbook you

can enable the image.

*cant seems to change it just yet*


Do you want to return to HIUNSHITI?

The boat will set sail soon\xfffeso please wait on board.\xf000븁\x0000

Let me know anytime you wanna go back to HIUNSHITI!

プラズマ団の 連中が…\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeなんて ひどいことを するん だ…!

The fragrance of the ocean is pleasant.

うわーん こわいよー!

おにいちゃんが わるものを\xfffeやっつけてくれたんだね!

おねえちゃんが わるものを\xfffeやっつけてくれたんだね!

わしの 孫を 泣かしおって!\xfffe年寄りだと 思って なめてたら…\xf000븀\x0000\ xfffeフガ フガ…!

Thank you for helping my grandchild!

ええい うるさい!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeここで おとなしくしてれば\xfffe手荒な  ことは しない!

島を 占拠して\xfffeなにを しようと してるんだ…?\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeまっ たく アヤシイ 連中だ!

島の 秘密を もっと はやく\xfffe知っていれば オレさまが…\xf000븁\x0000\xff feいやいや なんでも ない!\xfffeひとりごと ひとりごと…!

古い 灯台しか ないような\xfffe記念公園で\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeなにを しよう と してるのかしら…?

There are too many people who\xfffewould use Pokemon for crime...!

本官の ポケモンでは\xfffe太刀打ち できなかった…!\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeプラ ズマ団の ヤツラめ!

キミのような 強い トレーナーが\xfffeいてくれて 本当に 助かった!

最近は 観光客が\xfffe少なくなったから 退屈だ…

…200年前\xfffe大富豪が 島を 買い取り\xf000븁\x0000\xfffe人と ポケモン が\xfffe自由に 暮らせる\xf000븀\x0000\xfffe世界を 願って\xf000븀\x 0000\xfffeリバティガーデン島と なづけました

第2桟橋\xfffe観光船 乗り場は\xf000븀\x0000\xfffe第1桟橋に な ります

自由の 光を ともす 灯台\xf000븁\x0000\xfffe関係者 以外の\xfffe立ち入りを  禁止します

警官隊が 警備船で\xfffe駆けつけてきてね!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffe仲間たちの 活 躍で\xfffe悪の一味は 一網打尽だよ!

あの ポケモンは 元気かい?\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeあの 事件以来\xfffe島は 静 かな もんだよ

Team Plasma is invincible!

It isn't over yet!

悪事は ゆるさん!

さっさと 歩け!

アララギ『\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000の おかげで\xfffe悪事を 働いた 連中は\xf 000븀\x0000\xfffeごそっと 捕らえられたわよ!\xf000븁\x0000

ビクティニは\xfffeその小さな 体から あふれる\xf000븀\x0000エネルギーを 発散させ る という\xf000븀\x0000まぼろしの ポケモン……\xf000븁\x0000その エネルギ ーに 触れた\xfffeポケモンや 人は\xf000븁\x0000全身に パワーが みなぎり\xff feいつもより 力を 発揮できたの\xf000븁\x0000だから その 能力を\xfffeみずから の 野望のために\xf000븀\x0000悪用する 連中が\xf000븀\x0000あとを 絶たなか ったと いうわ……\xf000븁\x0000地下室を 作った 大富豪は\xfffe心から ビクティニ を 思って\xf000븀\x0000助けようとしたに ちがいないわ\xf000븁\x0000部屋に  閉じこめるって やりかたは\xfffe間違っていたけど ね\xf000븁\x0000ビクティニは \ xf000Ā\x0001\x0000の おかげで\xfffeプラズマ団の 悪事に\xf000븀\x0 000利用されることもなく\xf000븀\x0000新しい 運命を 手に入れた\xf000븁\x00 00ビクティニの 能力を\xfffe悪用されないように するのは\xf000븀\x0000きみの 役 目よ!\xf000븁\x0000

でね……\xf000븁\x0000ビクティニの イッシュ図鑑の\xfffe番号が 「0」なのは\xf 000븁\x0000この ポケモン図鑑を 所持して\xfffe旅をする ポケモントレーナーに\xf0 00븁\x0000ビクティニの 勝利を もたらす\xfffeパワーが わけあたえられるように……\x f000븁\x0000そんな 願いが こめられていると\xfffeわたしは きいたことが あるわ\x f000븁\x0000

アララギ博士!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffe高速 警備船に\xfffe悪党どもを 詰め込みま した!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeヒウンシティへ 戻るとのことです!\xfffe博士も ご 乗船ください!\xf000븁\x0000

アララギ『ありがとう\xfffeすぐに いきまーす!\xf000븁\x0000

ポケモンの 能力\xf000븁\x0000その すごさに 心 惑わされ\xfffe悪用しようと する だなんて……\xf000븁\x0000正しい 心で 向き合ってこそ\xfffeわたしたち ポケモンと  人の\xf000븀\x0000未来は 明るく なるのにね!\xf000븁\x0000

no data


You can pass through this gate only\xfffeif you have the Trio Badge.\xf000븁\x0000

Oh! That's the Trio Badge!\xfffeI'll open the gate for you!\xf000븁\x0000

You may come and go as you please\xfffesince you possess the Trio Badge!

You must first earn the Trio Badge\xfffefrom the Sanyou Gym!

You will go no further than this\xfffewithout the proper qualifications!\xf000븁\x0000


Welcome! \ XfffeHow may I help you?

Please come again!

You donot have enough money! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000


Chelon: Hey! Do you happen to know\xfffewhere Belle is?\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeShe should come with us to\xfffesee the Professor...\xf000븀\x0000Could you go find her?\xf000븁\x0000

Chelon: Hey! Do you happen to know\xfffewhere Belle is?\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeShe should come with us to\xfffesee the Professor...\xf000븀\x0000Could you go find her?

Belle: Well now we're all here...\xfffeLet's go inside...

Chelon: There you are!\xfffeLet's go inside now!\xf000븁\x0000

Belle: Hold on, \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000!\xfffePlease wait a second!\xf000븁\x0000

Belle: Hold on, \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000!\xfffePlease wait a second!\xf000븁\x0000

Mom: Hey guys! How was the\xfffeProfessor doing? What is it?\xf000븁\x0000…… …… ……\xfffe…… …… ……\xf000븁\x000Whoa, she asked you to\xfffe complete a Pokédex? I don't even know\xf000븀\x0000what that is...?\xf000븁\x0000

Well...\xf000븁\x0000I have to be a mom...\xfffeBut I guess you know that...\xf000븁\x0000Please be careful on your journey!\xfffeI don't want you guys to get hurt!\xf000븁\x0000

Oh, wait guys! I have an idea!\xfffeTake this Town Map, it could\xf000븀\x0000come in pretty handy...!\xf000븁\x00000

Mom: Here you go!\xf000븁\x0000

Chelon: Thank you, really thanks!\xf000븁\x0000

Mom: And of course one for you!\xf000븁\x0000

Belle: Thank you very much!\xf000븁\x0000

Mom: Well, \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000...\xfffeYour room is tidy now,\xf000븀\x0000it was quite a mess...!\xf000븁\x0000It's okay, don't worry about it\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000!\xf000븁\x0000

Mom: Is that the Pokémon?\xfffeIt's incredible isn't it!\xf000븁\x0000The amazing power it has already\xfffeenough to blow up a room\xf000븀\x0000If it's the same with all Pokémon,I bet your\xf000븁\x0000\xffferelieved to have your own to go everywhere with, right?\xf000븁\x0000

My mom and dad didn't want\xfffeme to have a Pokémon...\xf000븁\x0000You're lucky to have one!\xf000븁\x0000You and your Pokémon will grow together\xfffeand form a close bond.\xf000븁\x0000You will have alot of fun together\xfffeyou're exploring Ishu!\xf000븀\x0000But I'll let you go now, see you later!\xf000븁\x0000

Chelon: Alright!\xfffThis Town Map\xf000븀\x0000It's incredibly useful!\xf000븁\x0000But we have to go. We're\xfffemeeting the Professor at\xf000븀\x0000Route 1, remember? Let's go!\xf000븁\x0000

Belle: Yeah, that's true \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000!\xfffeLet's go!\xf000븁\x0000

Belle: \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000, you're just in time!\xfffeWe're going now!\xf000븁\x0000

Chelon: The Professor should\xfffebe somewhere ahead.\xf000븀\x0000We have to go soon!\xf000븁\x0000

Belle: Yeah, come on \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000!\xf000븁\x0000let's go find her!\xfffeon to Route 1!\xf000븁\x0000

Chelon: I see her!\xf000븁\x0000

Chelon: Come on!\xf000븁\x0000

There we are!\xf000븁\x0000

Hey there! I just found\xfffesomething out! Wanna hear it?\xf000븁\x0000You can store Pokémon in\xfffea PC at the Pokécenter now!\xf000븀\x0000That's great, isn't it?

あなたは ひらがな よりも\xfffeかんじの ほうが すきなのかしら?

では\xfffe話し方を 変えてみるわね

そうよね! ひらがなには\xfffeひらがなの あじわいが あるわね

Hey! Do you have a Pokémon?\xfffeOh oh oh I want Pokémon!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeI really, really, really want\xfffea Pokémon!!!

Belle: Wow! I'm so excited!\xfffeMy heart is pounding!\xf000븁\x0000

Chelon: I'm waiting for the Professor...\xf000븁\x0000

ここは カノコタウン\xfffeさまざまな てんが つどう まち

\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000's house.

Chelon's house.

Belle's house.

Professor Araragi's Pokémon Research Lab.

bueno solo he conseguido un par de archivos normales, i todos los demas son de la historia, ya no queda nada mas en los post del thread ingles asi que; tampoco creo que haya mucho mas en los threads de traducciones a otros idiomas, por mi parte solo traducir estos archivos si es que no los tenemos ya en español, un saludo

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Intente traducir el 0424 no cambie mucho

Bienvenido! \ XfffeEn que puedo ayudarle?

Bienvenido a la tienda de TM! \ XfffeQue desea comprar?

Además para nosotros que algo que \ xfffe que se ha convertido en el chiste?

Por favor, Visitenos otra vez!

Bienvenido! \ ? Xf000 \ x0000



No importa

Bienvenido \ xfffeto el punto de servicio de intercambio! \ ? Xf000 \ x0000 \ xfffeWould te gusta el comercio de \ xfffeyour BP para algunos premios?

Por favor, ahorrar un poco de la PA \ xfffeand venir a vernos de nuevo


Bienvenido! \ XfffeEn que puedo ayudarle?

Por favor, Visitenos otra vez!

No tiene suficiente dinero! \ Xf000 ? \ x0000


Puede pasar a través de esta puerta sólo \ xfffeif usted tiene la Medalla Trio. \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

¡Oh! Esa es la Medalla Trio! \ Xfffe voy a abrir la puerta para ti! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

Usted puede entrar y salir cuando quiera \ xfffe ya que usted posee la Medalla Trio!

En primer lugar, debe ganar la medalla Trio \ xfffefrom el Gimnasio Sanyou!

Usted no va más allá de este xfffe \ sin la calificación adecuada! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000



Este árbol parece que puede ser cortado! \ Xfffe ¿Le gustaria usar Corte?

\ Xf000Ă \ x0001 \ x0000 \ xfffe utilizado Cortar! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000

Este árbol parece que puede ser cortado!

Línea 9


Es una roca grande, pero a un Pokémon \ podra moverla.

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Intente traducir el 0424 no cambie mucho

Bienvenido! \ XfffeEn que puedo ayudarle?

Bienvenido a la tienda de TM! \ XfffeQue desea comprar?

Además para nosotros que algo que \ xfffe que se ha convertido en el chiste?

Por favor, Visitenos otra vez!

Bienvenido! \ ? Xf000 \ x0000




Bienvenido \ xfffeto el punto de servicio de intercambio! \ ? Xf000 \ x0000 \ xfffeWould te gusta el comercio de \ xfffeyour BP para algunos premios?

Por favor, ahorrar un poco de la PA \ xfffeand venir a vernos de nuevo

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jaja tranquilo.. xD

Podrías subir imagenes por favor? esque necesito imagenes nítidas y no puedo usar emulador (uso Mac) y ya es bastante usar windows en mac para traducir, (no quiero petar tambien este windows xD) así que por favor sube un par xD

Un Saludo!!

si no hay problema aca tenes unas cuantas






de paso aprovecho y te digo en la imagen justo me salio un chiramy y ahi sale con el nombre de chillarny xD fijate si en otras betas de corregir los nombres o por lo menos de este que por el nombre se le fue todo el encanto xD

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oie una cosa no me va el parche, abro el xdeltagui i selecciono parche, selecciono rom que me la acabo de bajar limpia i no me crea el white patched porqe?

no entiendo mucho porque esta extensionado en .xdelta si alguien me ayuda le doy las gracias xD

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A Pokemon that brings about\xfffevictory. It’s said that a Trainer\xfffepartnered with Victini can win\xfffeany battle.

It has high intelligence and a\xfffecool demeanor. When it’s bathed\xfffein sunlight, its movements are\xfffesharpened.

It runs across the ground as if it\xfffewere gliding. It confuses its\xfffeenemies with quick movements,\xfffethen takes them down with Vine\xfffeWhip.

It stops enemies in their tracks\xfffewith only a glance. It\xfffeamplifies solar energy inside its body.

It nimbly avoids enemy attacks,\xfffeand shoots fireballs from its\xfffenose. It roasts berries with its\xfffeflames and eats them.

When the flame inside its body\xfffeflares up, the speed and\xfffesharpness of its movements increases. In a\xfffepinch, it blows out smoke.

It ignites its fists with the\xfffeflames on its chin and\xfffeunleashes Fire Punches. A Pokemon that cares\xfffedeeply for its comrades.

It fights with the shell on its\xfffestomach, using it to block\xfffeattacks and immediately slash back.

It smoothly wields 2 shells as\xfffeswords, and trains strictly to\xfffelearn techniques.

It downs opponents with one swing\xfffeof the sword that’s stored\xfffein its armor. It silences enemies\xfffewith one glance.

It stores food in its cheek\xfffepouches and continuously stands\xfffewatch for days at a time. It uses\xfffeits tail to communicate with its friends.

It fires the berry seeds that are\xfffestored in its cheek pouches\xfffeto attack. When it detects an\xfffeenemy, its tail goes erect.

A smart Pokemon that bravely\xfffefaces even strong opponents, but\xfffeavoids unfavorable battles.

The cape-like black fur that\xfffecovers its body is very tough.\xfffeIt reduces the damage it \xfffereceives.

It rescues people who are lost in\xfffemountains made impassable\xfffeby blizzard. Its long fur wards\xfffeoff the cold.

It steals people’s belongings for\xfffefun. Even the people it\xfffestole from quickly forgive its\xfffeadorable antics.

An elusive Pokemon. Its beautiful\xfffestyle and fur charm many\xfffeTrainers.

A Pokemon that lives in deep\xfffeforests. When someone eats the\xfffeleaf that grows from its head,\xfffetheir fatigue vanishes like it\xfffewas never there.

It fights violently by\xfffeswinging its spiked tail around. The\xfffeleaf on its head is extremely bitter.

When angered, the temperature\xfffeof the tassel on its head rises\xfffeto over 300 degrees. It roasts\xfffeberries in the tassel and\xfffeeats them.

Sweet foods are its favorite.\xfffeIt converts them to energy,\xfffewhich stokes the fire inside its\xfffebody.

The water it stores in the\xfffetassel on its head is packed with\xfffenutrients. If it’s sprinkled\xfffeon a plant, the plant grows big.

It stores water in the tassel\xfffeon its head. If the water\xfffesupply runs low, it sucks up water\xfffewith its tail to replenish it.

If your dream is eaten by a\xfffeMunna, you forget the content of\xfffethe dream. It always floats\xfffein the air.

Many dreams of humans and Pokemon\xfffeare packed inside the\xfffesmoke that comes out of its forehead.

It’s in its nature to listen to\xfffeits Trainer’s orders, but\xfffethere are times when it can’t\xfffeunderstand difficult instructions.

Even if they’re separated by a\xfffegreat distance, it can always\xfffefind its way back to its\xfffeTrainer.

The male shakes the adornments on\xfffeits head to intimidate\xfffeopponents. The female’s flying\xfffeability exceeds the male’s.

Its mane lights up when it\xfffedischarges electricity. It\xfffecommunicates with its friends\xfffewith the flashing of its mane.

It’s as fast and powerful as\xfffelightning. When Zebraiga runs\xfffeat top speed, thunder rumbles.

It has a hexagon-shaped ear. Its\xfffebody has been compressed by\xfffethe earth to a harder\xfffeconsistency than iron.

When it’s at full power, the\xfffeorange crystals glow. It\xfffesearches for groundwater in caves.

It compresses energy in the core\xfffeinside its body, and the\xfffeattack it releases has the\xfffepower to blow away a mountain.

It lives in dark forests and\xfffecaves. It emits ultrasonic\xfffewaves from its nostrils to map\xfffeout its surroundings.

It fires all different\xfffefrequencies of sound waves from its\xfffenostrils. It even emits a\xfffesound wave that shatters rocks.

The speed at which it burrows\xfffethrough the underground is\xfffeover 50km/h. It’s a match for an\xfffeautomobile running on the surface.

Its drills, which evolved to\xfffesteel, have the power to pierce\xfffethrough an iron plate. It\xfffeexcels at constructing tunnels.

When it touches an opponent with\xfffethe antennae on its ears,\xfffeit discerns the opponent’s\xfffephysical condition and mood from the\xfffesound of its heart.

It fights by swinging a wooden\xfffeplank around. When it can\xfffecarry heavy planks without any\xfffediscomfort, it’s close to evolving.

Even if it’s attacked by a\xfffegroup of pro wrestlers, its\xfffetoned, muscular body won’t give an\xfffeinch.

It’s thought that the art of\xfffemaking concrete was learned\xfffefrom Rohbushin 2000 years ago.

It produces a high-pitched\xfffealarm by vibrating its cheeks, and\xfffeinforms its companions of danger.

When it vibrates the lump on\xfffeits head, not only does the water\xfffeturn choppy, the ground\xfffeshakes as if there was an\xfffeearthquake.

It shoots a liquid that\xfffecauses nerve paralysis from the lump\xfffeon its head. It torments its\xfffeopponent with vibrations.

Its power increases when it\xfffewears a belt. Wild Nageki knit\xfffevines together to make their own\xfffebelts.

You can hear the sound the\xfffesound of fists striking trees and\xfffeboulders coming from the mountains\xfffewhere Dageki train.

When it hatches from its\xfffeegg, it’s dressed in clothes made by\xfffeHahakomori. It hides its head in\xfffeits hood when it goes\xfffeto sleep.

Plants grow well in the\xfffeforests where Kurumayu lives. This is\xfffebecause Kurumayu changes the\xfffefallen leaves into a\xfffenutritious substance.

When it finds a small\xfffePokemon, it has the tendency to sew leaf\xfffeclothing using its sticky string\xfffeand arm blades.

It bites down and injects\xfffedeadly poison. Even the large bird\xfffePokemon that are its deadly enemy\xfffeare rendered immobile\xfffeby paralysis.

It’s protected by its hard shell.\xfffeIt spins like a tire and\xfffeviciously tackles its enemies.

It chases down enemies with fast\xfffemovements and attacks with the\xfffehorns on its head. It shows\xfffeno mercy until it delivers the\xfffefinishing blow.

When it’s attacked, cotton flies\xfffefrom its body. The enemy mistakes\xfffethe cotton for Momen,\xfffeand it escapes in the interim.

It slips through the narrowest\xfffecrack, just like the wind. It leaves\xfffewhite pilling behind.

The leaf from its head, when\xfffechewed, is extremely bitter, but it\xfffehas the effect of energizing\xfffea tired body.

Even veteran trainers have\xfffedifficulty getting the beautiful flower\xfffeto bloom. A Pokemon\xfffethat’s popular with celebrities.

The relationship between red and\xfffeblue Basurao is so bad that they\xfffeimmediately fight each other.\xfffeAn extremely reckless Pokemon.

It lives in the desert sand. The\xfffesun-warmed sand prevents its body\xfffetemperature from\xfffelowering.

It forms a group of several\xfffeindividuals. The membrane that covers\xfffeits eyeballs protects\xfffeits eyes from sandstorms.

It won’t let any prey it happens\xfffeupon escape. Its jaw has the\xfffepower to bite chunks out of\xfffea car’s body.

When the flame inside its body\xfffeis blazing, it runs around unable\xfffeto calm itself. When the\xfffeflame dwindles, it falls\xfffeasleep.

A flame burns at 1400 degrees\xfffeinside its body, producing so much\xfffepower that it can demolish\xfffea dump truck with its\xfffepunch.

It uses uptempo dancing and\xfffesound to drive away its natural\xfffeenemies, the bird Pokemon who\xfffeaim for its flower’s seeds.

Since it secretes a fluid that\xfffedissolves rocks from its mouth,\xfffeit can easily make holes in\xfffeeven the hardest rocks.

Iwaparesu that are competing\xfffeover territory battle violently. The\xfffeone that has its shell\xfffebroken loses.

It pulls its skin up to its neck\xfffein a defensive stance. The\xffferubber-like elasticity reduces\xfffedamage.

They gang up on opponents that\xfffeenter their territory and beat\xfffethem to within an inch\xfffeof their lives. They shoot an\xfffeacidic bodily fluid from their\xfffemouths.

It appears that it always flies\xfffethe same route because it\xffferetains memories of protecting\xfffean ancient city.

The mask Deathmas carries is its\xfffeface from when it was human.\xfffeOccasionally, it stares\xfffeat it, sobbing.

According to rumors, it swallows\xfffenearby humans and turns them\xfffeinto mummies. It likes to\xfffeeat gold nuggets.

It was revived from an ancient\xfffefossil. It can dive to depths\xfffeof up to 1000 meters.

It lives in oceans and on land.\xfffeIt possesses the power to\xfffepunch holes in the hulls of\xfffetankers with its slaps.

It’s said to be the ancestor of\xfffebird Pokemon. It appears that\xfffeit couldn’t fly, and lived\xfffeits life jumping from branch\xfffeto branch.

It gets a running start on the\xfffeground, then leaps into the\xfffeair. It has the intelligence to\xfffecooperate with allies to\xfffebring down prey.

It prefers unsanitary places. It\xfffespews gas as if it was\xfffebelching; if you inhale it you’ll be\xfffelaid up in bed for a week.

It squeezes the opponent with\xfffeits left hand, and finishes it\xfffeoff by spewing smelly,\xfffepoisonous gas from its mouth.

It takes on the form of its\xfffeopponent, surprising it. It seems\xfffethat there are many occasions\xfffewhere it disguises itself\xfffeas a quiet child.

A Pokemon that bewitches\xfffeopponents to protect the security\xfffeof its pack. Its bond with its\xfffecomrades is strong.

They brush their tails against\xfffeeach other’s bodies as\xfffegreeting. It keeps its tail groomed so\xfffeit’s always clean.

Since its white fur is coated\xfffewith a special resin, enemy\xfffeattacks slide right off it.

It amplifies its psychic power\xfffewith its ribbon-like antennae.\xfffeIt’s always staring fixedly at\xfffesomething.

It manipulates people and\xfffePokemon with hypnosis. The victims\xfffeare spirited away by Gothmiru\xfffewhile they’re still asleep,\xfffeaccording to prevailing legend.

The space around Gothzeru twists to\xffferesemble the starry sky from tens\xfffeof thousands of light years away,\xfffeas an effect of its immense Psychic powers.

It releases psychic power to repel\xfffeattacking enemies. It communicates\xfffewith its allies via telepathy.

Since it has a brain that split into\xfffe2 sections, there are times when\xfffeit abruptly performs an\xfffeunexpected action.

When Rankurusu shake hands with each\xfffeother, their brains connect over\xfffea network and their psychic\xfffepowers are amplified.

A bird Pokemon that excels at diving.\xfffeIt swims around underwater to eat\xfffepeat moss, its favorite food.

Groups of Swanna begin to dance with\xfffethe breaking of dawn. The Swanna\xfffedancing in the middle of the group\xfffeis the flock’s leader.

It blows out breath of -50 degrees.\xfffeIt creates snow crystals, and\xfffecauses it to snow nearby.

A Pokemon that lives on snowy mountains.\xfffeIt migrated south during the\xfffeancient ice age.

It gulps down huge quantities of water\xfffeand makes snow clouds inside\xfffeits body. It torments its enemies\xfffewith fierce blizzards.

Its fur changes to match the color and\xfffescent of the grass in the fields\xfffeand hills. It hides in the brush\xfffewhen it detects hostility.

It changes its habitat according to the\xfffeseasons. People use\xfffeMebukijika’s horns to determine when the\xfffeseasons are changing.

It stores the electricity generated by\xfffethe electric sacks in its\xfffecheeks within a membrane, and releases\xfffethe electricity as it glides.

A mysterious Pokemon that evolves when\xfffeit’s hit by electrical\xfffestimulus while in the company of Chobomaki.

It flies around at high speeds and stabs\xfffeenemies with its sharp spear.\xfffeIt bravely faces even unfavorable\xfffematchups.

It attracts victims with its\xfffePokeball-like markings, then blows toxic\xfffespore. Why it resembles a Pokeball\xfffeis a mystery.

It dances to attract prey,\xfffewiggling the Pokeball-like mushrooms on\xfffeboth of its arms.

It sinks to the bottom of the sea\xfffewith its enemies’ bodies still bound\xfffein its thin, veil-like arms.

If a lost ship sinks in\xfffeBuringeru’s habitat, the crew members’ life\xfffeforce gets completely absorbed.

The special mucus membrane that\xfffecovers Mamanbou’s body has the effect\xfffeof healing wounds.

Bachuru that live in cities have\xfffelearned how to absorb electricity\xfffefrom the outlets in private houses.

When it’s attacked by an enemy,\xfffeit spits out a lot of electricity-laced\xfffethread, and makes an electric\xfffebarrier.

When it senses danger, it\xfffecounterattacks by firing all of its spikes\xfffeat once. It rolls away in the interim.

It fights by brandishing its spiked\xfffetentacles. When it slams its steel\xfffespikes down, the destructive force\xfffeshatters boulders.

The 2 bodies can only combine with\xfffeeach other. If they try to engage\xfffewith other bodies, the gears won’t mesh\xfffeand they’ll separate.

It conveys how it feels to its\xfffefriends by altering the direction of\xfffeits rotation. If it’s sufficiently angered,\xfffethe rotations speed up.

The red core functions as an energy\xfffetank. It fires the charged up\xfffeenergy from its spikes around its\xfffecircumference.

A single Shibishirasu’s electrical\xfffepower is tiny, but when a group\xfffecomes together, that power becomes as\xfffemighty at thunder.

The circular markings are power\xfffegenerating organs. After wrapping\xfffearound its opponent, it pushes the markings\xfffeagainst them and releases electricity.

It crawls out of the water with\xfffethe power of its arms, and attacks\xfffeprey on the shore. In a flash, it drags\xfffethem into the ocean.

It controls incredible psychic\xfffepower. It constricts its opponent’s\xfffebrains with psychic power, giving them headaches.

It manipulates its opponents’\xfffememories. It apparently flickers its\xfffetri-colored fingers to communicate with\xfffeits friends.

Hitomoshi’s light burns brighter\xfffewhen it’s sucked up a human or\xfffePokemon’s life energy.

It’s feared as an ominous Pokemon.\xfffeIt drifts unsteadily through town,\xfffesearching for the souls of the\xfffedeceased.

It blazes when it absorbs a soul.\xfffeIt swings the flames on its arms to\xfffeput opponents into a hypnotic trance.

It crushes berries with its fangs\xfffeand eats them. Its fangs are replaced\xfffewith new ones over and over, so\xfffethey’re always strong and sharp.

Since its broken fangs aren’t\xfffereplaced with new ones, it diligently\xfffepolishes its fangs with river rocks\xfffeafter battling.

It has a kind nature, but it shows\xfffeno mercy to anyone who invades its\xfffeterritory. It confidently challenges\xfffethem with fangs that can cut steel.

When it’s in poor health, its\xfffemucus becomes watery, and the power of\xfffeits Ice attacks diminishes as a result.

It freezes its breath at will.\xfffeIt’s skilled at swimming, and swims\xfffearound the northern sea catching prey.

When its body temperature\xfffeincreases, it turns to steam and vanishes.\xfffeWhen its body temperature lowers, it\xfffereverts to its original ice.

When it’s attacked by an enemy, it\xfffecloses the cover of its shell as a\xfffedefense. It fires a sticky venom through\xfffethe openings in the cover.

If its body dries out, it weakens.\xfffeA thin membrane is wrapped around\xfffeits body multiple times to protect against\xfffedehydration.

Since its skin is tough, even if\xfffeit’s stepped on by a sumo wrestler,\xfffeit doesn’t care. When it releases electricity,\xfffeits face becomes a smile.

It unleashes a flood of consecutive\xfffeattacks to overwhelm the enemy.\xfffeIt slashes the enemy with its sharp claws.

It handles the hair on its arms like a whip. The attacks from both arms are so fast that the eye can’t track them.

When the sunlight hits its wings, it warms its body. If its body temperature falls, it becomes unable to move.

Energy burning inside its body enables it to move, but what kind of energy this is is unclear.

It flies through the sky at mach speed. If the seal on its chest is removed, its energy becomes uncontrollable.

A Pokemon whose entire body is a blade. If the blade gets chipped in battle, it sharpens the blade with river rocks.

It leads a group of Komatana. They fight chaotically for the role of boss. Losers are expelled from the group.

Even when it deals a violent headbutt, its bushy body hair absorbs the damage.

It crushes berries with its leg strength. It has the disposition to bravely stand against even the strongest adversary.

It fights for its friends’ sake without any regard to danger. It can grab a car and fly all the way up to the heavens with it.

Since its wings are small, it can’t fly. When it’s close to evolving, it throws off its skeleton adornments.

It gathers bones to make its nest. It clutches weak prey in its talons and easily carries it all the way to its nest of bones.

It sucks up air through the hole in its tail to fuel the flame inside its body. It’s Iront’s natural enemy.

Its body is covered in steel armor. It counters Kuitaran’s attacks as a mob.

Its behavior is to bite everything. As far as food, it eats anything. It’s dangerous to approach carelessly.

Once it eats all the prey in its territory, it moves on to a different area. The 2 heads don’t get along.

A brutal Pokemon that flies continuously through the sky on its 6 wings, marking everything that moves as an enemy and attacking.

People have come to believe that this Pokemon was born from the sun. When it evolves, its entire body is wrapped in flames.

It’s said that when the surface was blackened by volcanic ash, Urugamoth’s flame became a substitute for the sun.

A legendary Pokemon that fights humans in order to protect Pokemon. It has a serene nature.

It battles humans in order to protect Pokemon that lost their habitats due to human wars.

A Pokemon that challenges humans to battle in order to protect its comrades. Its legend has been passed down for generations.

Its lower half is wrapped in a cloud like body of energy. It flies through the sky at 300 km/h.

The lands Voltoros passes through are left with countless scars and scorch marks from the fallen thunder.

A Pokemon that appears in myths. It spouts flames from its tail, scorching everything.

Its tail produces electricity. It conceals its body in a thunder cloud and flies through the skies of the Isshu Region.

Since the lands that Randorosu visits bear large harvests of crops, it’s called the god of agriculture.

It produces powerful freezing energy inside its body, but its body is frozen by the chill that seeps out.

It spouts water from its hooves, and moves across the water’s surface as if it was gliding. It fights with its special foot techniques.

It sings with a unique vocalization, and freely manipulates the emotions of creatures who hear its melody.

300,000,000 years ago it was feared as the ultimate hunter. Team Plasma modified it.

pues no lo se, esque me extraña que el archivo este en formato .xdelta , yo he parcheado bien teniendolo en .patch pero ahora en .xdelta no tengo ni idea pero de todas maneras com el rom limpio deberia de funcionar , la verdad esq me gustaria que me funcionase ^^

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A Pokemon that brings about\xfffevictory. It’s said that a Trainer\xfffepartnered with Victini can win\xfffeany battle.

It has high intelligence and a\xfffecool demeanor. When it’s bathed\xfffein sunlight, its movements are\xfffesharpened.

It runs across the ground as if it\xfffewere gliding. It confuses its\xfffeenemies with quick movements,\xfffethen takes them down with Vine\xfffeWhip.

It stops enemies in their tracks\xfffewith only a glance. It\xfffeamplifies solar energy inside its body.

It nimbly avoids enemy attacks,\xfffeand shoots fireballs from its\xfffenose. It roasts berries with its\xfffeflames and eats them.

When the flame inside its body\xfffeflares up, the speed and\xfffesharpness of its movements increases. In a\xfffepinch, it blows out smoke.

It ignites its fists with the\xfffeflames on its chin and\xfffeunleashes Fire Punches. A Pokemon that cares\xfffedeeply for its comrades.

It fights with the shell on its\xfffestomach, using it to block\xfffeattacks and immediately slash back.

It smoothly wields 2 shells as\xfffeswords, and trains strictly to\xfffelearn techniques.

It downs opponents with one swing\xfffeof the sword that’s stored\xfffein its armor. It silences enemies\xfffewith one glance.

It stores food in its cheek\xfffepouches and continuously stands\xfffewatch for days at a time. It uses\xfffeits tail to communicate with its friends.

It fires the berry seeds that are\xfffestored in its cheek pouches\xfffeto attack. When it detects an\xfffeenemy, its tail goes erect.

A smart Pokemon that bravely\xfffefaces even strong opponents, but\xfffeavoids unfavorable battles.

The cape-like black fur that\xfffecovers its body is very tough.\xfffeIt reduces the damage it \xfffereceives.

It rescues people who are lost in\xfffemountains made impassable\xfffeby blizzard. Its long fur wards\xfffeoff the cold.

It steals people’s belongings for\xfffefun. Even the people it\xfffestole from quickly forgive its\xfffeadorable antics.

An elusive Pokemon. Its beautiful\xfffestyle and fur charm many\xfffeTrainers.

A Pokemon that lives in deep\xfffeforests. When someone eats the\xfffeleaf that grows from its head,\xfffetheir fatigue vanishes like it\xfffewas never there.

It fights violently by\xfffeswinging its spiked tail around. The\xfffeleaf on its head is extremely bitter.

When angered, the temperature\xfffeof the tassel on its head rises\xfffeto over 300 degrees. It roasts\xfffeberries in the tassel and\xfffeeats them.

Sweet foods are its favorite.\xfffeIt converts them to energy,\xfffewhich stokes the fire inside its\xfffebody.

The water it stores in the\xfffetassel on its head is packed with\xfffenutrients. If it’s sprinkled\xfffeon a plant, the plant grows big.

It stores water in the tassel\xfffeon its head. If the water\xfffesupply runs low, it sucks up water\xfffewith its tail to replenish it.

If your dream is eaten by a\xfffeMunna, you forget the content of\xfffethe dream. It always floats\xfffein the air.

Many dreams of humans and Pokemon\xfffeare packed inside the\xfffesmoke that comes out of its forehead.

It’s in its nature to listen to\xfffeits Trainer’s orders, but\xfffethere are times when it can’t\xfffeunderstand difficult instructions.

Even if they’re separated by a\xfffegreat distance, it can always\xfffefind its way back to its\xfffeTrainer.

The male shakes the adornments on\xfffeits head to intimidate\xfffeopponents. The female’s flying\xfffeability exceeds the male’s.

Its mane lights up when it\xfffedischarges electricity. It\xfffecommunicates with its friends\xfffewith the flashing of its mane.

It’s as fast and powerful as\xfffelightning. When Zebraiga runs\xfffeat top speed, thunder rumbles.

It has a hexagon-shaped ear. Its\xfffebody has been compressed by\xfffethe earth to a harder\xfffeconsistency than iron.

When it’s at full power, the\xfffeorange crystals glow. It\xfffesearches for groundwater in caves.

It compresses energy in the core\xfffeinside its body, and the\xfffeattack it releases has the\xfffepower to blow away a mountain.

It lives in dark forests and\xfffecaves. It emits ultrasonic\xfffewaves from its nostrils to map\xfffeout its surroundings.

It fires all different\xfffefrequencies of sound waves from its\xfffenostrils. It even emits a\xfffesound wave that shatters rocks.

The speed at which it burrows\xfffethrough the underground is\xfffeover 50km/h. It’s a match for an\xfffeautomobile running on the surface.

Its drills, which evolved to\xfffesteel, have the power to pierce\xfffethrough an iron plate. It\xfffeexcels at constructing tunnels.

When it touches an opponent with\xfffethe antennae on its ears,\xfffeit discerns the opponent’s\xfffephysical condition and mood from the\xfffesound of its heart.

It fights by swinging a wooden\xfffeplank around. When it can\xfffecarry heavy planks without any\xfffediscomfort, it’s close to evolving.

Even if it’s attacked by a\xfffegroup of pro wrestlers, its\xfffetoned, muscular body won’t give an\xfffeinch.

It’s thought that the art of\xfffemaking concrete was learned\xfffefrom Rohbushin 2000 years ago.

It produces a high-pitched\xfffealarm by vibrating its cheeks, and\xfffeinforms its companions of danger.

When it vibrates the lump on\xfffeits head, not only does the water\xfffeturn choppy, the ground\xfffeshakes as if there was an\xfffeearthquake.

It shoots a liquid that\xfffecauses nerve paralysis from the lump\xfffeon its head. It torments its\xfffeopponent with vibrations.

Its power increases when it\xfffewears a belt. Wild Nageki knit\xfffevines together to make their own\xfffebelts.

You can hear the sound the\xfffesound of fists striking trees and\xfffeboulders coming from the mountains\xfffewhere Dageki train.

When it hatches from its\xfffeegg, it’s dressed in clothes made by\xfffeHahakomori. It hides its head in\xfffeits hood when it goes\xfffeto sleep.

Plants grow well in the\xfffeforests where Kurumayu lives. This is\xfffebecause Kurumayu changes the\xfffefallen leaves into a\xfffenutritious substance.

When it finds a small\xfffePokemon, it has the tendency to sew leaf\xfffeclothing using its sticky string\xfffeand arm blades.

It bites down and injects\xfffedeadly poison. Even the large bird\xfffePokemon that are its deadly enemy\xfffeare rendered immobile\xfffeby paralysis.

It’s protected by its hard shell.\xfffeIt spins like a tire and\xfffeviciously tackles its enemies.

It chases down enemies with fast\xfffemovements and attacks with the\xfffehorns on its head. It shows\xfffeno mercy until it delivers the\xfffefinishing blow.

When it’s attacked, cotton flies\xfffefrom its body. The enemy mistakes\xfffethe cotton for Momen,\xfffeand it escapes in the interim.

It slips through the narrowest\xfffecrack, just like the wind. It leaves\xfffewhite pilling behind.

The leaf from its head, when\xfffechewed, is extremely bitter, but it\xfffehas the effect of energizing\xfffea tired body.

Even veteran trainers have\xfffedifficulty getting the beautiful flower\xfffeto bloom. A Pokemon\xfffethat’s popular with celebrities.

The relationship between red and\xfffeblue Basurao is so bad that they\xfffeimmediately fight each other.\xfffeAn extremely reckless Pokemon.

It lives in the desert sand. The\xfffesun-warmed sand prevents its body\xfffetemperature from\xfffelowering.

It forms a group of several\xfffeindividuals. The membrane that covers\xfffeits eyeballs protects\xfffeits eyes from sandstorms.

It won’t let any prey it happens\xfffeupon escape. Its jaw has the\xfffepower to bite chunks out of\xfffea car’s body.

When the flame inside its body\xfffeis blazing, it runs around unable\xfffeto calm itself. When the\xfffeflame dwindles, it falls\xfffeasleep.

A flame burns at 1400 degrees\xfffeinside its body, producing so much\xfffepower that it can demolish\xfffea dump truck with its\xfffepunch.

It uses uptempo dancing and\xfffesound to drive away its natural\xfffeenemies, the bird Pokemon who\xfffeaim for its flower’s seeds.

Since it secretes a fluid that\xfffedissolves rocks from its mouth,\xfffeit can easily make holes in\xfffeeven the hardest rocks.

Iwaparesu that are competing\xfffeover territory battle violently. The\xfffeone that has its shell\xfffebroken loses.

It pulls its skin up to its neck\xfffein a defensive stance. The\xffferubber-like elasticity reduces\xfffedamage.

They gang up on opponents that\xfffeenter their territory and beat\xfffethem to within an inch\xfffeof their lives. They shoot an\xfffeacidic bodily fluid from their\xfffemouths.

It appears that it always flies\xfffethe same route because it\xffferetains memories of protecting\xfffean ancient city.

The mask Deathmas carries is its\xfffeface from when it was human.\xfffeOccasionally, it stares\xfffeat it, sobbing.

According to rumors, it swallows\xfffenearby humans and turns them\xfffeinto mummies. It likes to\xfffeeat gold nuggets.

It was revived from an ancient\xfffefossil. It can dive to depths\xfffeof up to 1000 meters.

It lives in oceans and on land.\xfffeIt possesses the power to\xfffepunch holes in the hulls of\xfffetankers with its slaps.

It’s said to be the ancestor of\xfffebird Pokemon. It appears that\xfffeit couldn’t fly, and lived\xfffeits life jumping from branch\xfffeto branch.

It gets a running start on the\xfffeground, then leaps into the\xfffeair. It has the intelligence to\xfffecooperate with allies to\xfffebring down prey.

It prefers unsanitary places. It\xfffespews gas as if it was\xfffebelching; if you inhale it you’ll be\xfffelaid up in bed for a week.

It squeezes the opponent with\xfffeits left hand, and finishes it\xfffeoff by spewing smelly,\xfffepoisonous gas from its mouth.

It takes on the form of its\xfffeopponent, surprising it. It seems\xfffethat there are many occasions\xfffewhere it disguises itself\xfffeas a quiet child.

A Pokemon that bewitches\xfffeopponents to protect the security\xfffeof its pack. Its bond with its\xfffecomrades is strong.

They brush their tails against\xfffeeach other’s bodies as\xfffegreeting. It keeps its tail groomed so\xfffeit’s always clean.

Since its white fur is coated\xfffewith a special resin, enemy\xfffeattacks slide right off it.

It amplifies its psychic power\xfffewith its ribbon-like antennae.\xfffeIt’s always staring fixedly at\xfffesomething.

It manipulates people and\xfffePokemon with hypnosis. The victims\xfffeare spirited away by Gothmiru\xfffewhile they’re still asleep,\xfffeaccording to prevailing legend.

The space around Gothzeru twists to\xffferesemble the starry sky from tens\xfffeof thousands of light years away,\xfffeas an effect of its immense Psychic powers.

It releases psychic power to repel\xfffeattacking enemies. It communicates\xfffewith its allies via telepathy.

Since it has a brain that split into\xfffe2 sections, there are times when\xfffeit abruptly performs an\xfffeunexpected action.

When Rankurusu shake hands with each\xfffeother, their brains connect over\xfffea network and their psychic\xfffepowers are amplified.

A bird Pokemon that excels at diving.\xfffeIt swims around underwater to eat\xfffepeat moss, its favorite food.

Groups of Swanna begin to dance with\xfffethe breaking of dawn. The Swanna\xfffedancing in the middle of the group\xfffeis the flock’s leader.

It blows out breath of -50 degrees.\xfffeIt creates snow crystals, and\xfffecauses it to snow nearby.

A Pokemon that lives on snowy mountains.\xfffeIt migrated south during the\xfffeancient ice age.

It gulps down huge quantities of water\xfffeand makes snow clouds inside\xfffeits body. It torments its enemies\xfffewith fierce blizzards.

Its fur changes to match the color and\xfffescent of the grass in the fields\xfffeand hills. It hides in the brush\xfffewhen it detects hostility.

It changes its habitat according to the\xfffeseasons. People use\xfffeMebukijika’s horns to determine when the\xfffeseasons are changing.

It stores the electricity generated by\xfffethe electric sacks in its\xfffecheeks within a membrane, and releases\xfffethe electricity as it glides.

A mysterious Pokemon that evolves when\xfffeit’s hit by electrical\xfffestimulus while in the company of Chobomaki.

It flies around at high speeds and stabs\xfffeenemies with its sharp spear.\xfffeIt bravely faces even unfavorable\xfffematchups.

It attracts victims with its\xfffePokeball-like markings, then blows toxic\xfffespore. Why it resembles a Pokeball\xfffeis a mystery.

It dances to attract prey,\xfffewiggling the Pokeball-like mushrooms on\xfffeboth of its arms.

It sinks to the bottom of the sea\xfffewith its enemies’ bodies still bound\xfffein its thin, veil-like arms.

If a lost ship sinks in\xfffeBuringeru’s habitat, the crew members’ life\xfffeforce gets completely absorbed.

The special mucus membrane that\xfffecovers Mamanbou’s body has the effect\xfffeof healing wounds.

Bachuru that live in cities have\xfffelearned how to absorb electricity\xfffefrom the outlets in private houses.

When it’s attacked by an enemy,\xfffeit spits out a lot of electricity-laced\xfffethread, and makes an electric\xfffebarrier.

When it senses danger, it\xfffecounterattacks by firing all of its spikes\xfffeat once. It rolls away in the interim.

It fights by brandishing its spiked\xfffetentacles. When it slams its steel\xfffespikes down, the destructive force\xfffeshatters boulders.

The 2 bodies can only combine with\xfffeeach other. If they try to engage\xfffewith other bodies, the gears won’t mesh\xfffeand they’ll separate.

It conveys how it feels to its\xfffefriends by altering the direction of\xfffeits rotation. If it’s sufficiently angered,\xfffethe rotations speed up.

The red core functions as an energy\xfffetank. It fires the charged up\xfffeenergy from its spikes around its\xfffecircumference.

A single Shibishirasu’s electrical\xfffepower is tiny, but when a group\xfffecomes together, that power becomes as\xfffemighty at thunder.

The circular markings are power\xfffegenerating organs. After wrapping\xfffearound its opponent, it pushes the markings\xfffeagainst them and releases electricity.

It crawls out of the water with\xfffethe power of its arms, and attacks\xfffeprey on the shore. In a flash, it drags\xfffethem into the ocean.

It controls incredible psychic\xfffepower. It constricts its opponent’s\xfffebrains with psychic power, giving them headaches.

It manipulates its opponents’\xfffememories. It apparently flickers its\xfffetri-colored fingers to communicate with\xfffeits friends.

Hitomoshi’s light burns brighter\xfffewhen it’s sucked up a human or\xfffePokemon’s life energy.

It’s feared as an ominous Pokemon.\xfffeIt drifts unsteadily through town,\xfffesearching for the souls of the\xfffedeceased.

It blazes when it absorbs a soul.\xfffeIt swings the flames on its arms to\xfffeput opponents into a hypnotic trance.

It crushes berries with its fangs\xfffeand eats them. Its fangs are replaced\xfffewith new ones over and over, so\xfffethey’re always strong and sharp.

Since its broken fangs aren’t\xfffereplaced with new ones, it diligently\xfffepolishes its fangs with river rocks\xfffeafter battling.

It has a kind nature, but it shows\xfffeno mercy to anyone who invades its\xfffeterritory. It confidently challenges\xfffethem with fangs that can cut steel.

When it’s in poor health, its\xfffemucus becomes watery, and the power of\xfffeits Ice attacks diminishes as a result.

It freezes its breath at will.\xfffeIt’s skilled at swimming, and swims\xfffearound the northern sea catching prey.

When its body temperature\xfffeincreases, it turns to steam and vanishes.\xfffeWhen its body temperature lowers, it\xfffereverts to its original ice.

When it’s attacked by an enemy, it\xfffecloses the cover of its shell as a\xfffedefense. It fires a sticky venom through\xfffethe openings in the cover.

If its body dries out, it weakens.\xfffeA thin membrane is wrapped around\xfffeits body multiple times to protect against\xfffedehydration.

Since its skin is tough, even if\xfffeit’s stepped on by a sumo wrestler,\xfffeit doesn’t care. When it releases electricity,\xfffeits face becomes a smile.

It unleashes a flood of consecutive\xfffeattacks to overwhelm the enemy.\xfffeIt slashes the enemy with its sharp claws.

It handles the hair on its arms like a whip. The attacks from both arms are so fast that the eye can’t track them.

When the sunlight hits its wings, it warms its body. If its body temperature falls, it becomes unable to move.

Energy burning inside its body enables it to move, but what kind of energy this is is unclear.

It flies through the sky at mach speed. If the seal on its chest is removed, its energy becomes uncontrollable.

A Pokemon whose entire body is a blade. If the blade gets chipped in battle, it sharpens the blade with river rocks.

It leads a group of Komatana. They fight chaotically for the role of boss. Losers are expelled from the group.

Even when it deals a violent headbutt, its bushy body hair absorbs the damage.

It crushes berries with its leg strength. It has the disposition to bravely stand against even the strongest adversary.

It fights for its friends’ sake without any regard to danger. It can grab a car and fly all the way up to the heavens with it.

Since its wings are small, it can’t fly. When it’s close to evolving, it throws off its skeleton adornments.

It gathers bones to make its nest. It clutches weak prey in its talons and easily carries it all the way to its nest of bones.

It sucks up air through the hole in its tail to fuel the flame inside its body. It’s Iront’s natural enemy.

Its body is covered in steel armor. It counters Kuitaran’s attacks as a mob.

Its behavior is to bite everything. As far as food, it eats anything. It’s dangerous to approach carelessly.

Once it eats all the prey in its territory, it moves on to a different area. The 2 heads don’t get along.

A brutal Pokemon that flies continuously through the sky on its 6 wings, marking everything that moves as an enemy and attacking.

People have come to believe that this Pokemon was born from the sun. When it evolves, its entire body is wrapped in flames.

It’s said that when the surface was blackened by volcanic ash, Urugamoth’s flame became a substitute for the sun.

A legendary Pokemon that fights humans in order to protect Pokemon. It has a serene nature.

It battles humans in order to protect Pokemon that lost their habitats due to human wars.

A Pokemon that challenges humans to battle in order to protect its comrades. Its legend has been passed down for generations.

Its lower half is wrapped in a cloud like body of energy. It flies through the sky at 300 km/h.

The lands Voltoros passes through are left with countless scars and scorch marks from the fallen thunder.

A Pokemon that appears in myths. It spouts flames from its tail, scorching everything.

Its tail produces electricity. It conceals its body in a thunder cloud and flies through the skies of the Isshu Region.

Since the lands that Randorosu visits bear large harvests of crops, it’s called the god of agriculture.

It produces powerful freezing energy inside its body, but its body is frozen by the chill that seeps out.

It spouts water from its hooves, and moves across the water’s surface as if it was gliding. It fights with its special foot techniques.

It sings with a unique vocalization, and freely manipulates the emotions of creatures who hear its melody.

300,000,000 years ago it was feared as the ultimate hunter. Team Plasma modified it.

pues no lo se, esque me extraña que el archivo este en formato .xdelta , yo he parcheado bien teniendolo en .patch pero ahora en .xdelta no tengo ni idea pero de todas maneras com el rom limpio deberia de funcionar , la verdad esq me gustaria que me funcionase ^^

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oie una cosa no me va el parche, abro el xdeltagui i selecciono parche, selecciono rom que me la acabo de bajar limpia i no me crea el white patched porqe?

no entiendo mucho porque esta extensionado en .xdelta si alguien me ayuda le doy las gracias xD

Porque con las roms limpais no va,tienes que usar una rom con los parches de xperincia i el antifreeze ya aplicados

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ya esta gracias a todos por ayudarme, al final lo he conseguido con otra version de xdelta, xdelta ui que sirve para los parches formato .xdelta

oidme chicos, tenemos que traducir toda la historia, seria vital, donde esta el repositorio de la historia, es para comparar archivos con los del thread ingles asi poder seguir incrementando nuestro trabajo para parches

por cierto podriais traducir los archivos que he posteado en estas ultimas paginas para que edgar i sergitob los puedan subir al repositorio git, seran de gran ayuda, este fin de semana intentare trabajar duro , a partir de mañana viernes que me traen un movil i es por eso que he estado liado esta semana bueno chicos intentad traducir lo que he posteado no escatimeis .D

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