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  Helel said:
I managed to get rid of my master balls, but 100 of ultra balls still remain on my bag... luckily i still can encounter any pokemon...

does anyone have a cheat AR for wild Zorua and Washibon?? Thx before

The Ultra balls are for the level of the pokémon you want and the masterballs for de number of the national pokédex :D

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  darkholy10 said:
anyone has a trainer rematch for white version? the 1st page only has that is working for black. I tried the hold L for white version one it does not work.

Rematch Trainers

5215A0D8 1C281C01

94000130 FDFF0000

0215B0D4 E0002000

D0000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0200

0215B0D4 F7FF1C39

D2000000 00000000

it works for me :)

  SuperScizor said:
Hello, I'm not sure If I posted in the right section, but I'm having pokésav issues and it's really annoying; The pokésav just won't load my files. I tried with .dsv but nothing happens. I used Export Back Up Memory but the pokésav still couldn't read the .sav file. And even on No$GBA, when I loaded the .SAV file with the pokésav, it gave me an error this time. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Where did you get that Pokesav? i only have 0.04b. can you please pm me a link to download that one?

  cali_kid_818 said:
Rematch Trainers

5215A0D8 1C281C01

94000130 FDFF0000

0215B0D4 E0002000

D0000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0200

0215B0D4 F7FF1C39

D2000000 00000000

it works for me :)

the code freezes my game lolx. so any other code? but the black rematch trainer at the 1st page works for me but I wanted a white version one.


i was wondering, if anyone has made a Quick Breeding code yet?

i have been trying to breed a pokemon egg and its taking forever to be made.

and i don't think anyone has made the code yet.


@Riolu Aura Sphere Now

I have a little problem and i was wondering if this was normal.

I used the AR code for Movie 13 pokemon and i got them in pokemon white rom while using desmume 0.9.7.

i used them in battle and they don't attack.

Im not quite sure why though.

Can you check it?


Does anyone know why everytime i save and when i play again it doesnt work anymore? just a white screen, i play pkmn white on desmume 9.6, it NEVER use to do that and now recently it has. any help?


Hi guys, I'm new.

I want to know something: if I use the codes for Crown Beasts and Celebi, am I supposed to activate them AFTER activating Transfer Machine, to make them work for Zorua and Zoroark events?


Hi dudes.

i just downloaded this usrcheat.dat file that works on my pokemon white english translated v2 ( IRAJ b8fa503d ) but i am really missing some cool codes like shiny encounters, nature modifier, the EV thingy (i dont really know how that works), wild encounters editer... anyways my goal is to make a perfect shuckle. Blue (shiny) impish nature, good def. Is there any shiny, wild encounters editor, nature editor, (etc.) codes for this version? also a Zoroark would be great too.

Thanks in advance!


Can anyone make a code for me?


Item held:Macho Brace

Trainer ID:50238











Your gender:Boy

Ball caught in:Cherish Ball


Moves:Focus Punch/20 Focus Blast/15 Aura Sphere/10 Force Palm/15

LvL met:90

Place met:Fatefully encountered

Date met:5/16/2010

What game it is caught in:Platinum

Version of game:Japanese

What version you want the code for: Black

Also can you make it small

and if you need to change any thing just make sure it is shiny and keeps its level and nickname.

Also another code


Item held:Lucky Egg

Trainer ID:50238











Your gender:Boy

Ball caught in:Cherish Ball


Moves/PP:Thunder Fang/15 Thunder/10 Discharge/5 Bite/20

LvL met:90

Place met:Fatefully encountered

Date met:5/16/2010

What game it is caught in:Platinum

Version of game:Japanese

What version you want the code for:Black


Hi to all :-)

I am from Germany. My English is a bit bad. ;-) I wanted to know if there is a code for Pokemon Black, the Black City, you can fill completely. Is there such a code?

I am grateful for every answer.


Has anyone noticed about the IV/EV Code...when you check your stats and reset it back to normal that HP and Attack end up being the same

Ex: A Pidove at level 1 with HP 12 (normal) but an attack of 12 (WTF???)

Tossing the Pokes into the box does not fix it at all like it would in Platinum


Try not to duoble post to much, anyways I got the Iv/EV thing figured out on my game once you see the IV/EV of you pokemon just turn off the game and turn off the code once your done..and stats return to normal once you rebot the game

Just wondering though if there is a code to make your starter appear shiny (probably not) just thought i'd ask though



Could someone please fix the AR code:

Catch Trainer's pokemon v1:

521CA8D0 98021C06

121CB8CC 000046C0

D0000000 00000000

This AR code only allow you to catch the first pokemon and not the second or the third.

I know someone else already asked this but I haven,t found the answer.


Well, after browsing through, I've found various Cloning (In-Box) codes, Item generating codes (All variations of item categories), Liberty Ticket codes, Shiny Codes, Exp. mod codes, Wild Encounter mod codes, Re-battle Trainers, etc. Pretty much every single code I have any interest in.

HOWEVER, I have not found any Re-battle/trigger Event/Legendary/Other-interact-to-battle-one-time Pokemon Code. NONE. This has been done with all of Gen IV games, for all of the Pokemon, even the Creation Event in HG/SS!

Is this in the works? I would LOVE it if it were at least that far. If not, PLEASE START! This would be the GREATEST code of them all!

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