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  1. Past hour
  2. You might upload another version of your patch and leave the changelog description empty (or with whatever text you want it to).
  3. There's no tool and little to no documentation for the wonder records on gen 9. You can still dump the Mystery Gift block from your save file, open it with an hex editor and try to understand/edit the values. Be aware that you'll find no support in doing that specifically, it'd be on your own. It'd probably be easier to restore an old save file and redeem the gifts again, with the correct date you want.
  4. If they are from Kalos, then they are not from your Ultra Sun trainer. Re-read the popup and my message.
  5. Hi, i saw on yt when someone unlocked darkrai event by adding member card and changing HAIHUEVENT ID D30 to 1 I did this and i still cant enter the house in Canalave city. I also tried using Unlock Darkrai event in PKHeX and same result. Is there any requirements other than: Obtain the Member Card Item via Mystery Gift.(I have member card from PKHeX) Enter the Hall of Fame and obtain the National Pokedex. These are the only one i found. (i have national dex and I was in Hall of Fame) My game version is 1.3.0
  6. Today
  7. Hello there, It seems that I might have forgotten to reinstall it or i just downloaded a wrong version. Now it is working fine. Thank you for your assistance.
  8. I thought i reinstalled pkhex but i guess i didn't get the latest version i will try the latest version and get back to you. Thank you.
  9. Thank you, but Ernesto's save files aren't saved at the beginning of the game with none or at least most of the story (badges, etc.) not completed yet.
  10. I don’t think you can dump RAM on iPhone emulators, but if you could, it will probably do you some good to make a RAM dump (not ROM) then upload it here.
  11. In all the games I used the nickname "Bayan", and only with Kalos I have this problem So I don't understand why Pkhex shows that message. It's because of the travel by PokeBank isn't a "trade"?
  12. No? Read the error message. Why is the current handler the OT, when it is being handled by a save file that is not the OT?
  13. Version 1.0.0


    A lucky encounter in Inlet Grotto, the pk9 is its pristine, as-caught form with no modifications.
  14. PKHeX.Core is available on NuGet and can be used to create whatever you want with the API it exposes. Iterate through all save files from a folder, dig through the box data and party data, and rip out whatever information you want, or just dump the pkm files to a folder. PKHeX already has a pkmdb feature where you can search for any file from your backups / external folder.
  15. I´m working in a LivingDex, and the last region to send from Ultra Sun to HOME was Kalos (Pokemon Y) I used the Pokebank to send them to Alola (Ultra Sun), I make a backup of the save, and when I check it, ALL the pokemon from Kalos are marked as "illegal" or Invalid "Invalid Current handler value, trainer details for save file expected another value." Is a problem of the PokeBank and I must ignore it, or is an error of PkHex? Pokemon Ultra Sun Pokemon Y
  16. Hey, I'm trying to make a program that parses data from PKHex into a general database for my casual pokemon across generations, but I'm currently reading from smogon sets which are missing too much info. Can anyone help me in parsing the saved pokemn data straight from PKHex? Ideally someone with hexidecimal experience, but if there's a shortcut I'm all ears. I'm hoping to build a program to parse PK data, across multi-generational playthrough, into a mass database and would appreciate anyone willing to lend a hand to a fletching developer.
  17. In Pokemon Scarlet, I missed one mystery gift and I used the switchgiftdatamanager tool to reclaim it. It was going so well. I changed the system date with switch-time.nro. Unfortunately, i miscalculated. The system date resync once I connected to the internet. I wonder if we can edit the mystery gift history with pkhex. Upon some search, I found this post: I wonder if there is any similar tools for Gen 9 or how to edit those block data? Thank you so much for your help
  18. Yesterday
  19. What version of PKHeX are you using? Because I am able do open your save on fresh download of 24.05.05 from the downloads page.
  20. The thing on the bottom screen is working but none of the buttons are doing anything im liget stuck as fish
  21. So I just downloaded pknx and it seems to be working, but my starters are not randomized and I don't know where to randomize them can someone help me, or tell me in which tab it is located?
  22. Luckily i made a in game save not to long behind when i got stuck but it still sucks to have to loose all that time thought there might be something i can do to get out of the wall
  23. Thats the problem bro all the buttons stopd working when i got stuck in the wall think im guna have to just take the huge L
  24. Save in game so that the console flushes the content to storage. Stop using save states to back up your save data.
  25. Cant even believe you answered me im new to all this emulator stuff i tried so hard lol contact me i really dont know what im doing at all bro haha let me kno what i have to do to save this game
  26. Ah, okay. But I've also ran into another issue where if I save and leave the game, it doesn't leave off where I saved. For example, if I used PKHex while in Accumula Town, and then load up the game, it works fine. However, if I save in the Dreamyard and load up the game, it'll just leave offf back at Accumula Town. The Rare Candies are still there, tho. Is it an issue with using PKHex?
  27. Is there a way to import individual pokemon which have been previously exported?
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