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Updates and discussion about Sky Editor: the save and ROM editor for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. heya, not sure if this is still supported. ive had great success with this program in the past, but after trying to launch it after ~ a year- here is my error log. pwease advise
  3. Cant download it any1 can upload it pls ?
  4. Hiya everyone, anyone that knows a lot about lua Script, may I ask if its possible to call the "Set Hero" Menu from during gameplay, like addind a option under options menu or something (like changing names on main menu, but to set the hero and partner pokemon)
  5. I'm afraid not. Its save file structure is rather complicated and requires having complete knowledge of how it's structured to edit things effectively.
  6. Dont know if this is an appropriate place to ask, but is there any save editor for super mystery dungeon?
  7. The ROM editor won't be able to edit items in your inventory, but it's great at editing the available starter Pokémon. Tutorial:
  8. Oh my apologies, i thought it did because it said the rom editor thing did on the tutorial for that. Could i use the rom editor similarly to the save editor?
  9. To open the save editor, open SkyEditor.SaveEditor.UI.WPF.exe in this file: However, it does not support Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.
  10. I just wanna put a bunch of revive seeds in my box on super mystery dungeon but uhh i cant find any files i can execute in the folders for the save editor? Please help, thanks.
  11. Im new to modding so Im kind of lost. But what software do you recommend to make generic mods? I want to edit the abilities ( so i assume its under the pokemon_data_info.bin file. When I try to open it with sky editor, there is no available UI to edit it and when I try to open it.
  12. That's what I did, I even update Sky Editor whenever one is available, and I'm still getting the "path not found" error when building. Could there be something else I'm doing wrong?
  13. Be sure to decrypt the ROM in GodMode9 first.
  14. What is the preferred way to extract the ROM for Super Mystery Dungeon? I've previously ripped it through Godmode but I always get an error about missing paths when it comes to building the ROM. So I'm wondering if I need to extract it a certain way like I did for a recent model ripping tutorial I was following for Ultra Sun. Does it need to be decrypted just extracted? Left as a .3DS or a .cia? Thanks in advance.
  15. I joined the Project Pokemon discord server! Really hope to see this go places! Keep up the great work!
  16. Yes, but much slower than in the past. My current focus is rewriting the code that extracts and repacks 3DS ROMs to greatly improve speed and to remove another barrier in the way of supporting non-Windows systems. There's no dedicated guild, but for now, I think the Project Pokémon Discord guild will suffice (link's on our chat page). There's no channels dedicated specifically to Sky Editor, but if Sky Editor becomes a more popular topic, that may change in the future.
  17. Hello! Is this still being worked on? If so, I just want to say for one, this is amazing work, and for two, this whole thing would gain much more traction if it was moved to a discord server. Most mods have a discord server to help people find them easier (just look at the Project M community, specifically Legacy XP and mods along those lines), they usually have a discord server to get noticed and encourage easy discussion. I think something along those lines would greatly benefit the people who want to see this project flourish, as do I! Thanks for reading, keep up the amazing work!
  18. Sorry for the late reply, but I tried out that new version and it seems to be working, thank you.
  19. Beta 2 is a bit old IIRC. Try the one from this page, if you haven't already: If all of that does look familiar, which build are you using? (Should be in the zip file name.)
  20. I'm trying to use SkyEditor Beta 2, but it doesn't start up. When I try to open the program, nothing happens. No error message, no indication of anything going on, no response whatsoever. My OS is Windows 10 and I believe I have NET Framework V4.0.
  21. Unfortunately, Sky Editor's UI is made with WPF, which is dependent on Windows libraries and hard to port to Linux, hence Mono not supporting it. I'm also unable to find any way to get it working with Wine. Going forward I'm trying to make as much as possible cross-platform, but so much of Sky Editor uses WPF that the UI will remain Windows-only for the foreseeable future.
  22. Hello, I'm really interested by this tool ( when I previously do research, I was just thinking this was a save editor ), and I've tested it on a windows 7 VM ( I can't run it with wine or reactos ( apparently dotnet problem ). I wan't to know if somebody succesfully build / run it on linux, thank ( setting the VM ( in vbox ) took me several hour, and I should unblock every dll and exe file manually ). Thank.
  23. I've written a new tutorial for how to use the ROM editing capabilities. Unlike the previous one on GitHub, this one has lots of screenshots, and is far more in-depth.
  24. I fixed the crash I reported a few days ago: I'm not 100% sure why it was an issue in the first place, but one of the characters must work a little differently than others, so substituting animations broke something. Download
  25. Remember last week's blog post? Turns out it causes a crash during the final boss battle. I'm working on fixing it, and everything should work fine until the final boss battle, but everyone should be prepared to recreate any starter modification projects made since I announced the new feature: It has something to do with substituted animations, and that's all I know. No idea why this is an issue yet.
  26. User-friendly interface over vague, impossible-to-guess-without-documentation step I have a new build of Sky Editor's ROM editor available that adds some fun new features. First up is the new wizard you can see above. This should make the whole process more user-friendly (I hope). At the time of posting, there is a glitch where the Finish button won't be enabled when the extraction is complete, but this can be worked around by clicking Back then Next. The second feature is the addition of PSMD substitute animations in the starter project that was hinted at 2 months ago and showcased in the Mystery Dungeon Hacking club. The demonstration shows major spoilers, so if you haven't played the game, you should not follow this link here. As always, please let me know what you think or if you encounter any issues. Download Usage Guide
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