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First of all hello i am borjitasstoi and check it out my blog for know backstory about me normally i post entries related my daily life and related with videogames i dont want make long description about what is the purpose of this blog its better making in entries

Entries in this blog

Spanish Vocabulary # 23

Hola a todos Today i m gonna teach all letters of alphabet or abecedary and i m gonna teach you trick for makes this learning more confortable for you and minus difficult for your understanding   a -> the pronuntiation its ha b -> the pronunciation in bay c -> the pronunciation its ze not zi d -> the pronuntiation its day not di e -> its the same with english but without the i letter f -> the prenunciation its efe g-> the pronunci



Spanish Vocabulary # 22

English -> Ingles Arabic -> Arabe Czech -> Chéco Danish -> Noruego German -> Alemàn Greek -> Griego Spanish -> Español Finnish -> Danes French -> Francés Croatian -> Croata Hungarian -> Húngaro Italian -> Italiano Japanese -> Japones Korean -> Coreano Dutch -> Holandes Polish -> Polaco Russian -> Ruso Portugese -> Portugues Brazilian -> Portugues bras



Spanish Vocabulary # 21

Hola todos today Another words to learn Woke up -> Despertarse Jump -> Saltar Skip -> Omitir Culture -> Culture throw -> Lanzar Eat -> Comer Swim -> nadar Burn -> Quemar Froze -> Congelar Think -> Pensar Talk -> Hablar



Spanish Vocabulary # 20

Hola a todos Today Moths of year   January -> Enero February -> Febrero March -> Marzo April -> Abril May -> Mayo June -> Junio July -> Julio August -> Agosto September -> Septiembre October -> Octubre November -> Noviembre December -> Dicienbre   always forgot january ?



Spanish Vocabulary # 19

Hola a todos Today days of week   Monday -> Lunes Tuesday -> Martes Wednesday -> Miercoles Thursday -> Jueves Friday -> Viernes Saturday -> Sabado Sunday -> Domingo  



Spanish Vocabulary # 18

Hola a todos   Lesson today its how tell direction in spanish   Direction -> dirección Go left -> ve a la izquierda left -> Izquierda Go right -> Ve a la derecha right -> derecha Go ahead -> ve recto Go along -> continuar por el camino de go throught -> ve a traves de go out of -> fuera de On the corner -> En la esquina Between -> entre next to ->al lado de in front of -> enfren



Facts About me #1

1.I am from spain 2.i like pasta and often eat pasta 3.i am obsessive with my weight because i dont want be fat its product because my uncle tells me all the time i am fat one then i have obssesion for that 4.i am little rude expressing my opinion or radical ironically i am easy to trigger and be hurted 5.related with 4 i am hightly sensitive person 6. I hace aspergers syndrome but in another level than other as i said this syndrome 1 person its another world because dep



Spanish Vocabulary # 17

Hola a todos today   Instruments (instrumentos)   Violin -> Violin Triangle -> Triangulo Drum -> Tambor Organ -> órgano flute -> flauta Battery Drum -> Bateria harmonica -> harmonica piano -> piano whistle -> silbato clarinet -> clarinete bassoon ->fagót trumpet -> trompeta cello -> violocello tronbone -> tronbon tuba -> tuba saxophone -> saxofón



Spanish Vocabulary # 16

Okay this is not a class itself its for fun okay take in easy and hope enjoy because this is one of spanish shows are popular during are on air actually its show where have many memes and epic scenes    



Spanish Vocabulary # 15

Hola a todos today in spanish vocabulary: components   Component -> Componente Screen -> Pantalla System Unit -> Torre Speaker -> Altavoz Headphone -> Cascos mouse -> Ratón cd -> disco compacto HD -> Disco duro Microphone -> Microfono Laptop -> Ordenador portatil Desktop Computer -> Ordenador de sobremesa north bridge -> puente norte South bridge -> puente sur motherboard -



Spanish Vocabulary # 14

Hola a todos Today Car parts (partes de un coche) Vehicles Coche -> Car Van -> Furgoneta Motorbike -> Moto Quadbike -> Quad Bus -> Autobus Car Parts las luces delanteras -> head lights las luces traseras -> tail lights acelerador -> gaspedal frenos -> brakes motor -> engine caja -> trunk ventana -> window eje -> axel claxon -> born conductor -> driver g



Spanish Vocabulary # 13

Hola a todos Today Sports (deportes) tennis -> tenis basketball -> baloncesto Fotball -> Fútbol Voleyball -> Voleybol Hockey -> Hockey Ping pong -> Tenis de mesa criquet -> Cricket Horseback riding -> Equitación the game -> el partido the team -> el equipo  



Spanish Vocabulary # 11

Hola a todos Today house rooms (hoy las habitaciones de una casa)   Casa -> House Door -> Puerta Window -> Ventana Wall -> Muro Floor -> Suelo Kitchen -> Cocina Toilet -> Aseo /Cuarto de baño (polite) Living room -> Comedor Bedroom -> Dormitorio Aparment Building -> Solar comunitario Aparment -> Apartamento Cabaña -> Cottage Balcony -> Balcón Ceiling -> Techo Cornisa -&g



Spanish Vocabulary # 10

Hola a todos   lesson today its emotional status or emotions its general (la lección de hoy son emociones or estados emocionales en general)   Happy -> Feliz Sad -> Triste Angry -> Enfadado Surprise or use ed -> Sorprendido/Sorpresa Worried -> Procupado Hesitant -> Indeciso Anxiety -> Ansiedad Pain -> Dolor Mad -> Descontrolado/a Scared -> Asustado    



Spanish Vocabulary # 9

Hola a todos today another sentences   Que hora es -> what time is it/what is time? donde esta el (word) -> where is toilet or where is train station que es lo que quieres ser de mayor? -> what do you want to be when you grow up   trivia: in spanish using 2 types of question mark difference of english format  using for close sentence 2 question marks example: ¿what?  



Spanish Vocabulary # 8

Hola a todos lesson today its 3 sentences okay   Buenos dias -> Good morning   Buenas Tardes -> Good Evening   Buenas Noches -> Good night



Spanish Vocabulary # 8

Hola buenos dias (good morning) hoy sobre los tipos en el mundo pokemon (today about types in world of pokemon) primero empezamos con el triangulo basico planta fuego agua (first begin with type triangle grass fire water) Lets begin normal -> normal Fire -> Fuego Water -> Agua Grass Planta/hierba dragon -> dragón ground -> tierra fly -> volador psy -> psiquico dark -> siniestro fairy -> hada



Spanish Vocabulary # 7

Hello everyone (because tell another word sounds phobic for some reason for certain people) (hola a todos voy decir esta palabra porque la otra suena fobica para cierta gente) in this lesson going to teach you (en esta lección voy a instruirte) about elements (sobre elementos) every element its former part of our life and nature (cada elemento forma parte de la naturaleza y la vida)   Fire -> Fuego Water -> Agua Wind -> Aire Earth -> Tierra



Spanish Vocabulary # 6

Hola a todos en la lección de hoy genderwords (palabras con genero) genderwords are former part of spanish grammar most of this words its used in masculine and femenine its important rule in case of english words are the same male and female but in spanish its different thats why before begin for make more vocalubary take this lesson as disclaimer difficulty of the next lesson can be confusing and repetitivo (hope so no) but hope this lesson are helpful



Spanish Vocabulary # 5

Hello everyone (hola todos) hoy (today) more vocabulary (más vocabulario) Animals (Animales) mammals -> mamíferos birds -> pájaros reptiles -> reptiles amphibians -> anfibios fish -> peces (pl. fish) insects -> insectos crustaceans = crustáceos Horse -> Caballo Elephant -> Elefante Dog -> Perro Cat -> Gato Mosquito -> Mosquito Ox -> Buey Bull -> Toro Cow -> Vaca



Spanish Vocabulary # 4

Hello Everyone (Hola a todos) Buenos dias (Good morning) Hoy (today) Vegetables (Verduras) vegetables are healthy are its something specially debeatable (las verduras son saludables pero es algo especialmente debatible) Brocoli -> Brecol Lettuce -> Lechuga Tomato -> Tomate Potato -> Patata Eggplant -> Berenjena Onion -> Cebolla Pupkin -> Calabaza Spinach -> Espinaca Pepper -> Pimiento carrot -> Za



Spanish Vocabulary # 3

Hello Everyone (Hola a todos) Im back (he vuelto) today (hoy) something minus intense (algo menos intenso) thats why i decided (es por eso que he decidido) fruits (frutas) fruits are something basic and relaxing (las frutas son algo basicas y relajan) enjoy (disfruten) Apple -> Manzana Pear -> Pera (remenber this word put letters in different order) Orange -> Naranja Watermelon -> Sandia Banana -> Platano Stawberry -



Spanish Vocabulary # 2

Hello everyone (Hola todos) Today (Hoy) Os quiero enseñar (I want to show you) Numberos (Numbers) Es algo simple y básico de aprender (Its something simple and basic for learn) Uno -> One Dos -> Two Three -> Tres Four -> cuatro Five -> Cinco Six -> Seis Seven -> Siete Eight -> Ocho Nine -> Nueve Ten -> Diez Eleven -> Once Twelve -> Doce Thirteen -> Trece Fourteen ->



Spanish Vocabulary

Hola todos (Hello everyone) hoy (today) os enseñare los colores en español (i want to show you the colors in spanish lenguage) Empecemos (lets begin) Red -> Rojo Blue -> Azul Green -> Verde Orange -> Naranja (this word its used for fruit too like in english) Brown -> Marron Black -> Negro Pink -> Rosa (Rosa its too for a flower and female name) White -> Blanco Amarillo -> Yellow Purple -> Morado N



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