Version 1.1
Pokémon Fuse White 2 based on Pokémon Volt White 2 made by Drayano.
Main features :
- 649 fusions (some with alternate forms like castform, sawsbuck, arceus, ...)
- Available in English OR in French
- Every Pokemon (from bulbazaur to calyrex) is fused at least once. This includes alternate forms like alolan, galarian, ...
- Every type combination (mono type included) is represented by at least one fusion in its last evolution stage
- There are some fusion with mega pokemon
- Some easter eggs (with the fusion's name or their look)
- Drayano's changes to overworld legendaries, TMs, ...
This version is meant to be randomized since I don't have edited Fusion moveset and trainer teams yet.
Everything is explained in the readme.txt. Make sure you read it
- MikuGoya, Likouns, Victistar, Tracker, EcranPlasma, Friskette, Laxofirm, Nékrami, Anthomrtrx, Brahim, Dronia, Mxt dog, Mega tree ho-oh.
Special thanks to all these spriters
All their work represent around 50% of the Fusiondex
- Drayano That made a huge work with pokemon Volt white 2
- All the spriters that made 5th gen style sprite for 6th gen pokemon and above (LeParagon, King of the x road, N-Kin, G.E.Z, Blaquaza, Princessofmusic, TheAetherPlayer, ...)