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Posts posted by Alphadaemon


    On 1/5/2024 at 10:18 PM, Hermes P Mane said:

    Hi! It's been many years since i last played Explorers of Sky and after finding your Explorers of Alpha i've really gotten in the mood to beat those dungeons all over again, especially in such a passionate project. Seems to be be an exceptional game and I'll be waiting for 2.0 to play, even though it may take a while.

    Introductions made, I'd like to make a suggestion. As i read the game changes displayed in this post i noticed none were related to death penalties. As i remember, the original game took half of your money and itens whenever you died. This is mostly ok but it was infuriating to lose some majorly important itens so it'd be nice to customize whether you lose all items, half items, no items or just lose non-exclusive/unique items.

    No losing penalty for Exclusive sounds fair, I'm gonna add it ! Thanks for the idea !


    On 1/27/2024 at 12:37 PM, Gish said:

    I recently downloaded the 2.0 version from https://hacknews.pmdcollab.org/hacks/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-explorers-of-alpha?lang=en, but when I tried running it on Drastic emulator for android, I couldn't get past the moment we sign up our team in Wigglytuff's Guild. When I tried running the same nds file on Desmume, it allowed me past that scene as per normal. Any help or advice?

    Drastic seems to be 100% compatible in the next version so there's that.


    On 2/23/2024 at 9:35 PM, Balthazar said:

    Decided to try out the demo until Quicksand Pit. And yeah, as expected, QoL, design, difficulty (played in Expert + SC) are exquisite.

    As opposed to some other difficulty hacks, it seems dungeons are carefully crafted to provide an intelligent difficulty instead of outright kaizo. It's very enjoyable to find resources on the ground and having to use them creatively to survive. Mindless grind is eradicated from this hack. Those field effects are such a cool addition for bosses, I felt I was playing later games. Got caught off guard by Quicksand Pit's boss after recruiting great supports from the same dungeon, but managed to beat it deathless nonetheless ;)

    Random remarks:

    - Not sure if it's an Expert-only thing, but it seems nothing in the dungeons prepare to the fixed rooms of Waterfall Cave and Apple Woods. I full cleared previous floors multiple times to be sure, but never found any items that would provide the basis for a strategy there. In my opinion orbs should drop somewhere, at least in Waterfall Cave, to not enter the realms of unfair difficulty at this level. Still passed them thanks to careful Manual mode positioning but yeah.

    - Beach Cave (or another resupply dungeon), should have a floor chock-full of Max Elixirs. They definitely are the rarest resource, not having a Wynaut trade recipe. Nectar Forest could be repurposed as a sort of Drunkard Forest for example, with Nectars mixed with Max Elixirs.

    - Porygon has a bug where one of the later ranks listing is accessible from the start (but not usable).

    Anyways, anyone should play this hack. I think many kids dreamt of having this kind of experience back in the day. I surely did.

    Max Elixirs are Beach Cave floor 3 and have a 45% chance to spawn out of 3 to 6 items, which is enough I feel like. The resource is fairly accessible.
    The Porygon bug is fixed in my version.
    Waterfall Cave's even floors have a high density of orbs and you can use them floor 9. The Apple Woods floor however wasn't perfectly designed in the public version so I came up with a new design emphasing what I wanted people to do in the room along with a Pitfall Trap allowing to do to the previous floor in order to scout for the resource needed.
    The full version has additions but most likely this won't affect your immediate experience pre-Aegis Cave.


    On 3/6/2024 at 10:51 PM, PeterKart4444 said:

    Is it only me that has the game crash on them in floor 8 of mt travail?

    That's a fairly odd bug that was fixed in my version, however it's not addressed in the public one... Sorry about that...


    On 3/9/2024 at 7:21 AM, Balthazar said:

    By the way, does Level Scaling reshuffle enemy movesets to include higher level moves? Or it only upgrades stats? I'd assume not since I don't see enemies using more powerful moves than default, but wanted to make sure it's not a bug.

    Or could it be that movesets are hardcoded per dungeon?

    Level Scaling directly manipulates the entity level in the spawn list. That means the movesets are altered as a result. Some entities however have hardcoded movesets, for that it's case by case.


    On 3/7/2024 at 9:25 PM, Wark said:

    Don't know if someone has experienced the same bug...however, I'm playing 2.0 and the job bulletin board keeps showing me the same missions, over and over again.

    Anyone knows if there's some way to fix this?

    Anyways shoutout to Mond for its works, he took the PMD hacking stuff to a whole new level

    As someone mentioned there's a public version that adresses the Job Bulletin Board issue.
    Thanks for the kind words, however it's not just me haha! Without my testers and all the help I got from other modders, this project wouldn't exist! Teamwork makes the dream work!

    Finally, I'll have you know that 2.0 is proceeding nicely. I tackled one of the biggest issues of Alpha and now that I'm done with it I'm clearing some stuff in my todolist yet again, though life prevents me from working faster, development is going well so far!

    • V-Wheeeeeel!!! 1
    • Amazed 1
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  2. 22 hours ago, Balthazar said:

    Good news and wow great stuff there. Looking forward to it but yeah take it easy. Seems it's a deep passion project, respect.

    If you're open to random feature requests, since you add a lot of qol. Maybe those already exist:

    - A way to see current challenge progression would be cool. Like in Recruit 'em all, seeing % of recruited mons. Maybe being able to directly send recruited ones to guild. And maybe disable recruiting duplicates if its evolution/form is recruitable elsewhere.

    - Level scaling option is defo cool. But is it balanced against dungeons that reset your level to 1?

    - Solorun challenge is nice, what about solorun random (random leader I mean, you could get a random leader each new day). Bruh the replayability of that would be insane.

    - Is there a sort of "ultimate balanced" dungeon that resets you to 1, 99f, features a broad variety of items on the ground and some shop exclusive/sealed room exclusive (maybe new surprising items rarely found elsewhere could be randomly found too, like those new ginseng and stuff), with varied themes, tilesets, music progression? So it would test your ability to do with what you find and adapt. Replayability of this one would also be insane. I would see myself trying to complete such a dungeon with many different/random mons. Inspired by Wh0misDS and Pikasprey runs of Purity Forest with every mon, or Mystaldi challenges. No dungeon similar to that really exists in Sky.

    - What's currently left on your to-do list?

    Anyways, take care

    I'll answer 1 by 1:

    - ReA: there's the Exploration log that tells you the number of unique species you recruited

    - Level scaling: level resets are unaffected by this feature

    - Solorun random: no, however there's something cool with using Ditto in Alpha because it has Imposter. It is some sort of replayability and considering floor randomizer I could add something that generates a random species for Imposter if randomizer is active, why not !

    - ultimate balanced dungeon: 5 levels of that.

    Zero Isle North is a random bag dungeon. It helps preparing with whatever you get.

    Zero Isle East is a Natural Mode dungeon where stats are recalculated based on main series.

    Zero Isle South is the ultimate level reset, find keys to progress, otherwise you'll lose long term.

    Destiny Tower is the current ultimate challenge. No bag no IQ, 1 mon, no Exp, recruiting on, 99 floors + Arceus custom boss: good luck.

    Tower of Perfection: you have access to everything, however enemies all have handpicked movesets with linked and powered up moves, here to deal with everything you prepared to beat the dungeon. It will be the final dungeon next version.

    - Left on the to-do list are story rewrites to fit the final goal of the game, puzzle reworks, some boss field effects, Chatot quest, ultimate items, Tower of Perfection and that's all. A lot still and that's why there's no ETA, as I said I have a life.

  3. On 7/24/2023 at 7:21 PM, Rose85 said:

    would it be possible to edit the body size limit on large pokemon like onix and legendaries in the future update so we can have a full party of 4 with them?

    Unfortunately no. The Body Size restriction is a measure put in place by the game so it avoids breaking all the dungeon stuff while loading sprites. This is something I cannot remove.

    18 hours ago, Balthazar said:

    Looks cool but is this game dead?

    I have a life, development is still ongoing and I have a Twitter if you want to follow the news @EoAlpha_off

  4. On 11/5/2022 at 10:57 PM, amicablesailboat said:

    Are you accepting feedback on the EOAlpha 2.0 HOTY submission here or through another way?

    Discord DMs for now 'til the post is officially updated.


    On 11/6/2022 at 11:31 PM, Roxas915 said:

    is 2.0 going to have any preventative measures against players hand-picking what kind of pokemon they start as?

    I have an internal randomizer for the exact reason that anyone can play the starter they want. No need of preventative measures.


    On 10/31/2022 at 4:46 PM, Edimion said:

    I think you should try to organise a team to have a discord. Nowadays everythhing is Discord or twitch. Discord it's like the whatsapp, telegram, the social media currently for gamers. You could make events with your dev hack rom. Forums are great but the will not grow more that's the main difference between it and the latest social media..

    but the last decision is yours.

    I plan to have a Discord at some point, but it's more for feedback and community interactions, it's something planned for 2.0

  5. On 10/11/2022 at 5:53 PM, UnironicIrony said:

    Good memories from this mod, cool to see it'll get a major update.

    Still haven't retried Nightmare Tower, left a permanent scar. Though I never robbed a single Kecleon market (lie).

    Tower of Demise is changed in 2.0, maybe you will feel more confident in trying it haha

    On 10/15/2022 at 11:43 PM, dr4gonmokid said:

    A little irrelevant, but do you ever plan to make a discord server for this game?

    Not that irrelevant to me, unfortunately I only have a development server for now and not more than that, I have had bad experiences with Rom Hack servers in the past. Maybe I'll change my mind in the upcoming weeks, however I have more pressing matters related to the game for now

    • Relieved 1
  6. On 8/17/2022 at 9:41 PM, RainbowSyrup said:

    I'm experiencing a bit of an AI issue where bulletin board quest 'mons will wander around, typically fine unless it's something that can traverse terrains that I can't, like a water, flying, ghost or fire type and they can end up making me completely unable to finish the quests. A bit of a bummer ^^'

    It's not an AI issue, it's something I cannot control at all. The AI isn't here to move linearily and can move all over the place, there's no easy fix to that.

  7. 3 hours ago, amicablesailboat said:

    In PMD EO Alpha 1.2, how does one get back to The Nightmare to get the shiny mons? Or is that permanently missable? 

    Edit: I just want to say that I think PMD EO Alpha is the definitive Sky experience and takes it to the next level, while being a familiar and fun experience. I'm just another happy customer, I love it and keep up the great work.  :)

    Clear Tomb of Nightmares and you are asked if you want to enter The Nightmare

    Thanks for the support !

  8. 51 minutes ago, Cofagrigus7 said:

    i'm 100% a ghost lurker but i think you need some praise for your work

    i usually just look for gameplay-only mods, you can't guess how happy i was to find such a good mod for EoS, my favorite game ever. i was actually in disbelief about how good it is (and considering i was just looking for any main series mod that added other gens pokemon because i never thought someone would mod mystery dungeon)

    all these lil things like super mystery dungeon move controls, more variety of mons in dungeons, more spawn rate, shinies and dark type luxray made my time 1000% better, thank you so much man 😭💖 
    i'll be omw to play the postgame properly one of these days to hunt bosses but the R button of my 3ds broke so i would have to emulate now 😆


    2.0 seems super amazing too, i wouldn't doubt starting from a full clean save again, crossing fingers for it!!

    Thanks for the kind words!

    All credits dued for SMD move shortcuts go to End and Irdkwia, not me, just so you know.

    2.0 adds a ton of stuff to make the game more enjoyable for everyone, I'm glad you look forward to it! Unfortunately the development is on hold as I have had a big drop of motivation lately, but I will get back to it eventually

    The remainder of the to-do list adds side-quests for both endgame QoL and more gameplay designs for main story and endgame alike

    It will take the time it needs to be released as I am not looking for clout with a fast release nor for a burnout if I overwork myself

    • Amazed 2
  9. On 7/4/2022 at 1:39 PM, NoxInDreams said:

    I will start with the line "you don't understand what is a game": well, at least, I'm very familiar with the PMD franchise (much more than you can imagine, actually) and I know that the exploring part is already tedious enough (not sure anyone would think otherwise seriously and honestly, as it's been a flaw that lots of video game critics have been pointing out since the birth of PMD; its "gameplay repetitiveness") so I'm not on board with making it even more tedious (and the vanilla games aren't gameplay masterpieces in their own rights, actually). 

    But I think that is a question of taste: the Skies romhack fits me more in a sense where the menu and the gameplay (and lots of quality-life improvements) are improved and it stops there. 

    The mainline Pokémon game romhacks made by Drayano also fit my taste: quality-life improvements, a bit of difficulty increase and nothing else. 

    I don't play Pokémon games to "overthink" my gameplay actions, as I generally do something else at the same time while playing, but I understand why some players look for very challenging romhacks, Pokémon being what it is. 

    Maybe my comments look "noobish" (because it's like I can't even start to explain what bugged me in Explorers of Alpha, as my point of view seems irrelevant right off the bat, while obviously, if I'm playing PMD romhacks, that's because I'm a big Explorers fan... ever thought of that?) to you and I get it: I don't play your game "the way it was intended" (just saying this makes me want to facepalm myself, as it is light-years away from how I play Pokémon games, namely: any way I want), my opinion isn't well-thought out to you (I do hope I'm making things clearer with this comment though), you do you. 

    By the way, "I'm not throwing trash on your game", I'm explaining since the beginning why "in my opinion", I didn't have a great time playing it. If I sound too rude or too rough, I apologise, really. 

    Let's agree to disagree. 

    Have a nice day. 

    The issue with how you phrase things is that you don't explain the "why" behind your thoughts. The gameplay is tedious with 1.2 settings and I agree, you can talk about spawn rate, enemy HPs, and a lot of stuff but... Dojo ????? You don't need maxed stats to play the game and it was designed this way, if you aren't good enough I advice you to play the 2.0 once it's out, there's lower difficulties in it. Saying not repeatable dojos make the game tedious is absolutely ridiculous.

    I won't talk about the fraudish game you mentionned, stolen stuff and next to no changes go to show how insulting it is for me to see my game compared with it. And if I work on a 2.0 Alpha for so long, that's for a reason, this one being having a more inclusive hack in the end.

    You play a difficulty hack considering 1.2 and complain about the difficulty and the fact you need to think as a statement (overthinking is an overstatement). Your comments are only showing that you don't want to play the game the way it was designed and I don't give a damn since I already corrected these issues in 2.0 (that's why I insist every single time with "waiting for 2.0") but I should've told it right off the bat. Playing any way you want is fair, your complains with the game can be summed with "why I can't play with every pokemon in the game during story" and "why don't you allow everyone to abuse your game", which is ridiculous, really.

    1.2 is the worse version of Alpha though and I completely understand that you may have not enjoyed it, 2.0 feels like a whole new game and if you feel like it I hope you change your mind about the game.

    • Proud 1
  10. 6 hours ago, NoxInDreams said:

    Well, I just quit playing the game anyway, since I'm not into punishing difficulty-based romhacks (I don't like being forced to do stuff in a romhack as if I were doing chores before getting what I want) and I don't personally think it fits a dungeon-crawling game well, as I still stand by what I said earlier: brute force strength becomes an obligation (and room moves are mandatory) and just saying "it's not" won't convince me otherwise. Also, there are still ways to infinitely increase stats in the game just by selecting dungeons where Gummis are common (or cheat devices, as far as emulators go) and doing side-quests endlessly; your "level design" choices only make it more tedious in my opinion. 

    But well, I guess my points are all invalid now, since I didn't find the patience to "deal with it", as you said. 

    Take care. 

    If you consider balancing is punishing, then I think you don't understand what is a game, but that I can understand

    You stand by your point ignoring the evidence I pointed you: I have tested everything so every starter combination can clear the game with max 2 tries in each story dungeon without Dojo abuse. Items and gameplay knowledge are key, yet you choose to ignore it and stick with "bruteforce". Your option isn't right and your gameplay isn't as well thought as it could be.  Maybe the hack isn't for you in 1.2 but if you want I have an easy mode in 2.0

    The other ways to indefinitely increase stats exists, true, but not in one go in main game. The restrictions are lifted post-game for a reason as I mentionned. Mentionning cheating devices is irrelevant and I never take filthy cheaters in account for my game except for the anti-cheat in 2.0 :)

    My level design choices are... well mine, work on your own hack if it doesn't please you, but don't throw trash on it, especially when you complain about stuff you're definitely not willing to understand

    I understand yours however and every """""issue""""" you mention has been taken care in 2.0 of one way or another, FYI

  11. 16 minutes ago, NoxInDreams said:

    Hey there! Thanks for your work for starters... 

    But I seriously hope many changes will be added on 2.0, because there are many issues with the game; some of which have been already covered (like the spawnrate which becomes fun only when OP-level is reached) but there's one that hasn't been named yet which is Marowak Dojo's inaccessibility at very frequent moments of the game, which makes it incredibly frustrating, punishing and unfulfilling (and it isn't a motivating factor for completing Final Maze). 

    Also, adding a very short timer during ultra hard boss battles is a no-no as well, because it forces the player to use brute force strength and thus, abusing Gummis and vitamin buffs over and over. 

    And I think it would be great if the shiny recruitment rate would be higher, as the Pokémon are already rare themselves. 

    For more little issues: I think removing Arceus' face on the top screen on many occasions would be nice and also, I have noticed a little bed save glitch at Sharpedo Bluff that can make the game crash, from time to time.

    I hope I don't sound too harsh on this. 

    Keep up the good work!

    Edit: also, it would be nice the remove the "Mystifying Forest pairing" for the post-game scenario, as it participates in the same main problem of the game: not letting the player decided the way he or she wants to play in the first place. 

    Daily Marowak Dojois here to prevent Infinite Stat abuse, and is lifted post-Graduation, this won't go for obvious reasons in Difficult and higher difficulties in 2.0

    Timer is removed for most battles in 2.0, and no you aren't forced to bruteforce bosses in Alpha. Every combination in the game beats every boss in the game with at most 2 tries if you choose the right options, it has been designed this way and tested so the difficulty gameplay works smoothly. Mistakes were made, but 1.2 Alpha is close to 2.0 Hardcore so that's why it works this way

    Recruitment rates are made so you have 1/4000 chance to effectively get a Shiny under normal circumstances (no item or IQ skill), it isn't gonna be edited in 2.0

    The Arceus face top screen isn't leaving top screen either, never heard of the Bed Save Glitch a single time in 1 year so it's weird, prolly an emulator issue

    I won't remove the pairing in story dungeons by the way, you play the story with your team and that's all. The problem you mention is non-existent and a level design choice for 1.2, deal with it.

  12. On 5/13/2022 at 6:00 PM, Edimion said:

    What a great hack rom, it seems as a new story of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, fairy types and even shinies ,and also we can choose the level of difficulty. I'm not native English speaker, I'd like to say more but I'll be waiting for your last release 2.0 will be finished

    Really thanks for your great job🙂

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    Thank you so much for the kind words ! The whole purpose of 2.0 is to step up the game to a point where everyone can play it without worrying about the game being too hard or lacking features

    I hope it will fit your tastes too !

    • V-Wheeeeeel!!! 1
  13. 2 hours ago, XiaomuThe Fox said:

    Sorry again to annoy you with a question. I did unlock the Jirachi dungeon in the end, but can you still go make a wish if you recruit him, or the chance is lost forever?

    Amazing game as always, I love to try hard end game dungeons with different Pokémon 

    You can make a wish after you unlock Starglow Cavern, the wish is indefinitely repeatable afterwards

    1 minute ago, Atoku said:

    Yeah I check how work the game editor, seems the only things you can do is playing with the layout generation but not the map itself when exploring. But I like the idea for more various layout.

    When you are able to code new layouts by hand, you can add new layouts to the game since 4 layouts are duplicates of another one. I already tried my hand at adding one and it worked

  14. 8 minutes ago, Burningocean2012 said:

    First of all I appreciate the games big text speedup second of all I wanted to be a male Pikachu but even though my stat screen shows a male icon my sprite is female?Just wondering if it's just because Hero is a special Pikachu or if something is off with my patching job?Enemy spawn rate in Beach Cave got abit out of hand but level grinding early isn't a bad thing.Will be beating this then playing it again once 3.0 is out. :)


    Edit-Tested and working on Twilight Menu!

    I highly recommand you to download SkyTemple and change the spawnrate from 5 to 12 if the spawning is too much for you

    I'm aware of that issue and that's the main reason why I'm inves so much time in 2.0: I want the game to be for everyone

    As for the sprites I removed the small gender differences to gain the possibility to add new sprites to the game. Since adding new entries easily wasn't possible at the time, I had to replace "useless" sprites

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, XiaomuThe Fox said:

    Do you know how can unlock Star/Wish Cave? I already did Bidoof episode but I don't know how to get it. If there's some kind of document with the legendaries locación, I would  appreciate it.

    Also, thank you for giving me a reason to play Explorers again. I always wanted to know how a hard mode was like.

    Star Cave doesn't exist in main game, instead it's called Starglow Cavern and it's unlocked with Jirachi's challenge letter if and only if you have Guildmaster Rank

    Thanks for the kind words ! I am working hard to get the best out of the game so anyone can enjoy it next update with the new features, not only for the difficulty

  16. 8 hours ago, Atoku said:


    What do you think about adding more different layout when exploring a dungeon, if possible of course, I was mainly thinking about having sometimes larger corridors. instead having everytime 1x10 corridor it could be 2x10 if that don't break existing layout too much


    Hey !

    I may try that at some point, however it's not that high in my priority list as I need to rewrite the whole layout generation process to pull that off

    FYI, I already tried my hand at adding a maze layout with Irdkwia's help (replicating Frag 1's maze) and I pulled that off successfully as shown down below

    Other kinds of layout aren't planned, changing current properties for corridors isn't something I've ever seen being tried yet, kinda curious about the uses you can make of this idea ngl


  17. Wanted to advertise people about the current public version of the game, as it was reported to me multiple times.
    I know the current version has some issues that may cause it to be "not for everyone" (the current difficulty is meant to be the equivalent of Expert after all). If you want it to be more enjoyable, here is what I recommand.

    First of all you will need SkyTemple to fix all the stuff I will be talking about.

    Spawn rate, under Lists, Misc. Settings:
    - if you are willing to play a much harder version of the game, change it from 5 to 12
    - if you are willing to play a slightly harder version of the game, change it from 5 to 18
    - if you are willing to play a more vanilla version of the game, change it from 5 to 24

    Second part of dungeons, disarm Forced Save, under Dungeon tab, double-click on the dungeon under the group they're in and turn off the "Forced save":
    List of dungeons: Deep Sealed Ruin, Lower Brine Cave, Hidden Highland, Temporal Spire, Miracle Sea Depths, Spacial Rift Depths, Deep Dark Crater
    Just disable them all, it's inherent bad design, my bad for toggling this thing on.

    Boss rooms, remove timer, under Dungeon tab, double-click on the dungeon under the group they're in and change turn limit:
    List of dungeons: Brine Cave Pit, Old Ruins, Mystifying Forest Clearing, Crevice Cave Pit, Miracle Seabed, Aegis Cave
    If the value is below 250, change it to 250 (much harder version), 500 (slightly harder version), 1000 (vanilla version).

    Now, why am I posting that instead of updating the game just for one thing.
    First of all, it's been first reported after my vacations break in August, after I paused the development for 2 months, after I decided to develop a big thing instead of "just another update with 2 changes", and before I decided to write an actual changelog and to-do list.
    Without keeping track of my additions after the last update one year ago, I decided to release 2.0 and nothing else, not 1.2.1 or to start releasing 1.2.18 or whatever updates you may think about.

    There's another reason: the game has no big issues aside of the optional well hidden Lapras crash in Hidden Land (lol) and the Torkoal bug endgame. As such I don't have emergency updates to provide, so I have nothing to provide aside of new gameplay and new tweaks.

    The next version is still in heavy development, the to-do list is down to a small text file, and I hope you are hyped for next update !

  18. I have seen lots of misconceptions while checking some casual comments about loads of hacks, this one specifically so I wanted to answer all of that so people know what's going on:

    On 1/14/2022 at 6:29 PM, DiegoG said:

    This took more brainpower than I expected to need to recruit a Pokemon.
    Not only does it not show up in the future dungeons (so I moved all of her sprites over normal Celebi and recruited her in Mystifying Forest), but her personality had no Standby lines, so I also needed to make those (and accidentally murdered my ears with the Hero and Partner line because I didn't know the correct spelling of their name calls)
    Ignoring the occasional "The Timegate is close!" comment, Pink Celebi (even the game calls her that internally, btw) works just fine. When you can actually get her. Which, again, requires a bit of SkyTemple editing magic.

    I guess I can also add that Mew is nowhere to be found, not even in Zapdos' old spot, being Amp Plains 7F. Soooo, guess what I did. Apart from grabbing the much superior face sprite in the PMD Sprite Repository.

    Changing Shiny Celebi's personality and making it spawnable only requires a bitflag change for it to spawn without items. People noted it months ago and fixes have been suggested but never provided. Sounds like this feature wasn't functional after all...

    On 1/22/2022 at 2:31 PM, mono said:

    I just discovered this hack and it's absolutely amazing. 

    Though I've been wondering if Espurr will ever be added as one of the starter mons? 

    You cannot add new slots as starters and partners. That's why Meowth and Vulpix Kanto are no longer available through normal means as Partner and replaced by Espurr and Alolan-Vulpix. The list is designed to be a certain size and not more, it would require ASM hacking to maybe edit the list on the fly.

    On 1/23/2022 at 4:38 PM, DiegoG said:

    Here I am again! Prepare for screenshots
    So, what happened this time? Well, I noticed how Sylveon only had the Fairy Silk as fam items (along with the other three Eevee things), and then I went to look into another one's list and saw this:
    ...Yeah. I went into Sky Temple to see what was going on, and I saw the Gem, Dust and Globe, but they were all like this:
    After a really long editing session, I managed to have them both appear in the list for only Fairy types and not break the game by seeing the second page (because yes, the game broke quite a lot of times)

    But regardless, I managed to have them work, even if it was by copy pasting descriptions from other items. And also because why not, decided to have Prism Ruff work for all Eeveelutions:

    They have these items dummied because they couldn't manage to have them swapped successfully. That requires more than just adding the item to do so. And for your information the items have no effect whatsoever, it requires to edit a table in arm9.bin. Hex editing and ASM hacking as a result.

    8 hours ago, raydude007 said:

    I really appreciate you making this. I could hardly believe my eyes when I mindlessly checked for hacks of this game as I've done probably one a year for the past 5 years. The features you've added like automatic/manual mode bring new strategy and depth to exploring and especially boss battles. And the new pokemon! This is the game I've played the most in my life and you've renewed my interest in it :)

    This feature has not been added by him nor anyone working on this hack. It is a public patch built in SkyTemple and made by Cipnit/Jirt a year ago, and the same goes for sprite expansion and pokemon addition, they are public SkyTemple features.

    On 1/17/2022 at 3:57 PM, DiegoG said:

    Found another mistake, Yellow Cornet still has Grass Cornet's description.
    I'll try to brainpower my own, though. Just so other people don't find this out, I'm posting it here.


    This one isn't a mistake. They tried to have the Zapdos treasure match him, because it replaces the Mew treasure. However they didn't manage to change the type this treasure affects because... well it requires coding and editing ASM. This will likely remain unchanged for the sole reason of them never touching code on their own.

    For anyone reading this post, don't hesitate to check SkyTemple to see what has actually been added by the hack creator, and what has just been "a SkyTemple public patch applied". It helps a lot for common knowledge so people don't come at other creators to say "you copied Skies features" while it's either a public feature or the opposite.
    Thanks !

  19. On 1/5/2022 at 7:38 AM, CuraVonAux said:

    Any good news on 1.3 progress? Have been delaying playing alpha until 1.3 and hope it comes out before my birthday this year :D. Totally understand if you're busy with irl stuff.

    Good news posted on my Twitter @EoA_off

    Basically new challenges, and some other features along that

    No ETA, I have more important stuff to sort before this game obviously

    PS: shown the patch notes in my first post ! Check them out if you want !

  20. On 12/14/2021 at 10:04 PM, nein said:



    I'm curious to know if you have any intentions of adding the following features to the game:

    1) Starter evolution available immediately after having access to Luminous Spring (currently you have to defeat darkrai before you can evolve starters in the main game).


    2) Luminous Spring is available automatically to the player at the beginning of the game and they can evolve any pokemon as long as the required conditions are met.


    If you don't plan on adding these features to the game, where will be the best place to request guidance on how to implement one of these features using sky temple?  

    I don't plan on adding these features as you mention them, however I may have found a way of dealing with early evolution for some starters, but rebalancing the game around them will be significantly harder for sure.

  21. 1 hour ago, mr ki said:

    Is there a new way to recruit Phione, Heatran and Shaymin in this hack other than getting their shinies in Destiny Tower? I've already unlocked Marine Resort and I still haven't been able to recruit them.

    In 1.2, Phione is recruited in Deep Miracle Sea in even floors (1, 3, 5F)
    Heatran is recruited in Giant Volcano in even Floors after 30F (31, 33, 35, 37, 39F)
    Shaymin is recruitable in Time-Leap Garden in the second last floor (I think it's 31F ?)
    But in next version they no longer are available by this mean: Phione is available in Miracle Seabed once again, Heatran has his own new dungeon and Shaymin too.


    1 hour ago, Roxas915 said:

    do you have a timeframe for when version 1.3 might release? I would like to have fairy types added at the start of my playthrough, so I just wanna know if I should be patient for a while longer or if I should just go ahead and start playing without them. 

    You should definitely be patient ! The update is planned for fall 2021, and it's worth the wait I'd say !

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