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Posts posted by pokemonfan

  1. I cant believe none of you would have Pikachu follow you...
    That evil rat? Why? :-/

    I've had him pester me in Yellow long enough. I'm going to have Mewtwo brain wash me anytime :P

    I hate pikachu!

    -cute (evil on inside)

    -way to powerful in the anime (thunderbolt + uberchu = dead golem)

    -way to powerful in super smash bros. (seriously 43% + thunder bolt on zelda in final destination on the edge of stage = dead princess)

    I ask why they do that to the yellow rat? Oh yeah because the :bidoof::bidoof: at game freak cant tell :bidoof: from :grog: plus they have to remove the awesome psychic poke (mewtwo) and make everyone's favorite yellow rat the hyped up poke on steroids. Its a conspiracy after all!

  2. They aren't impervious, and what they are weak against is very common types, which are Dragon and Ice, and they obtain additional weakness depending on their typing, also aren't we straying off from the topic, when did the talk started to focus on legit EV training, against Pokesaved Pokemon?

    I know dragons aren't impervious but I dont really like ice types (need suggestions here) I do have garchomp and flygon coming up with dragon. Anyways...I think the discussion changed when wraith posted this...

    I've done it (I use legit Pokes). And everytime I go on Wifi... 98% of the people I fight uses Pokesav (it's so obvious with all their perfect Hidden Powers and how some Pokemon just happen to outspeed mine and all and survive some stuff they shouldn't).

    The thing about Pokesav is, it helps people who don't want to waste their life with Pokemon just get the whole EV thing over with... but how would those who actually spent their time raising their Pokemon feel when they see someone do that so quickly? :(

  3. Hi all,

    I'm a newbie. Just finally found pokesav (here), after looking for a week or so. Found lots of tutorials for it (esp on Utube), but every link I tried to follow to actually download it was broken.

    I'm playing Pokemon Pearl, as a counter-play for my son and wife (Diamond and Platinum respectively), and wanted to get pokesav to get the legendaries and event pokemon that otherwise we wouldn't be able to get.

    We've played Pokemon since the beginning (and still have all the games, except Blue :( ).

    Guess that will do for now.


    Cool a pokemon playing family that's got to be sweet. To be able to talk about pokemon and everyone understand!

    Anyways welcome to the site. If you need a cool avatar click on the link in my thread. My current avatar is the work of telos one of the artists there. And both my sigs are made by people that make avatars, bear831 and naru-chu...aren't they awesome? You should get one too!

    I say this to practically every new member

  4. Thanks dude it looks awsome =D Keep it up:smile:

    *EDIT*: Is it possible to make an avatar with the same pkmn and everything? Its much appreciated. =D



    I use Mr.Magician's font...shh...don't tell him.

    I had to go somewhere PF, give me like 20 min and I'll be done.



    Hope you like

    New Opacity Smudge technique I'm using works pretty well. I'll use it now and then.

    Those sigs are awesome! You rock naru-chu!

    Thanks so much for the new breloom sig!

  5. Yes I will add you to the bag data thing as well since the pokeball page is one of the bag data project extensions. I will Bobtheedibleone, I saw your massive edit and quite frankly I didn't know half that stuff so its really great.

  6. I made lots of updates on in the OP so please check them out.

    I created some more job specifics and I did some project merging to create on project. If it wasn't such a big project I'd introduce the projects in waiting.

  7. Its now a shiny mightyena :) When I saw the poochyena I immediately thought of okami after I got unstunned from my shocked position. Okami does have two level 100 shiny mightyena. Its what she used to breed those hundreds of poochyena. That's how I met her through her breeding project :P. I wish mightyena's had better movesets because its going to be hard to make much use of him.

  8. Ah! Floot! I was hoping we could hold off on new projects for now and I'll file it for reintroduction later on. (of course I cant stop you) We have so many other in big projects to deal with at the moment couldn't you find one of them to help with?

  9. ... but how would those who actually spent their time raising their Pokemon feel when they see someone do that so quickly? :(

    Exactly...my best friend, he doesn't use pokesav but he doesn't really train that much either, he trades his pokemon for ones he wants on the GTS and recently he got a groudon level 100. :( He also got a lugia level 60 and a whole bunch of other trained pokemon off of trading :( so when I battle him of course he uses them and then I get crushed because he has level 100s and I have one. His lugia is a level 100 now. Its annoying because he had to train like 40 levels or not at all while my only level 100 is from a level 5 and my second highest (breloom lv 86) I trained from level 6 that's 80 and 95 levels opposed to his nontrained level 100 groudon and 40 level trained level 100 lugia. He also does have his level 90 something giratina (ugh yet another legendary) which of course he trained from 47 so that's like 43-45 levels more trained. Still though I have him beat when it comes to training and its quite annoying. I do have to give him props though on his shiny luxray its like a level 86 from like a level 5 shinx but its quite annoying being that my wifi wont work for the DS.

    Its quite annoying when people dont have to train either at all or very little to get level 100 pokemon when you put hours of training into your level 100 pokemon and then it gets sent to the next century.

    Ugh why does dragon have to be practically impervious to everything!

  10. I usually stop watching anime after it gets so emo I want to cut myself.

    Pokemon has yet to do that, and sometimes their episodes are pretty good. I mostly watch them out of boredom since there is never anything more interesting on (House only plays at night unless they are pulling an all day thing). Sometimes there are episodes that are so childish I want to puke, and other times I am suprised at how dark they can be.

    Anyone see the episode where Ash and Co where at some trainer school and this creepy little ghost girl tried dragging someone to the spirit world? That was pretty creepy for a kid's show...

    Anyone who played platinum and watched Giratina pop out of the ground and drag Cyrus to the distortion world where it then flew overhead when you walked around might say the same: "That was pretty creepy for a kid's game..." line like I did after that.

    Pokemon can get pretty creepy, and anyone who reads the lore (mostly the older kids) find some creepy hidden stuff. The younger crowd doesnt read the pokedex, and when you catch a pokemon chances are you mash A until you can move again too. If you look for the dark side, you can find it, and sometimes it manifests into the anime.

    I watch Pokemon because:


    Nothing else on

    Might learn lore


    Though now I tend to watch it online at my leasure. Its no longer a "I gotta watch the new episode!" Though when they have a pokemon movie on I may watch it if nothing else is on or if its a movie I like. And then when CN pulls an all day marithon I might just watch if there is nothing else to do lol!

    Ash's Pika is overpowered, but it might be its level. It beats things with ease since its a level 100 rat, and only a few trainers can beat it but they are usually strong trainers like gym leaders/E4 or Paul who trains like we do lol!


    "Not good enough... released..."


    "Not good enough... released..."

    And Paul is why I watch the newer ones. Doesnt fail to make me laugh that he can pwn without trying too hard, rarely lose his cool, piss off Ash by existing/breathing, and usually shows up to piss EVERYONE off then leave without a word! Much better then the old Ash always wins and gets what he wants, the Ash and Co team prevail again, and everyone else sucks compared to Ash.

    So far Ash has needed a rematch with nearly every gym leader this time around too, so you can see its going away from the Ash and Pika=pwn to Ash actually does training and works for his wins.

    Some very good points but to my knowledge he's only had to rematch fantina. Granted I've only seen him battle...

    Maylene (he shouldn't have gotten that badge he got lucky though), crasher wake (pika pown), fantina (only rematch...drifblim FTW), byron (that was a good episode). Fantina has been the only rematch and so far in the old kanto episodes (yeah I'm watching through those) he's had to rematch sabrina (that was a creepy episode)

    There is some dark evilness to pokemon such as

    shedinja sucking your soul

    gengar steeling your life

    misdreavus using its orbs to feed off of fear

    ninetales was formed by the spirits of 9 souls

    drifloon takes people to the spirit world

    dusknoir (same as drifloon)

    spiritomb (if you know the story)

    houndoom alone looks creepy

    darkrai causes nightmares

    probably a whole slew more

    I cant stand paul, one of my first pokemon episodes was the tag battle series, he released chimchar and I just died. How could he do such a thing. He ticks me off as much as he ticks off ash. Honestly I hope chimchar crushes paul's pokes and ash actually comes out with a win over him. Its the only time I'll ever ever root for chimchar and evos. I cant stand any of them in game.

    Paul is a jerk. Although at least ash is having some trouble instead of pika power saving the day.

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