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RetroAli last won the day on April 11 2020

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  1. Haha I just came here to post this, thanks for the shoutout and help on the video.
  2. Same here, gave me an excuse to finally boot up Sword for once but I was too slow lmao.
  3. Quick update: got full scans of Pokemon Power Vol. 6, thanks again to doeiqts on Twitter for the help. Really neat to see the Mew "newspaper article" they included as well. Pokemon Power vol 6.pdf
  4. Thank you! I seriously want to thank everyone in the Discord that has helped us decipher all of the technical stuff w/ the machine/preserving it properly because it's been SUCH a huge help. I'm so glad we got this into the hands of the community as opposed to some hoarder. With the PCNY machine popping up, it makes me think even crazier stuff might pop up in the future. (hopefully) Heck I'm still shocked about the Spaceworld demo leaking all that time ago and the fact that someone kept around the PCNY machine in the first place haha. Anything is possible!
  5. This is so late 90s/early 2000s and I'm 100% here for it. Looking forward to seeing the certificates, thank you again!
  6. So I'm dumb and made my username different here than literally every other place on the internet, if I could get my name changed to Ali (if available) or RetroAli it would be appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Was talking about this Mew to Gridelin the other day and we realized that the existing scans of this issue of Pokemon Power literally disappeared from the internet. (or at least from what we could find lol) I managed to find someone with this specific Pokemon Power issue and they provided scans for the cover & Mew information. Thanks to @doeiqts on Twitter for the help. https://imgur.com/a/bbrK16r
  8. Hello all, our second video going into a deep dive of the history & technical aspects of PCNY/the machine is up. Hope you enjoy! Also shoutouts to Gridelin for the special appearance.
  9. It was on loan from the owner for the video...
  10. The machine was sent back to the owner a few weeks ago. Everything regarding the PCNY machine has been shared/is being worked on by users on ProjectPokemon. Also off-topic, but I highly recommend anyone to check out Shonumi's blog if you haven't - lots of Game Boy related posts/gems in there. And check out the REON Dev Team Discord if you want to learn more about the Mobile GB Adapter.
  11. Tony, myself, and Julie (from pokemoncenternewyork.com) did a Q&A last night regarding the history of the PCNY machine & the store itself if anyone is interested/has questions.
  12. Hello all, Tony just uploaded the video.
  13. The owner specifically reached out to Tony to document/preserve/create a video about the contents so... not sure what to tell you.
  14. Tony just put up a quick teaser trailer for the PCNY machine, a full in-depth video will be out in January. Thank you to everyone here at ProjectPokemon that has helped us so far, it's greatly appreciated. https://t.co/NNUjwDfQov
  15. Hello ProjectPokemon! A friend of mine has stumbled upon Japanese NR Gamecube Discs, memory cards, and cart reader that were used for the Gotta Catch Em All Station at Pokemon Center NY distributions back in the day. We are planning on backing up & preserving everything. I'm posting here to reach out to those in the community who are way more well-versed than we are in the nitty gritty of Pokemon Event Distributions to help dig into the mystery of these discs/carts. If you're familiar with this at all please feel free to respond to this thread, PM me on here, or DM me on Discord. (RetroAli#6666) Thank you! (Also sorry if I posted this in the wrong place lol... figured this was the best section.)
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