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10 Good

About Fantome

  • Birthday 08/28/1994
  1. Benji Boko - 2 Thumbs Fresh Remix Mashup
  2. Zubat. They're everywhere, if you can't run away from them, they confuse you, they look ugly, learned no good attacks, and they're just... annoying. Although crobat is one of my favorite pokemon.
  3. I really like it! Brushes, lighting, flow, frames, nicely placed text, color, nice job.
  4. Banned for having four words in your username.
  5. Personally, I always have the GB player on. Maybe it's partly nostalgia, but I just find the original music waaaaaaay better than the new. The new music has too many weird instruments in it to me. D: Which one do you like?
  6. I like the speed course a lot. The dash game is really fun. My team is/was Jolteon, Crobat, and Mew. Having gold statues of them is pretty badass.
  7. I always have Mew after me, mostly because it has all my HM's, and it can transform. Otherwise I really like Zapdos' sprite.
  8. Cenospecies - Cell Phones of Fury (feat. CMI)
  9. The battle system actually looks really nice. I'm interested to see what the laptop thing can do with your DS, it's probably something involving the GTS. I really like the grass starter, after turtwig a cool one was necessary imo.
  10. I prefer macs. Easy, clean, colorful, customizable, and I love the interface. My school has windows on all of its computers, but I find myself that I can work much better on macs. I also use itunes, spotify, PS, and iphoto/movie a lot. I think you just need to know the right apps to get for macs to enjoy them to their fullest extent.
  11. Ohai sexy. <3 Welcome.
  12. Lead Uxie set I made. :0 Uxie @ Choice Scarf Nature: Impish EV's: 252 HP / 104 Def / 152 Spe - Trick - Stealth Rock - Imprison - Psychic / U-turn 152 speed EV's give you a speed of 396 with choice scarf, which allows you to out speed the majority of leads. Trick slower leads like Tyranitar to make them utterly useless. Imprison makes leads unable to use stealth rock and u-turn and trick. CS leads predict a normal uxie so they usually trick which is completely pointless, allowing you to set up SR. Psychic kills Infernape and hurts Heracross a bit (change the nature to bold if you use this). However U-turn is good for scouting.
  13. Fantome


    Thanks. :3 Flareon is one of teh coolest pokemanz ever. ohai. I love him too, eve if he is an OU whore. It is mine. My nae on a lot of other forums is Shadow, but I'm trying to change things up a bit with Fantome. I've played shoddy for like 9 months, although I'm not hardcore, but I'll be sure to challenge you. ;D Yeah, I get them mixed up. D: ... :bidoof: Thanks for all the welcomes. <3
  14. Fantome


    OMG THERE'S A BIDOOF SMILEY. :bidoof::bidoof::bidoof::bidoof: Anyways, Jacob is Legend showed me the site and I joined. I like it so far. I'm a decently experienced OU battler. Jacob is awesome. And that's it. Hope to be an active member here and know you guys. .... :bidoof:
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