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About rdq8906

  • Birthday 08/03/1989
  1. Would you please re-upload the save? link is dead. Thank you.
  2. I've been following since the There's two parts to the guide 1.how to edit the text 2.how to patch your game I just used it earlier today. EDIT: Sorry, misread Smugleaf's post but i think you gotta use the second part of that guide and then use the xdelta GUI to make your own patch using the edited rom and the unedited rom and it should appear in the xdelta folder.
  3. First page 3rd post in NSSVelocity's sig click 'Using PPTXT for text editing Pokemon Black & White'
  4. POKESAV for Black / White ver.0.06c by COM Pokemon Black / White saved data modification tool ================================================== ========== Operation environment One of the following OS installed on the PC / AT compatible or NEC PC-9800 Series Japanese Windows95 + InternetExplorer 3.01 or later Since Japanese Windows98/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP/Vista Contact: COM (E-mail: com@umimi.com) - URL primary distribution http://game.umimi.com/tool/pokesavbw.html Change History ver.0.06c (2010/10/20) - Load save file code freak / write compatible with (Read File / Save when "Kodofurikusebufairu" is selected) ver.0.06b (2010/10/14) - Lao Bus Siki deer / corresponding to the form of Mebukijika ver.0.06a (2010/10/12) - Moves "Thank Reina punches" fix a bug that prevented selecting ver.0.06 (2010/10/11) - Supporting joints Ginaokurimononi - Fixed some bugs ver.0.05 (2010/10/03) - PAR code that enables the output ver.0.04b (2010/09/30) - Item name, category of item error correction - Pokemon editorial "Where was the" Add a Listing ver.0.04a (2010/09/26) - Fixed the missing digits of spending money - Item - immediately if / of recovery "all" bug fix does not work ver.0.04 (2010/09/25) - Added the edited item - Fixed bug in editing the current status of the standard editing Pokemon ver.0.03 (2010/09/23) - Made it possible to edit the item ver.0.02a (2010/09/23) - WindowsXP will not start earlier bug fix - Shin Toku blame for ver.0.02 (2010/09/23) - Fixed bug ver.0.01 (2010/09/22) - Preliminary
  5. Try using PCD Safe. http://projectpokemon.org/editing/pcdsafe.php
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