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Everything posted by NormalTimes

  1. No existe el PID shiny de umbreon y espeon por lo menos no legalmente
  2. NormalTimes

    gen 3 kangaskhan

    I guess you're looking for this. 115 - KANGASKHAN - E68229424806.pk3
  3. thanks to an additional data is that some PID with "shiny skip" if they mark legal although they are few
  4. Rng reporter in its latest version
  5. 334 - ALTARIA - 01BE6319A00C.pk3
  6. with a different tsv also continues to dial illegal ,so the PID will never be legal?
  7. The pokemon always marks illegal even when it has an OT of TSV 3044
  8. NormalTimes

    gen 3 kangaskhan

    exactly what nature are you looking for and do you want it shiny?
  9. Togepi , mareep and scizor Those pokémon will always have 0 ivs? will always have the same nature? and the same gender?
  10. How is tsv calculated? So that pokemon can't be shiny?
  11. the combination PID and IVS is marked as illegal , there's some way to make it legal.
  12. Please upload pkm
  13. this only happens with the soul silver shuckle 213 - Caparazz - D079000214D7.pk4
  14. Shuckle its marked as illegal when i know totally legal also my shuckle also is spanish maybe the difference is only in the english versions
  15. please please you could upload the eevee of pokemon XD shiny
  16. I know it does not have to do but you know how to find a combination id sid and pid shiny for a shiny eevee in pokemon XD sorry if it's annoying
  17. according to bulbapedia umbreon and espeon can not be shinys then I will have to resign myself thanks for the help
  18. I already understood how to calculate the pid but when I change the id and sid the pokemon stops being shiny
  19. Thanks thanks but i don't speak english, as i understand the legality of PID of umbreon and espeon it depends of the trainer id. I would like to know how to generate a id and pid shiny compatible or if I could generate the legal shiny pokemon not necessarily with the same id
  20. I want to edit espeon and umbreon shiny but this warning always comes out
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