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About Dunan

  • Birthday July 13


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  1. This is great, in the end it was wothwhile to tell Suloku about thatb post! Thanks Cloud_strife8!
  2. Dunan


    Welcome Nicole
  3. Hello, I´m new here, I´m from Spain and my english is bad so I hope that you can undertand me ?. I love Pokémon and I love collecting event pokemons too, for that reason I´m here. For now I only have a few event pokemons from my country (All of them from third generation but I´m interested in all the generations) I found this pokemons in a cartridge belongs to my girlfriend, she got them at 10th anniversary event in 2006. I hope that with your help I can get more legitimate event pokemons, of course I could share mine if you need them. I will share photos of my event pokemons soon.
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