Well, I was starting investigating this and then I discover that someone got it almost done XD However, I got some curious things, although my knowledge is far inferior from yours.
First of all, sometimes I got an item that I had already received, so I thought that there should be two separate log check lists: one for Stadium 2 and other for IR.
So, I started to investigate with PkHex and the event flags. I discovered that the items started at 0678 with the polkadot bed and checking the consecutive offets (like 0693 for Nintendo 64 and 0703 for Diglett doll) I could obtain all the items. However, if I unckeck these flags, I get deleted all the items that I had from the beggining and the ones obtained from my mother or through Stadium 2, keeping the ones that I have obtained through IR. Could you explain this for me?
Also, congratulations for the great work! Regards.