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Hello, it's me!

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Hello, it's me! last won the day on February 7 2024

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  1. Requesting the file for this event in either BDSP or SV format with valid home tracker please, thanks in advance!!
  2. This request might be a little too big haha but i'm asking for these mons that MUST be caught in LGPE and then transferred over to either BDSP or SV with valid home trackers. I have the gen 9 and bdsp games but unfortunately i don't have any of the Lets go Games so the mons must be in either BDSP ( pb7 ) or SV ( pk9 ) format. Hopefully someone would be able to help in my dex completion Quest in Home, thanks in advance!!
  3. Master ball Gen 9 starters should be legal in pkhex instead of giving the error "Can't have master ball for regular egg" as it is possible to catch the female starter in Pokemon Go in master ball, transfer it over to SV and then breed it down to pass over the ball. Hopefully this issue will be fixed in the next pkhex release!
  4. Trying to move this unedited file from PLA to scarlet on the latest pkhex and i get this error, any help would be appreciated TIA
  5. yep but like skylink said its probably a server issue
  6. im having the same problem, i tried the changing the PID, TID and SID but it still wont trade
  7. how can i inject this mon into my game ? TIA
  8. these two patterns in the picture only exist in pogo ? oh i did not know that
  9. oh not just from pogo, i used a pic from pogo as reference but really any non bdsp spinda will do that can be transferred to HOME as long as the shiny and non shiny one is in correct pattern
  10. Need PKHEX files for these two specific pattern spindas. First pattern is non shiny and second pattern is shiny. i want to trade these in HOME so no BDSP spinda please! Thanks in advance
  11. As we know, this patch helps the user to scan a PKHEX generated QR code of a single pokemon from their gen 7 games and gen that particular pokemon either 1 or a box full of 30. i was wondering if its possible to make 30 different mons on a single box and generate a qr code from pkhex and scan that code to gen 30 different mons in one go from a single qr code ? Thanks in advance!
  12. oops haha, its fixed now
  13. Version 1.0.1


    This Arceus was obtained by using the azure flute which was distributed through the 1.3.0 patch update on March 16, 2022. After updating, the azure flute can be found in the players bedroom. In order to encounter Arceus, it is required to have a save file from Pokemon : Legends Arceus that has the main story completed. Players also need to enter the hall of fame at least once and obtain the national dex on Pokemon Brilliant Diamon & Shining Pearl.
  14. They've started to sent out the codes
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