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Everything posted by ZST

  1. Keep in mind, that is just one of MANY steps in RNG manipulation, that is why I am not too worried now that you explained how Seeds are generated. That’s like step 3 in a long process.
  2. I didn’t know that part. I was just falling down the rabbit hole of RNG abuse, but eventually tapped out due to how cumbersome it is. I checked over an old save file and noticed that my origin seeds were not matching up with the date of capture when I plugged it into RNGReporter Seed to Time finder.
  3. Thank you. So, if I’m understanding correctly it’s possible to change origin seeds, but you’d have to sort of reverse engineer it? edit: yeah, upon re-reading that clearly seems to be your intent
  4. Hey guys I recall PKHex used to display the origin Seed of a Pokémon in a tab but now I can only see it when I hover over my Pokémon with the cursor im currently playing on Platinum save file Is there a way to see the seed? Also, IIRC, it was read-only. Can origin seeds be edited nowadays?
  5. I don’t want to start a new save file just for Raikou and I’m missing Squirtle line too.
  6. 326 - PORKY - 521952181D87.pk3
  7. Yes, but why is it legal in Gen 3 but not Gen 4? I transferred that from a Ruby cartridge to Gen 4
  8. Can anyone help explain what is going on here ? 326 - PORKY - F13D52181D87.pk4
  9. Simple question: is there a way to enable Rotom-A in WiFi play via PKHex? my understanding is that you need an action replay in order to do that, but I wonder if that is something PKHex supports or possibly can support
  10. I am having an issue with daily events not progressing in a save file where I am deep into the road for getting five trainer card stars so naturally I don’t want to start over someone told me it was in the first few 0x90 lines but that doesn’t seem to be correct, unless I am interpreting something wrong. any help?
  11. Yeah I just ended up doing what I suggested. I don’t like the idea of an unsecured network but I didn’t know that you could limit the amount of devices that get connected to it. thanks for the thread
  12. WiFi hotspot as in using your phone? I tried to do that but iPhones don’t have WEP/no password options
  13. I’ll bump this as it is an interesting question. Hey man, it’s the same DNS server. However, you have to create a new profile when you enter the WiFi Club. Tht means your pal pad will be reset
  14. re: creating a no security guest WiFi Wouldn’t you ideally make it hidden so you don’t have to manually set it on or off all the time but don’t have to worry about someone using it?
  15. It doesn’t allow you to dump it at all? I have the R4i Save Dongle and I’ve had some issues with my file getting corrupted I’ve chalked it down to not pressing OK when the file is done copying to the cartridge. Every time I’m 100% sure it’s finish writing data and press the OK when it’s finished I haven’t had issues until recently
  16. ZST, thank you.
  17. Is ZST or Zest taken?
  18. here is it. thanks for the help. hopefully my file will be fixed platinum.sav
  19. Thanks a lot man. I’ll get to it in the morning. I’ve been using my phone and don’t want to get on the computer right now.
  20. Yeah I already did that about 3-4 days ago. I tried every trick I could find including setting the days forward in addition to putting my time at 11:55 or 11:56 i really think something just got corrupted in my save file. My first party Pokémon was glitched out and I merely replaced it with a copy of the data from an earlier backup file from PKHex, and it seemed to work fine. I’m guessing other things went wrong besides my first Pokémon being corrupted.
  21. Cart on DS. I’m transferring with a save dongle, and I’ve had a couple of instances where the save file has gotten corrupted
  22. Long story short, my Platinum save file does not keep track of time correctly. I keep getting the “please visit tomorrow” message for every daily event for a week now my save got corrupted at one point - unrelated to PKHex I believe - and I guess whatever got corrupted messed up the in game time. I want to create a new save file that is a replica on PKHex but I know the way I am, I’ll mess up somewhere or miss something especially on event flags or something like that //---multi post merged, please don't do it again. Use the edit button when necessary.---// Also, I understand that Accessory/contest item editing hasn’t been implemented because it is “undocumented” how would it be documented? I figure it hasn’t been implemented simply because it’s so insignificant, not because it’s difficult, on account of all the editing options available
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