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YoshiMoshi last won the day on December 26 2018

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  1. Here's a good repository of distribution devices. While your at preserving distribution device images, here's one not documented in the database linked in previous post. Very low resolution, but still another image of one of these machines.
  2. Yea there's also the um... Some slot 2 gba distribution carts that leaked. The ones for the legendary dogs for Japan, there's some pictures in the public somewhere It's also probably worth getting the text on those green gba carts translated. I believe one of them is strongest Pokemon slot 2 distribution, mamar and Electra buzz. But a translation would be good. I believe the legendary dogs is a red gba cartridge, but it's been awhile sense I have seen the image. I think I found it on Google somewhere a few years back.
  3. Here's proof that this one exists in private collections. http://pikachuftt.blog82.fc2.com/blog-entry-1263.html This blog, I remember going through and translating it, there was a manaphy distribution entry, and translated it, saying the cartridge sold for a high amount on auction sites, so at least in theory if that's true, it's in private collections as well.
  4. On that blog, there is discussion of the Manaphy distribution cartridge being sold online at high prices, so in theory it's confirmed to have copies existing in private collections. Maybe one day it will show up. There's also a YouTube video somewhere, of a japan cartridge being distributed, can't seem to find it. But at least in theory that's another one known to exist in private collection. See if I can find it again.
  5. So I noticed that games with RTC (such as Pokemon), the RTC IC (S3511 - 8pin RTC with 3-wire serial bus) is connected to the GPIO pins of the ROM chip. Does anyone know, are the GPIO pins set as input only? Meaning it can only read the data on the RTC IC? Is it able to write to it? As far as I know, for pokemon it detects how much time has passed by comparing the data stored in the S3511 chip with the the data stored on the FRAM for the game save. It then compares the two to see how much time has passed. I believe there are homebrew programs that changes the date. But as far as I know that's within the game save only and not on the S3511 chip? What exactly is the chip that stores the ROM? I thought it was just flash memory. But it appears to be flash memory device that is capable of three wire SPI to write a portion of memory to the flash to read RTC, and also has a parallel interface to read the data stored on it. Is there a similar device that is commercially available?
  6. well obviously, i was just hoping to get the paper behind the cards translated
  7. Can anyone please translate this? This is the Berry Fix Glitch e-reader cards that were only in Japan. I have no idea what it says.
  8. Is anyone on here still collecting these cards, if you have duplicates let me know, I'd be interested.
  9. can you take a video of it working?
  10. This is really great. I hope you preserve it to the internet to be saved for ever. K have dumped many ds distribution cartridges
  11. I have the compelete EURO and USA set, as well as one JAP, i don't want to breakup my set, and have a missing one, incomplete set. If I have financial problems I'll put it up on eBay. Complete known set has been perserved forever.
  12. not backwards compatible?
  13. I have a bunch of files I would like to compile into a .nds file so I can put onto a flash cartridge. It's a homebrew application, in particular this one. I can't figure it out. FAS1 version 1.7 https://github.com/stenlarsson/fas1/tree/master/FAS1 Thanks for any help!
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