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Everything posted by jackolantern

  1. There is a browser hack for old and new 3ds that works with all versions including 11.0.33 you will need Pkhex and Save manager. I do not have a New3ds so I can't help you on the transfer part since I take out the SD card every time I try to edit my save. You will need to use the wireless transfer. Hope this info at least give you an idea of what to do. Sent from my BLU STUDIO X using Tapatalk
  2. Completed my Living Pokedex, looking into competitive but its kinda hard. Pokemon X MII: Kino FC: 1006-3257-6880 IGN: Glitch
  3. Hi, I might be able to help you, I'm completely new here but I've been genning my own ditto breeder and a few other mons. I'm playing on X but I'm sure some of this Mons I can make... PM me if you still want my help >< Sent from my BLU STUDIO X using Tapatalk
  4. Hello have you checked what version of the game you have? Iirc Metagrosite is ORAS exclusive Sent from my BLU STUDIO X using Tapatalk
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