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About Gracidea

  • Birthday 06/26/1995

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  1. I've been watching this thread for a few months now, and checking on updates every so often; just decided to make an account here since I wanted to try helping a bit, and well honestly I've been looking into hacking and messing around with this game for a very long time. Furthermore, It's very great to see that people here have come forward with putting consistent effort into providing a lot of research development for this game, helping along with that, and cracking down on it (not that others haven't, but just from what I've personally seen on other forums similar). Quite frankly, the PMD community in general seems to really be amongst the latter in terms of hacking Pokemon games (so I'm very happy I found this place). Anyways, I have been tinkering with your tools that you've provided, and I have been testing them out. I haven't encountered anything major (yet), and the tools do get the job done for their intended purposes. However, I did want to share a few tidbits of information, and some stuff I did happen to figure out with the use of your tools. In the monster.md, I founded out that the 0x1A (BitFlag1) is used for controlling the evolution parameter for a given Pokemon. I found that setting it to 0xb0 will not permit the Pokemon to evolve or be apart of an evolution line whatsoever (so it's pretty much used for majority of the legendary Pokemon). Setting it to 0x70 will permit the Pokemon to have an evolution into another Pokemon. Setting it to 0x30 will permit the Pokemon to have a previous evolution (so a Pokemon can evolve into it), but it will be impossible for the Pokemon to evolve into another Pokemon (so it would be used for a final stage evolution of course). To add on, it is possible to evolve a Pokemon back into its pre-evolution state as shown in this video: [OGV]http://puu.sh/q5x0V/d70950803a.ogv[/OGV] It's pretty easy to accomplish, you just put a value of 0x30 @ 0x1A in the monster.md for the Pokemon you want to do this for, just make them evolve into one another. This could be useful to some people, and may even be quite neat or fun for others. However, you must keep in mind the +10 max HP and the +5 Atk/S.Atk/Def/S.Def each time you undertake an evolution. Dunno if this helps at all, but this was fun nonetheless c:
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