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About LunarFrost

  • Birthday 05/21/1998
  1. Leveled Build: Wild Pokémon are the same as in the Legit Build, but are leveled up to keep pace with RR/SS's harsh level curve. A quick adjustment in PKHeX (editing Met Level) will make them 100% legit. How do I get PKHeX, and how do I adjust the Met Level?
  2. So, I braindumped Alpha Sapphire and made a backup of the file...I've found the romfs.bin file...but I don't have/can't find "RomFS Extractor.exe" so right now I can't extract the .bin file. I don't know where the RomFS Extractor would be as it took me a bit to find the romfs.bin file.
  3. If I braindumb my copy of AS, will it delete my current save file on it? I've put a lot of work into AS, and I wouldn't want to delete my current progress. Also, how do I back up my current save with .svdt, and switch between both my AS profile and my SS profile. (I'm new to ROM hacking so...)
  4. You know what...I give up trying to install this. Like, nothing helps. I've tried installing it for like 3 hours and I'm still clueless on what I'm suppose to do. And apparently I have to delete my current file meaning I can't trade from the hack to my actual game...which I thought was an option...I don't have two copies so trading can't happen. Backing up means I can't trade from the hack to my back-up. Everything is just too damn complicated and none of the "guides" I've found help at the slightest. The current video just assumes you know how to do everything before you download this, but no...I don't. For example Homebrew. I have LoZooT, but I don't know how to properly download the oot3dhax file to access Homebrew. And if I do search for videos on how to download this type of stuff, they don't help... I honestly really wanted to try this...but I don't see it happening unless I get some actual help :frown: My 3ds update is 11.0
  5. If I get Star Sapphire, will it replace the information on my Alpha Sapphire game? I've never downloaded something like this so I just want to be sure that it doesn't delete my current game. Will I also be able to play against other people online...like people who are using Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby?
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