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Everything posted by Cosmi

  1. OH MAN THIS IS GONNA BE A FUN!... But it doesn't run on Desmume... unless if anyone knows how to get an xbox one controller to work on other emulators then i'll have to keep trying at this, and just refuses to work at all, frankly
  2. Thanks! (and you're one of main reasons, other than the reasons mentioned that i signed up for an account here) and recommend things for the UI for Sky Editor? abel to edit events and such easily, edit Dungeons or remove them altogether, messing around with the starting area, modding the map or something i have a list of this somewhere, but I'm not gonna bother putting it here but thank you for showing me these things c:
  3. Alright, so i recently signed up for an account here just for this question, I know its riveting. But I've been looking around on both his site and other sites and frankly I haven't been able to find any Dungeon editing tools, as in like being able to add in Dungeons, or fully remove some already existing ones. If any tools exist for this then please tell me. Cuz m9 i gutta hack dis game bud
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