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Everything posted by Du'Islingr

  1. I prefer making my own CIAs simply because of storage reasons. Since the romfs is pretty much all the game data thats about 1.8gb per bin I have to place with hans which requires I have the original copy installed as well. If I was interested in modding all 4 games, 3 of which are eshop purchases. Now since the 3 games on their own are 5.4 gb, modding all 4 would add an additional 7.2gb. Thats a total of 12.6gb. Now seeing as I currently have a 16gb card that would be a bit of a problem. If you have a small size card and plan on modding more than 1 game via the hans method you should keep this in mind. I will certainly be checking out the patchers mentioned earlier. Regardless I look forward to trying out this mod. For those looking for X and Y mods, I discovered a newer mod for them called Eternal X and Wilting Y. Won't link to it though as unsure of the rules about that kind of thing. Edit: I also receive unhandled exception when trying to output to .3ds with the patcher tool
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