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Everything posted by Tys2015

  1. Tys2015

    Milotic legality

    350 - Milotic - F3AC3BD119A2.pk6
  2. Try this one~ https://mega.co.nz/#!3I5GjLbI!xXAbow1mS0--kLmg_ggV10ZBg_LVKkywwmy8IELXWS4
  3. Shiny Jirachi can't be in a Poké Ball.
  4. Aegislash https://mega.co.nz/#!7Nw1zbYY!xIMtVCK3NWLx_sttpgmjmjaEAXuhFfZErMQ2eSYKSM4
  5. X&Y Mewtwo can't have unnerve. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_local_Japanese_event_Pok%C3%A9mon_distributions_in_Generation_V#Pok.C3.A9mon_Hills_Mewtwo
  6. Solrock https://mega.co.nz/#!7MpC0ZyA!C927OhT5KTjOyODkQrvQBv4XMGx0--zTQ0sJGD0zqBk Cresselia https://mega.co.nz/#!uFJzXBrK!Md-d3o5dKNxyYXPAE_IbyWonOkmv1unJii7r3pBQ6DY
  7. Here: https://mega.co.nz/#!fAoyDbRa!Ct7UNrV_pobZOjDQxFcaiPU6julBqrNxa93koWpdpng
  8. Solrock can be found in Meteor Falls
  9. Bullet Seed is no longer available in GEN VI. Solrock can be found in Omega Ruby.
  10. no problem good luck
  11. just to be safe i would & i don't know but i would reroll for each mew
  12. memories with: ot is emerald memories with: notot is alpha sapphire
  13. because it went to alpha sapphire?
  14. Pokemon from past generations don't have memories but when they're traded over to the latest generation they do http://i.imgur.com/YdgDEAn.png http://i.imgur.com/0TqZD8S.png
  15. Do your research- http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Faraway_Island EDIT: I know for sure that that Mew works because I have tried it myself
  16. https://mega.co.nz/#!yQwkgLaR!JjB1SSel_Y2xKCJwmzq2W4YOIgmSSKJ5hdLWDbwmdBE
  17. http://i.imgur.com/tawP2Ez.png http://i.imgur.com/cBfkuu7.png You're also missing memories & Poke transfer lab should be Poke transfer ~.~
  18. Met Level should be 1.
  19. this one should work https://mega.co.nz/#!DZJSjDhQ!fpZLaJOj_sLkD4T5VpjHZTNGpFolhCayjzqi22QUJbM
  20. use something like mega.co.nz
  21. Upload the PK6 file
  22. Try this one instead https://mega.co.nz/#!PMw0zQyQ!kGHsPV1EXLkFciuz_U9CrhCFZhZHQ-Si6uztrjRmSVE
  23. This isn't the place to discuss this use http://projectpokemon.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?40-Pok%E9mon-Legality instead
  24. It wont work if you don't have the correct event SID.
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