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Posts posted by suloku

  1. Oh, FIX94 just made a way to backup and restore saves via a Wii/GCN + a GBA<->GCN link cable, so now we need to somehow add it into the save.

    That would be really easy to do given the code to dump/restore is already available, but is the needed data/information available? I haven't seen any pc tools on the thread besides taka's, which only work with jap games.

  2. I got a legit Mew from someone on ebay with certificate. Is there a specific OT the event Mews have?

    EDIT: nevermind the Mew is from Pokemon Stadium Tour

    Do you have any way to dump that mew/the save?

    Alternatively, if it is already at level 100, could you check if it is fully EV trained (checking if stats change after beating elite 4 only with mew should be enough to know) and post the data? That way IVs can be calculated and a pkm file created.

    If it is at level 5, untrained, checking the stats after using several rare candies should allow to calculate the IVs too.

    It would be great to have another gen 1 legit mew data if you are willing to share.

    I myself I'm on the process to try getting a legit spanish gen 1 mew (the only one distributed in spain, but unlike the usa mews I suspect this one having random or other IV data)

  3. I've used your data to make a "jpk1" file, which includes OT and Nickname mirroring what pikasav does for party pkm files. I think it's better to have all the data in a single file, rather than just the 44 byte party structure.

    I've also included some pkm files built from that mew for anyone looking for them even though they are not legit; and a jap->international conversion of the mew. Theoretically, the mew can be used on a USA/EUR gen 1 game, get it trained, with custom moves and to level 100 and it could still be converted back to japanesse. I've tested and the game works fine (besides OT and nickname not being readable).

    What is included:

    - 2016mew.jpk1: the event mew, as exctracted from the japanese savegame. The jpk1 structure is as follows: 1 byte index number, 44 bytes pokemon structure, 6 bytes OT, 6 bytes nickname. See jpk1_structure.txt for details.

    - Converted folder:

    · converted_2016mew.pkm (SEMI LEGIT): it is the untouched event mew, but data is compatible with international versions. Since data is untouched, it could be re-converted to japanesse games and still be legit (same OT and nickname).

    · internationalized_2016mew_nolegit_GEFURI.pkm (NON LEGIT): same as above, but OT is GEFURI (GAMEFREAK direct translation from kanji) and Nickname is MEW, thus the pokemon can be used in non-japanesse versions, but as of 4th april 2016 this mew is illegal as it can't be obtained in international versions.

    · internationalized_2016mew_nolegit_GF.pkm (NON LEGIT): same as above, but OT is GF.

  4. Party Pokemon Data is at 0x2E5D in Japanese Green Version.

    The party structure should be the same as the non-Japanese from what I've seen.

    0x0000 	Party Count 	1 Bytes
    0x0001 	Species list 	7 Bytes
    0x0008 	Pokémon list 	264 (0x108) Bytes
    0x0110 	OT names 	66 (0x42) Bytes
    0x0152 	Pokémon names 	66 (0x42) Bytes

    No, japanesse pokemon only have 5+1 characters for OT and Nickname, that's were the problem resides.

    I see no problem uploading the whole save though, unless it is his personal save and he doesn't want to make his OT number public, but that can be solved by trading the mew to a new save in a pc emulator (tgb dual)

  5. So my friend managed to help my collect the VC mew,

    but his 3DS FTbrony doesn't want to connect to his phone (presumably because hotspot without mobile data isn't good enough for FTBrony?)

    so, now waiting for him to have alternative ways to read his SD card.

    (his phone doesn't have SD slot)

    Those are really great and bad news :P. Maybe he can use the system settings windows server instead? Even on o3DS he can use a shortcut to access that new 3ds only app.

    I'm really curious about the catch rate byte, maybe they put a lucky egg or something there as special gift for gen 2/7 transfer?

    I've also had problems with ftpony, the list can't be retrieved on most android clients, dunno why, but you can actually send files to the 3DS root (not that this helps though).

  6. Thank you, I'll check what gets changed at the savefile for event enabling since I doubt the address is the same for spanish version (but I'll try anyway)

    edit: the code works for spanish version too :)

    EDIT: about a year later (march 24th 2017), but set byte 0x3E44 in the savegame to 0x0B to enable the event via savegame editing for any non jap savegame. Gonna look at jap savegames

    EDIT 2: for japanese savegame, set byte 0xA083 to 0x0B

  7. Is there such a code for other regions? I know there's a patch for usa crystal that makes the game auto-enable the game when it is created, so you receive the gsball after you exit the pokemon center, and i guess all it does is get this value (what the code you posted does) on the save game upon new save file creation.

  8. That's good to know. I was worried that my save data did not contain the Pokemon Link data that contained the events. it is my first time using svdt on my 9.2 old 3ds xl. I just found out today that ram2sav no longer works as the websites do not show up without any errors. I was reading the thread for ram2sav and found out someone recommended savemanager or svdt, but I did not know the difference so I went with svdt. While I was aware of people able to do load their pokemon link data from their saves extracted from svdt, I still had my doubts whether or not it would work for me.

    ram2sav is a really bad way of exporting savefile, since it is not a 1:1 copy of the savefile, in fact it misses a lot of data. It was useful for pokemon extraction/injection, but not for save editing purposes imho.

    svdt is the way to go in userland, and now the problem with 9.6+ encryption has been bypassed. If you can install CIA files, use jksavemanager. Also, I recommend you to setup a 10.7 emunand and never use your 9.2 sysnand.

  9. If you want I can create a sort of link editor :)

    Be my guest: https://projectpokemon.org/wiki/6th_Generation_Pokemon_Link_Map

    The pokemon slot structure is mostly the same as the one in wondercards, so my idea was to copy the layout of wceditor with a slot selector (and a list of what is in each slot) and add the items, pokemiles and battle point fields.

    Ps: [MENTION=27612]Conri[/MENTION] the file you uploaded is the same as the onr already contributed (same checksum)

  10. I would love to see a tool created (or at least a feature in an existing one) in the future where you can analyze your Pokemon link data to see what is in it

    I've wanted to code such an app for a while. At first I didn't have the skills to do it, now I think I do, but unfortunately I don't have the time for it (my current c# and windows form knowldege might require a lot of debugging until the tool is actually useful).

    The information needed to code it is available to everybody though.

  11. I just came across this: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1ulqhw/found_my_old_gen_1_team_with_legit_mew_put/



    ID: 28664

    DVs: (5)/10/1/12/5 ?

    Distribution level: 5 (135 exp) I guess, like every other mew on gen 1.

    Moves: Pound

    The stats shown on the mew are possible with those DVs, which seem to have been the standard for US mew distributions. In any case those are not stats for a full exp level 100 mew. There's really no way of telling, but I think chances are high those are correct values.

    BTW, current gen 1 mew distribution going on japan:

    OT: ゲーフリ

    ID: 22796

    DVs: 15/15/15/15/15 (perfect FFFF)

    Distribution level: 5 (135 exp)

    Moves: Pound

    This has been confirmed. The only that that might (but isn't likely to) be different is catch rate (which converts into item when transfering to gen 2).

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