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Posts posted by suloku

  1. No, dev on the tool is stalled for now. You can use ppkecgear or pikasav, they both allow entralink forest editing.

    My ultimate goal for entralink editing is to have a "legal" mode were you can only insert pokemon you could actually get on dream world or pgl events like arceus (I'd need some info on the later though, not sure if those are always added to the special section of the forest or what...but once captured they all have the same characteristics though).

  2. I was thinking more about editing a complete memory link than a direct bw-bw2 transfer.

    The only really important thing would be changing trainer name though, because from my point of view, why transfer an incomplete memory link? It can be updated if you progress in BW in real hardware though.

    In any case, for this kind of transfer I would still use a complete memory link as basis, check for flags/pokedex/prop case in bw savefile and edit the memory link acordingly.

    There's also the problem with the "personal key", also used in the key system, which seems to be randomly generated if there's no BW2 savefile, but if there is one it is probably somewhere in BW2 save and should be located too.

    It's not like I dropped the project, but I don't have the time right now.

    Edit: also blackshark, in my black playthrough I kept multiple saves, at least before each gym I think if you want them, but they are mostly only numerically labeled.

  3. So, this is because we are expecting some kind of check when gen1-7 conversion is a thing?

    In any case, if the user uses it with a gen 2 game and catch rate changes is user-end.

    I think a propper solution might be to add a box that shows catch rate and allows to edit it, with a "set as default" button next to it to "fix" gen 1-7 conversion. This button might prompt for yellow/rgb catch rate for the 4 exceptions.

    And maybe also a button to "fix" all catch rates in the save.

    But since pokebank doesn't allow items, the chances it is used as legality check are pretty low imho.

  4. I uploaded my legit EUR esp savefile at gamefaqs too, it's been there for around 2 years.

    Almost all shadow pokemon are unused, specially the legendaries have never been used. It also has ho-oh, and I have several savefiles at different points in the game, probably one before the las battle before receiving oh-oh too.

    Problem is you can't change language (the legit way) and keep playing, but works fine for bonus disk and other stuff. With the dave editor language isn't really a problem.

  5. We might also need to prepare a spanish save file. Because I don't know the save situation of suloku's ruby version.

    Both completed, mistery gift enabled, space in team and selected box (not really needed but meh).

    Just checked status, carts didn't move today, so they might arrive on monday/tuesday (they are at a neighbouring city).

    I'm a little angry because that was supposed to be an urgent delivery and seems to be sent as standard one (should have arrived this week)

  6. Someone has managed to use the ereader in the Spanish versions?

    As it has been said, eon ticket will only work with the English ROM (either USA or EUR, since they are the very same rom). An eur savegame can be used with an english ROM to get the ticket.

    It is possible to edit the eon ticket vpk file (which is inside the .raw file) to make it work with a different ROM (via changing the gamecode), it has been done before. Since the script is erased after retrieving the ticket and it would still be in english, there's really no much point in doing so, besides creating a save for distribution to cartridges with two gameboys. I guess the re-distribution data can be altered, as well as the script itself, for example we could make a eon ticket savegame for e-reader with the italian event, and the others when we get them (I really hope we can get them).

    This is because VBA uses system clock as RTC, while the cartridge RTC starts at 01/01/2000. The battery also goes dry within 10 years, thus resetting the clock back to 01/01/2000 when you change it.

    The save has a timestamp and saving on VBA will set it to your computer's current date/time, so the date on the save will be a few years beyond the cartridge RTC's date. Use a save editor to compare the timestamps before and after using the save on VBA and you'll see what I mean.

    The same glitch happens when your RTC battery goes dry and you replace it. I believe you can get around this by simply disabling RTC on VBA before launching the game.


    There's information, and also a gba application to change the date of the ruby/sapphire RTC clock.

    Alternatively, you could edit the savegame's clock value, but changing the RTC is preferred unless you have no means to use gba homebrew.

  7. That's a very huge and ambitious project, I really hope you finish it.

    Specially the gen 3 event pokemons, contributin so many of them is like a dream for gen3 lovers since most are probably lost forever.

    About gen 3, I noticed the huge amount of MSTRY mews, might you happen to have some of those distribution carts?

    Also, I saw navel rock's lugia and ho-ho: do you happen to own a savegame with the mystyc ticket wondercard?

    Congratulations on the project and keep it going!

    Edit: I missinterpreted, I though the list was for gen 3 and it's for pal-parked gen 4, so I guess the mews are the ones from sabresite.

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  8. Svdt reads the secure value from the save in the save filesystem, so it relies in the save being valid (aka having a valid secure value).

    As I said, this could be updated, but meladroit isn't actively developing and I haven't had time to add secure value clearing to svdt.

    Also, jk savemanager is (for the majority of users) better if you have cfw (easier to use).

  9. The reason why secure value wasn't being overwritten properly is because you need to save at least once in-game after having installed the game, otherwise the secure value is set to 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.

    When you save once in-game, that secure value properly gets created, and then svdt's anti-anti savegame restore for overwriting the secure value works as intended.

    Not really true: svdt gets current secure value by reading the one from the current savegame in the 3ds. It is now possible to delete secure value from userland, but most people have cfw and use jk savemanager now and I haven't had time to update svdt so it erases secure value upon restore.

  10. Spanish Ruby and Emerald already sent. Should arrive on Monday (let's hope it's true).

    With luck we might get FR, GER, SP and english eon ticket in about 2 weeks? Then we'd be missing only the USA Mystyc Tickets (which at this point I'd be glad with either just emerald or FRLG).

    Cross your fingers everyone!

    EDIT: and also emerald aurora tickets :P

  11. A-save? There's not really much options. If you have access to pokemon box on gamecube, that would be the fastest way.

    Maybe @KazoWAR would add pokédex auto-fill (configurable?) to a-save 1.28. Or if he is willing to make it open source, someone else can add it, but if you wan't it now, you'd have to manually fill it in a-save or use pokemon box.

  12. The Toys'R'Us Mew thread gave me an idea.

    We know exactly how 420 Mews look like, we know their PID/IV, we know their method of generation along with the seeds used to generate each batch.

    Could those be implemented into the program? Say, you would tick the box for MYSTRY Mew, and it would randomly generate one of the 420 Mews and add it to your party. If party is full, return an error, of course :P

    And heck, people have studied the Colosseum bonus disks too. Do we know how their method of generation for Celebi and Jirachi works? If we were able to generate ones identical to what the bonus disks give, and add them to your party, then the program would allow people to easily get legal event Mews, Celebis and Jirachis, along with Deoxys via the Aurora ticket, and Lugia/Ho-Oh through Mysticticket (although those are available from Colo/XD already so they aren't completely event-exclusive.)

    Of course it would be much easier to just have a bunch of Gen. III pkm files and get people to manually add one of them to their save file with A-Save, but you gotta admit, that would be really cool. It would feel more like an actual event, getting it generated to your game and not knowing what stats and nature you'll end up with. :3

    We know about the 420 mews because seeds are secuential, but unlike those, jirachi/celebi might have some kind of limiters we don't know off, arising the possibility of generating pkm files that wouldn't be generated in real hardware. I don't know to which extend jirachi/celebi generation algorythms have been studied for this, and channel jirachi is different (maybe even actually has the shiny restriction).

    It'd be easier to generate them with a program, but the fact that both celebi and jirachi (either bonus or channel) can be emulated trough dolphin, I'd rather emulate the real distribution than use a program to generate them.

    Same about the mews: if you want a random one, get a randomizer, select range 1-420 and pick the mew you get from the randomizer. BTW I want to generate the 420 mews for 3rd gen, but I don't know how that'll come out. I hope .pkm from a-save is unencrypted, I still haven't had time to check and I don't know anything about pkm format encryption.

    About events: we should be sending the missing carts this week, with lots of luck we might get the missing events next friday.

  13. About gen 3 conversion: is there some legality thing preventing getting the PID+IV from gen 4 files and setting them to a gen 3 MSTERY mew? Would that make the MSTERY MEW legal for gen 3 and is a valid way to convert this gen 4 files to gen 3? As long as a legit MSTERY mew is used as basis, the only difference between the mews should be PID and IVs right?

    Also, I checked a gen 3 save with 4 MSTERY mews and I was shocked as I saw that they had friendship values between 80-90 (80, 82, 83, 86). I though base friendship for mew was 100, and since those event were traded, wouldn't MSTERY mew need to have friendship set at 100?

  14. One thing I want to do is set up a FireRed save with both the North American Aurora Ticket (set to be sharable only by the original cart) and all the MYSTRY Mews Sabersite recently uploaded (if it's possible to convert them to .3gpkm and if he fixes Mew #2 since it doesn't load properly in either Pokesav Platinum OR Pokegen).

    For the mews: he privided the seeds.

    I think the pid generation method for event pokemon (11?) is known, so if the algorythm for pid method 11(?) is available and the one for iv spread is too, there's really no need to convert them, one could directly generate gen 3 files.

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