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Everything posted by bleepbleep

  1. Yeah unity uses C# Just tried it 10 more times and it doesn't do it anymore, dunno why it did it to begin with, but I don't have the log the times it did it unfortunately. I mean it works for its purpose, but using the starter ids in the arm9 bin would be better. Currently I'm having lets say for example Bulbsaur.xml switch names with Pikachu.xml so when I go to import the files in statsutil pikachu gets imported to bulbasaurs place on the ID list, but not really anything else. But yeah it seems to mess with leveling since it is essentially swapping Pokemon Data. I should also clarify I want to make all pokemon randomnized as long as your able to progress in the story with them. That'd be awesome. :]
  2. Looks cool, the source code looks so foreign to what I'm used to within Unity and such. Just thought I'd update on what I've been screwing around with and give some details. I've been trying to randomnize a bit of the info inside the XML files your statsutil outputs. So far the format they've been outputted in has been actually been wonderful for cycling through the various files. I also found that sometimes the Statsutil stopped outputting Pokemon right after the last Unown was outputted, not sure why, but it only happened sometimes. So since I looked last at the other randomnizer tool for EOS I've wanted randomnized starters and such and thought it would be pretty cool, this is my progress so far with it https://imgur.com/a/WWJIV You can see gyrados having a bit of an identity crisis in the second pic. The code right now is super messy for it and I found a few things out that I'm gonna try and explore further, also not sure if other people have already found this before me and know about a lot of it. I'll list some things about the tool I'm developing inside Unity3D(I should probably use VB instead but Unity is what I'm comfortable with) 1: I'm planning to develop things further and update the tool along the way with various different tools you might make. 2: It's probably not gonna have the same features as the other randomnizer since I don't really have access to all the data he does within the XML files. 3: Pokemon level ups get pretty screwed around considering I'm changing Pikachus info to a bulbasaurs info and vice versa, this gives the effect of randomnized pokemon, although I haven't really tested past the beginning with this I'm sure their pokedex entries are screwed as well. Although the moves and everything else about the pokemon remain the same, so bulbasaur would have his moveset and typing. That about sums it up right now, I should probably put this on github soon, but I'll wait for a bit. I just hope all this wasn't really useless, I should also try to find a good way to screw with the UNK variables and test stuff with them on a massive change scale.
  3. Hey, it's been awhile since I've last posted but I'm super excited to see so much progress. I regret not being able to help earlier, I dedicated myself to school for a bit. But now I got some time and was thinking about the stats util you made. I'm gonna screw around with the unk variables for a bit EDIT: I'm super close to offing myself, unity3d doesn't wanna play nice with the XML files.I should probably use VB instead. Found out the problem, unity won't accept them until I manually edit them inside unity for some weird reason. Gotta use VB now EDIT 2: NVM VB does the same stuff when trying to load the XML. irontail and iceball will load fine, but yawn and everything after it will return invalid when I try to load it with XmlTextReader unless I manually open the xml and ctrl+s then close it, then it will work. Super weird behavior, dunno why it happens
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