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Everything posted by psy_commando

  1. Great find! I've been wondering what that was for, and how special evolutions worked for a while, but I never had that much time to tinker with that. Do you know a bit about binary btw? (pun not intended ^^; ) And sorry for not replying sooner. I've been somewhat busy, and I had connections issues on my main computer.. ^^; And yeah, its annoying how little romhacking support the games have gotten from the community. That's pretty much why I began working on this. I knew basically nothing about reverse-engineering when I began too. So I guess when there's a will there's a way If you ever find anything else interesting be sure to tell us! Its really helpful when others share their finding, since there's only a few of us, and it can take ages to do anything on our own! And you said you didn't encounter anything major, but did you stumble across any small quirks or bugs? What bug is that? I'm not familiar with it. Progress on the next version of statsutil: So, I implemented all the scripting syntax feature I wanted to have for the first version. Now I'm mostly hunting bugs and fixing quirks, and testing. The new recompiler is nearly ready to handle the new syntax features I've added. I still have to fix and test the new commandline parameters for statsutil though. I'm also wondering if I should focus on releasing the new statsutil with only script support added, or wait until I reversed the script/level data format as well? Since there's no way to add actors and props to a scene without editing the script data file.. I'm just looking for input on that. Because if I'd release statsutil with only script support added, it would allow people to mess around and figure out things and bugs while I'm working on script data support, and random dungeon data support, and etc.. EDIT: So, I put Gracidea's finding into bits, and I can see some patterns : Lower byte's bits: Hex: Purpose: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1011 0000 0xB0 Disable evolution, and pre-evolution? 0111 0000 0x70 Allow evolution as normal? 0110 0000 0x60 Apparently used for sillicoon and cascoon's evolution? 0011 0000 0x30 Pokemon has pre-evo, but won't evolve any further? I'm pretty sure those individual bits do things separately on their own. Possibly testing with the values : [font=Fixedsys] 0x10 0001 0000 0x20 0010 0000 0x40 0100 0000 0x80 1000 0000 [/font] could give some more accurate answers? If you want to give it a try? And I wonder if the low nybble does anything at all?
  2. Thanks! ^^ Nerketur did it before though. All of that is possible. The script engine seems pretty flexible, and I've found the data in the binaries the game uses to refer to levels and etc. You can trigger dungeons and etc from what I can see in the scripts. Cutscenes should be doable too. Adding pokemons might be limited to the 1200 slots already available. 2 slot per gendered pokemon are needed. So replacing the dummies is definitely possible. Menus are apparently hard-coded this far. But, I'm pretty sure it would be possible to hack the menus and add another episode to the list I guess. We'd have to try it first to know for sure. Also, here's a preview of what the script editor is outputting right now : http://pastebin.com/949Skj8V The structure will change a bit, but I'm heading towards making something very simple to use and edit. I still need to figure what lots of things do though.
  3. That makes sense. Those match the holes in the xml files I had too. And yeah, all character animations follow that rule for orientation. Yeah, there's a possibility something is off with the durations. I'm not really sure what it is exactly. It would need more in-game testing. Also, I forgot to post this here, but script editing is on its way [video=youtube;sbL3pTXxSd8] Notice that extra last line of dialog?
  4. Nice work! It definitely seems that the frames are assembled in reverse order! I doubt its that paradoxical. It could still be drawn from top layer to bottom when assembling the sprite, and it would mean the whole thing would still make some sense. At least, from what I know of the way the NDS works with sprites it could work. While running the game in No$Gba debug or demume you can look at the OAM and video memory, and that helped me with some of my findings. I think it could probably help seeing better what's going on, if you want to try. I ran some experiments in the past, and some people helped me out testing it, and it truly seems like the value of unk15 decides what's going to be displayed by a -1 frame. The value seems to be split into 2 nybbles possibly, so that means there should be 15 possible variations to the way -1 frames are displayed. So maybe looking at the bits of that value themselves would yield better results? I think testing it by changing the values to test hypothesis is probably a better way to go though. That's how I figured out 90% of the sprite format, and pretty much most of the other complex formats. The data in the xml files is slightly formatted to be practical to a end-user though. Because some things just can't be represented in XML without introducing logical issues. There's some extra redundancy in the wan files. And its worth noting that there's possibly things tied to the structure of the file that could impact what's displayed on a -1 frame. Also, m_ground is the sprites loaded when the game is in "Ground mode" as they call it. Its the overworld, or anywhere outside a randomly generated dungeon. m_attack and monster are loaded in dungeons, and they're leaner because there's a lot of pokemon sprite loaded and its filling up the VRAM pretty fast and they just load stuff on the fly as needed. One interesting thing to note too is that in-dungeon sprites have a different layout than out of dungeon sprites when in the VRAM. I'll try looking at it on my end too, but right now I was more focused on getting my script exporter/importer to work, so I can eventually make a script compiler out of it! In other news: I've been running tests with my script tools and its not perfect yet, but its interesting to note how messed up the game is when a few things aren't right Most things seems normal, except the intro glitches out when the lapras scene pops in. And then there's this. : [video=youtube;h-SllEox9tI] Everything looks fine until the last 43 seconds And when beginning a game from scratch, this happens (Video limit is limiting me to one embedded video per post ): Still lots of fixing to do! I found out that some of the offsets are incorrect in the resulting files, so that might explain at lot ^^;
  5. Its written in the readme, but it should automatically repack correctly a folder containing unpacked sprites that you drag and drop onto it if its named "m_attack" "m_ground" or "monster". You can also do it via commandline with the -p option followed with the directory name and the output file name.
  6. Oh! Good find with the frame order! That actually reminded me, apparently unk15 has something to do with duplicate frames. It sort of decides what frame is duplicated. But I'm not sure what the value refers to yet. It could be frame number or memory blocks or anything really.. Reading back my notes, it seems that the high nybble of unk15 is for setting the palette ID at runtime, or at least it has an impact on it. The lower nybble seems to mess with the tile ordering, or tile id. I basically edited the value and rebuilt the sprite and ran it in desmume and looked at the sprite viewer and oam viewer to get that info. It definitely has an impact on what part of image gets copied over for -1 frame, or actually on most things that get displayed. It might be an offset possibly? The redrawn tail on giratina is possibly to simulate that weird motion blur-like effect some pokemon have when they move/do things. I'm not sure about the "rules" at this point tbh. The system is really hard to track just by reading asm or debugging. So I've got to rely mostly on trial and error, and others' observations. But there has to be a way to indicate the game that there is a special way to handle this. We just gotta find it first. Its possible its in the frames' data, yeah. I'm just unsure where.. ^^; If you want to really figure this out, the best way would probably be to just rebuild pokemon sprites with changed values, rebuild a rom from the modified files, and then look at the result in-game. And, yeah, its possible there are some missing in there. I think the unknown animation slots are the ones for the attack animations for regular characters. But I haven't looked at it in depth, since I would look at the bits of image involved in an animation and try to figure out what it was if played black. Since you assembled the sprites for a few pokemons it might be a bit easier to determine for you though. All I know is that the game doesn't seems to expect more than 13 animation groups for regular pokemons. The data for that is probably stored in memory somewhere however. It would probably take me a few days of debugging on No$gba to locate it though. Here are my personal notes on the sprite format : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13343993/my_pmd_research_files/FileFormats/SIR0_Sprite.txt If it can be any help. Its a bit messy though, but maybe it'll be useful? It would be awesome if you'd manage to figure out how this thing works! I could most likely make an improved tool that would make handling sprites easier with that kind of findings!
  7. Oh cool! If there's anything I could do to help let me know btw! ^^ Glad its being consistent! I've been finding some disturbing things in the code lately while I'm reworking a lot of things.. ^^; Now that you mention, it that's interesting you noticed the slashing effect isn't drawn at the right z position. Normally, the imageinfo.xml file contains the z index for each image strips. But for charizard its apparently empty.. There might be something else indicating z depth perhaps? I exported a lot of extra data in the meta-frame stuff, did you notice any patterns in those values for the slashing effects? I'll look on my end, but having your input might help a bit! As far as I can remember everything is drawn sequentially. But I may be wrong. And yeah, meta-frames are just references to images, so there are a lot of duplicate groups in the game files. And symmetrical pokemon seems to get their side animation mirrored too, so they're mostly identical, just with a single bit flipped. And yeah the coordinates in the files appears to be in NDS screenspace or maybe bufferspace, so that's why its so big, its probably best to just calculate the difference in position between each parts to place them. So you get a position relative to say the first image strip you place down. I'm pretty sure V-Flip is used a few times for some pokemons. So far, there are a lot of little gotchas. But we don't yet know all of them. The format has been pretty hard to crack because its very complex and its hard to reverse. One of the more annoying one is the -1 frames, they basically just re-use whatever was in memory before as a frame and apply that -1 frame's parameter on it. I don't really have a full list of sprites that come out wrong. Because I didn't look at each pokemons individually. But I know for sure that most things outside of the MONSTER directory will probably come out wrong. There are 3 types of WAN sprites and so far only the character sprite type works decently. The difficulty is that most props and non-animated sprites have no meta-frame data. And it becomes nearly impossible to guess the resolution of the image or the tile disposition. We haven't found where else that info was stored yet besides the meta-frames. You can still probably assemble the exported image by guessing, but it might be a lot more work because they won't get tiled properly. As for mapping the animations, so far there are 2 main types of animations layout for characters. Regular non-hero/partner pokemon have 13 animation groups, each of theses seems mostly coherent between all regular pokes and I made a list in a XML file for future use, but I'll probably change the layout before then : https://github.com/PsyCommando/ppmdu/blob/master/resources/template_chranims.xml Then Hero/Partner capable sprites have 35 animation groups, if a group is missing the game default to the running animation. I haven't fully mapped those, because there are a lot and its really time consuming. But here are those I have again in a XML file : https://github.com/PsyCommando/ppmdu/blob/master/resources/template_exchranims.xml Then there are some oddities here and there. Some sprites have only a few animations that don't match the order of either of those for a few special events in cutscenes. They often look like duplicates of a pokemon's sprite at first, but they have far less animations in them.
  8. Hey! Glad to see you're finding it all useful! ^^ Hopefully the notes and XML are clear enough! I have to say however that not all sprites come out correctly, and its much slower than it could be. And, I've been debating whether adding a feature to assemble sprite frames instead of leaving them cutup as they are in the game files.. I've also been trying to find a way to get a reliable image resolution for orphaned images used in prop sprites and etc, but I couldn't find out how it works yet. The recent breakthrough with the script engine will make figuring out the rest about sprite a bit easier though! And I'm also working on tilesets reversing! Are you making a romhack or a sort of fangame or something else?
  9. It includes cutscenes, hubs, towns, possibly the world maps, and probably dungeons. I still have a lot of experimenting to do. Dungeons are a bit trickier, because I still haven't found out what tiles files and room templates they use to be generated besides the mappa files containing floor data/item spawn/trap spawn and etc.. But once that's figured out, it should be doable. However since they're all randomly generated, you probably won't be able to make a static dungeon with a map editor. But nothing is certain at this point.
  10. Hey! I've been working a lot on disassembling the script engine lately, and did a lot of testing and messing around. There's not much to show yet, since I still have to make sense out of everything. But things are going well so far! Some Script Engine Findings: I found a few tables in the arm9 binary and overlay_0011 that refers to entities, and to the entire list of events in the game, and 2 other lists. I wrote a tool to dump and format them, and here's the output.: arm9.bin content: ============================================================ Entity Symbol List Table ============================================================ Index Offset Type Entity Id Unk3 Unk4 Symbol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0- 0x000A7FF0 -> 1, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "PLAYER" 1- 0x000A7FFC -> 1, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "PLAYER_HERO" 2- 0x000A8008 -> 1, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "PLAYER_PARTNER" 3- 0x000A8014 -> 1, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "PLAYER_PARTNER2" 4- 0x000A8020 -> 1, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "PLAYER_APPOINT" 5- 0x000A802C -> 1, 434, 0x0, 0x102, "PLAYER_BIPPA" 6- 0x000A8038 -> 1, 174, 0x0, 0x102, "PLAYER_PUPURIN" 7- 0x000A8044 -> 1, 192, 0x0, 0x102, "PLAYER_KIMAWARI" 8- 0x000A8050 -> 1, 576, 0x0, 0x103, "PLAYER_FUTURE" 9- 0x000A805C -> 1, 1070, 0x0, 0x102, "PLAYER_CHARMS" 10- 0x000A8068 -> 2, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT1" 11- 0x000A8074 -> 2, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT2" 12- 0x000A8080 -> 2, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT_HERO" 13- 0x000A808C -> 2, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT_PARTNER" 14- 0x000A8098 -> 2, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT_PARTNER2" 15- 0x000A80A4 -> 2, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT_APPOINT" 16- 0x000A80B0 -> 2, 434, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT_BIPPA" 17- 0x000A80BC -> 2, 174, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT_PUPURIN" 18- 0x000A80C8 -> 2, 192, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT_KIMAWARI" 19- 0x000A80D4 -> 2, 281, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT_FUTURE" 20- 0x000A80E0 -> 2, 1070, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT_CHARMS" 21- 0x000A80EC -> 2, 532, 0x0, 0x102, "ATTENDANT_MANAFI" 22- 0x000A80F8 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "UNIT_NPC1" 23- 0x000A8104 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "UNIT_NPC2" 24- 0x000A8110 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "UNIT_NPC3" 25- 0x000A811C -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "UNIT_NPC4" 26- 0x000A8128 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "ADVENTURE_NPC1" 27- 0x000A8134 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "ADVENTURE_NPC2" 28- 0x000A8140 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "ADVENTURE_NPC3" 29- 0x000A814C -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "ADVENTURE_NPC4" 30- 0x000A8158 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC1" 31- 0x000A8164 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC2" 32- 0x000A8170 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC3" 33- 0x000A817C -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC4" 34- 0x000A8188 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC5" 35- 0x000A8194 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC6" 36- 0x000A81A0 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC7" 37- 0x000A81AC -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC8" 38- 0x000A81B8 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC9" 39- 0x000A81C4 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC10" 40- 0x000A81D0 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC11" 41- 0x000A81DC -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC12" 42- 0x000A81E8 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC13" 43- 0x000A81F4 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC14" 44- 0x000A8200 -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC15" 45- 0x000A820C -> 3, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "FRIEND_NPC16" 46- 0x000A8218 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "TALK_MAIN" 47- 0x000A8224 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "TALK_SUB" 48- 0x000A8230 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "EVENT_NPC_MAIN" 49- 0x000A823C -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "EVENT_NPC_SUB" 50- 0x000A8248 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "RANDOM_REQUEST_NPC01" 51- 0x000A8254 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "RANDOM_REQUEST_NPC02" 52- 0x000A8260 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "RANDOM_REQUEST_NPC03" 53- 0x000A826C -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "EVENT_NPC01" 54- 0x000A8278 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "EVENT_NPC02" 55- 0x000A8284 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "EVENT_NPC03" 56- 0x000A8290 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "EVENT_NPC04" 57- 0x000A829C -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_NEW_FRIEND" 58- 0x000A82A8 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DEMO_HERO" 59- 0x000A82B4 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DEMO_PARTNER" 60- 0x000A82C0 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_HERO" 61- 0x000A82CC -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PARTNER" 62- 0x000A82D8 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PARTNER2" 63- 0x000A82E4 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_APPOINT" 64- 0x000A82F0 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_HERO_REAL" 65- 0x000A82FC -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PARTNER_REAL" 66- 0x000A8308 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_HERO_FIRST" 67- 0x000A8314 -> 5, 0, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PARTNER_FIRST" 68- 0x000A8320 -> 5, 184, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DEBUG" 69- 0x000A832C -> 5, 383, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TEST001" 70- 0x000A8338 -> 5, 384, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TEST002" 71- 0x000A8344 -> 5, 53, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TEST003" 72- 0x000A8350 -> 5, 115, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TEST004" 73- 0x000A835C -> 6, 299, 0x4582, 0x102, "NPC_TEST005" 74- 0x000A8368 -> 5, 236, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TEST006" 75- 0x000A8374 -> 5, 237, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TEST007" 76- 0x000A8380 -> 5, 324, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TEST008" 77- 0x000A838C -> 5, 81, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TEST009" 78- 0x000A8398 -> 5, 189, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TEST010" 79- 0x000A83A4 -> 5, 40, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PUKURIN" 80- 0x000A83B0 -> 5, 41, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_ZUBATTO" 81- 0x000A83BC -> 5, 50, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DIGUDA" 82- 0x000A83C8 -> 5, 51, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DAGUTORIO" 83- 0x000A83D4 -> 5, 56, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MANKII" 84- 0x000A83E0 -> 5, 57, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_OKORIZARU" 85- 0x000A83EC -> 5, 81, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KOIRU" 86- 0x000A83F8 -> 5, 96, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SURIIPU" 87- 0x000A8404 -> 5, 98, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KURABU" 88- 0x000A8410 -> 5, 105, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GARAGARA" 89- 0x000A841C -> 5, 109, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DOGAASU" 90- 0x000A8428 -> 5, 113, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RAKKII" 91- 0x000A8434 -> 5, 115, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GARUURA" 92- 0x000A8440 -> 5, 130, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GYARADOSU" 93- 0x000A844C -> 5, 131, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RAPURASU" 94- 0x000A8458 -> 5, 139, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_OMUSUTAA" 95- 0x000A8464 -> 5, 139, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_OMUSUTAA2" 96- 0x000A8470 -> 5, 141, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KABUTOPUSU" 97- 0x000A847C -> 5, 178, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_NEITYIO" 98- 0x000A8488 -> 5, 781, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DENRYUU" 99- 0x000A8494 -> 5, 183, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MARIRU" 100- 0x000A84A0 -> 5, 185, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_USOKKII" 101- 0x000A84AC -> 5, 792, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KIMAWARI" 102- 0x000A84B8 -> 5, 843, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_HIMEGUMA" 103- 0x000A84C4 -> 5, 244, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RINGUMA" 104- 0x000A84D0 -> 5, 279, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SEREBII" 105- 0x000A84DC -> 5, 281, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_JUPUTORU" 106- 0x000A84E8 -> 5, 307, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PERIPPAA1" 107- 0x000A84F4 -> 5, 907, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PERIPPAA2" 108- 0x000A8500 -> 5, 316, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YARUKIMONO" 109- 0x000A850C -> 5, 322, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DOGOOMU" 110- 0x000A8518 -> 5, 326, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RURIRI" 111- 0x000A8524 -> 5, 330, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YAMIRAMI" 112- 0x000A8530 -> 5, 936, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_CHAAREMU" 113- 0x000A853C -> 5, 352, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KOOTASU" 114- 0x000A8548 -> 5, 353, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BANEBUU" 115- 0x000A8554 -> 5, 369, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_HEIGANI" 116- 0x000A8560 -> 5, 383, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KAKUREON1" 117- 0x000A856C -> 5, 384, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KAKUREON2" 118- 0x000A8578 -> 5, 387, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YOMAWARU" 119- 0x000A8584 -> 5, 990, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_CHIRIIN" 120- 0x000A8590 -> 5, 409, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_REJIROKKU" 121- 0x000A859C -> 5, 410, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_REJIAISU" 122- 0x000A85A8 -> 5, 411, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_REJISUCHIRU" 123- 0x000A85B4 -> 5, 415, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GURAADON" 124- 0x000A85C0 -> 5, 434, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BIPPA" 125- 0x000A85CC -> 5, 439, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUKUSHIO1" 126- 0x000A85D8 -> 5, 1039, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUKUSHIO2" 127- 0x000A85E4 -> 5, 440, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RENTORAA" 128- 0x000A85F0 -> 5, 1070, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MIMIROPPU" 129- 0x000A85FC -> 5, 477, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SUKATANKU" 130- 0x000A8608 -> 5, 1081, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MANENE" 131- 0x000A8614 -> 5, 483, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PERAPPU" 132- 0x000A8620 -> 5, 484, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MIKARUGE" 133- 0x000A862C -> 5, 495, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GUREGGURU" 134- 0x000A8638 -> 5, 504, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_JIBAKOIRU" 135- 0x000A8644 -> 5, 508, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_EREKIBURU" 136- 0x000A8650 -> 5, 519, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YONOWAARU" 137- 0x000A865C -> 5, 522, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YUKUSHII" 138- 0x000A8668 -> 5, 523, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_EMURITTO" 139- 0x000A8674 -> 5, 524, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_AGUNOMU" 140- 0x000A8680 -> 5, 525, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DIARUGA" 141- 0x000A868C -> 5, 526, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PARUKIA" 142- 0x000A8698 -> 5, 528, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_REJIGIGASU" 143- 0x000A86A4 -> 5, 529, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GIRATYINA" 144- 0x000A86B0 -> 5, 530, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KURESERIA" 145- 0x000A86BC -> 5, 531, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_FIONE1" 146- 0x000A86C8 -> 5, 531, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_FIONE2" 147- 0x000A86D4 -> 5, 531, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_FIONE3" 148- 0x000A86E0 -> 5, 531, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_FIONE4" 149- 0x000A86EC -> 5, 531, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_FIONE5" 150- 0x000A86F8 -> 5, 531, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_FIONE6" 151- 0x000A8704 -> 5, 531, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_FIONE7" 152- 0x000A8710 -> 5, 531, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_FIONE8" 153- 0x000A871C -> 5, 532, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MANAFI" 154- 0x000A8728 -> 5, 533, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DAAKURAI" 155- 0x000A8734 -> 5, 554, 0x0, 0x102, "OBJECT001" 156- 0x000A8740 -> 5, 554, 0x0, 0x102, "OBJECT002" 157- 0x000A874C -> 5, 81, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KOIRU2" 158- 0x000A8758 -> 5, 16, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_POPPO" 159- 0x000A8764 -> 5, 301, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TANEBOO" 160- 0x000A8770 -> 5, 305, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_OOSUBAME" 161- 0x000A877C -> 5, 293, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KEMUSSO" 162- 0x000A8788 -> 5, 797, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BURAKKII" 163- 0x000A8794 -> 5, 985, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KAGEBOUZU" 164- 0x000A87A0 -> 5, 798, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YAMIKARASU" 165- 0x000A87AC -> 5, 289, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_POCHIENA_A" 166- 0x000A87B8 -> 5, 289, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_POCHIENA_B" 167- 0x000A87C4 -> 5, 289, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_POCHIENA_C" 168- 0x000A87D0 -> 5, 363, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_ZANGUUSU" 169- 0x000A87DC -> 5, 123, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SUTORAIKU" 170- 0x000A87E8 -> 5, 28, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SANDOPAN" 171- 0x000A87F4 -> 5, 677, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PONIITA" 172- 0x000A8800 -> 5, 951, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BAKUUDA" 173- 0x000A880C -> 5, 69, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MADATSUBOMI" 174- 0x000A8818 -> 5, 175, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TOGEPII" 175- 0x000A8824 -> 5, 186, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_NYOROTONO" 176- 0x000A8830 -> 5, 165, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_REDIBA" 177- 0x000A883C -> 5, 79, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YADON" 178- 0x000A8848 -> 5, 315, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_NAMAKERO" 179- 0x000A8854 -> 5, 517, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_ERUREIDO" 180- 0x000A8860 -> 5, 442, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_ROZUREIDO" 181- 0x000A886C -> 5, 506, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DOSAIDON" 182- 0x000A8878 -> 5, 1103, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MANYUURA" 183- 0x000A8884 -> 5, 24, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_AABOKKU" 184- 0x000A8890 -> 5, 494, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DORAPION" 185- 0x000A889C -> 5, 285, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BASHAAMO" 186- 0x000A88A8 -> 5, 430, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_ENPERUTO" 187- 0x000A88B4 -> 5, 241, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_HERAKUROSU" 188- 0x000A88C0 -> 5, 255, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DERUBIRU_A" 189- 0x000A88CC -> 5, 255, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DERUBIRU_B" 190- 0x000A88D8 -> 5, 255, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DERUBIRU_C" 191- 0x000A88E4 -> 5, 310, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SAANAITO" 192- 0x000A88F0 -> 5, 397, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TODOZERUGA" 193- 0x000A88FC -> 5, 239, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_HASSAMU" 194- 0x000A8908 -> 5, 122, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BARIYAADO" 195- 0x000A8914 -> 5, 144, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_FURIIZAA" 196- 0x000A8920 -> 5, 520, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YUKIMENOKO" 197- 0x000A892C -> 5, 844, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RINGUMA2" 198- 0x000A8938 -> 5, 330, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YAMIRAMI2" 199- 0x000A8944 -> 5, 330, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YAMIRAMI3" 200- 0x000A8950 -> 5, 330, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YAMIRAMI4" 201- 0x000A895C -> 5, 330, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YAMIRAMI5" 202- 0x000A8968 -> 5, 330, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YAMIRAMI6" 203- 0x000A8974 -> 5, 439, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUKUSHIO3" 204- 0x000A8980 -> 5, 439, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUKUSHIO4" 205- 0x000A898C -> 5, 439, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUKUSHIO5" 206- 0x000A8998 -> 5, 1039, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUKUSHIO6" 207- 0x000A89A4 -> 5, 1039, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUKUSHIO7" 208- 0x000A89B0 -> 5, 1039, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUKUSHIO8" 209- 0x000A89BC -> 5, 527, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_HIIDORAN" 210- 0x000A89C8 -> 5, 276, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUGIA" 211- 0x000A89D4 -> 5, 151, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MYUU" 212- 0x000A89E0 -> 5, 277, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_HOUOU" 213- 0x000A89EC -> 5, 559, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_CHIRIIN" 214- 0x000A89F8 -> 5, 560, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_PUKURIN" 215- 0x000A8A04 -> 5, 561, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_YUKUSHII" 216- 0x000A8A10 -> 5, 562, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_AGUNOMU" 217- 0x000A8A1C -> 5, 563, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_EMURITTO" 218- 0x000A8A28 -> 5, 564, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_KIMAWARI" 219- 0x000A8A34 -> 5, 565, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_DIGUDA" 220- 0x000A8A40 -> 5, 566, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_DAGUTORIO" 221- 0x000A8A4C -> 5, 567, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_HEIGANI" 222- 0x000A8A58 -> 5, 568, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_DOGOOMU" 223- 0x000A8A64 -> 5, 569, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_BIPPA" 224- 0x000A8A70 -> 5, 570, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_PERAPPU" 225- 0x000A8A7C -> 5, 571, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_JUPUTORU" 226- 0x000A8A88 -> 5, 572, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_YONOWAARU" 227- 0x000A8A94 -> 5, 573, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_YAMIRAMI1" 228- 0x000A8AA0 -> 5, 573, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_S_YAMIRAMI2" 229- 0x000A8AAC -> 5, 555, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_DARK_PUKURIN" 230- 0x000A8AB8 -> 5, 556, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_REJIGIGASU" 231- 0x000A8AC4 -> 5, 479, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_DOOTAKUN1" 232- 0x000A8AD0 -> 5, 479, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_DOOTAKUN2" 233- 0x000A8ADC -> 5, 479, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_DOOTAKUN3" 234- 0x000A8AE8 -> 5, 479, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_DOOTAKUN4" 235- 0x000A8AF4 -> 5, 479, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_DOOTAKUN5" 236- 0x000A8B00 -> 5, 479, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_DOOTAKUN6" 237- 0x000A8B0C -> 5, 557, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_DOOTAKUN" 238- 0x000A8B18 -> 5, 557, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_DOOTAKUN2" 239- 0x000A8B24 -> 5, 557, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_DOOTAKUN3" 240- 0x000A8B30 -> 5, 557, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_DOOTAKUN4" 241- 0x000A8B3C -> 5, 557, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_DOOTAKUN5" 242- 0x000A8B48 -> 5, 557, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_DOOTAKUN6" 243- 0x000A8B54 -> 5, 106, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_SAWAMURAA1" 244- 0x000A8B60 -> 5, 106, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_SAWAMURAA2" 245- 0x000A8B6C -> 5, 106, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_SAWAMURAA3" 246- 0x000A8B78 -> 5, 106, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_SAWAMURAA4" 247- 0x000A8B84 -> 5, 106, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_SAWAMURAA5" 248- 0x000A8B90 -> 5, 106, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_SAWAMURAA6" 249- 0x000A8B9C -> 5, 558, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_SAWAMURAA" 250- 0x000A8BA8 -> 5, 558, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_SAWAMURAA2" 251- 0x000A8BB4 -> 5, 558, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_SAWAMURAA3" 252- 0x000A8BC0 -> 5, 558, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_SAWAMURAA4" 253- 0x000A8BCC -> 5, 558, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_SAWAMURAA5" 254- 0x000A8BD8 -> 5, 558, 0x0, 0x101, "OBJ_IMAGE_SAWAMURAA6" 255- 0x000A8BE4 -> 5, 552, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_DARK_DIARUGA" 256- 0x000A8BF0 -> 5, 574, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_SHADOW_DAAKURAI" 257- 0x000A8BFC -> 5, 530, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KURESERIA2" 258- 0x000A8C08 -> 5, 334, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BOSUGODORA" 259- 0x000A8C14 -> 5, 246, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MAGUKARUGO" 260- 0x000A8C20 -> 5, 509, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BUUBAAN" 261- 0x000A8C2C -> 5, 471, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MUUMAAJI" 262- 0x000A8C38 -> 5, 341, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BARUBIITO1" 263- 0x000A8C44 -> 5, 341, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BARUBIITO2" 264- 0x000A8C50 -> 5, 341, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BARUBIITO3" 265- 0x000A8C5C -> 5, 341, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BARUBIITO4" 266- 0x000A8C68 -> 5, 342, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_IRUMIIZE1" 267- 0x000A8C74 -> 5, 342, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_IRUMIIZE2" 268- 0x000A8C80 -> 5, 342, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_IRUMIIZE3" 269- 0x000A8C8C -> 5, 342, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_IRUMIIZE4" 270- 0x000A8C98 -> 5, 486, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GABAITO" 271- 0x000A8CA4 -> 5, 416, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_REKKUUZA" 272- 0x000A8CB0 -> 5, 414, 0x0, 0x101, "NPC_KAIOOGA" 273- 0x000A8CBC -> 5, 417, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_JIRAACHI" 274- 0x000A8CC8 -> 6, 1035, 0x4583, 0x102, "NPC_BIIDARU" 275- 0x000A8CD4 -> 6, 434, 0x4585, 0x102, "NPC_BIPPA_BRO" 276- 0x000A8CE0 -> 6, 1034, 0x4584, 0x102, "NPC_BIPPA_SIS" 277- 0x000A8CEC -> 5, 234, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GURAIGAA" 278- 0x000A8CF8 -> 5, 403, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TATSUBEI" 279- 0x000A8D04 -> 5, 501, 0x0, 0x203, "NPC_YUKIKABURI" 280- 0x000A8D10 -> 5, 515, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MANMUU" 281- 0x000A8D1C -> 5, 394, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_ONIGOORI" 282- 0x000A8D28 -> 5, 394, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_ONIGOORI2" 283- 0x000A8D34 -> 5, 394, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_ONIGOORI3" 284- 0x000A8D40 -> 5, 394, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_ONIGOORI4" 285- 0x000A8D4C -> 5, 137, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PORIGON" 286- 0x000A8D58 -> 5, 137, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PORIGON2" 287- 0x000A8D64 -> 5, 393, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YUKIWARASHI" 288- 0x000A8D70 -> 5, 393, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YUKIWARASHI2" 289- 0x000A8D7C -> 5, 393, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YUKIWARASHI3" 290- 0x000A8D88 -> 5, 393, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_YUKIWARASHI4" 291- 0x000A8D94 -> 5, 386, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_JUPETTA" 292- 0x000A8DA0 -> 5, 493, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SUKORUPI" 293- 0x000A8DAC -> 5, 376, 0x0, 0x203, "NPC_AAMARUDO" 294- 0x000A8DB8 -> 6, 40, 0x4586, 0x202, "NPC_PUKURIN_PAPA" 295- 0x000A8DC4 -> 6, 575, 0x4587, 0x202, "NPC_PUKURIN_MAMA" 296- 0x000A8DD0 -> 5, 194, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_UPAA" 297- 0x000A8DDC -> 5, 265, 0x0, 0x202, "NPC_MUCHUURU" 298- 0x000A8DE8 -> 5, 1041, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SUBOMII" 299- 0x000A8DF4 -> 5, 34, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_NIDOKINGU" 300- 0x000A8E00 -> 5, 392, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SOONANO" 301- 0x000A8E0C -> 5, 829, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SOONANSU" 302- 0x000A8E18 -> 5, 355, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PATCHIIRU" 303- 0x000A8E24 -> 5, 251, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_OKUTAN" 304- 0x000A8E30 -> 5, 240, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TSUBOTSUBO" 305- 0x000A8E3C -> 5, 300, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUNPAPPA" 306- 0x000A8E48 -> 5, 300, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUNPAPPA2" 307- 0x000A8E54 -> 5, 300, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUNPAPPA3" 308- 0x000A8E60 -> 5, 300, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUNPAPPA4" 309- 0x000A8E6C -> 5, 300, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RUNPAPPA5" 310- 0x000A8E78 -> 5, 103, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_NASSHII" 311- 0x000A8E84 -> 5, 534, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SHEIMI" 312- 0x000A8E90 -> 5, 534, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SHEIMI1" 313- 0x000A8E9C -> 5, 534, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SHEIMI2" 314- 0x000A8EA8 -> 5, 534, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SHEIMI3" 315- 0x000A8EB4 -> 5, 534, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SHEIMI4" 316- 0x000A8EC0 -> 5, 534, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SHEIMI5" 317- 0x000A8ECC -> 5, 67, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GOORIKII" 318- 0x000A8ED8 -> 5, 314, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KINOGASSA" 319- 0x000A8EE4 -> 5, 331, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KUCHIITO" 320- 0x000A8EF0 -> 5, 242, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_NYUURA" 321- 0x000A8EFC -> 5, 129, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KOIKINGU" 322- 0x000A8F08 -> 5, 377, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_HINBASU" 323- 0x000A8F14 -> 5, 468, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_FUWARAIDO" 324- 0x000A8F20 -> 5, 102, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_TAMATAMA" 325- 0x000A8F2C -> 5, 291, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_JIGUZAGUMA" 326- 0x000A8F38 -> 5, 497, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MASUKIPPA" 327- 0x000A8F44 -> 5, 497, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MASUKIPPA2" 328- 0x000A8F50 -> 5, 497, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MASUKIPPA3" 329- 0x000A8F5C -> 5, 497, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MASUKIPPA4" 330- 0x000A8F68 -> 5, 497, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MASUKIPPA5" 331- 0x000A8F74 -> 5, 497, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MASUKIPPA6" 332- 0x000A8F80 -> 5, 88, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BETOBETAA" 333- 0x000A8F8C -> 5, 88, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BETOBETAA2" 334- 0x000A8F98 -> 5, 88, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BETOBETAA3" 335- 0x000A8FA4 -> 5, 88, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BETOBETAA4" 336- 0x000A8FB0 -> 5, 88, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BETOBETAA5" 337- 0x000A8FBC -> 5, 89, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BETOBETON" 338- 0x000A8FC8 -> 5, 89, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BETOBETON2" 339- 0x000A8FD4 -> 5, 89, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BETOBETON3" 340- 0x000A8FE0 -> 5, 252, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DERIBAADO" 341- 0x000A8FEC -> 5, 179, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MERIIPU" 342- 0x000A8FF8 -> 5, 189, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_WATAKKO" 343- 0x000A9004 -> 5, 350, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DONMERU" 344- 0x000A9010 -> 5, 456, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PACHIRISU" 345- 0x000A901C -> 5, 782, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KIREIHANA" 346- 0x000A9028 -> 5, 782, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KIREIHANA2" 347- 0x000A9034 -> 5, 782, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KIREIHANA3" 348- 0x000A9040 -> 5, 782, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KIREIHANA4" 349- 0x000A904C -> 5, 333, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KODORA" 350- 0x000A9058 -> 5, 333, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KODORA2" 351- 0x000A9064 -> 5, 333, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KODORA3" 352- 0x000A9070 -> 5, 333, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KODORA4" 353- 0x000A907C -> 5, 333, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KODORA5" 354- 0x000A9088 -> 5, 333, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_KODORA6" 355- 0x000A9094 -> 5, 132, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_METAMON" 356- 0x000A90A0 -> 5, 75, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GOROON" 357- 0x000A90AC -> 5, 161, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_OTACHI" 358- 0x000A90B8 -> 5, 256, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_HERUGAA" 359- 0x000A90C4 -> 5, 360, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_NOKUTASU" 360- 0x000A90D0 -> 5, 233, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_NOKOTCHI" 361- 0x000A90DC -> 5, 93, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GOOSUTO" 362- 0x000A90E8 -> 5, 93, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GOOSUTO2" 363- 0x000A90F4 -> 5, 93, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_GOOSUTO3" 364- 0x000A9100 -> 5, 245, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MAGUMAGGU" 365- 0x000A910C -> 5, 245, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MAGUMAGGU2" 366- 0x000A9118 -> 5, 535, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_SHEIMI_FC" 367- 0x000A9124 -> 5, 338, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RAIBORUTO" 368- 0x000A9130 -> 5, 337, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RAKURAI" 369- 0x000A913C -> 5, 337, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RAKURAI2" 370- 0x000A9148 -> 5, 337, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RAKURAI3" 371- 0x000A9154 -> 5, 337, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RAKURAI4" 372- 0x000A9160 -> 5, 337, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RAKURAI5" 373- 0x000A916C -> 5, 337, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RAKURAI6" 374- 0x000A9178 -> 5, 337, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RAKURAI7" 375- 0x000A9184 -> 5, 337, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_RAKURAI8" 376- 0x000A9190 -> 5, 577, 0x0, 0x203, "NPC_YONOWAARU_N8" 377- 0x000A919C -> 5, 578, 0x0, 0x203, "NPC_YONOWAARU_N9" 378- 0x000A91A8 -> 5, 579, 0x0, 0x202, "NPC_METAMON_OTACHI" 379- 0x000A91B4 -> 5, 580, 0x0, 0x202, "NPC_METAMON_KIREIHANA" 380- 0x000A91C0 -> 5, 455, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BIIKUIN" 381- 0x000A91CC -> 5, 518, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_DAINOOZU" 382- 0x000A91D8 -> 5, 323, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_BAKUONGU" 383- 0x000A91E4 -> 5, 372, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_NENDOORU" 384- 0x000A91F0 -> 5, 511, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_MEGAYANMA" 385- 0x000A91FC -> 5, 482, 0x0, 0x102, "NPC_PINPUKU" ============================================================ Event List Table ============================================================ Index Offset Unk1 unk2 SomeId Unk4 Symbol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0- 0x000A5490 -> 1, 0, 1, 1, "S00P01A" 1- 0x000A549C -> 6, 0, 2, -1, "T00P01" 2- 0x000A54A8 -> 6, 0, 3, -1, "T00P02" 3- 0x000A54B4 -> 6, 0, 4, -1, "T00P03" 4- 0x000A54C0 -> 6, 0, 5, -1, "T00P04A" 5- 0x000A54CC -> 11, 1, 6, -1, "T00P04A2" 6- 0x000A54D8 -> 10, 1, 7, -1, "D00P01" 7- 0x000A54E4 -> 6, 186, 8, -1, "D00P02" 8- 0x000A54F0 -> 6, 186, 9, -1, "V00P01" 9- 0x000A54FC -> 9, 186, 10, -1, "V00P02" 10- 0x000A5508 -> 6, 196, 11, -1, "V00P03" 11- 0x000A5514 -> 6, 196, 12, -1, "D01P11A" 12- 0x000A5520 -> 1, 2, 13, -1, "D01P11B" 13- 0x000A552C -> 6, 4, 14, -1, "D01P41A" 14- 0x000A5538 -> 6, 4, 15, -1, "D02P11A" 15- 0x000A5544 -> 6, 5, 16, -1, "D02P31A" 16- 0x000A5550 -> 1, 5, 17, -1, "D03P11A" 17- 0x000A555C -> 6, 7, 18, -1, "D03P41A" 18- 0x000A5568 -> 6, 7, 19, -1, "D04P11A" 19- 0x000A5574 -> 6, 7, 20, -1, "D04P12A" 20- 0x000A5580 -> 6, 8, 21, -1, "D04P31A" 21- 0x000A558C -> 6, 8, 22, -1, "D05P11A" 22- 0x000A5598 -> 6, 197, 23, -1, "D05P31A" 23- 0x000A55A4 -> 6, 198, 24, -1, "D06P11A" 24- 0x000A55B0 -> 6, 199, 25, 7, "D07P11A" 25- 0x000A55BC -> 6, 200, 26, -1, "D08P11A" 26- 0x000A55C8 -> 10, 201, 27, -1, "D09P11A" 27- 0x000A55D4 -> 1, 15, 28, -1, "D10P21A" 28- 0x000A55E0 -> 6, 18, 29, -1, "D10P41A" 29- 0x000A55EC -> 10, 202, 30, -1, "D11P11A" 30- 0x000A55F8 -> 1, 18, 31, -1, "D12P21A" 31- 0x000A5604 -> 6, 21, 32, -1, "D12P41A" 32- 0x000A5610 -> 6, 22, 33, -1, "D13P11A" 33- 0x000A561C -> 7, 22, 34, -1, "D14P11A" 34- 0x000A5628 -> 10, 203, 35, -1, "D14P12A" 35- 0x000A5634 -> 1, 188, 36, -1, "D15P21A" 36- 0x000A5640 -> 6, 25, 37, -1, "D15P41A" 37- 0x000A564C -> 6, 204, 38, -1, "D16P11A" 38- 0x000A5658 -> 6, 189, 39, -1, "D16P31A" 39- 0x000A5664 -> 6, 189, 40, -1, "D17P11A" 40- 0x000A5670 -> 6, 189, 41, -1, "D17P31A" 41- 0x000A567C -> 6, 189, 42, -1, "D17P32A" 42- 0x000A5688 -> 6, 189, 43, -1, "D17P33A" 43- 0x000A5694 -> 1, 189, 44, -1, "D17P34A" 44- 0x000A56A0 -> 6, 205, 45, -1, "D17P45A" 45- 0x000A56AC -> 6, 206, 46, -1, "D18P11A" 46- 0x000A56B8 -> 6, 207, 47, -1, "D19P11A" 47- 0x000A56C4 -> 10, 208, 48, -1, "D20P11A" 48- 0x000A56D0 -> 1, 30, 49, -1, "D21P21A" 49- 0x000A56DC -> 6, 209, 50, -1, "D21P41A" 50- 0x000A56E8 -> 6, 211, 51, -1, "D22P11A" 51- 0x000A56F4 -> 6, 212, 52, -1, "D23P11A" 52- 0x000A5700 -> 7, 35, 53, -1, "D24P11A" 53- 0x000A570C -> 7, 35, 54, -1, "D24P31A" 54- 0x000A5718 -> 6, 213, 55, -1, "D24P31B" 55- 0x000A5724 -> 10, 214, 56, -1, "D25P11A" 56- 0x000A5730 -> 6, 36, 57, -1, "D26P21A" 57- 0x000A573C -> 1, 36, 58, -1, "D26P31A" 58- 0x000A5748 -> 6, 215, 59, -1, "D26P43A" 59- 0x000A5754 -> 10, 216, 60, -1, "D27P11A" 60- 0x000A5760 -> 6, 190, 61, -1, "D28P21A" 61- 0x000A576C -> 6, 190, 62, -1, "D28P31A" 62- 0x000A5778 -> 6, 190, 63, -1, "D28P32A" 63- 0x000A5784 -> 6, 190, 64, -1, "D28P33A" 64- 0x000A5790 -> 6, 190, 65, -1, "D28P33C" 65- 0x000A579C -> 1, 190, 66, -1, "D28P34A" 66- 0x000A57A8 -> 6, 217, 67, -1, "D28P44A" 67- 0x000A57B4 -> 10, 218, 68, -1, "D29P11A" 68- 0x000A57C0 -> 6, 42, 69, -1, "D30P21A" 69- 0x000A57CC -> 6, 42, 70, -1, "D30P32A" 70- 0x000A57D8 -> 6, 42, 71, -1, "D30P33A" 71- 0x000A57E4 -> 1, 42, 72, -1, "D30P34A" 72- 0x000A57F0 -> 1, 42, 73, -1, "D30P41A" 73- 0x000A57FC -> 6, 219, 74, -1, "D30P42A" 74- 0x000A5808 -> 6, 45, 75, -1, "D31P11A" 75- 0x000A5814 -> 1, 45, 76, -1, "D31P31A" 76- 0x000A5820 -> 10, 220, 77, -1, "D31P41A" 77- 0x000A582C -> 10, 221, 78, -1, "D32P11A" 78- 0x000A5838 -> 10, 222, 79, -1, "D32P12A" 79- 0x000A5844 -> 7, 55, 80, -1, "D32P13A" 80- 0x000A5850 -> 10, 55, 81, -1, "D32P14A" 81- 0x000A585C -> 10, 55, 82, -1, "D32P31A" 82- 0x000A5868 -> 10, 55, 83, -1, "D32P32A" 83- 0x000A5874 -> 11, 55, 84, -1, "D32P33A" 84- 0x000A5880 -> 11, 55, 85, -1, "D32P41A" 85- 0x000A588C -> 11, 55, 86, -1, "D32P42A" 86- 0x000A5898 -> 1, 55, 87, -1, "D32P43A" 87- 0x000A58A4 -> 11, 71, 88, -1, "D32P44A" 88- 0x000A58B0 -> 10, 51, 89, -1, "D33P41A" 89- 0x000A58BC -> 10, 223, 90, -1, "D34P41A" 90- 0x000A58C8 -> 11, 52, 91, -1, "D35P21A" 91- 0x000A58D4 -> 1, 63, 92, -1, "D35P41A" 92- 0x000A58E0 -> 6, 63, 93, -1, "D36P11A" 93- 0x000A58EC -> 10, 64, 94, -1, "D36P41A" 94- 0x000A58F8 -> 10, 64, 95, -1, "D37P11A" 95- 0x000A5904 -> 10, 65, 96, -1, "D37P41A" 96- 0x000A5910 -> 10, 224, 97, -1, "D38P11A" 97- 0x000A591C -> 10, 225, 98, -1, "D38P12A" 98- 0x000A5928 -> 10, 65, 99, -1, "D39P21A" 99- 0x000A5934 -> 11, 65, 100, -1, "D39P32A" 100- 0x000A5940 -> 6, 68, 101, -1, "D39P41A" 101- 0x000A594C -> 10, 226, 102, -1, "D40P11A" 102- 0x000A5958 -> 1, 68, 103, -1, "D41P21A" 103- 0x000A5964 -> 10, 227, 104, -1, "D41P41A" 104- 0x000A5970 -> 6, 228, 105, -1, "D42P21A" 105- 0x000A597C -> 1, 229, 106, -1, "D42P31A" 106- 0x000A5988 -> 1, 230, 107, -1, "D42P41A" 107- 0x000A5994 -> 7, 124, 108, -1, "D42P42A" 108- 0x000A59A0 -> 6, 124, 109, -1, "D43P31A" 109- 0x000A59AC -> 10, 231, 110, -1, "D44P31A" 110- 0x000A59B8 -> 6, 131, 111, -1, "D45P21A" 111- 0x000A59C4 -> 1, 232, 112, -1, "D45P31A" 112- 0x000A59D0 -> 6, 233, 113, -1, "D45P42A" 113- 0x000A59DC -> 10, 234, 114, -1, "D46P11A" 114- 0x000A59E8 -> 1, 235, 115, -1, "D46P21A" 115- 0x000A59F4 -> 1, 236, 116, -1, "D46P31A" 116- 0x000A5A00 -> 6, 237, 117, -1, "D46P41A" 117- 0x000A5A0C -> 6, 238, 118, -1, "D47P11A" 118- 0x000A5A18 -> 10, 239, 119, -1, "D48P11A" 119- 0x000A5A24 -> 1, 240, 120, -1, "D48P21A" 120- 0x000A5A30 -> 6, 241, 121, -1, "D49P41A" 121- 0x000A5A3C -> 6, 242, 122, -1, "D50P11A" 122- 0x000A5A48 -> 10, 243, 123, -1, "D51P11A" 123- 0x000A5A54 -> 1, 244, 124, -1, "D51P21A" 124- 0x000A5A60 -> 6, 245, 125, -1, "D51P41A" 125- 0x000A5A6C -> 6, 245, 126, -1, "D52P11A" 126- 0x000A5A78 -> 6, 246, 127, -1, "D52P11C" 127- 0x000A5A84 -> 7, 247, 128, -1, "D52P31A" 128- 0x000A5A90 -> 6, 248, 129, -1, "D52P32A" 129- 0x000A5A9C -> 6, 248, 130, -1, "D53P11A" 130- 0x000A5AA8 -> 10, 249, 131, -1, "D53P11B" 131- 0x000A5AB4 -> 1, 250, 132, -1, "D53P21A" 132- 0x000A5AC0 -> 1, 250, 133, -1, "D53P41A" 133- 0x000A5ACC -> 1, 250, 134, -1, "D53P41B" 134- 0x000A5AD8 -> 6, 251, 135, -1, "D53P41C" 135- 0x000A5AE4 -> 6, 150, 136, -1, "D54P11A" 136- 0x000A5AF0 -> 6, 150, 137, -1, "D54P31A" 137- 0x000A5AFC -> 6, 252, 138, -1, "D54P32A" 138- 0x000A5B08 -> 10, 253, 139, -1, "D55P11A" 139- 0x000A5B14 -> 1, 254, 140, -1, "D55P21A" 140- 0x000A5B20 -> 6, 255, 141, -1, "D55P41A" 141- 0x000A5B2C -> 6, 156, 142, -1, "D56P11A" 142- 0x000A5B38 -> 10, 256, 143, -1, "D56P12A" 143- 0x000A5B44 -> 1, 257, 144, -1, "D56P21A" 144- 0x000A5B50 -> 10, 258, 145, -1, "D56P41A" 145- 0x000A5B5C -> 1, 259, 146, -1, "D57P21A" 146- 0x000A5B68 -> 1, 260, 147, -1, "D57P41A" 147- 0x000A5B74 -> 1, 261, 148, -1, "D57P42A" 148- 0x000A5B80 -> 1, 262, 149, -1, "D57P43A" 149- 0x000A5B8C -> 10, 104, 150, -1, "D57P44A" 150- 0x000A5B98 -> 10, 108, 151, -1, "D58P41A" 151- 0x000A5BA4 -> 10, 109, 152, -1, "D59P41A" 152- 0x000A5BB0 -> 10, 110, 153, -1, "D60P41A" 153- 0x000A5BBC -> 10, 111, 154, -1, "D61P41A" 154- 0x000A5BC8 -> 10, 105, 155, -1, "D62P41A" 155- 0x000A5BD4 -> 6, 263, 156, -1, "D63P41A" 156- 0x000A5BE0 -> 10, 264, 157, -1, "D73P11A" 157- 0x000A5BEC -> 10, 265, 158, -1, "D73P21A" 158- 0x000A5BF8 -> 10, 266, 159, -1, "D73P22A" 159- 0x000A5C04 -> 10, 267, 160, -1, "D73P23A" 160- 0x000A5C10 -> 10, 268, 161, -1, "D73P24A" 161- 0x000A5C1C -> 10, 269, 162, -1, "D73P25A" 162- 0x000A5C28 -> 10, 270, 163, -1, "D73P26A" 163- 0x000A5C34 -> 6, 271, 164, -1, "D73P27A" 164- 0x000A5C40 -> 10, 272, 165, -1, "D73P28A" 165- 0x000A5C4C -> 6, 273, 166, -1, "D73P29A" 166- 0x000A5C58 -> 1, 274, 167, -1, "D73P31A" 167- 0x000A5C64 -> 11, 81, 168, -1, "D73P41A" 168- 0x000A5C70 -> 11, 77, 169, -1, "D65P41A" 169- 0x000A5C7C -> 11, 79, 170, -1, "D66P41A" 170- 0x000A5C88 -> 11, 75, 171, -1, "D67P41A" 171- 0x000A5C94 -> 11, 83, 172, -1, "D68P41A" 172- 0x000A5CA0 -> 11, 87, 173, -1, "D69P41A" 173- 0x000A5CAC -> 11, 85, 174, -1, "D70P41A" 174- 0x000A5CB8 -> 11, 73, 175, -1, "D71P41A" 175- 0x000A5CC4 -> 6, 275, 176, -1, "D72P41A" 176- 0x000A5CD0 -> 10, 276, 177, -1, "D79P11A" 177- 0x000A5CDC -> 11, 48, 178, -1, "D79P21A" 178- 0x000A5CE8 -> 11, 92, 179, -1, "D79P41A" 179- 0x000A5CF4 -> 10, 94, 180, -1, "D80P41A" 180- 0x000A5D00 -> 10, 95, 181, -1, "D81P41A" 181- 0x000A5D0C -> 10, 96, 182, -1, "D82P41A" 182- 0x000A5D18 -> 10, 97, 183, -1, "D83P41A" 183- 0x000A5D24 -> 10, 98, 184, -1, "D84P41A" 184- 0x000A5D30 -> 10, 99, 185, -1, "D85P41A" 185- 0x000A5D3C -> 10, 100, 186, -1, "D86P41A" 186- 0x000A5D48 -> 10, 101, 187, -1, "D87P41A" 187- 0x000A5D54 -> 10, 102, 188, -1, "D88P41A" 188- 0x000A5D60 -> 10, 103, 189, -1, "D89P41A" 189- 0x000A5D6C -> 10, 88, 190, -1, "D90P41A" 190- 0x000A5D78 -> 10, 89, 191, -1, "D91P41A" 191- 0x000A5D84 -> 10, 90, 192, -1, "D92P41A" 192- 0x000A5D90 -> 10, 91, 193, -1, "D93P41A" 193- 0x000A5D9C -> 10, 92, 194, -1, "D94P41A" 194- 0x000A5DA8 -> 6, 277, 195, -1, "D95P41A" 195- 0x000A5DB4 -> 6, 277, 196, -1, "G01P01A" 196- 0x000A5DC0 -> 6, 277, 197, -1, "G01P01A2" 197- 0x000A5DCC -> 6, 277, 198, -1, "G01P01B" 198- 0x000A5DD8 -> 6, 277, 199, -1, "G01P01B2" 199- 0x000A5DE4 -> 6, 277, 200, -1, "G01P01C" 200- 0x000A5DF0 -> 6, 278, 201, -1, "G01P01C2" 201- 0x000A5DFC -> 6, 279, 202, -1, "G01P02A" 202- 0x000A5E08 -> 6, 280, 203, -1, "G01P03A" 203- 0x000A5E14 -> 6, 280, 204, -1, "G01P04A" 204- 0x000A5E20 -> 6, 280, 205, -1, "G01P04A2" 205- 0x000A5E2C -> 6, 280, 206, -1, "G01P04C" 206- 0x000A5E38 -> 6, 281, 207, -1, "G01P04C2" 207- 0x000A5E44 -> 6, 281, 208, -1, "G01P05A" 208- 0x000A5E50 -> 6, 282, 209, -1, "G01P05C" 209- 0x000A5E5C -> 6, 282, 210, -1, "G01P06A" 210- 0x000A5E68 -> 2, 283, 211, -1, "G01P06B" 211- 0x000A5E74 -> 2, 283, 212, -1, "G01P07A" 212- 0x000A5E80 -> 2, 284, 213, -1, "G01P07C" 213- 0x000A5E8C -> 2, 285, 214, -1, "G01P08A" 214- 0x000A5E98 -> 2, 285, 215, -1, "G01P09A" 215- 0x000A5EA4 -> 2, 286, 216, -1, "G01P09C" 216- 0x000A5EB0 -> 2, 286, 217, -1, "G01P10A" 217- 0x000A5EBC -> 6, 287, 218, -1, "G01P10C" 218- 0x000A5EC8 -> 6, 287, 219, -1, "H01P99A" 219- 0x000A5ED4 -> 6, 287, 220, -1, "H01P99C" 220- 0x000A5EE0 -> 6, 287, 221, -1, "H01P99D" 221- 0x000A5EEC -> 6, 288, 222, -1, "H01P99E" 222- 0x000A5EF8 -> 6, 289, 223, -1, "H02P99A" 223- 0x000A5F04 -> 6, 290, 224, -1, "H02P99C" 224- 0x000A5F10 -> 6, 291, 225, -1, "P01P01A" 225- 0x000A5F1C -> 6, 292, 226, -1, "P01P02A" 226- 0x000A5F28 -> 6, 293, 227, -1, "P01P03A" 227- 0x000A5F34 -> 6, 294, 228, -1, "P01P04A" 228- 0x000A5F40 -> 7, 183, 229, 7, "P02P01A" 229- 0x000A5F4C -> 7, 183, 230, -1, "P03P01A" 230- 0x000A5F58 -> 6, 183, 231, -1, "P03P02A" 231- 0x000A5F64 -> 9, 183, 232, -1, "P04P01C" 232- 0x000A5F70 -> 6, 295, 233, -1, "P05P01A" 233- 0x000A5F7C -> 6, 295, 234, -1, "P05P02A" 234- 0x000A5F88 -> 6, 183, 235, -1, "P05P02A2" 235- 0x000A5F94 -> 6, 183, 236, -1, "P05P03A" 236- 0x000A5FA0 -> 6, 183, 237, -1, "P05P04A" 237- 0x000A5FAC -> 6, 183, 238, -1, "P06P01A" 238- 0x000A5FB8 -> 6, 183, 239, -1, "P07P01A" 239- 0x000A5FC4 -> 6, 183, 240, -1, "P08P01A" 240- 0x000A5FD0 -> 6, 183, 241, -1, "P09P01A" 241- 0x000A5FDC -> 6, 183, 242, -1, "P10P01A" 242- 0x000A5FE8 -> 9, 183, 243, -1, "P11P01A" 243- 0x000A5FF4 -> 6, 183, 244, -1, "P12P01A" 244- 0x000A6000 -> 6, 183, 245, -1, "P12P02A" 245- 0x000A600C -> 6, 183, 246, -1, "P13P01A" 246- 0x000A6018 -> 6, 183, 247, -1, "P14P01A" 247- 0x000A6024 -> 6, 183, 248, -1, "P14P01A2" 248- 0x000A6030 -> 6, 296, 249, -1, "P15P01A" 249- 0x000A603C -> 6, 297, 250, -1, "P16P01A" 250- 0x000A6048 -> 6, 298, 251, -1, "P17P01A" 251- 0x000A6054 -> 6, 298, 252, -1, "P17P02A" 252- 0x000A6060 -> 6, 183, 253, -1, "P17P02C" 253- 0x000A606C -> 7, 299, 254, -1, "P18P01A" 254- 0x000A6078 -> 6, 300, 255, -1, "P19P01A" 255- 0x000A6084 -> 6, 195, 256, -1, "P19P02A" 256- 0x000A6090 -> 6, 195, 257, -1, "P20P01A" 257- 0x000A609C -> 6, 195, 258, -1, "P20P02A" 258- 0x000A60A8 -> 6, 183, 259, -1, "P20P03A" 259- 0x000A60B4 -> 6, 183, 260, -1, "P21P02A" 260- 0x000A60C0 -> 6, 183, 261, -1, "P22P01A" 261- 0x000A60CC -> 6, 183, 262, -1, "P23P01A" 262- 0x000A60D8 -> 6, 183, 263, -1, "P23P02A" 263- 0x000A60E4 -> 6, 183, 264, -1, "P24P01A" 264- 0x000A60F0 -> 6, 183, 265, -1, "P25P01A" 265- 0x000A60FC -> 6, 183, 266, -1, "P26P01A" 266- 0x000A6108 -> 6, 183, 267, -1, "P27P01A" 267- 0x000A6114 -> 9, 185, 268, -1, "P28P01A" 268- 0x000A6120 -> 4, 185, 269, -1, "S01P01A" 269- 0x000A612C -> 6, 301, 270, -1, "S01P01B" 270- 0x000A6138 -> 6, 302, 271, -1, "S01P02A" 271- 0x000A6144 -> 6, 185, 272, -1, "S01P03A" 272- 0x000A6150 -> 6, 185, 273, -1, "S01P04A" 273- 0x000A615C -> 4, 185, 274, -1, "S02P01A" 274- 0x000A6168 -> 4, 185, 276, -1, "S03P01A" 275- 0x000A6174 -> 4, 185, 277, -1, "S04P01A" 276- 0x000A6180 -> 9, 185, 278, -1, "S05P01A" 277- 0x000A618C -> 4, 185, 279, -1, "S05P02C" 278- 0x000A6198 -> 4, 185, 280, -1, "S05P03A" 279- 0x000A61A4 -> 4, 185, 281, -1, "S05P04A" 280- 0x000A61B0 -> 4, 185, 282, -1, "S06P01A" 281- 0x000A61BC -> 4, 185, 283, -1, "S07P01A" 282- 0x000A61C8 -> 4, 185, 284, -1, "S07P02A" 283- 0x000A61D4 -> 4, 185, 285, -1, "S08P01A" 284- 0x000A61E0 -> 9, 185, 286, -1, "S11P01A" 285- 0x000A61EC -> 9, 185, 287, -1, "S11P02C" 286- 0x000A61F8 -> 9, 185, 288, -1, "S13P01A" 287- 0x000A6204 -> 9, 185, 289, -1, "S13P01B" 288- 0x000A6210 -> 9, 185, 290, -1, "S13P02A" 289- 0x000A621C -> 9, 185, 291, -1, "S13P03A" 290- 0x000A6228 -> 9, 185, 292, -1, "S13P04A" 291- 0x000A6234 -> 9, 185, 293, -1, "S13P04B" 292- 0x000A6240 -> 9, 185, 294, -1, "S13P05A" 293- 0x000A624C -> 9, 185, 295, -1, "S13P06A" 294- 0x000A6258 -> 4, 185, 296, -1, "S13P07A" 295- 0x000A6264 -> 9, 185, 297, -1, "S13P08A" 296- 0x000A6270 -> 4, 185, 298, -1, "S13P09A" 297- 0x000A627C -> 9, 185, 299, -1, "S14P01A" 298- 0x000A6288 -> 9, 185, 300, -1, "S15P01A" 299- 0x000A6294 -> 9, 185, 301, -1, "S15P02A" 300- 0x000A62A0 -> 9, 185, 302, -1, "S15P03A" 301- 0x000A62AC -> 4, 185, 303, -1, "S15P04A" 302- 0x000A62B8 -> 4, 185, 304, -1, "S15P05A" 303- 0x000A62C4 -> 9, 185, 305, -1, "S15P05B" 304- 0x000A62D0 -> 1, 185, 306, -1, "S17P01A" 305- 0x000A62DC -> 4, 185, 307, -1, "S17P02A" 306- 0x000A62E8 -> 4, 185, 308, -1, "S20P01A" 307- 0x000A62F4 -> 4, 185, 309, -1, "S21P01A" 308- 0x000A6300 -> 4, 185, 310, -1, "S99P01A" 309- 0x000A630C -> 9, 185, 311, -1, "S99P02A" 310- 0x000A6318 -> 6, 303, 312, 3, "S99P03A" 311- 0x000A6324 -> 6, 304, 313, 3, "T01P01A" 312- 0x000A6330 -> 6, 305, 314, -1, "T01P02A" 313- 0x000A633C -> 6, 305, 315, -1, "T01P03A" 314- 0x000A6348 -> 6, 306, 316, -1, "T01P03A2" 315- 0x000A6354 -> 6, 186, 317, -1, "T01P04A" 316- 0x000A6360 -> 4, 186, 318, -1, "V01P01A" 317- 0x000A636C -> 6, 186, 319, -1, "V01P02A" 318- 0x000A6378 -> 6, 186, 320, -1, "V01P03A" 319- 0x000A6384 -> 6, 186, 321, -1, "V01P03B" 320- 0x000A6390 -> 6, 186, 322, -1, "V01P03C" 321- 0x000A639C -> 6, 186, 323, -1, "V01P04B" 322- 0x000A63A8 -> 9, 186, 324, -1, "V01P05B" 323- 0x000A63B4 -> 7, 186, 325, -1, "V01P06B" 324- 0x000A63C0 -> 9, 186, 326, -1, "V01P07B" 325- 0x000A63CC -> 9, 186, 327, -1, "V01P08B" 326- 0x000A63D8 -> 9, 186, 328, -1, "V02P01A" 327- 0x000A63E4 -> 6, 186, 329, -1, "V02P02A" 328- 0x000A63F0 -> 6, 186, 330, -1, "V02P03A" 329- 0x000A63FC -> 9, 186, 331, -1, "V02P06A" 330- 0x000A6408 -> 9, 186, 332, -1, "V02P07A" 331- 0x000A6414 -> 9, 186, 333, -1, "V02P08A" 332- 0x000A6420 -> 9, 186, 334, -1, "V03P01A" 333- 0x000A642C -> 6, 186, 335, -1, "V03P02A" 334- 0x000A6438 -> 9, 186, 336, -1, "V03P03A" 335- 0x000A6444 -> 1, 186, 337, -1, "V03P04A" 336- 0x000A6450 -> 6, 186, 338, -1, "V03P05C" 337- 0x000A645C -> 6, 186, 339, -1, "V03P06A" 338- 0x000A6468 -> 6, 186, 340, -1, "V03P06B" 339- 0x000A6474 -> 6, 186, 341, -1, "V03P07A" 340- 0x000A6480 -> 6, 186, 342, -1, "V03P08A" 341- 0x000A648C -> 6, 186, 343, -1, "V03P09A" 342- 0x000A6498 -> 9, 186, 344, -1, "V03P11A" 343- 0x000A64A4 -> 9, 186, 345, -1, "V03P12A" 344- 0x000A64B0 -> 6, 186, 346, -1, "V03P13A" 345- 0x000A64BC -> 9, 186, 347, -1, "V04P01A" 346- 0x000A64C8 -> 6, 186, 348, -1, "V04P02A" 347- 0x000A64D4 -> 6, 186, 349, -1, "V04P03A" 348- 0x000A64E0 -> 9, 186, 350, -1, "V05P01A" 349- 0x000A64EC -> 9, 186, 351, -1, "V05P02A" 350- 0x000A64F8 -> 9, 186, 352, -1, "V05P03A" 351- 0x000A6504 -> 6, 186, 353, -1, "V05P05A" 352- 0x000A6510 -> 6, 186, 354, -1, "V09P01A" 353- 0x000A651C -> 6, 186, 355, -1, "V09P04A" 354- 0x000A6528 -> 9, 186, 356, -1, "V10P01C" 355- 0x000A6534 -> 9, 186, 357, -1, "V10P03C" 356- 0x000A6540 -> 9, 186, 358, -1, "V12P01A" 357- 0x000A654C -> 6, 186, 359, -1, "V13P01A" 358- 0x000A6558 -> 6, 186, 360, -1, "V14P01A" 359- 0x000A6564 -> 6, 186, 361, -1, "V14P03A" 360- 0x000A6570 -> 9, 186, 362, -1, "V14P04A" 361- 0x000A657C -> 6, 186, 363, -1, "V15P01A" 362- 0x000A6588 -> 6, 186, 364, -1, "V15P02A" 363- 0x000A6594 -> 9, 186, 365, -1, "V15P03A" 364- 0x000A65A0 -> 4, 186, 366, -1, "V16P02A" 365- 0x000A65AC -> 9, 186, 367, -1, "V17P01A" 366- 0x000A65B8 -> 6, 186, 368, -1, "V17P02A" 367- 0x000A65C4 -> 9, 186, 369, -1, "V17P03A" 368- 0x000A65D0 -> 4, 186, 370, -1, "V19P01A" 369- 0x000A65DC -> 9, 186, 371, -1, "V19P02A" 370- 0x000A65E8 -> 9, 186, 372, -1, "V19P03A" 371- 0x000A65F4 -> 9, 186, 373, -1, "V19P04A" 372- 0x000A6600 -> 4, 186, 374, -1, "V19P05A" 373- 0x000A660C -> 6, 186, 375, -1, "V19P06A" 374- 0x000A6618 -> 7, 186, 376, -1, "V21P01A" 375- 0x000A6624 -> 7, 186, 377, -1, "V21P02A" 376- 0x000A6630 -> 6, 186, 378, -1, "V21P02B" 377- 0x000A663C -> 6, 186, 379, -1, "V22P01A" 378- 0x000A6648 -> 9, 186, 380, -1, "V22P02A" 379- 0x000A6654 -> 9, 186, 381, -1, "V22P03A" 380- 0x000A6660 -> 6, 186, 382, -1, "V23P01A" 381- 0x000A666C -> 9, 186, 383, -1, "V23P04A" 382- 0x000A6678 -> 6, 186, 384, -1, "V23P05A" 383- 0x000A6684 -> 6, 186, 385, -1, "V24P01A" 384- 0x000A6690 -> 9, 186, 386, -1, "V24P02A" 385- 0x000A669C -> 6, 186, 387, -1, "V24P03A" 386- 0x000A66A8 -> 9, 186, 388, -1, "V24P04A" 387- 0x000A66B4 -> 6, 186, 389, -1, "V24P05A" 388- 0x000A66C0 -> 9, 186, 390, -1, "V24P06A" 389- 0x000A66CC -> 9, 186, 391, -1, "V24P07A" 390- 0x000A66D8 -> 9, 186, 392, -1, "V24P08A" 391- 0x000A66E4 -> 9, 186, 393, -1, "V24P09A" 392- 0x000A66F0 -> 9, 186, 394, -1, "V25P01A" 393- 0x000A66FC -> 4, 186, 395, -1, "V25P02A" 394- 0x000A6708 -> 9, 186, 396, -1, "V25P03A" 395- 0x000A6714 -> 9, 186, 397, -1, "V25P04A" 396- 0x000A6720 -> 6, 186, 398, -1, "V26P01A" 397- 0x000A672C -> 6, 186, 399, -1, "V26P02A" 398- 0x000A6738 -> 9, 186, 400, -1, "V26P03A" 399- 0x000A6744 -> 9, 186, 401, -1, "V26P04A" 400- 0x000A6750 -> 9, 186, 402, -1, "V26P05A" 401- 0x000A675C -> 1, 186, 403, -1, "V26P06A" 402- 0x000A6768 -> 6, 186, 404, -1, "V26P07A" 403- 0x000A6774 -> 9, 186, 405, -1, "V26P09A" 404- 0x000A6780 -> 1, 186, 406, -1, "V26P10A" 405- 0x000A678C -> 6, 186, 407, -1, "V26P11A" 406- 0x000A6798 -> 6, 186, 408, -1, "V28P01A" 407- 0x000A67A4 -> 4, 186, 409, -1, "V31P01A" 408- 0x000A67B0 -> 6, 186, 410, -1, "V31P02A" 409- 0x000A67BC -> 6, 186, 411, -1, "V32P01A" 410- 0x000A67C8 -> 6, 186, 412, -1, "V33P01A" 411- 0x000A67D4 -> 6, 186, 413, -1, "V34P01A" 412- 0x000A67E0 -> 6, 186, 414, -1, "V37P01A" 413- 0x000A67EC -> 6, 186, 415, -1, "V37P02A" 414- 0x000A67F8 -> 6, 186, 416, -1, "V37P03A" 415- 0x000A6804 -> 6, 186, 417, -1, "V38P01A" 416- 0x000A6810 -> 6, 186, 418, -1, "V38P02A" 417- 0x000A681C -> 6, 186, 419, -1, "V38P03A" 418- 0x000A6828 -> 6, 186, 420, -1, "V38P04A" 419- 0x000A6834 -> 6, 186, 421, -1, "V38P05A" 420- 0x000A6840 -> 6, 186, 422, -1, "V38P06A" 421- 0x000A684C -> 6, 186, 423, -1, "V38P06C" 422- 0x000A6858 -> 6, 186, 424, -1, "V38P06D" 423- 0x000A6864 -> 6, 186, 425, -1, "V38P07A" 424- 0x000A6870 -> 6, 186, 426, -1, "V38P08A" 425- 0x000A687C -> 9, 186, 427, -1, "V38P09A" 426- 0x000A6888 -> 6, 186, 428, -1, "V38P10A" 427- 0x000A6894 -> 9, 186, 429, -1, "V38P11A" 428- 0x000A68A0 -> 6, 186, 430, -1, "V39P01A" 429- 0x000A68AC -> 6, 186, 431, -1, "V39P02A" 430- 0x000A68B8 -> 95, 34, 16, 19, "V39P03A" Overlay_0011.bin: ============================================================ Event Sub File List Table ============================================================ Index Offset Unk1 Unk2 Unk3 Symbol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0- 0x00042C14 -> 14, 257, 0, "NULL" 1- 0x00042C20 -> 9, 0, 0, "NULL" 2- 0x00042C2C -> 6, 0, 0, "NULL" 3- 0x00042C38 -> 7, 0, 0, "NULL" 4- 0x00042C44 -> 8, 0, 0, "NULL" 5- 0x00042C50 -> 5, 0, 0, "NULL" 6- 0x00042C5C -> 5, 0, 0, "NULL" 7- 0x00042C68 -> 5, 0, 0, "NULL" 8- 0x00042C74 -> 5, 0, 0, "NULL" 9- 0x00042C80 -> 8, 0, 0, "NULL" 10- 0x00042C8C -> 5, 0, 0, "NULL" 11- 0x00042C98 -> 11, 258, 0, "d01p11b1" 12- 0x00042CA4 -> 11, 258, 0, "d01p11b2" 13- 0x00042CB0 -> 11, 258, 0, "d01p11b2" 14- 0x00042CBC -> 11, 258, 0, "d01p11b2" 15- 0x00042CC8 -> 11, 258, 0, "d01p11b2" 16- 0x00042CD4 -> 11, 258, 0, "d01p11b3" 17- 0x00042CE0 -> 11, 258, 0, "d02p31a1" 18- 0x00042CEC -> 11, 258, 0, "d04p11a1" 19- 0x00042CF8 -> 11, 258, 0, "d04p11a1" 20- 0x00042D04 -> 11, 258, 0, "d05p31a1" 21- 0x00042D10 -> 11, 258, 0, "d05p31a1" 22- 0x00042D1C -> 11, 258, 0, "d05p31a1" 23- 0x00042D28 -> 11, 258, 0, "d08p11a1" 24- 0x00042D34 -> 11, 258, 0, "d09p11a1" 25- 0x00042D40 -> 11, 258, 0, "d09p11a1" 26- 0x00042D4C -> 11, 258, 0, "d09p11a2" 27- 0x00042D58 -> 11, 258, 0, "d09p11a2" 28- 0x00042D64 -> 11, 258, 0, "d09p11a2" 29- 0x00042D70 -> 11, 258, 0, "d09p11a3" 30- 0x00042D7C -> 11, 258, 0, "d09p11a3" 31- 0x00042D88 -> 11, 258, 0, "d09p11a3" 32- 0x00042D94 -> 11, 258, 0, "d12p41a1" 33- 0x00042DA0 -> 11, 258, 0, "d12p41a2" 34- 0x00042DAC -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a1" 35- 0x00042DB8 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a1" 36- 0x00042DC4 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a1" 37- 0x00042DD0 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a2" 38- 0x00042DDC -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a2" 39- 0x00042DE8 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a2" 40- 0x00042DF4 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a3" 41- 0x00042E00 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a3" 42- 0x00042E0C -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a3" 43- 0x00042E18 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a4" 44- 0x00042E24 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a4" 45- 0x00042E30 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a4" 46- 0x00042E3C -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a5" 47- 0x00042E48 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a5" 48- 0x00042E54 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a5" 49- 0x00042E60 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a6" 50- 0x00042E6C -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a6" 51- 0x00042E78 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a6" 52- 0x00042E84 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a7" 53- 0x00042E90 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a7" 54- 0x00042E9C -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a7" 55- 0x00042EA8 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a8" 56- 0x00042EB4 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a8" 57- 0x00042EC0 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a8" 58- 0x00042ECC -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a9" 59- 0x00042ED8 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a9" 60- 0x00042EE4 -> 11, 258, 0, "d16p31a9" 61- 0x00042EF0 -> 11, 258, 0, "d21p41a1" 62- 0x00042EFC -> 11, 258, 0, "d21p41a1" 63- 0x00042F08 -> 11, 258, 0, "d21p41a1" 64- 0x00042F14 -> 11, 258, 0, "d21p41a2" 65- 0x00042F20 -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p32a1" 66- 0x00042F2C -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p33a1" 67- 0x00042F38 -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p33a2" 68- 0x00042F44 -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p33a3" 69- 0x00042F50 -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p33a4" 70- 0x00042F5C -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p33a5" 71- 0x00042F68 -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p33a6" 72- 0x00042F74 -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p33a7" 73- 0x00042F80 -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p33a8" 74- 0x00042F8C -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p34a1" 75- 0x00042F98 -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p34a2" 76- 0x00042FA4 -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p34a2" 77- 0x00042FB0 -> 11, 258, 0, "d28p34a2" 78- 0x00042FBC -> 11, 258, 0, "d30p33a4" 79- 0x00042FC8 -> 11, 258, 0, "d30p33a4" 80- 0x00042FD4 -> 11, 258, 0, "d30p33a4" 81- 0x00042FE0 -> 11, 258, 0, "d31p31a1" 82- 0x00042FEC -> 10, 258, 0, "d32p11a1" 83- 0x00042FF8 -> 11, 258, 0, "d32p14a1" 84- 0x00043004 -> 11, 258, 0, "d32p44a1" 85- 0x00043010 -> 11, 258, 0, "d32p44a2" 86- 0x0004301C -> 11, 258, 0, "d32p44a3" 87- 0x00043028 -> 11, 258, 0, "d32p44a4" 88- 0x00043034 -> 11, 258, 0, "d32p44a5" 89- 0x00043040 -> 11, 258, 0, "d34p41a1" 90- 0x0004304C -> 11, 258, 0, "d39p41a1" 91- 0x00043058 -> 11, 258, 0, "d79p41a1" 92- 0x00043064 -> 11, 258, 0, "d79p41a1" 93- 0x00043070 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p01a1" 94- 0x0004307C -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p01a2" 95- 0x00043088 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p01a3" 96- 0x00043094 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p01c1" 97- 0x000430A0 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p01c2" 98- 0x000430AC -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p01c3" 99- 0x000430B8 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p01c4" 100- 0x000430C4 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p03a1" 101- 0x000430D0 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p03a1" 102- 0x000430DC -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p03a1" 103- 0x000430E8 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p03a1" 104- 0x000430F4 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p03a2" 105- 0x00043100 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p03a2" 106- 0x0004310C -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p05a1" 107- 0x00043118 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p06b1" 108- 0x00043124 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p07a1" 109- 0x00043130 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p07a1" 110- 0x0004313C -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p07a1" 111- 0x00043148 -> 11, 258, 0, "h01p99d1" 112- 0x00043154 -> 16, 258, 0, "h02p99a1" 113- 0x00043160 -> 16, 258, 0, "h02p99a1" 114- 0x0004316C -> 16, 258, 0, "h02p99a1" 115- 0x00043178 -> 16, 258, 0, "h02p99c1" 116- 0x00043184 -> 11, 258, 0, "h02p99c2" 117- 0x00043190 -> 11, 258, 0, "h02p99c2" 118- 0x0004319C -> 11, 258, 0, "h02p99c2" 119- 0x000431A8 -> 11, 258, 0, "h02p99c4" 120- 0x000431B4 -> 11, 258, 0, "h02p99c5" 121- 0x000431C0 -> 11, 258, 0, "h02p99c6" 122- 0x000431CC -> 11, 258, 0, "p01p01a1" 123- 0x000431D8 -> 11, 258, 0, "p02p01a1" 124- 0x000431E4 -> 11, 258, 0, "p02p01a1" 125- 0x000431F0 -> 11, 258, 0, "p02p01a1" 126- 0x000431FC -> 11, 258, 0, "p02p01a1" 127- 0x00043208 -> 11, 258, 0, "p03p01a1" 128- 0x00043214 -> 11, 258, 0, "p03p02a1" 129- 0x00043220 -> 11, 258, 0, "p03p02a1" 130- 0x0004322C -> 11, 258, 0, "p03p02a1" 131- 0x00043238 -> 11, 258, 0, "p03p02a1" 132- 0x00043244 -> 11, 258, 0, "p03p02a1" 133- 0x00043250 -> 11, 258, 0, "p03p02a2" 134- 0x0004325C -> 11, 258, 0, "p05p01a1" 135- 0x00043268 -> 11, 258, 0, "p05p03a1" 136- 0x00043274 -> 11, 258, 0, "p05p03a1" 137- 0x00043280 -> 11, 258, 0, "p05p03a1" 138- 0x0004328C -> 11, 258, 0, "p05p03a2" 139- 0x00043298 -> 11, 258, 0, "p05p03a2" 140- 0x000432A4 -> 11, 258, 0, "p05p03a2" 141- 0x000432B0 -> 11, 258, 0, "p09p01a1" 142- 0x000432BC -> 11, 258, 0, "p09p01a1" 143- 0x000432C8 -> 11, 258, 0, "p09p01a1" 144- 0x000432D4 -> 11, 258, 0, "p09p01a2" 145- 0x000432E0 -> 11, 258, 0, "p11p01a2" 146- 0x000432EC -> 11, 258, 0, "p11p01a3" 147- 0x000432F8 -> 11, 258, 0, "p12p01a1" 148- 0x00043304 -> 11, 258, 0, "p12p01a1" 149- 0x00043310 -> 11, 258, 0, "p12p01a1" 150- 0x0004331C -> 11, 258, 0, "p12p01a1" 151- 0x00043328 -> 11, 258, 0, "p12p01a1" 152- 0x00043334 -> 11, 258, 0, "p12p01a1" 153- 0x00043340 -> 11, 258, 0, "p14p01a1" 154- 0x0004334C -> 11, 258, 0, "s01p01a1" 155- 0x00043358 -> 11, 258, 0, "s01p01a2" 156- 0x00043364 -> 11, 258, 1, "s01p04a1" 157- 0x00043370 -> 11, 258, 1, "s01p04a1" 158- 0x0004337C -> 11, 258, 1, "s01p04a1" 159- 0x00043388 -> 11, 258, 1, "s01p04a1" 160- 0x00043394 -> 11, 258, 1, "s01p04a1" 161- 0x000433A0 -> 11, 258, 1, "s01p04a1" 162- 0x000433AC -> 11, 258, 1, "s01p04a1" 163- 0x000433B8 -> 11, 258, 1, "s01p04a1" 164- 0x000433C4 -> 11, 258, 1, "s01p04a1" 165- 0x000433D0 -> 11, 258, 0, "s05p02a1" 166- 0x000433DC -> 11, 258, 0, "s05p02a2" 167- 0x000433E8 -> 12, 258, 1, "s05p02a3" 168- 0x000433F4 -> 11, 258, 0, "s05p02b1" 169- 0x00043400 -> 11, 258, 0, "s05p03a1" 170- 0x0004340C -> 11, 258, 0, "s05p03a2" 171- 0x00043418 -> 11, 258, 1, "s05p04a1" 172- 0x00043424 -> 11, 258, 0, "s05p04a1" 173- 0x00043430 -> 11, 258, 0, "s08p01a1" 174- 0x0004343C -> 11, 258, 0, "t01p01a1" 175- 0x00043448 -> 11, 258, 0, "t01p01a2" 176- 0x00043454 -> 11, 258, 0, "t01p01a3" 177- 0x00043460 -> 11, 258, 0, "t01p01a4" 178- 0x0004346C -> 11, 258, 0, "t01p01a5" 179- 0x00043478 -> 11, 258, 0, "t01p01a6" 180- 0x00043484 -> 11, 258, 0, "t01p04a1" 181- 0x00043490 -> 11, 258, 1, "v01p02a1" 182- 0x0004349C -> 11, 258, 0, "v01p05b1" 183- 0x000434A8 -> 11, 258, 0, "v01p05b1" 184- 0x000434B4 -> 11, 258, 0, "v01p05b1" 185- 0x000434C0 -> 11, 258, 0, "v01p05b1" 186- 0x000434CC -> 11, 258, 0, "v01p05b1" 187- 0x000434D8 -> 11, 258, 0, "v01p05b1" 188- 0x000434E4 -> 11, 258, 0, "v01p05b1" 189- 0x000434F0 -> 11, 258, 0, "v01p05b2" 190- 0x000434FC -> 11, 258, 1, "v01p05b3" 191- 0x00043508 -> 11, 258, 0, "v01p07b1" 192- 0x00043514 -> 11, 258, 0, "v01p07b1" 193- 0x00043520 -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p03a1" 194- 0x0004352C -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p03a1" 195- 0x00043538 -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p03a2" 196- 0x00043544 -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p06a1" 197- 0x00043550 -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p06a1" 198- 0x0004355C -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p06a1" 199- 0x00043568 -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p06a1" 200- 0x00043574 -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p06a2" 201- 0x00043580 -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p06a2" 202- 0x0004358C -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p06a2" 203- 0x00043598 -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p06a2" 204- 0x000435A4 -> 11, 258, 0, "v03p11a1" 205- 0x000435B0 -> 11, 258, 0, "v04p03a1" 206- 0x000435BC -> 11, 258, 0, "v05p02a1" 207- 0x000435C8 -> 11, 258, 0, "v05p03a1" 208- 0x000435D4 -> 11, 258, 1, "v05p03a2" 209- 0x000435E0 -> 11, 258, 0, "v10p01c1" 210- 0x000435EC -> 11, 258, 0, "v10p01c1" 211- 0x000435F8 -> 11, 258, 0, "v10p01c1" 212- 0x00043604 -> 11, 258, 1, "v10p01c1" 213- 0x00043610 -> 11, 258, 1, "v10p01c1" 214- 0x0004361C -> 11, 258, 1, "v10p01c1" 215- 0x00043628 -> 11, 258, 0, "v10p01c2" 216- 0x00043634 -> 11, 258, 0, "v10p01c2" 217- 0x00043640 -> 11, 258, 0, "v10p01c2" 218- 0x0004364C -> 11, 258, 1, "v10p01c2" 219- 0x00043658 -> 11, 258, 1, "v10p01c2" 220- 0x00043664 -> 11, 258, 1, "v10p01c2" 221- 0x00043670 -> 11, 258, 0, "v10p01c3" 222- 0x0004367C -> 11, 258, 0, "v10p01c3" 223- 0x00043688 -> 11, 258, 0, "v10p01c3" 224- 0x00043694 -> 11, 258, 1, "v10p01c3" 225- 0x000436A0 -> 11, 258, 1, "v10p01c3" 226- 0x000436AC -> 11, 258, 1, "v10p01c3" 227- 0x000436B8 -> 11, 258, 0, "v10p03c1" 228- 0x000436C4 -> 11, 258, 1, "v12p01a1" 229- 0x000436D0 -> 11, 258, 1, "v12p01a2" 230- 0x000436DC -> 11, 258, 1, "v12p01a3" 231- 0x000436E8 -> 11, 258, 1, "v12p01a4" 232- 0x000436F4 -> 11, 258, 1, "v12p01a5" 233- 0x00043700 -> 11, 258, 1, "v12p01a6" 234- 0x0004370C -> 11, 258, 1, "v12p01a7" 235- 0x00043718 -> 11, 258, 1, "v12p01a8" 236- 0x00043724 -> 11, 258, 0, "v14p03a1" 237- 0x00043730 -> 11, 258, 0, "v14p03a2" 238- 0x0004373C -> 11, 258, 0, "v14p04a1" 239- 0x00043748 -> 11, 258, 0, "v14p04a2" 240- 0x00043754 -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a1" 241- 0x00043760 -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a1" 242- 0x0004376C -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a1" 243- 0x00043778 -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a1" 244- 0x00043784 -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a1" 245- 0x00043790 -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a1" 246- 0x0004379C -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a2" 247- 0x000437A8 -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a2" 248- 0x000437B4 -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a2" 249- 0x000437C0 -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a2" 250- 0x000437CC -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a2" 251- 0x000437D8 -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a2" 252- 0x000437E4 -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a3" 253- 0x000437F0 -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a3" 254- 0x000437FC -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a3" 255- 0x00043808 -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a3" 256- 0x00043814 -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a3" 257- 0x00043820 -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a3" 258- 0x0004382C -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a3" 259- 0x00043838 -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a3" 260- 0x00043844 -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a3" 261- 0x00043850 -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a3" 262- 0x0004385C -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a3" 263- 0x00043868 -> 11, 258, 1, "v15p01a3" 264- 0x00043874 -> 11, 258, 0, "v15p01a4" 265- 0x00043880 -> 11, 258, 1, "v19p02a1" 266- 0x0004388C -> 11, 258, 1, "v19p02a1" 267- 0x00043898 -> 11, 258, 1, "v19p02a1" 268- 0x000438A4 -> 11, 258, 1, "v19p05a1" 269- 0x000438B0 -> 11, 258, 1, "v19p06a1" 270- 0x000438BC -> 11, 258, 1, "v19p06a1" 271- 0x000438C8 -> 11, 258, 1, "v19p06a1" 272- 0x000438D4 -> 11, 258, 1, "v21p02a1" 273- 0x000438E0 -> 11, 258, 1, "v22p01a1" 274- 0x000438EC -> 11, 258, 1, "v22p02a1" 275- 0x000438F8 -> 11, 258, 1, "v22p02a1" 276- 0x00043904 -> 11, 258, 1, "v22p02a1" 277- 0x00043910 -> 11, 258, 1, "v22p02a1" 278- 0x0004391C -> 11, 258, 1, "v22p02a2" 279- 0x00043928 -> 11, 258, 0, "v22p03a1" 280- 0x00043934 -> 11, 258, 0, "v22p03a2" 281- 0x00043940 -> 11, 258, 0, "v23p04a1" 282- 0x0004394C -> 11, 258, 0, "v23p04a1" 283- 0x00043958 -> 11, 258, 0, "v23p04a1" 284- 0x00043964 -> 11, 258, 0, "v23p04a2" 285- 0x00043970 -> 11, 258, 0, "v23p04a2" 286- 0x0004397C -> 11, 258, 0, "v23p04a2" 287- 0x00043988 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p01a1" 288- 0x00043994 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p01a1" 289- 0x000439A0 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p01a1" 290- 0x000439AC -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p01a2" 291- 0x000439B8 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p01a3" 292- 0x000439C4 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p02a1" 293- 0x000439D0 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p02a1" 294- 0x000439DC -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p02a2" 295- 0x000439E8 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p03a1" 296- 0x000439F4 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p03a1" 297- 0x00043A00 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p03a2" 298- 0x00043A0C -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p03a2" 299- 0x00043A18 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p03a3" 300- 0x00043A24 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p04a1" 301- 0x00043A30 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p04a2" 302- 0x00043A3C -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p04a3" 303- 0x00043A48 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p05a1" 304- 0x00043A54 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p05a2" 305- 0x00043A60 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p05a3" 306- 0x00043A6C -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p05a3" 307- 0x00043A78 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p05a4" 308- 0x00043A84 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p05a4" 309- 0x00043A90 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p05a5" 310- 0x00043A9C -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p05a5" 311- 0x00043AA8 -> 11, 258, 0, "v24p06a1" 312- 0x00043AB4 -> 11, 258, 1, "v25p03a1" 313- 0x00043AC0 -> 11, 258, 1, "v25p04a1" 314- 0x00043ACC -> 11, 258, 1, "v25p04a1" 315- 0x00043AD8 -> 11, 258, 1, "v25p04a1" 316- 0x00043AE4 -> 11, 258, 1, "v25p04a1" 317- 0x00043AF0 -> 11, 258, 1, "v25p04a1" 318- 0x00043AFC -> 11, 258, 1, "v25p04a2" 319- 0x00043B08 -> 11, 258, 1, "v25p04a2" 320- 0x00043B14 -> 11, 258, 1, "v25p04a2" 321- 0x00043B20 -> 11, 258, 1, "v25p04a2" 322- 0x00043B2C -> 11, 258, 1, "v25p04a2" 323- 0x00043B38 -> 11, 258, 1, "v26p04a1" 324- 0x00043B44 -> 11, 258, 1, "v26p04a1" 325- 0x00043B50 -> 11, 258, 1, "v26p04a1" 326- 0x00043B5C -> 11, 258, 1, "v26p04a2" 327- 0x00043B68 -> 11, 258, 1, "v26p04a2" 328- 0x00043B74 -> 11, 258, 1, "v26p04a2" 329- 0x00043B80 -> 11, 258, 0, "v26p05a1" 330- 0x00043B8C -> 11, 258, 0, "v26p05a1" 331- 0x00043B98 -> 11, 258, 0, "v26p05a1" 332- 0x00043BA4 -> 11, 258, 0, "v26p07a1" 333- 0x00043BB0 -> 11, 258, 0, "v26p07a1" 334- 0x00043BBC -> 11, 258, 0, "v26p07a1" 335- 0x00043BC8 -> 11, 258, 0, "v26p10a1" 336- 0x00043BD4 -> 11, 258, 1, "s13p01a1" 337- 0x00043BE0 -> 12, 258, 1, "s13p02a1" 338- 0x00043BEC -> 11, 258, 0, "s13p02a2" 339- 0x00043BF8 -> 11, 258, 1, "s13p03a1" 340- 0x00043C04 -> 11, 258, 1, "s13p03a1" 341- 0x00043C10 -> 11, 258, 1, "s13p03a1" 342- 0x00043C1C -> 11, 258, 1, "s13p03a1" 343- 0x00043C28 -> 11, 258, 1, "s13p03a1" 344- 0x00043C34 -> 11, 258, 1, "s13p03a1" 345- 0x00043C40 -> 11, 258, 1, "s13p03a1" 346- 0x00043C4C -> 11, 258, 0, "s13p03a1" 347- 0x00043C58 -> 11, 258, 0, "s13p03a1" 348- 0x00043C64 -> 11, 258, 0, "s13p03a1" 349- 0x00043C70 -> 11, 258, 0, "s13p03a2" 350- 0x00043C7C -> 11, 258, 1, "s13p03a2" 351- 0x00043C88 -> 11, 258, 0, "s13p05a1" 352- 0x00043C94 -> 11, 258, 1, "s13p05a2" 353- 0x00043CA0 -> 11, 258, 0, "s13p05a2" 354- 0x00043CAC -> 11, 258, 0, "s13p08a1" 355- 0x00043CB8 -> 11, 258, 0, "g01p10c1" 356- 0x00043CC4 -> 11, 258, 0, "p15p01a1" 357- 0x00043CD0 -> 11, 258, 0, "p20p01a1" 358- 0x00043CDC -> 11, 258, 0, "p20p01a2" 359- 0x00043CE8 -> 11, 258, 0, "p20p01a3" 360- 0x00043CF4 -> 11, 0, 0, "d45p31a1" 361- 0x00043D00 -> 11, 0, 0, "d45p31a2" 362- 0x00043D0C -> 11, 0, 0, "d45p31a3" 363- 0x00043D18 -> 11, 0, 0, "d45p31a4" 364- 0x00043D24 -> 11, 0, 0, "d45p31a5" 365- 0x00043D30 -> 11, 0, 0, "p18p01a1" 366- 0x00043D3C -> 11, 0, 0, "p18p01a2" 367- 0x00043D48 -> 11, 0, 0, "p18p01a3" 368- 0x00043D54 -> 11, 0, 0, "p18p01a4" 369- 0x00043D60 -> 11, 0, 0, "p19p02a1" 370- 0x00043D6C -> 11, 0, 0, "p19p02a2" 371- 0x00043D78 -> 11, 0, 0, "p19p02a3" 372- 0x00043D84 -> 11, 0, 0, "p20p02a1" 373- 0x00043D90 -> 11, 0, 0, "p20p02a1" 374- 0x00043D9C -> 11, 0, 0, "p21p02a1" 375- 0x00043DA8 -> 11, 0, 0, "p21p02a2" 376- 0x00043DB4 -> 11, 0, 0, "p22p01a1" 377- 0x00043DC0 -> 11, 0, 0, "s05p02c1" 378- 0x00043DCC -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p28a1" 379- 0x00043DD8 -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p28a2" 380- 0x00043DE4 -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p28a3" 381- 0x00043DF0 -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p28a4" 382- 0x00043DFC -> 11, 0, 0, "p17p01a1" 383- 0x00043E08 -> 16, 0, 0, "p01p04a1" 384- 0x00043E14 -> 11, 0, 0, "s14p01a1" 385- 0x00043E20 -> 11, 0, 0, "s14p01a2" 386- 0x00043E2C -> 11, 0, 0, "s14p01a3" 387- 0x00043E38 -> 11, 0, 0, "s14p01a4" 388- 0x00043E44 -> 11, 0, 0, "s14p01a4" 389- 0x00043E50 -> 11, 0, 0, "s14p01a4" 390- 0x00043E5C -> 11, 0, 1, "v37p03a1" 391- 0x00043E68 -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p28a5" 392- 0x00043E74 -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p28a6" 393- 0x00043E80 -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p28a7" 394- 0x00043E8C -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p28a8" 395- 0x00043E98 -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p28a9" 396- 0x00043EA4 -> 11, 0, 0, "d01p11a1" 397- 0x00043EB0 -> 11, 0, 0, "d50p11a1" 398- 0x00043EBC -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p41a1" 399- 0x00043EC8 -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p41a2" 400- 0x00043ED4 -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p41a3" 401- 0x00043EE0 -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p41a4" 402- 0x00043EEC -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p41a5" 403- 0x00043EF8 -> 11, 0, 0, "d73p41a6" 404- 0x00043F04 -> 11, 0, 0, "d51p11a1" 405- 0x00043F10 -> 11, 0, 0, "p24p01a1" 406- 0x00043F1C -> 11, 0, 0, "p24p01a1" 407- 0x00043F28 -> 11, 0, 0, "d51p41a1" 408- 0x00043F34 -> 11, 0, 0, "d51p41a2" 409- 0x00043F40 -> 16, 0, 0, "d51p41a3" 410- 0x00043F4C -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p32a1" 411- 0x00043F58 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p11a1" 412- 0x00043F64 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p11a1" 413- 0x00043F70 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p11a1" 414- 0x00043F7C -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p11a2" 415- 0x00043F88 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p11a2" 416- 0x00043F94 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p11a3" 417- 0x00043FA0 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p11a3" 418- 0x00043FAC -> 11, 0, 0, "s20p01a1" 419- 0x00043FB8 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p32a2" 420- 0x00043FC4 -> 11, 0, 0, "p26p01a1" 421- 0x00043FD0 -> 11, 0, 0, "p26p01a2" 422- 0x00043FDC -> 11, 0, 0, "p26p01a3" 423- 0x00043FE8 -> 11, 0, 0, "v39p03a1" 424- 0x00043FF4 -> 11, 0, 0, "v39p03a2" 425- 0x00044000 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p41a1" 426- 0x0004400C -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p41a1" 427- 0x00044018 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p41a1" 428- 0x00044024 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p42a1" 429- 0x00044030 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p42a1" 430- 0x0004403C -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p42a2" 431- 0x00044048 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p42a2" 432- 0x00044054 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p43a1" 433- 0x00044060 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p43a1" 434- 0x0004406C -> 11, 0, 0, "s20p01a2" 435- 0x00044078 -> 11, 0, 1, "v38p06a1" 436- 0x00044084 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p03a1" 437- 0x00044090 -> 11, 0, 0, "d56p41a1" 438- 0x0004409C -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p44a1" 439- 0x000440A8 -> 11, 0, 0, "v37p01a1" 440- 0x000440B4 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p11a1" 441- 0x000440C0 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p32a3" 442- 0x000440CC -> 11, 0, 0, "d53p41c1" 443- 0x000440D8 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p42a3" 444- 0x000440E4 -> 11, 0, 0, "p19p02a4" 445- 0x000440F0 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p32a4" 446- 0x000440FC -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p32a5" 447- 0x00044108 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p32a6" 448- 0x00044114 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p32a7" 449- 0x00044120 -> 11, 0, 0, "d53p41a1" 450- 0x0004412C -> 11, 0, 0, "d55p41a1" 451- 0x00044138 -> 11, 0, 0, "d55p41a1" 452- 0x00044144 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p01a1" 453- 0x00044150 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02a1" 454- 0x0004415C -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02a2" 455- 0x00044168 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02a3" 456- 0x00044174 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02a4" 457- 0x00044180 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02a5" 458- 0x0004418C -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02a6" 459- 0x00044198 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02a7" 460- 0x000441A4 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02a8" 461- 0x000441B0 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02a9" 462- 0x000441BC -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02b1" 463- 0x000441C8 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02b2" 464- 0x000441D4 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02b3" 465- 0x000441E0 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02b4" 466- 0x000441EC -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02b5" 467- 0x000441F8 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02b6" 468- 0x00044204 -> 11, 0, 0, "s17p02b7" 469- 0x00044210 -> 11, 0, 0, "s18p01a1" 470- 0x0004421C -> 11, 0, 0, "s18p01a2" 471- 0x00044228 -> 11, 0, 0, "s18p01a3" 472- 0x00044234 -> 11, 0, 0, "s18p01a4" 473- 0x00044240 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07a1" 474- 0x0004424C -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07b1" 475- 0x00044258 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07c1" 476- 0x00044264 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07c2" 477- 0x00044270 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07c3" 478- 0x0004427C -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07c4" 479- 0x00044288 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07c5" 480- 0x00044294 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07d1" 481- 0x000442A0 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07d2" 482- 0x000442AC -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07d3" 483- 0x000442B8 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07d4" 484- 0x000442C4 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07d5" 485- 0x000442D0 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p07d6" 486- 0x000442DC -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08a1" 487- 0x000442E8 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08b1" 488- 0x000442F4 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08b2" 489- 0x00044300 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08c1" 490- 0x0004430C -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08c2" 491- 0x00044318 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08c3" 492- 0x00044324 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08c4" 493- 0x00044330 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08c5" 494- 0x0004433C -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08c6" 495- 0x00044348 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08d1" 496- 0x00044354 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08d2" 497- 0x00044360 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08d3" 498- 0x0004436C -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08d4" 499- 0x00044378 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08d5" 500- 0x00044384 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p08d6" 501- 0x00044390 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10a1" 502- 0x0004439C -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10a2" 503- 0x000443A8 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10a3" 504- 0x000443B4 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10a4" 505- 0x000443C0 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10a5" 506- 0x000443CC -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10a6" 507- 0x000443D8 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10a7" 508- 0x000443E4 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10a8" 509- 0x000443F0 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10a9" 510- 0x000443FC -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10b1" 511- 0x00044408 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10b2" 512- 0x00044414 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10b3" 513- 0x00044420 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10b4" 514- 0x0004442C -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10b5" 515- 0x00044438 -> 11, 0, 0, "v38p10b6" 516- 0x00044444 -> 11, 0, 1, "v39p01a1" 517- 0x00044450 -> 12, 0, 1, "v39p01a1" 518- 0x0004445C -> 11, 0, 0, "d56p11a1" 519- 0x00044468 -> 12, 0, 0, "d56p11a2" 520- 0x00044474 -> 12, 0, 0, "d56p11a2" 521- 0x00044480 -> 12, 0, 0, "d56p11a3" 522- 0x0004448C -> 12, 0, 0, "d56p11a3" 523- 0x00044498 -> 12, 0, 0, "d56p11a3" 524- 0x000444A4 -> 11, 0, 0, "p26p01a4" 525- 0x000444B0 -> 11, 0, 0, "p26p01a4" 526- 0x000444BC -> 11, 0, 0, "p26p01a4" 527- 0x000444C8 -> 11, 0, 0, "p26p01a4" 528- 0x000444D4 -> 11, 0, 0, "p26p01a4" 529- 0x000444E0 -> 11, 0, 0, "p26p01a4" 530- 0x000444EC -> 11, 0, 0, "p26p01a4" 531- 0x000444F8 -> 11, 0, 0, "g01p05a2" 532- 0x00044504 -> 11, 0, 0, "p17p02c1" 533- 0x00044510 -> 11, 0, 0, "s05p02a4" 534- 0x0004451C -> 11, 0, 0, "d45p31a6" 535- 0x00044528 -> 11, 0, 0, "d45p31a6" 536- 0x00044534 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p43a2" 537- 0x00044540 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p43a2" 538- 0x0004454C -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p43a2" 539- 0x00044558 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p43a2" 540- 0x00044564 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p43a3" 541- 0x00044570 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p43a3" 542- 0x0004457C -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p43a3" 543- 0x00044588 -> 11, 0, 0, "d57p43a3" 544- 0x00044594 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p32a8" 545- 0x000445A0 -> 11, 0, 0, "d52p32a9" 546- 0x000445AC -> 11, 0, 0, "v37p02a1" 547- 0x000445B8 -> 11, 0, 1, "v37p02a1" 548- 0x000445C4 -> 11, 0, 0, "g01p09a1" 549- 0x000445D0 -> 11, 0, 0, "g01p10a1" 550- 0x000445DC -> 11, 0, 0, "s13p02a3" 551- 0x000445E8 -> 11, 0, 0, "d63p41a1" 552- 0x000445F4 -> 11, 0, 0, "d63p41a2" 553- 0x00044600 -> 11, 0, 0, "d28p34a3" 554- 0x0004460C -> 11, 0, 0, "d30p33a5" ============================================================ Special List Table ============================================================ Index Offset Id Unk2 Symbol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0- 0x000405E8 -> 0, 4, "END_TALK" 1- 0x000405F0 -> 1, 4, "WAIT_START_FUNC" 2- 0x000405F8 -> 2, 4, "NORMAL_WAIT_END_TALK" 3- 0x00040600 -> 3, 4, "LIVES_REPLY_NORMAL" 4- 0x00040608 -> 4, 4, "LIVES_REPLY" 5- 0x00040610 -> 5, 4, "OBJECT_REPLY_NORMAL" 6- 0x00040618 -> 6, 4, "LIVES_ACTING_NORMAL" 7- 0x00040620 -> 7, 4, "ENTER_WAIT_FUNC" 8- 0x00040628 -> 8, 4, "TALK_UNIT" 9- 0x00040630 -> 9, 4, "TALK_ADVENTURE" 10- 0x00040638 -> 10, 4, "TALK_ATTENDANT" 11- 0x00040640 -> 11, 4, "TALK_PARTNER_MESSAGE" 12- 0x00040648 -> 12, 5, "LIVES_MOVE_NORMAL" 13- 0x00040650 -> 13, 5, "LIVES_MOVE_CHANGE" 14- 0x00040658 -> 14, 5, "LIVES_MOVE_PARTY" 15- 0x00040660 -> 15, 5, "OBJECT_MOVE_NORMAL" 16- 0x00040668 -> 16, 5, "OBJECT_MOVE_CHANGE" 17- 0x00040670 -> 17, 5, "PERFORMER_MOVE_NORMAL" 18- 0x00040678 -> 18, 5, "PERFORMER_MOVE_CHANGE" 19- 0x00040680 -> 19, 5, "MOVE_INIT" 20- 0x00040688 -> 20, 5, "MOVE_PAUSE" 21- 0x00040690 -> 21, 5, "MOVE_STAY" 22- 0x00040698 -> 22, 5, "MOVE_SLEEP" 23- 0x000406A0 -> 23, 5, "MOVE_RANDOM" 24- 0x000406A8 -> 24, 5, "MOVE_TYPE1" 25- 0x000406B0 -> 25, 5, "MOVE_TYPE2" 26- 0x000406B8 -> 26, 9, "WAKEUP_FUNC" 27- 0x000406C0 -> 27, 9, "WAKEUP_FUNC_SERIES" 28- 0x000406C8 -> 28, 9, "LOOK_AROUND_FUNC" 29- 0x000406D0 -> 29, 9, "LOOK_AROUND_FUNC_SERIES" 30- 0x000406D8 -> 30, 9, "LOOK_AROUND_DOWN_FUNC" 31- 0x000406E0 -> 31, 9, "LOOK_AROUND_DOWN_FUNC_SERIES" 32- 0x000406E8 -> 32, 9, "LOOK_AROUND_RIGHT_FUNC" 33- 0x000406F0 -> 33, 9, "LOOK_AROUND_RIGHT_FUNC_SERIES" 34- 0x000406F8 -> 34, 9, "LOOK_AROUND_LEFT_FUNC" 35- 0x00040700 -> 35, 9, "LOOK_AROUND_LEFT_FUNC_SERIES" 36- 0x00040708 -> 36, 9, "JUMP_HAPPY_FUNC" 37- 0x00040710 -> 37, 9, "JUMP_HAPPY_FUNC_SERIES" 38- 0x00040718 -> 38, 9, "JUMP_SURPRISE_FUNC" 39- 0x00040720 -> 39, 9, "JUMP_SURPRISE_FUNC_SERIES" 40- 0x00040728 -> 40, 9, "JUMP_ANGRY_FUNC" 41- 0x00040730 -> 41, 9, "JUMP_ANGRY_FUNC_SERIES" 42- 0x00040738 -> 42, 9, "LOOK_AROUND_FAST_FUNC" 43- 0x00040740 -> 43, 9, "LOOK_AROUND_FAST_FUNC_SERIES" 44- 0x00040748 -> 44, 9, "HEAD_SHAKE_FUNC" 45- 0x00040750 -> 45, 9, "HEAD_SHAKE_FUNC_SERIES" 46- 0x00040758 -> 46, 9, "EXPLANATION_FUNC" 47- 0x00040760 -> 47, 9, "EXPLANATION_FUNC_SERIES" 48- 0x00040768 -> 48, 8, "INIT_SLEEP_FUNC" 49- 0x00040770 -> 49, 8, "INIT_SLEEP_FUNC_SERIES" 50- 0x00040778 -> 50, 8, "INIT_BASE_FUNC" 51- 0x00040780 -> 51, 8, "INIT_BASE_FUNC_SERIES" 52- 0x00040788 -> 52, 7, "HANYOU_SAVE_FUNC" 53- 0x00040790 -> 53, 7, "NORMAL_MESSAGE" 54- 0x00040798 -> 54, 7, "NORMAL_EVENT" 55- 0x000407A0 -> 55, 7, "NORMAL_CAMERA" 56- 0x000407A8 -> 56, 7, "EVENT_FORMATION" 57- 0x000407B0 -> 57, 7, "EVENT_EVOLUTION" 58- 0x000407B8 -> 58, 9, "EFFECT_MOVE_DIVE" 59- 0x000407C0 -> 59, 9, "EFFECT_MOVE_WAVE" 60- 0x000407C8 -> 60, 7, "EVENT_DIVIDE" 61- 0x000407D0 -> 61, 7, "EVENT_DIVIDE_NEXT" 62- 0x000407D8 -> 62, 7, "EVENT_DIVIDE_INIT_FUNC" 63- 0x000407E0 -> 63, 7, "EVENT_DIVIDE_NEXT_DAY_FUNC" 64- 0x000407E8 -> 64, 7, "EVENT_DIVIDE_NEXT_DAY2_FUNC" 65- 0x000407F0 -> 65, 7, "EVENT_DIVIDE_FIRST" 66- 0x000407F8 -> 66, 7, "EVENT_DIVIDE_SECOND" 67- 0x00040800 -> 67, 7, "EVENT_DIVIDE_AFTER" 68- 0x00040808 -> 68, 7, "EVENT_DIVIDE_RESUME" 69- 0x00040810 -> 69, 7, "EVENT_DIVIDE_SPECIAL_EPISODE" 70- 0x00040818 -> 70, 7, "DEBUG_SCRIPT" 71- 0x00040820 -> 71, 7, "DEBUG_SCENE" 72- 0x00040828 -> 72, 7, "DEMO_CANCEL" 73- 0x00040830 -> 73, 7, "DEBUG_FLAG_SETTING_BIPPA" 74- 0x00040838 -> 74, 7, "DEBUG_FLAG_SETTING_PUPURIN" 75- 0x00040840 -> 75, 7, "DEBUG_FLAG_SETTING_FUTURE" 76- 0x00040848 -> 76, 7, "DEBUG_FLAG_SETTING_CHARMS" 77- 0x00040850 -> 77, 7, "DEBUG_FLAG_SETTING_KIMAWARI" 78- 0x00040858 -> 78, 10, "DEMO_01" 79- 0x00040860 -> 79, 10, "DEMO_02" 80- 0x00040868 -> 80, 10, "DEMO_03" 81- 0x00040870 -> 81, 10, "DEMO_04" 82- 0x00040878 -> 82, 10, "DEMO_05" 83- 0x00040880 -> 83, 10, "DEMO_06" 84- 0x00040888 -> 84, 10, "EVENT_M00A_01" 85- 0x00040890 -> 85, 10, "EVENT_HA_YU_KI" 86- 0x00040898 -> 86, 10, "EVENT_HA_YU_KI_DO" 87- 0x000408A0 -> 87, 10, "EVENT_HA_YU_SHU" 88- 0x000408A8 -> 88, 10, "EVENT_HA_YU_SHU_DO" 89- 0x000408B0 -> 89, 10, "EVENT_HA_CHO" 90- 0x000408B8 -> 90, 10, "EVENT_HA_CHO_DO" 91- 0x000408C0 -> 91, 10, "EVENT_HA_KI" 92- 0x000408C8 -> 92, 10, "EVENT_HA_YU_KIX" 93- 0x000408D0 -> 93, 10, "EVENT_HA_YU_KI_DOX" 94- 0x000408D8 -> 94, 10, "EVENT_HA_YU_SHUX" 95- 0x000408E0 -> 95, 10, "EVENT_HA_YU_SHU_DOX" 96- 0x000408E8 -> 96, 10, "EVENT_HA_SAME" 97- 0x000408F0 -> 97, 10, "HA_MIHARIBAN" 98- 0x000408F8 -> 98, 10, "EVENT_HA_SAMEX" 99- 0x00040900 -> 99, 10, "EVENT_M00_01" 100- 0x00040908 -> 100, 10, "EVENT_M00_02" 101- 0x00040910 -> 101, 10, "EVENT_M00_03" 102- 0x00040918 -> 102, 10, "EVENT_M00_04" 103- 0x00040920 -> 103, 10, "EVENT_M00_05" 104- 0x00040928 -> 104, 10, "EVENT_M00_06" 105- 0x00040930 -> 105, 10, "EVENT_M00_07" 106- 0x00040938 -> 106, 10, "EVENT_M00_08" 107- 0x00040940 -> 107, 10, "EVENT_M00_09" 108- 0x00040948 -> 108, 10, "EVENT_M00_12" 109- 0x00040950 -> 109, 10, "EVENT_M00_13" 110- 0x00040958 -> 110, 10, "EVENT_M00_14" 111- 0x00040960 -> 111, 10, "EVENT_M01_01_02" 112- 0x00040968 -> 112, 10, "EVENT_M01_03" 113- 0x00040970 -> 113, 10, "EVENT_M01_04" 114- 0x00040978 -> 114, 10, "EVENT_M01_05" 115- 0x00040980 -> 115, 10, "EVENT_M01_06" 116- 0x00040988 -> 116, 10, "EVENT_M01_07_08" 117- 0x00040990 -> 117, 10, "EVENT_M02_01_02" 118- 0x00040998 -> 118, 10, "EVENT_M02_03_04" 119- 0x000409A0 -> 119, 10, "EVENT_M02_05_07A" 120- 0x000409A8 -> 120, 10, "EVENT_M02_07B" 121- 0x000409B0 -> 121, 10, "EVENT_M02_09_10" 122- 0x000409B8 -> 122, 10, "EVENT_M03_01B" 123- 0x000409C0 -> 123, 10, "EVENT_M03_02" 124- 0x000409C8 -> 124, 10, "EVENT_M03_03" 125- 0x000409D0 -> 125, 10, "EVENT_M03_04" 126- 0x000409D8 -> 126, 10, "EVENT_M03_05_06" 127- 0x000409E0 -> 127, 10, "EVENT_M03_07A" 128- 0x000409E8 -> 128, 10, "EVENT_M03_07B" 129- 0x000409F0 -> 129, 10, "EVENT_M03_08" 130- 0x000409F8 -> 130, 10, "EVENT_M03_10_13" 131- 0x00040A00 -> 131, 10, "EVENT_M04_01" 132- 0x00040A08 -> 132, 10, "EVENT_M04_02_03" 133- 0x00040A10 -> 133, 10, "EVENT_M05_01_02" 134- 0x00040A18 -> 134, 10, "EVENT_M05_03" 135- 0x00040A20 -> 135, 10, "EVENT_M05_04" 136- 0x00040A28 -> 136, 10, "EVENT_M05_05" 137- 0x00040A30 -> 137, 10, "EVENT_M05_06_09" 138- 0x00040A38 -> 138, 10, "EVENT_M06_01" 139- 0x00040A40 -> 139, 10, "EVENT_M06_02" 140- 0x00040A48 -> 140, 10, "EVENT_M06_03" 141- 0x00040A50 -> 141, 10, "EVENT_M06_04" 142- 0x00040A58 -> 142, 10, "EVENT_M06_05" 143- 0x00040A60 -> 143, 10, "EVENT_M07_01_02" 144- 0x00040A68 -> 144, 10, "EVENT_M07_03" 145- 0x00040A70 -> 145, 10, "EVENT_M07_04" 146- 0x00040A78 -> 146, 10, "EVENT_M07_05" 147- 0x00040A80 -> 147, 10, "EVENT_M07_06" 148- 0x00040A88 -> 148, 10, "EVENT_M07_07_12" 149- 0x00040A90 -> 149, 10, "EVENT_M07_13" 150- 0x00040A98 -> 150, 10, "EVENT_M07_14" 151- 0x00040AA0 -> 151, 10, "EVENT_M08_01_02" 152- 0x00040AA8 -> 152, 10, "EVENT_M08_03" 153- 0x00040AB0 -> 153, 10, "EVENT_M08_04" 154- 0x00040AB8 -> 154, 10, "EVENT_M08_05_06" 155- 0x00040AC0 -> 155, 10, "EVENT_M08_07" 156- 0x00040AC8 -> 156, 10, "EVENT_M08_08" 157- 0x00040AD0 -> 157, 10, "EVENT_M08_09" 158- 0x00040AD8 -> 158, 10, "EVENT_M08_10" 159- 0x00040AE0 -> 159, 10, "EVENT_M08_11" 160- 0x00040AE8 -> 160, 10, "EVENT_M08_12" 161- 0x00040AF0 -> 161, 10, "EVENT_M08_13" 162- 0x00040AF8 -> 162, 10, "EVENT_M09_01" 163- 0x00040B00 -> 163, 10, "EVENT_M09_02" 164- 0x00040B08 -> 164, 10, "EVENT_M09_03" 165- 0x00040B10 -> 165, 10, "EVENT_M09_04" 166- 0x00040B18 -> 166, 10, "EVENT_M09_05" 167- 0x00040B20 -> 167, 10, "EVENT_M09_06_07" 168- 0x00040B28 -> 168, 10, "EVENT_M10_01" 169- 0x00040B30 -> 169, 10, "EVENT_M10_02" 170- 0x00040B38 -> 170, 10, "EVENT_M10_03" 171- 0x00040B40 -> 171, 10, "EVENT_M10_04" 172- 0x00040B48 -> 172, 10, "EVENT_M10_05" 173- 0x00040B50 -> 173, 10, "EVENT_M10_06" 174- 0x00040B58 -> 174, 10, "EVENT_M10_07" 175- 0x00040B60 -> 175, 10, "EVENT_M10_08" 176- 0x00040B68 -> 176, 10, "EVENT_M10_09" 177- 0x00040B70 -> 177, 10, "EVENT_M10_10" 178- 0x00040B78 -> 178, 10, "EVENT_M10_11_12" 179- 0x00040B80 -> 179, 10, "EVENT_M11_01" 180- 0x00040B88 -> 180, 10, "EVENT_M11_02" 181- 0x00040B90 -> 181, 10, "EVENT_M11_03" 182- 0x00040B98 -> 182, 10, "EVENT_M11_04" 183- 0x00040BA0 -> 183, 10, "EVENT_M11_05" 184- 0x00040BA8 -> 184, 10, "EVENT_M11_06_07" 185- 0x00040BB0 -> 185, 10, "EVENT_M12_01" 186- 0x00040BB8 -> 186, 10, "EVENT_M12_02" 187- 0x00040BC0 -> 187, 10, "EVENT_M12_03A" 188- 0x00040BC8 -> 188, 10, "EVENT_M12_03B" 189- 0x00040BD0 -> 189, 10, "EVENT_M12_04" 190- 0x00040BD8 -> 190, 10, "EVENT_M12_05" 191- 0x00040BE0 -> 191, 10, "EVENT_M12_06" 192- 0x00040BE8 -> 192, 10, "EVENT_M12_07" 193- 0x00040BF0 -> 193, 10, "EVENT_M12_08" 194- 0x00040BF8 -> 194, 10, "EVENT_M12_09" 195- 0x00040C00 -> 195, 10, "EVENT_M12_10_12" 196- 0x00040C08 -> 196, 10, "EVENT_M13_01" 197- 0x00040C10 -> 197, 10, "EVENT_M13_02" 198- 0x00040C18 -> 198, 10, "EVENT_M13_03" 199- 0x00040C20 -> 199, 10, "EVENT_M13_04" 200- 0x00040C28 -> 200, 10, "EVENT_M13_05A" 201- 0x00040C30 -> 201, 10, "EVENT_M13_05B" 202- 0x00040C38 -> 202, 10, "EVENT_M13_06" 203- 0x00040C40 -> 203, 10, "EVENT_M13_07" 204- 0x00040C48 -> 204, 10, "EVENT_M13_08" 205- 0x00040C50 -> 205, 10, "EVENT_M13_09" 206- 0x00040C58 -> 206, 10, "EVENT_M14_01" 207- 0x00040C60 -> 207, 10, "EVENT_M14_02A" 208- 0x00040C68 -> 208, 10, "EVENT_M14_02B" 209- 0x00040C70 -> 209, 10, "EVENT_M14_03" 210- 0x00040C78 -> 210, 10, "EVENT_M14_04" 211- 0x00040C80 -> 211, 10, "EVENT_M14_05" 212- 0x00040C88 -> 212, 10, "EVENT_M14_06" 213- 0x00040C90 -> 213, 10, "EVENT_M14_07" 214- 0x00040C98 -> 214, 10, "EVENT_M14_08_09" 215- 0x00040CA0 -> 215, 10, "EVENT_M15_01" 216- 0x00040CA8 -> 216, 10, "EVENT_M15_02" 217- 0x00040CB0 -> 217, 10, "EVENT_M15_03" 218- 0x00040CB8 -> 218, 10, "EVENT_M15_04" 219- 0x00040CC0 -> 219, 10, "EVENT_M15_05" 220- 0x00040CC8 -> 220, 10, "EVENT_M15_06" 221- 0x00040CD0 -> 221, 10, "EVENT_M15_07" 222- 0x00040CD8 -> 222, 10, "EVENT_M15_08" 223- 0x00040CE0 -> 223, 10, "EVENT_M15_09" 224- 0x00040CE8 -> 224, 10, "EVENT_M15_10_12" 225- 0x00040CF0 -> 225, 10, "EVENT_M16_01" 226- 0x00040CF8 -> 226, 10, "EVENT_M16_02" 227- 0x00040D00 -> 227, 10, "EVENT_M16_03" 228- 0x00040D08 -> 228, 10, "EVENT_M16_04" 229- 0x00040D10 -> 229, 10, "EVENT_M16_05" 230- 0x00040D18 -> 230, 10, "EVENT_M16_06_07" 231- 0x00040D20 -> 231, 10, "EVENT_M17_01" 232- 0x00040D28 -> 232, 10, "EVENT_M17_02" 233- 0x00040D30 -> 233, 10, "EVENT_M17_03_05" 234- 0x00040D38 -> 234, 10, "EVENT_M17_06" 235- 0x00040D40 -> 235, 10, "EVENT_M17_07" 236- 0x00040D48 -> 236, 10, "EVENT_M18_01" 237- 0x00040D50 -> 237, 10, "EVENT_M18_02" 238- 0x00040D58 -> 238, 10, "EVENT_M18_03" 239- 0x00040D60 -> 239, 10, "EVENT_M18_04_05" 240- 0x00040D68 -> 240, 10, "EVENT_M18_06" 241- 0x00040D70 -> 241, 10, "EVENT_M18_07" 242- 0x00040D78 -> 242, 10, "EVENT_M18_08" 243- 0x00040D80 -> 243, 10, "EVENT_M18_09" 244- 0x00040D88 -> 244, 10, "EVENT_M18_10" 245- 0x00040D90 -> 245, 10, "EVENT_M18_11" 246- 0x00040D98 -> 246, 10, "EVENT_M18_12" 247- 0x00040DA0 -> 247, 10, "EVENT_M18_13_14" 248- 0x00040DA8 -> 248, 10, "EVENT_M19_01_02" 249- 0x00040DB0 -> 249, 10, "EVENT_M19_03" 250- 0x00040DB8 -> 250, 10, "EVENT_M19_04" 251- 0x00040DC0 -> 251, 10, "EVENT_M19_05" 252- 0x00040DC8 -> 252, 10, "EVENT_M19_06_07" 253- 0x00040DD0 -> 253, 10, "EVENT_M19_08" 254- 0x00040DD8 -> 254, 10, "EVENT_M19_09" 255- 0x00040DE0 -> 255, 10, "EVENT_M19_10" 256- 0x00040DE8 -> 256, 10, "EVENT_M20_01_04" 257- 0x00040DF0 -> 257, 10, "EVENT_M20_05" 258- 0x00040DF8 -> 258, 10, "EVENT_M20_06" 259- 0x00040E00 -> 259, 10, "EVENT_M20_07_09" 260- 0x00040E08 -> 260, 10, "EVENT_M21_01_03" 261- 0x00040E10 -> 261, 10, "EVENT_M21_04" 262- 0x00040E18 -> 262, 10, "EVENT_M21_05" 263- 0x00040E20 -> 263, 10, "EVENT_M21_06" 264- 0x00040E28 -> 264, 10, "EVENT_M22_01_02" 265- 0x00040E30 -> 265, 10, "EVENT_M22_03" 266- 0x00040E38 -> 266, 10, "EVENT_M22_04" 267- 0x00040E40 -> 267, 10, "EVENT_M22_05" 268- 0x00040E48 -> 268, 10, "EVENT_M22_06" 269- 0x00040E50 -> 269, 10, "EVENT_M22_07" 270- 0x00040E58 -> 270, 10, "EVENT_M22_08" 271- 0x00040E60 -> 271, 10, "EVENT_M22_09_10" 272- 0x00040E68 -> 272, 10, "EVENT_M22_11" 273- 0x00040E70 -> 273, 10, "EVENT_M23_01_02" 274- 0x00040E78 -> 274, 10, "EVENT_M23_03" 275- 0x00040E80 -> 275, 10, "EVENT_M23_04A" 276- 0x00040E88 -> 276, 10, "EVENT_M23_04B" 277- 0x00040E90 -> 277, 10, "EVENT_M23_05" 278- 0x00040E98 -> 278, 10, "EVENT_M23_06" 279- 0x00040EA0 -> 279, 10, "EVENT_M23_07" 280- 0x00040EA8 -> 280, 10, "EVENT_M23_08" 281- 0x00040EB0 -> 281, 10, "EVENT_M23_09_10" 282- 0x00040EB8 -> 282, 10, "EVENT_M24_01_03" 283- 0x00040EC0 -> 283, 10, "EVENT_M24_04" 284- 0x00040EC8 -> 284, 10, "EVENT_M24_05" 285- 0x00040ED0 -> 285, 10, "EVENT_M24_06" 286- 0x00040ED8 -> 286, 10, "EVENT_M24_07" 287- 0x00040EE0 -> 287, 10, "EVENT_M24_08" 288- 0x00040EE8 -> 288, 10, "EVENT_M24_09" 289- 0x00040EF0 -> 289, 10, "EVENT_M24_10" 290- 0x00040EF8 -> 290, 10, "EVENT_M24_11" 291- 0x00040F00 -> 291, 10, "EVENT_M25_01_05" 292- 0x00040F08 -> 292, 10, "EVENT_M25_06" 293- 0x00040F10 -> 293, 10, "EVENT_M25_07" 294- 0x00040F18 -> 294, 10, "EVENT_M25_08" 295- 0x00040F20 -> 295, 10, "EVENT_M25_09" 296- 0x00040F28 -> 296, 10, "EVENT_M25_10" 297- 0x00040F30 -> 297, 10, "EVENT_M25_11" 298- 0x00040F38 -> 298, 10, "EVENT_M25_12" 299- 0x00040F40 -> 299, 10, "EVENT_M26_01_08" 300- 0x00040F48 -> 300, 10, "EVENT_S01_01" 301- 0x00040F50 -> 301, 10, "EVENT_S01_02" 302- 0x00040F58 -> 302, 10, "EVENT_S01_03" 303- 0x00040F60 -> 303, 10, "EVENT_S01_04" 304- 0x00040F68 -> 304, 10, "EVENT_S01_05" 305- 0x00040F70 -> 305, 10, "EVENT_S01_06" 306- 0x00040F78 -> 306, 10, "EVENT_S01_07" 307- 0x00040F80 -> 307, 10, "EVENT_S01_08" 308- 0x00040F88 -> 308, 10, "EVENT_S01_09_10" 309- 0x00040F90 -> 309, 10, "EVENT_S01_12" 310- 0x00040F98 -> 310, 10, "EVENT_S02_01" 311- 0x00040FA0 -> 311, 10, "EVENT_S02_02" 312- 0x00040FA8 -> 312, 10, "EVENT_S02_03" 313- 0x00040FB0 -> 313, 10, "EVENT_S02_04" 314- 0x00040FB8 -> 314, 10, "EVENT_S02_05" 315- 0x00040FC0 -> 315, 10, "EVENT_S02_06" 316- 0x00040FC8 -> 316, 10, "EVENT_S02_07" 317- 0x00040FD0 -> 317, 10, "EVENT_S02_08" 318- 0x00040FD8 -> 318, 10, "EVENT_S02_09" 319- 0x00040FE0 -> 319, 10, "EVENT_S02_10" 320- 0x00040FE8 -> 320, 10, "EVENT_S03_01" 321- 0x00040FF0 -> 321, 10, "EVENT_S03_02" 322- 0x00040FF8 -> 322, 10, "EVENT_S03_03" 323- 0x00041000 -> 323, 10, "EVENT_S03_04" 324- 0x00041008 -> 324, 10, "EVENT_S03_05" 325- 0x00041010 -> 325, 10, "EVENT_S03_06" 326- 0x00041018 -> 326, 10, "EVENT_S03_07" 327- 0x00041020 -> 327, 10, "EVENT_S03_08" 328- 0x00041028 -> 328, 10, "EVENT_S03_09" 329- 0x00041030 -> 329, 10, "EVENT_S03_10" 330- 0x00041038 -> 330, 10, "EVENT_S03_11" 331- 0x00041040 -> 331, 10, "EVENT_S03_12" 332- 0x00041048 -> 332, 10, "EVENT_S03_13" 333- 0x00041050 -> 333, 10, "EVENT_S03_14" 334- 0x00041058 -> 334, 10, "EVENT_S03_15" 335- 0x00041060 -> 335, 10, "EVENT_S03_16" 336- 0x00041068 -> 336, 10, "EVENT_S03_17_20" 337- 0x00041070 -> 337, 10, "EVENT_S03_18" 338- 0x00041078 -> 338, 10, "EVENT_S03_19" 339- 0x00041080 -> 339, 10, "EVENT_S04_01" 340- 0x00041088 -> 340, 10, "EVENT_S04_02" 341- 0x00041090 -> 341, 10, "EVENT_S04_03" 342- 0x00041098 -> 342, 10, "EVENT_S04_04" 343- 0x000410A0 -> 343, 10, "EVENT_S04_05" 344- 0x000410A8 -> 344, 10, "EVENT_S04_06_07" 345- 0x000410B0 -> 345, 10, "EVENT_S04_08" 346- 0x000410B8 -> 346, 10, "EVENT_S04_09" 347- 0x000410C0 -> 347, 10, "EVENT_S04_10" 348- 0x000410C8 -> 348, 10, "EVENT_S04_11" 349- 0x000410D0 -> 349, 10, "EVENT_S04_12" 350- 0x000410D8 -> 350, 10, "EVENT_S04_13" 351- 0x000410E0 -> 351, 10, "EVENT_S04_14" 352- 0x000410E8 -> 352, 10, "EVENT_S04_15" 353- 0x000410F0 -> 353, 10, "EVENT_S04_16" 354- 0x000410F8 -> 354, 10, "EVENT_S04_17" 355- 0x00041100 -> 355, 10, "EVENT_S04_18" 356- 0x00041108 -> 356, 10, "EVENT_S04_19" 357- 0x00041110 -> 357, 10, "EVENT_S04_20" 358- 0x00041118 -> 358, 10, "EVENT_S04_21" 359- 0x00041120 -> 359, 10, "EVENT_S04_22" 360- 0x00041128 -> 360, 10, "EVENT_S04_23" 361- 0x00041130 -> 361, 10, "EVENT_S04_24" 362- 0x00041138 -> 362, 10, "EVENT_S11_01" 363- 0x00041140 -> 363, 10, "EVENT_S12_01" 364- 0x00041148 -> 364, 10, "EVENT_S12_02" 365- 0x00041150 -> 365, 10, "EVENT_S12_03" 366- 0x00041158 -> 366, 10, "EVENT_S12_04" 367- 0x00041160 -> 367, 10, "EVENT_S12_05" 368- 0x00041168 -> 368, 10, "EVENT_S12_06" 369- 0x00041170 -> 369, 10, "EVENT_S12_07" 370- 0x00041178 -> 370, 10, "EVENT_S12_08" 371- 0x00041180 -> 371, 10, "EVENT_S12_09" 372- 0x00041188 -> 372, 10, "EVENT_S12_10" 373- 0x00041190 -> 373, 10, "EVENT_S12_11" 374- 0x00041198 -> 374, 10, "EVENT_S12_12" 375- 0x000411A0 -> 375, 10, "EVENT_S12_13" 376- 0x000411A8 -> 376, 10, "EVENT_S12_14" 377- 0x000411B0 -> 377, 10, "EVENT_S12_15" 378- 0x000411B8 -> 378, 10, "EVENT_S12_16" 379- 0x000411C0 -> 379, 10, "EVENT_S12_17" 380- 0x000411C8 -> 380, 10, "EVENT_S12_18" 381- 0x000411D0 -> 381, 10, "EVENT_S12_19" 382- 0x000411D8 -> 382, 10, "EVENT_S12_20" 383- 0x000411E0 -> 383, 10, "EVENT_S12_21" 384- 0x000411E8 -> 384, 10, "EVENT_S20_01" 385- 0x000411F0 -> 385, 10, "EVENT_S20_02" 386- 0x000411F8 -> 386, 10, "EVENT_S20_03" 387- 0x00041200 -> 387, 10, "EVENT_S20_04_05" 388- 0x00041208 -> 388, 10, "EVENT_S20_06" 389- 0x00041210 -> 389, 10, "EVENT_S20_07_08" 390- 0x00041218 -> 390, 10, "EVENT_S20_09" 391- 0x00041220 -> 391, 10, "EVENT_S20_10" 392- 0x00041228 -> 392, 10, "EVENT_S20_11" 393- 0x00041230 -> 393, 10, "EVENT_S21_01" 394- 0x00041238 -> 394, 10, "EVENT_S21_02" 395- 0x00041240 -> 395, 10, "EVENT_S21_03" 396- 0x00041248 -> 396, 10, "EVENT_S21_04_06" 397- 0x00041250 -> 397, 10, "EVENT_S21_07" 398- 0x00041258 -> 398, 10, "EVENT_S21_08" 399- 0x00041260 -> 399, 10, "EVENT_S21_09" 400- 0x00041268 -> 400, 10, "EVENT_S21_10" 401- 0x00041270 -> 401, 10, "EVENT_S21_11" 402- 0x00041278 -> 402, 10, "EVENT_S21_12" 403- 0x00041280 -> 403, 10, "EVENT_S21_13" 404- 0x00041288 -> 404, 10, "EVENT_S22_01_04" 405- 0x00041290 -> 405, 10, "EVENT_S22_05" 406- 0x00041298 -> 406, 10, "EVENT_S22_06" 407- 0x000412A0 -> 407, 10, "EVENT_S22_07" 408- 0x000412A8 -> 408, 10, "EVENT_S22_08" 409- 0x000412B0 -> 409, 10, "EVENT_S22_09" 410- 0x000412B8 -> 410, 10, "EVENT_S22_10" 411- 0x000412C0 -> 411, 10, "EVENT_S22_11" 412- 0x000412C8 -> 412, 10, "EVENT_S22_12" 413- 0x000412D0 -> 413, 10, "EVENT_S22_13" 414- 0x000412D8 -> 414, 10, "EVENT_S22_14_15" 415- 0x000412E0 -> 415, 10, "EVENT_S23_01" 416- 0x000412E8 -> 416, 10, "EVENT_S30_01" 417- 0x000412F0 -> 417, 10, "EVENT_S30_02" 418- 0x000412F8 -> 418, 10, "EVENT_S30_03" 419- 0x00041300 -> 419, 10, "EVENT_S30_04" 420- 0x00041308 -> 420, 10, "EVENT_S30_05" 421- 0x00041310 -> 421, 10, "EVENT_S30_06" 422- 0x00041318 -> 422, 10, "EVENT_S30_07" 423- 0x00041320 -> 423, 10, "EVENT_S31_01" 424- 0x00041328 -> 424, 10, "EVENT_S31_02" 425- 0x00041330 -> 425, 10, "EVENT_S31_03" 426- 0x00041338 -> 426, 10, "EVENT_S31_04" 427- 0x00041340 -> 427, 10, "EVENT_S31_05" 428- 0x00041348 -> 428, 10, "EVENT_S31_06" 429- 0x00041350 -> 429, 10, "EVENT_S31_07" 430- 0x00041358 -> 430, 10, "EVENT_S31_08" 431- 0x00041360 -> 431, 10, "EVENT_S31_09" 432- 0x00041368 -> 432, 10, "EVENT_S31_10" 433- 0x00041370 -> 433, 10, "EVENT_S31_11" 434- 0x00041378 -> 434, 10, "EVENT_S31_12" 435- 0x00041380 -> 435, 10, "EVENT_S31_13" 436- 0x00041388 -> 436, 10, "EVENT_S31_14" 437- 0x00041390 -> 437, 10, "EVENT_S31_15" 438- 0x00041398 -> 438, 10, "EVENT_S31_16" 439- 0x000413A0 -> 439, 10, "EVENT_S31_17" 440- 0x000413A8 -> 440, 10, "EVENT_S31_18" 441- 0x000413B0 -> 441, 10, "EVENT_S31_19" 442- 0x000413B8 -> 442, 10, "EVENT_S31_20" 443- 0x000413C0 -> 443, 10, "EVENT_S31_21" 444- 0x000413C8 -> 444, 10, "EVENT_S31_22" 445- 0x000413D0 -> 445, 10, "EVENT_S31_23" 446- 0x000413D8 -> 446, 10, "EVENT_S31_24" 447- 0x000413E0 -> 447, 10, "EVENT_S31_25" 448- 0x000413E8 -> 448, 10, "EVENT_S31_26" 449- 0x000413F0 -> 449, 10, "EVENT_S31_27" 450- 0x000413F8 -> 450, 10, "EVENT_S31_28" 451- 0x00041400 -> 451, 10, "EVENT_S31_29" 452- 0x00041408 -> 452, 10, "EVENT_S31_30" 453- 0x00041410 -> 453, 10, "EVENT_S31_31" 454- 0x00041418 -> 454, 10, "EVENT_S31_32" 455- 0x00041420 -> 455, 10, "EVENT_S31_33" 456- 0x00041428 -> 456, 10, "EVENT_S31_34" 457- 0x00041430 -> 457, 10, "EVENT_S31_35" 458- 0x00041438 -> 458, 10, "EVENT_S31_36" 459- 0x00041440 -> 459, 10, "EVENT_S31_37" 460- 0x00041448 -> 460, 10, "EVENT_S31_38" 461- 0x00041450 -> 461, 10, "EVENT_S31_39" 462- 0x00041458 -> 462, 10, "EVENT_S31_40" 463- 0x00041460 -> 463, 10, "EVENT_S32_01" 464- 0x00041468 -> 464, 10, "EVENT_S32_02" 465- 0x00041470 -> 465, 10, "EVENT_S32_03" 466- 0x00041478 -> 466, 10, "EVENT_S32_04" 467- 0x00041480 -> 467, 10, "EVENT_N00_01" 468- 0x00041488 -> 468, 10, "EVENT_N01_01" 469- 0x00041490 -> 469, 10, "EVENT_N01_02" 470- 0x00041498 -> 470, 10, "EVENT_N01_03" 471- 0x000414A0 -> 471, 10, "EVENT_N01_04" 472- 0x000414A8 -> 472, 10, "EVENT_N01_05_07" 473- 0x000414B0 -> 473, 10, "EVENT_N01_08" 474- 0x000414B8 -> 474, 10, "EVENT_N01_09" 475- 0x000414C0 -> 475, 10, "EVENT_N01_10YARARETA" 476- 0x000414C8 -> 476, 10, "EVENT_N01_10CHOUREI" 477- 0x000414D0 -> 477, 10, "EVENT_N01_14" 478- 0x000414D8 -> 478, 10, "EVENT_N01_15" 479- 0x000414E0 -> 479, 10, "EVENT_N01_16" 480- 0x000414E8 -> 480, 10, "EVENT_N01_17" 481- 0x000414F0 -> 481, 10, "EVENT_N01_18" 482- 0x000414F8 -> 482, 10, "EVENT_N01_19" 483- 0x00041500 -> 483, 10, "EVENT_N01_19_2" 484- 0x00041508 -> 484, 10, "EVENT_N01_20" 485- 0x00041510 -> 485, 10, "EVENT_N01_21" 486- 0x00041518 -> 486, 10, "EVENT_N01_22" 487- 0x00041520 -> 487, 10, "EVENT_N01_23" 488- 0x00041528 -> 488, 10, "EVENT_N01_24" 489- 0x00041530 -> 489, 10, "EVENT_N01_25" 490- 0x00041538 -> 490, 10, "EVENT_N01_27" 491- 0x00041540 -> 491, 10, "EVENT_N01_28" 492- 0x00041548 -> 492, 10, "EVENT_N01_30" 493- 0x00041550 -> 493, 10, "EVENT_N01_31" 494- 0x00041558 -> 494, 10, "EVENT_N02_01" 495- 0x00041560 -> 495, 10, "EVENT_N02_02" 496- 0x00041568 -> 496, 10, "EVENT_N02_03" 497- 0x00041570 -> 497, 10, "EVENT_N02_04" 498- 0x00041578 -> 498, 10, "EVENT_N02_05" 499- 0x00041580 -> 499, 10, "EVENT_N02_06_07" 500- 0x00041588 -> 500, 10, "EVENT_N02_08" 501- 0x00041590 -> 501, 10, "EVENT_N02_09_10" 502- 0x00041598 -> 502, 10, "EVENT_N03_01" 503- 0x000415A0 -> 503, 10, "EVENT_N03_02" 504- 0x000415A8 -> 504, 10, "EVENT_N03_03" 505- 0x000415B0 -> 505, 10, "EVENT_N03_04" 506- 0x000415B8 -> 506, 10, "EVENT_N03_05" 507- 0x000415C0 -> 507, 10, "EVENT_N03_06_07" 508- 0x000415C8 -> 508, 10, "EVENT_N03_08" 509- 0x000415D0 -> 509, 10, "EVENT_N03_09" 510- 0x000415D8 -> 510, 10, "EVENT_N03_10" 511- 0x000415E0 -> 511, 10, "EVENT_N03_11" 512- 0x000415E8 -> 512, 10, "EVENT_N03_12" 513- 0x000415F0 -> 513, 10, "EVENT_N03_13" 514- 0x000415F8 -> 514, 10, "EVENT_N03_14" 515- 0x00041600 -> 515, 10, "EVENT_N03_15_16" 516- 0x00041608 -> 516, 10, "EVENT_N03_17" 517- 0x00041610 -> 517, 10, "EVENT_N03_18" 518- 0x00041618 -> 518, 10, "EVENT_N03_19" 519- 0x00041620 -> 519, 10, "EVENT_N04_01" 520- 0x00041628 -> 520, 10, "EVENT_N04_02" 521- 0x00041630 -> 521, 10, "EVENT_N04_03" 522- 0x00041638 -> 522, 10, "EVENT_N04_04" 523- 0x00041640 -> 523, 10, "EVENT_N04_05" 524- 0x00041648 -> 524, 10, "EVENT_N04_06" 525- 0x00041650 -> 525, 10, "EVENT_N04_07" 526- 0x00041658 -> 526, 10, "EVENT_N04_08" 527- 0x00041660 -> 527, 10, "EVENT_N04_09" 528- 0x00041668 -> 528, 10, "EVENT_N04_10" 529- 0x00041670 -> 529, 10, "EVENT_N04_11" 530- 0x00041678 -> 530, 10, "EVENT_N04_12" 531- 0x00041680 -> 531, 10, "EVENT_N04_13" 532- 0x00041688 -> 532, 10, "EVENT_N04_14" 533- 0x00041690 -> 533, 10, "EVENT_N04_15" 534- 0x00041698 -> 534, 10, "EVENT_N04_16" 535- 0x000416A0 -> 535, 10, "EVENT_N04_17" 536- 0x000416A8 -> 536, 10, "EVENT_N04_18" 537- 0x000416B0 -> 537, 10, "EVENT_N04_19" 538- 0x000416B8 -> 538, 10, "EVENT_N04_20" 539- 0x000416C0 -> 539, 10, "EVENT_N04_21" 540- 0x000416C8 -> 540, 10, "EVENT_N04_22" 541- 0x000416D0 -> 541, 10, "EVENT_N04_23" 542- 0x000416D8 -> 542, 10, "EVENT_N04_24" 543- 0x000416E0 -> 543, 10, "EVENT_N04_25" 544- 0x000416E8 -> 544, 10, "EVENT_N04_26" 545- 0x000416F0 -> 545, 10, "EVENT_N06_01_02" 546- 0x000416F8 -> 546, 10, "EVENT_N06_03" 547- 0x00041700 -> 547, 10, "EVENT_N06_04" 548- 0x00041708 -> 548, 10, "EVENT_N06_05_07" 549- 0x00041710 -> 549, 10, "EVENT_N06_08" 550- 0x00041718 -> 550, 10, "EVENT_N06_09" 551- 0x00041720 -> 551, 10, "EVENT_N06_10" 552- 0x00041728 -> 552, 10, "EVENT_N06_11" 553- 0x00041730 -> 553, 10, "EVENT_N06_12" 554- 0x00041738 -> 554, 10, "EVENT_N06_13" 555- 0x00041740 -> 555, 10, "EVENT_N06_14" 556- 0x00041748 -> 556, 10, "EVENT_N06_15" 557- 0x00041750 -> 557, 10, "EVENT_N06_16" 558- 0x00041758 -> 558, 10, "EVENT_N06_17" 559- 0x00041760 -> 559, 10, "EVENT_N06_18_19" 560- 0x00041768 -> 560, 10, "EVENT_N06_20" 561- 0x00041770 -> 561, 10, "EVENT_N06_21" 562- 0x00041778 -> 562, 10, "EVENT_N06_22" 563- 0x00041780 -> 563, 10, "EVENT_N06_23" 564- 0x00041788 -> 564, 10, "EVENT_N06_24" 565- 0x00041790 -> 565, 10, "EVENT_N06_25" 566- 0x00041798 -> 566, 10, "EVENT_N06_26" 567- 0x000417A0 -> 567, 10, "EVENT_N06_27" 568- 0x000417A8 -> 568, 10, "EVENT_N06_28" 569- 0x000417B0 -> 569, 10, "EVENT_N06_29" 570- 0x000417B8 -> 570, 10, "EVENT_N06_30" 571- 0x000417C0 -> 571, 10, "EVENT_N06_31" 572- 0x000417C8 -> 572, 10, "EVENT_N06_32" 573- 0x000417D0 -> 573, 10, "EVENT_N06_33" 574- 0x000417D8 -> 574, 10, "EVENT_N06_34" 575- 0x000417E0 -> 575, 10, "EVENT_N06_35" 576- 0x000417E8 -> 576, 10, "EVENT_N06_36" 577- 0x000417F0 -> 577, 10, "EVENT_N06_37" 578- 0x000417F8 -> 578, 10, "EVENT_N06_38" 579- 0x00041800 -> 579, 10, "EVENT_N06_39" 580- 0x00041808 -> 580, 10, "EVENT_N08_01_02" 581- 0x00041810 -> 581, 10, "EVENT_N08_03" 582- 0x00041818 -> 582, 10, "EVENT_N08_04" 583- 0x00041820 -> 583, 10, "EVENT_N08_05" 584- 0x00041828 -> 584, 10, "EVENT_N08_06" 585- 0x00041830 -> 585, 10, "EVENT_N08_07" 586- 0x00041838 -> 586, 10, "EVENT_N08_08" 587- 0x00041840 -> 587, 10, "EVENT_N08_09" 588- 0x00041848 -> 588, 10, "EVENT_N08_10" 589- 0x00041850 -> 589, 10, "EVENT_N08_11" 590- 0x00041858 -> 590, 10, "EVENT_N08_12" 591- 0x00041860 -> 591, 10, "EVENT_N08_13" 592- 0x00041868 -> 592, 10, "EVENT_N08_14" 593- 0x00041870 -> 593, 10, "EVENT_N08_15" 594- 0x00041878 -> 594, 10, "EVENT_N08_16" 595- 0x00041880 -> 595, 10, "EVENT_N08_17" 596- 0x00041888 -> 596, 10, "EVENT_N08_18" 597- 0x00041890 -> 597, 10, "EVENT_N08_19" 598- 0x00041898 -> 598, 10, "EVENT_N08_20" 599- 0x000418A0 -> 599, 10, "EVENT_N08_21" 600- 0x000418A8 -> 600, 10, "EVENT_N08_22" 601- 0x000418B0 -> 601, 10, "EVENT_N08_23" 602- 0x000418B8 -> 602, 10, "EVENT_N08_24" 603- 0x000418C0 -> 603, 10, "EVENT_N08_25" 604- 0x000418C8 -> 604, 10, "EVENT_N08_26" 605- 0x000418D0 -> 605, 10, "EVENT_N08_27" 606- 0x000418D8 -> 606, 10, "EVENT_N08_28" 607- 0x000418E0 -> 607, 10, "EVENT_N08_29" 608- 0x000418E8 -> 608, 10, "EVENT_N08_30" 609- 0x000418F0 -> 609, 10, "EVENT_N09_01" 610- 0x000418F8 -> 610, 10, "EVENT_N09_02" 611- 0x00041900 -> 611, 10, "EVENT_N09_03" 612- 0x00041908 -> 612, 10, "EVENT_N09_04" 613- 0x00041910 -> 613, 10, "EVENT_N09_05" 614- 0x00041918 -> 614, 10, "EVENT_N09_06" 615- 0x00041920 -> 615, 10, "EVENT_N09_07" 616- 0x00041928 -> 616, 10, "EVENT_N09_08" 617- 0x00041930 -> 617, 10, "EVENT_N09_09" 618- 0x00041938 -> 618, 10, "EVENT_N09_10" 619- 0x00041940 -> 619, 10, "EVENT_N09_11" 620- 0x00041948 -> 620, 10, "EVENT_N09_12" 621- 0x00041950 -> 621, 10, "EVENT_N09_13" 622- 0x00041958 -> 622, 10, "EVENT_N09_14" 623- 0x00041960 -> 623, 10, "EVENT_N09_15" 624- 0x00041968 -> 624, 10, "EVENT_N09_16" 625- 0x00041970 -> 625, 10, "EVENT_N09_17" 626- 0x00041978 -> 626, 10, "EVENT_N09_18" 627- 0x00041980 -> 627, 10, "EVENT_N09_19" 628- 0x00041988 -> 628, 10, "EVENT_N09_20" 629- 0x00041990 -> 629, 10, "EVENT_N09_21" 630- 0x00041998 -> 630, 10, "EVENT_N09_22" 631- 0x000419A0 -> 631, 10, "EVENT_TG01" 632- 0x000419A8 -> 632, 10, "EVENT_TG02" 633- 0x000419B0 -> 633, 10, "EVENT_TG03" 634- 0x000419B8 -> 634, 10, "EVENT_TG04" 635- 0x000419C0 -> 635, 10, "EVENT_TG05" 636- 0x000419C8 -> 636, 10, "EVENT_TG06" 637- 0x000419D0 -> 637, 10, "EVENT_TG07" 638- 0x000419D8 -> 638, 10, "EVENT_TG08" 639- 0x000419E0 -> 639, 10, "EVENT_TG09" 640- 0x000419E8 -> 640, 10, "EVENT_TG10" 641- 0x000419F0 -> 641, 10, "EVENT_TG11" 642- 0x000419F8 -> 642, 10, "EVENT_TG12" 643- 0x00041A00 -> 643, 10, "EVENT_TG13" 644- 0x00041A08 -> 644, 10, "EVENT_TG14" 645- 0x00041A10 -> 645, 10, "EVENT_TG15" 646- 0x00041A18 -> 646, 10, "EVENT_TG16" 647- 0x00041A20 -> 647, 10, "EVENT_TG17" 648- 0x00041A28 -> 648, 10, "EVENT_TG18" 649- 0x00041A30 -> 649, 10, "EVENT_TG19" 650- 0x00041A38 -> 650, 10, "EVENT_TG20" 651- 0x00041A40 -> 651, 10, "EVENT_TG21" 652- 0x00041A48 -> 652, 10, "EVENT_TG22" 653- 0x00041A50 -> 653, 10, "EVENT_TG23" 654- 0x00041A58 -> 654, 10, "EVENT_TG24" 655- 0x00041A60 -> 655, 10, "EVENT_MEND_01" 656- 0x00041A68 -> 656, 10, "EVENT_MEND_02" 657- 0x00041A70 -> 657, 1, "COMMON_ENTER" 658- 0x00041A78 -> 658, 1, "DEBUG_ENTER" 659- 0x00041A80 -> 659, 2, "GETOUT_NORMAL" 660- 0x00041A88 -> 660, 1, "GOTO_SCENARIO_DUNGEON" 661- 0x00041A90 -> 661, 1, "GOTO_REQUEST_DUNGEON" 662- 0x00041A98 -> 662, 1, "GOTO_TRAINING_DUNGEON" 663- 0x00041AA0 -> 663, 1, "GOTO_RESCUE_DUNGEON" 664- 0x00041AA8 -> 664, 1, "GOTO_FREE_DUNGEON" 665- 0x00041AB0 -> 665, 1, "GOTO_DEBUG_DUNGEON" 666- 0x00041AB8 -> 666, 1, "ENTER_SCENARIO_DUNGEON" 667- 0x00041AC0 -> 667, 1, "ENTER_REQUEST_DUNGEON" 668- 0x00041AC8 -> 668, 1, "ENTER_TRAINING_DUNGEON" 669- 0x00041AD0 -> 669, 1, "ENTER_RESCUE_DUNGEON" 670- 0x00041AD8 -> 670, 1, "ENTER_FREE_DUNGEON" 671- 0x00041AE0 -> 671, 1, "ENTER_DEBUG_DUNGEON" 672- 0x00041AE8 -> 672, 2, "GETOUT_SCENARIO_DUNGEON" 673- 0x00041AF0 -> 673, 2, "GETOUT_REQUEST_DUNGEON" 674- 0x00041AF8 -> 674, 2, "GETOUT_REQUEST_RETURN" 675- 0x00041B00 -> 675, 2, "GETOUT_REQUEST_CONQUEST" 676- 0x00041B08 -> 676, 2, "GETOUT_TRAINING_DUNGEON" 677- 0x00041B10 -> 677, 2, "GETOUT_DEBUG_DUNGEON" 678- 0x00041B18 -> 678, 7, "MOVE_WORLD_MAP" 679- 0x00041B20 -> 679, 7, "EVENT_CONTROL" 680- 0x00041B28 -> 680, 7, "EVENT_WAKEUP" 681- 0x00041B30 -> 681, 7, "EVENT_STATION" 682- 0x00041B38 -> 682, 8, "STATION_CONTROL" 683- 0x00041B40 -> 683, 1, "ENTER_CONTROL" 684- 0x00041B48 -> 684, 7, "SETUP_DEBUG_CAMERA" 685- 0x00041B50 -> 685, 5, "MOVE_DEBUG_CAMERA" 686- 0x00041B58 -> 686, 4, "MESSAGE_CLOSE_WAIT_FUNC" 687- 0x00041B60 -> 687, 7, "EVENT_END_MAPIN" 688- 0x00041B68 -> 688, 7, "EVENT_END_FREE" 689- 0x00041B70 -> 689, 7, "EVENT_END_MAPIN_AE" 690- 0x00041B78 -> 690, 7, "EVENT_END_FREE_AE" 691- 0x00041B80 -> 691, 7, "BOSS_WIPE_FUNC" 692- 0x00041B88 -> 692, 7, "FADE_OUT_ALL_BEFORE" 693- 0x00041B90 -> 693, 7, "FADE_OUT_ALL_AFTER" 694- 0x00041B98 -> 694, 7, "SUBSCREEN_INIT" 695- 0x00041BA0 -> 695, 7, "RESCUE_SET" 696- 0x00041BA8 -> 696, 7, "RESCUE_DEBUG" 697- 0x00041BB0 -> 697, 7, "SORANOITADAKI_FLAGSET" 698- 0x00041BB8 -> 698, 10, "TITLE_TEST" 699- 0x00041BC0 -> 699, 10, "BUBBLE_TEST" 700- 0x00041BC8 -> 700, 10, "MAP_TEST" I have some ideas what the tables in overlay_0011 do, but I'm not 100% sure. I think that the one with the lower case event-like names AKA "d57p43a3" is referred to while parsing some script data files. They might just be props under the GROUND directory, or maybe entry indexes in the dungeon.bin pack file. The "Special Table" is possibly save game flags, or maybe specialized in-game engine functions that the script engine can execute externally by referring to those? Anyways, I'll have to run a few passes in the debugger to figure those out. Its going to take a while probably though. But, me and the others are making a lot of new findings on the script engine front. Also, I've been laying the groundwork for working on a full fledged level editor for PMD2! It would run using Qt, so its definitely not yet another console application, but something with a nice user interface for once! I've been planning on doing something this ever since I began working on disassembling this game, and well in the last few months it became clearer in my head how it could work. Now that I know how the script engine is closely tied to levels and sprites, it should make things easier hopefully! And I've also been investigating some ways of dynamically loading some of those lists I dumped above with some code injection/modification. I figured out that some of those lists are referred to in only some functions, and that there are several generic functions that can load and translate SIR0 files to memory and let us access them like simple arrays. It would be fairly simple to load that data from file, so that modders wouldn't be limited by binary/NDS memory size limitations(4mb isn't much). I've also noticed that, the functions in questions load files partially as needed(Possibly file streams?), so there's a chance we could make some pretty big changes to level lists and such. But I shouldn't get too much ahead of myself.. ^^; I'm fairly new to ARM assembly, but I learned a lot, and I think I can manage this with some luck, and if I can find a good assembler for ARM asm. (I might just use the NDK and use the feature to write an asm block as is in the binary..) Plus, if I can dynamically load those lists, it would free up some space to insert some more code instead of the original tables, which should be plenty of space to do this, hopefully! StatsUtil Bugfix Update: Also, I made a fixed version of statsutil, since someone actually let me know something was broken in it on github. SIR0 files were being incorrectly padded because of a brain fart I had while cleaning up the code a bit. So the game couldn't properly read anything since it requires things to be aligned in memory. https://github.com/PsyCommando/ppmdu/releases/tag/ppmd_statsutil_0.22a EDIT: I got the GUI frontend version of statsutil updated as well: https://github.com/PsyCommando/ppmdu_gui_frontends/releases/download/ppmd_statsutil_0.22_gui_0.20/ppmd_statsutil_0_22_gui_0_20.7z
  11. Unity uses C# no? The tool is C++, so it shouldn't be that different syntax wise. Nice! I've been worried the output might have gotten a bit too bloated. That's pretty strange.. I'll have to look into it. Does it writes anything in the log? Its probably a dumb mistake on my end.. Thanks for letting me know though! Well, to randomize starters you need to edit the starters ids inside the arm9.bin, if I'm not mistaken. Swapping pokemon data like that isn't really gonna work too well. Since you're essentially changing all instances of the pokemon you modified. That's not true for unique NPCs though. I could probably add a feature to modify/dump values at specific offsets in the overlays or arm9.bin though. If you want to get better at coding, its never useless to do things like that! And alright.
  12. Also, thanks to NerketurKamachi who found the address of the opcode string table in the overlay_0004.bin, I could make a list for the EoTD opcodes + their nb of parameters: [font=Fixedsys] ============================================================= Script OpCode List for EoT ============================================================= 0x000 - null, 0 0x001 - back_ChangeGround, 1 0x002 - back_SetBackEffect, 1 0x003 - back_SetBackScrollOffset, 2 0x004 - back_SetBackScrollSpeed, 2 0x005 - back_SetBanner, 2 0x006 - back_SetEffect, 2 0x007 - back_SetDungeonBanner, 2 0x008 - back_SetGround, 1 0x009 - back_SetTitleBanner, 2 0x00a - back_SetWeather, 1 0x00b - back_SetWeatherEffect, 1 0x00c - back_SetWeatherScrollOffset, 2 0x00d - back_SetWeatherScrollSpeed, 2 0x00e - back2_SetBackEffect, 1 0x00f - back2_SetBackScrollOffset, 2 0x010 - back2_SetBackScrollSpeed, 2 0x011 - back2_SetData, 2 0x012 - back2_SetEffect, 2 0x013 - back2_SetGround, 1 0x014 - back2_SetMode, 1 0x015 - back2_SetSpecialActing, 3 0x016 - back2_SetWeather, 1 0x017 - back2_SetWeatherEffect, 1 0x018 - back2_SetWeatherScrollOffset, 2 0x019 - back2_SetWeatherScrollSpeed, 2 0x01a - bgm_FadeOut, 1 0x01b - bgm_Play, 1 0x01c - bgm_PlayFadeIn, 3 0x01d - bgm_Stop, 0 0x01e - bgm_ChangeVolume, 2 0x01f - bgm2_FadeOut, 1 0x020 - bgm2_Play, 1 0x021 - bgm2_PlayFadeIn, 3 0x022 - bgm2_Stop, 0 0x023 - bgm2_ChangeVolume, 2 0x024 - Branch, 3 0x025 - BranchBit, 3 0x026 - BranchDebug, 2 0x027 - BranchEdit, 2 0x028 - BranchExecuteSub, 2 0x029 - BranchPerformance, 3 0x02a - BranchScenarioNow, 4 0x02b - BranchScenarioNowAfter, 4 0x02c - BranchScenarioNowBefore, 4 0x02d - BranchScenarioAfter, 4 0x02e - BranchScenarioBefore, 4 0x02f - BranchSum, 4 0x030 - BranchValue, 4 0x031 - BranchVariable, 4 0x032 - BranchVariation, 2 0x033 - Call, 1 0x034 - CallCommon, 1 0x035 - camera_Move2Default, 1 0x036 - camera_Move2MyPosition, 1 0x037 - camera_Move2Myself, 1 0x038 - camera_Move2PositionMark, 5 0x039 - camera_Move3Default, 1 0x03a - camera_Move3MyPosition, 1 0x03b - camera_Move3Myself, 1 0x03c - camera_Move3PositionMark, 5 0x03d - camera_MoveDefault, 1 0x03e - camera_MoveMyPosition, 1 0x03f - camera_MoveMyself, 1 0x040 - camera_MovePositionMark, 5 0x041 - camera_SetDefault, 0 0x042 - camera_SetEffect, 3 0x043 - camera_SetMyPosition, 0 0x044 - camera_SetMyself, 0 0x045 - camera_SetPositionMark, 4 0x046 - camera2_Move2Default, 1 0x047 - camera2_Move2MyPosition, 1 0x048 - camera2_Move2Myself, 1 0x049 - camera2_Move2PositionMark, 5 0x04a - camera2_Move3Default, 1 0x04b - camera2_Move3MyPosition, 1 0x04c - camera2_Move3Myself, 1 0x04d - camera2_Move3PositionMark, 5 0x04e - camera2_MoveDefault, 1 0x04f - camera2_MoveMyPosition, 1 0x050 - camera2_MoveMyself, 1 0x051 - camera2_MovePositionMark, 5 0x052 - camera2_SetDefault, 0 0x053 - camera2_SetEffect, 3 0x054 - camera2_SetMyPosition, 0 0x055 - camera2_SetMyself, 0 0x056 - camera2_SetPositionMark, 4 0x057 - Case, 2 0x058 - CaseMenu, 2 0x059 - CaseScenario, 3 0x05a - CaseText, 2 0x05b - CaseValue, 3 0x05c - CaseVariable, 3 0x05d - debug_Assert, 1 0x05e - debug_Print, 1 0x05f - debug_PrintFlag, 2 0x060 - debug_PrintScenario, 2 0x061 - DefaultText, 1 0x062 - Destroy, 0 0x063 - End, 0 0x064 - ExecuteActing, 1 0x065 - ExecuteCommon, 2 0x066 - flag_CalcBit, 3 0x067 - flag_CalcValue, 3 0x068 - flag_CalcVariable, 3 0x069 - flag_Clear, 1 0x06a - flag_Initial, 1 0x06b - flag_Set, 2 0x06c - flag_ResetDungeonResult, 0 0x06d - flag_ResetScenario, 1 0x06e - flag_SetAdventureLog, 1 0x06f - flag_SetDungeonMode, 2 0x070 - flag_SetDungeonResult, 2 0x071 - flag_SetPerformance, 2 0x072 - flag_SetScenario, 3 0x073 - Flash, 0 0x074 - Hold, 0 0x075 - Jump, 1 0x076 - JumpCommon, 1 0x077 - lives, 1 0x078 - LoadPosition, 1 0x079 - Lock, 1 0x07a - main_EnterAdventure, 2 0x07b - main_EnterDungeon, 2 0x07c - main_EnterGround, 2 0x07d - main_EnterGroundMulti, 3 0x07e - main_EnterRescueUser, 1 0x07f - main_EnterTraining, 2 0x080 - main_EnterTraining2, 2 0x081 - main_SetGround, 1 0x082 - me_Play, 1 0x083 - me_Stop, 0 0x084 - message_Close, 0 0x085 - message_CloseEnforce, 0 0x086 - message_Explanation, 1 0x087 - message_FacePositionOffset, 2 0x088 - message_ImitationSound, 1 0x089 - message_KeyWait, 0 0x08a - message_Mail, 1 0x08b - message_Menu, 1 0x08c - message_Monologue, 1 0x08d - message_Narration, 2 0x08e - message_Notice, 1 0x08f - message_EmptyActor, 0 0x090 - message_ResetActor, 0 0x091 - message_SetActor, 1 0x092 - message_SetFace, 3 0x093 - message_SetFaceEmpty, 3 0x094 - message_SetFaceOnly, 3 0x095 - message_SetFacePosition, 1 0x096 - message_SetWaitMode, 2 0x097 - message_SpecialTalk, 1 0x098 - message_SwitchMenu, 2 0x099 - message_SwitchMonologue, 1 0x09a - message_SwitchTalk, 1 0x09b - message_Talk, 1 0x09c - Move2Position, 3 0x09d - Move2PositionLives, 2 0x09e - Move2PositionMark, 5 0x09f - Move2PositionOffset, 3 0x0a0 - Move2PositionOffsetRandom, 3 0x0a1 - Move3Position, 3 0x0a2 - Move3PositionLives, 2 0x0a3 - Move3PositionMark, 5 0x0a4 - Move3PositionOffset, 3 0x0a5 - Move3PositionOffsetRandom, 3 0x0a6 - MoveDirection, 3 0x0a7 - MoveHeight, 2 0x0a8 - MovePosition, 3 0x0a9 - MovePositionLives, 2 0x0aa - MovePositionLivesTime, 3 0x0ab - MovePositionMark, 5 0x0ac - MovePositionMarkTime, 6 0x0ad - MovePositionOffset, 3 0x0ae - MoveSpecial, 3 0x0af - MoveTurn, 3 0x0b0 - object, 1 0x0b1 - performer, 1 0x0b2 - ProcessSpecial, 3 0x0b3 - ResetAttribute, 1 0x0b4 - ResetFunctionAttribute, 1 0x0b5 - ResetHitAttribute, 1 0x0b6 - ResetOutputAttribute, 1 0x0b7 - ResetReplyAttribute, 1 0x0b8 - Return, 0 0x0b9 - SavePosition, 1 0x0ba - screen_FadeChange, 4 0x0bb - screen_FadeChangeAll, 4 0x0bc - screen_FadeIn, 2 0x0bd - screen_FadeInAll, 2 0x0be - screen_FadeOut, 2 0x0bf - screen_FadeOutAll, 2 0x0c0 - screen_FlushChange, 8 0x0c1 - screen_FlushIn, 6 0x0c2 - screen_FlushOut, 6 0x0c3 - screen_WhiteChange, 4 0x0c4 - screen_WhiteChangeAll, 4 0x0c5 - screen_WhiteIn, 2 0x0c6 - screen_WhiteInAll, 2 0x0c7 - screen_WhiteOut, 2 0x0c8 - screen_WhiteOutAll, 2 0x0c9 - screen2_FadeChange, 4 0x0ca - screen2_FadeChangeAll, 4 0x0cb - screen2_FadeIn, 2 0x0cc - screen2_FadeInAll, 2 0x0cd - screen2_FadeOut, 2 0x0ce - screen2_FadeOutAll, 2 0x0cf - screen2_FlushChange, 8 0x0d0 - screen2_FlushIn, 6 0x0d1 - screen2_FlushOut, 6 0x0d2 - screen2_WhiteChange, 4 0x0d3 - screen2_WhiteChangeAll, 4 0x0d4 - screen2_WhiteIn, 2 0x0d5 - screen2_WhiteInAll, 2 0x0d6 - screen2_WhiteOut, 2 0x0d7 - screen2_WhiteOutAll, 2 0x0d8 - se_FadeOut, 2 0x0d9 - se_Play, 1 0x0da - se_Stop, 1 0x0db - SetAnimation, 1 0x0dc - SetAttribute, 1 0x0dd - SetDirection, 1 0x0de - SetDirectionLives, 2 0x0df - SetEffect, 2 0x0e0 - SetFunctionAttribute, 1 0x0e1 - SetHeight, 1 0x0e2 - SetHitAttribute, 1 0x0e3 - SetMoveRange, 6 0x0e4 - SetOutputAttribute, 1 0x0e5 - SetPosition, 2 0x0e6 - SetPositionInitial, 0 0x0e7 - SetPositionLives, 1 0x0e8 - SetPositionMark, 4 0x0e9 - SetPositionOffset, 2 0x0ea - SetPositionOffsetRandom, 2 0x0eb - SetReplyAttribute, 1 0x0ec - Slide2Position, 3 0x0ed - Slide2PositionLives, 2 0x0ee - Slide2PositionMark, 5 0x0ef - Slide2PositionOffset, 3 0x0f0 - Slide2PositionOffsetRandom, 3 0x0f1 - Slide3Position, 3 0x0f2 - Slide3PositionLives, 2 0x0f3 - Slide3PositionMark, 5 0x0f4 - Slide3PositionOffset, 3 0x0f5 - Slide3PositionOffsetRandom, 3 0x0f6 - SlideHeight, 2 0x0f7 - SlidePosition, 3 0x0f8 - SlidePositionLives, 2 0x0f9 - SlidePositionLivesTime, 3 0x0fa - SlidePositionMark, 5 0x0fb - SlidePositionMarkTime, 6 0x0fc - SlidePositionOffset, 3 0x0fd - sound_FadeOut, 1 0x0fe - sound_Stop, 0 0x0ff - supervision_Acting, 1 0x100 - supervision_ExecuteActing, 3 0x101 - supervision_ExecuteActingSub, 3 0x102 - supervision_ExecuteCommon, 1 0x103 - supervision_ExecuteEnter, 1 0x104 - supervision_ExecuteStation, 3 0x105 - supervision_ExecuteStationCommon, 2 0x106 - supervision_ExecuteStationCommonSub, 2 0x107 - supervision_ExecuteStationSub, 3 0x108 - supervision_ExecuteExport, 1 0x109 - supervision_LoadStation, 2 0x10a - supervision_Remove, 1 0x10b - supervision_RemoveActing, 1 0x10c - supervision_RemoveCommon, 1 0x10d - supervision_SpecialActing, 3 0x10e - supervision_Station, 1 0x10f - supervision_StationCommon, 1 0x110 - supervision_Suspend, 1 0x111 - supervision2_SpecialActing, 3 0x112 - Switch, 1 0x113 - SwitchDirection, 1 0x114 - SwitchDirectionLives, 1 0x115 - SwitchDirectionLives2, 1 0x116 - SwitchDirectionMark, 4 0x117 - SwitchDungeonMode, 1 0x118 - SwitchLives, 1 0x119 - SwitchRandom, 1 0x11a - SwitchScenario, 1 0x11b - SwitchScenarioLevel, 1 0x11c - SwitchSector, 0 0x11d - SwitchValue, 3 0x11e - SwitchVariable, 3 0x11f - Turn2Direction, 3 0x120 - Turn2DirectionLives, 3 0x121 - Turn2DirectionLives2, 3 0x122 - Turn2DirectionMark, 8 0x123 - Turn2DirectionTurn, 3 0x124 - TurnDirection, 1 0x125 - TurnDirectionLives, 2 0x126 - TurnDirectionLives2, 2 0x127 - TurnDirectionMark, 5 0x128 - Unlock, 1 0x129 - Wait, 1 0x12a - WaitAnimation, 0 0x12b - WaitBackEffect, 0 0x12c - WaitBack2Effect, 0 0x12d - WaitBgm, 1 0x12e - WaitBgm2, 1 0x12f - WaitBgmSignal, 0 0x130 - WaitEffect, 0 0x131 - WaitExecuteLives, 1 0x132 - WaitExecuteObject, 1 0x133 - WaitExecutePerformer, 1 0x134 - WaitFadeIn, 0 0x135 - WaitLockLives, 2 0x136 - WaitLockObject, 2 0x137 - WaitLockPerformer, 2 0x138 - WaitLockSupervision, 1 0x139 - WaitMe, 1 0x13a - WaitMoveCamera, 0 0x13b - WaitMoveCamera2, 0 0x13c - WaitRandom, 2 0x13d - WaitScreenFade, 0 0x13e - WaitScreenFadeAll, 0 0x13f - WaitScreen2Fade, 0 0x140 - WaitSe, 1 0x141 - WaitSpecialActing, 0 0x142 - WaitSubScreen, 0 0x143 - WaitSubSpecialActing, 0 0x144 - worldmap_BlinkMark, 1 0x145 - worldmap_ChangeLevel, 1 0x146 - worldmap_DeleteArrow, 0 0x147 - worldmap_MoveCamera, 1 0x148 - worldmap_OffMessage, 0 0x149 - worldmap_SetArrow, 1 0x14a - worldmap_SetCamera, 1 0x14b - worldmap_SetLevel, 1 0x14c - worldmap_SetMark, 1 0x14d - worldmap_SetMessage, 1 0x14e - worldmap_SetMessagePlace, 1 0x14f - worldmap_SetMode, 1 [/font] They differ quite a bit from the ones in EoS! And there are a few less! I updated the repo for the dumper for those interested.
  13. So, after doing some disassembly on the script engine, I made a little quick tool to rip the script opcode table that's in Explorers of Sky, and use the debug strings name for each opcodes that was left in there. So that might come in handy. [font=Fixedsys] ============================================================= Script OpCode List ============================================================= 0x000 - null , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x001 - back_ChangeGround , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x002 - back_SetBackEffect , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x003 - back_SetBackScrollOffset , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x004 - back_SetBackScrollSpeed , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x005 - back_SetBanner , 2 params, Unk1: 1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x006 - back_SetBanner2 , 6 params, Unk1: 5, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x007 - back_SetEffect , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x008 - back_SetDungeonBanner , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x009 - back_SetGround , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x00a - back_SetSpecialEpisodeBanner , 2 params, Unk1: 1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x00b - back_SetSpecialEpisodeBanner2 , 2 params, Unk1: 1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x00c - back_SetSpecialEpisodeBanner3 , 2 params, Unk1: 1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x00d - back_SetTitleBanner , 2 params, Unk1: 1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x00e - back_SetWeather , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x00f - back_SetWeatherEffect , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x010 - back_SetWeatherScrollOffset , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x011 - back_SetWeatherScrollSpeed , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x012 - back2_SetBackEffect , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x013 - back2_SetBackScrollOffset , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x014 - back2_SetBackScrollSpeed , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x015 - back2_SetData , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x016 - back2_SetEffect , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x017 - back2_SetGround , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x018 - back2_SetMode , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x019 - back2_SetSpecialActing , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x01a - back2_SetWeather , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x01b - back2_SetWeatherEffect , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x01c - back2_SetWeatherScrollOffset , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x01d - back2_SetWeatherScrollSpeed , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x01e - bgm_FadeOut , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x01f - bgm_Play , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x020 - bgm_PlayFadeIn , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x021 - bgm_Stop , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x022 - bgm_ChangeVolume , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x023 - bgm2_FadeOut , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x024 - bgm2_Play , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x025 - bgm2_PlayFadeIn , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x026 - bgm2_Stop , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x027 - bgm2_ChangeVolume , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x028 - Branch , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x029 - BranchBit , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x02a - BranchDebug , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x02b - BranchEdit , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x02c - BranchExecuteSub , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x02d - BranchPerformance , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x02e - BranchScenarioNow , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x02f - BranchScenarioNowAfter , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x030 - BranchScenarioNowBefore , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x031 - BranchScenarioAfter , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x032 - BranchScenarioBefore , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x033 - BranchSum , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x034 - BranchValue , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x035 - BranchVariable , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x036 - BranchVariation , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x037 - Call , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x038 - CallCommon , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x039 - camera_Move2Default , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x03a - camera_Move2MyPosition , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x03b - camera_Move2Myself , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x03c - camera_Move2PositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x03d - camera_Move2PositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x03e - camera_Move3Default , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x03f - camera_Move3MyPosition , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x040 - camera_Move3Myself , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x041 - camera_Move3PositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x042 - camera_Move3PositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x043 - camera_MoveDefault , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x044 - camera_MoveMyPosition , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x045 - camera_MoveMyself , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x046 - camera_MovePositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x047 - camera_MovePositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x048 - camera_SetDefault , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x049 - camera_SetEffect , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x04a - camera_SetMyPosition , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x04b - camera_SetMyself , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x04c - camera_SetPositionMark , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x04d - camera2_Move2Default , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x04e - camera2_Move2MyPosition , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x04f - camera2_Move2Myself , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x050 - camera2_Move2PositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x051 - camera2_Move2PositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x052 - camera2_Move3Default , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x053 - camera2_Move3MyPosition , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x054 - camera2_Move3Myself , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x055 - camera2_Move3PositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x056 - camera2_Move3PositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x057 - camera2_MoveDefault , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x058 - camera2_MoveMyPosition , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x059 - camera2_MoveMyself , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x05a - camera2_MovePositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x05b - camera2_MovePositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x05c - camera2_SetDefault , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x05d - camera2_SetEffect , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x05e - camera2_SetMyPosition , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x05f - camera2_SetMyself , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x060 - camera2_SetPositionMark , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x061 - CancelCut , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x062 - CancelRecoverCommon , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x063 - Case , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x064 - CaseMenu , 2 params, Unk1: 0, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x065 - CaseMenu2 , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x066 - CaseScenario , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x067 - CaseText , 2 params, Unk1: 1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x068 - CaseValue , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x069 - CaseVariable , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x06a - debug_Assert , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x06b - debug_Print , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x06c - debug_PrintFlag , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x06d - debug_PrintScenario , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x06e - DefaultText , 1 params, Unk1: 0, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x06f - Destroy , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x070 - End , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x071 - EndAnimation , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x072 - ExecuteActing , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x073 - ExecuteCommon , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x074 - flag_CalcBit , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x075 - flag_CalcValue , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x076 - flag_CalcVariable , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x077 - flag_Clear , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x078 - flag_Initial , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x079 - flag_Set , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x07a - flag_ResetDungeonResult , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x07b - flag_ResetScenario , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x07c - flag_SetAdventureLog , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x07d - flag_SetDungeonMode , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x07e - flag_SetDungeonResult , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x07f - flag_SetPerformance , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x080 - flag_SetScenario , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x081 - Flash , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x082 - Hold , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x083 - item_GetVariable , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x084 - item_Set , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x085 - item_SetTableData , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x086 - item_SetVariable , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x087 - Jump , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 1, Unk3: 0 0x088 - JumpCommon , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x089 - lives , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x08a - LoadPosition , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x08b - Lock , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x08c - main_EnterAdventure , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x08d - main_EnterDungeon , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x08e - main_EnterGround , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x08f - main_EnterGroundMulti , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x090 - main_EnterRescueUser , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x091 - main_EnterTraining , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x092 - main_EnterTraining2 , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x093 - main_SetGround , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x094 - me_Play , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x095 - me_Stop , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x096 - message_Close , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x097 - message_CloseEnforce , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x098 - message_Explanation , 1 params, Unk1: 0, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x099 - message_FacePositionOffset , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x09a - message_ImitationSound , 1 params, Unk1: 0, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x09b - message_KeyWait , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x09c - message_Mail , 1 params, Unk1: 0, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x09d - message_Menu , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x09e - message_Monologue , 1 params, Unk1: 0, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x09f - message_Narration , 2 params, Unk1: 1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0a0 - message_Notice , 1 params, Unk1: 0, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0a1 - message_EmptyActor , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0a2 - message_ResetActor , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0a3 - message_SetActor , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0a4 - message_SetFace , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0a5 - message_SetFaceEmpty , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0a6 - message_SetFaceOnly , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0a7 - message_SetFacePosition , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0a8 - message_SetWaitMode , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0a9 - message_SpecialTalk , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0aa - message_SwitchMenu , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ab - message_SwitchMenu2 , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ac - message_SwitchMonologue , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ad - message_SwitchTalk , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ae - message_Talk , 1 params, Unk1: 0, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0af - Move2Position , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0b0 - Move2PositionLives , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0b1 - Move2PositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0b2 - Move2PositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0b3 - Move2PositionOffset , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0b4 - Move2PositionOffset , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0b5 - Move2PositionOffsetRandom , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0b6 - Move3Position , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0b7 - Move3PositionLives , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0b8 - Move3PositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0b9 - Move3PositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ba - Move3PositionOffset , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0bb - Move3PositionOffset , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0bc - Move3PositionOffsetRandom , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0bd - MoveDirection , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0be - MoveHeight , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0bf - MovePosition , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0c0 - MovePositionLives , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0c1 - MovePositionLivesTime , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0c2 - MovePositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0c3 - MovePositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0c4 - MovePositionMarkTime , 6 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0c5 - MovePositionOffset , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0c6 - MovePositionOffset , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0c7 - MoveSpecial , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0c8 - MoveTurn , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0c9 - object , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ca - PauseEffect , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0cb - performer , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0cc - ProcessSpecial , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0cd - PursueTurnLives , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ce - PursueTurnLives2 , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0cf - ResetAttribute , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0d0 - ResetFunctionAttribute , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0d1 - ResetHitAttribute , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0d2 - ResetOutputAttribute , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0d3 - ResetReplyAttribute , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0d4 - ResumeEffect , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0d5 - Return , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0d6 - SavePosition , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0d7 - screen_FadeChange , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0d8 - screen_FadeChangeAll , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0d9 - screen_FadeIn , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0da - screen_FadeInAll , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0db - screen_FadeOut , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0dc - screen_FadeOutAll , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0dd - screen_FlushChange , 8 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0de - screen_FlushIn , 6 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0df - screen_FlushOut , 6 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0e0 - screen_WhiteChange , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0e1 - screen_WhiteChangeAll , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0e2 - screen_WhiteIn , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0e3 - screen_WhiteInAll , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0e4 - screen_WhiteOut , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0e5 - screen_WhiteOutAll , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0e6 - screen2_FadeChange , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0e7 - screen2_FadeChangeAll , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0e8 - screen2_FadeIn , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0e9 - screen2_FadeInAll , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ea - screen2_FadeOut , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0eb - screen2_FadeOutAll , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ec - screen2_FlushChange , 8 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ed - screen2_FlushIn , 6 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ee - screen2_FlushOut , 6 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ef - screen2_WhiteChange , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0f0 - screen2_WhiteChangeAll , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0f1 - screen2_WhiteIn , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0f2 - screen2_WhiteInAll , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0f3 - screen2_WhiteOut , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0f4 - screen2_WhiteOutAll , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0f5 - se_ChangePan , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0f6 - se_ChangeVolume , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0f7 - se_FadeOut , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0f8 - se_Play , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0f9 - se_PlayFull , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0fa - se_PlayPan , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0fb - se_PlayVolume , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0fc - se_Stop , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0fd - SetAnimation , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0fe - SetAttribute , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x0ff - SetBlink , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x100 - SetDirection , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x101 - SetDirectionLives , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x102 - SetEffect , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x103 - SetFunctionAttribute , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x104 - SetHeight , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x105 - SetHitAttribute , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x106 - SetMoveRange , 6 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x107 - SetOutputAttribute , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x108 - SetPosition , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x109 - SetPositionInitial , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x10a - SetPositionLives , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x10b - SetPositionMark , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x10c - SetPositionOffset , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x10d - SetPositionOffsetRandom , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x10e - SetReplyAttribute , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x10f - SetupOutputAttributeAndAnimation , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x110 - Slide2Position , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x111 - Slide2PositionLives , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x112 - Slide2PositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x113 - Slide2PositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x114 - Slide2PositionOffset , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x115 - Slide2PositionOffset , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x116 - Slide2PositionOffsetRandom , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x117 - Slide3Position , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x118 - Slide3PositionLives , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x119 - Slide3PositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x11a - Slide3PositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x11b - Slide3PositionOffset , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x11c - Slide3PositionOffset , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x11d - Slide3PositionOffsetRandom , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x11e - SlideHeight , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x11f - SlidePosition , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x120 - SlidePositionLives , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x121 - SlidePositionLivesTime , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x122 - SlidePositionMark , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x123 - SlidePositionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x124 - SlidePositionMarkTime , 6 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x125 - SlidePositionOffset , -1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x126 - SlidePositionOffset , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x127 - sound_FadeOut , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x128 - sound_Stop , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x129 - StopAnimation , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x12a - supervision_Acting , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x12b - supervision_ActingInvisible , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x12c - supervision_ExecuteActing , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x12d - supervision_ExecuteActingSub , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x12e - supervision_ExecuteCommon , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x12f - supervision_ExecuteEnter , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x130 - supervision_ExecuteStation , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x131 - supervision_ExecuteStationCommon , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x132 - supervision_ExecuteStationCommonSub, 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x133 - supervision_ExecuteStationSub , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x134 - supervision_ExecuteExport , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x135 - supervision_ExecuteExportSub , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x136 - supervision_LoadStation , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x137 - supervision_Remove , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x138 - supervision_RemoveActing , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x139 - supervision_RemoveCommon , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x13a - supervision_SpecialActing , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x13b - supervision_Station , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x13c - supervision_StationCommon , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x13d - supervision_Suspend , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x13e - supervision2_SpecialActing , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x13f - Switch , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x140 - SwitchDirection , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x141 - SwitchDirectionLives , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x142 - SwitchDirectionLives2 , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x143 - SwitchDirectionMark , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x144 - SwitchDungeonMode , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x145 - SwitchLives , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x146 - SwitchRandom , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x147 - SwitchScenario , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x148 - SwitchScenarioLevel , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x149 - SwitchSector , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x14a - SwitchValue , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x14b - SwitchVariable , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x14c - Turn2Direction , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x14d - Turn2DirectionLives , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x14e - Turn2DirectionLives2 , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x14f - Turn2DirectionMark , 8 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x150 - Turn2DirectionTurn , 3 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x151 - Turn3 , 4 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x152 - TurnDirection , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x153 - TurnDirectionLives , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x154 - TurnDirectionLives2 , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x155 - TurnDirectionMark , 5 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x156 - Unlock , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x157 - Wait , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x158 - WaitAnimation , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x159 - WaitBackEffect , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x15a - WaitBack2Effect , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x15b - WaitBgm , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x15c - WaitBgm2 , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x15d - WaitBgmSignal , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x15e - WaitEffect , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x15f - WaitEndAnimation , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x160 - WaitExecuteLives , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x161 - WaitExecuteObject , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x162 - WaitExecutePerformer , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x163 - WaitFadeIn , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x164 - WaitLockLives , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x165 - WaitLockObject , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x166 - WaitLockPerformer , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x167 - WaitLockSupervision , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x168 - WaitMe , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x169 - WaitMoveCamera , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x16a - WaitMoveCamera2 , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x16b - WaitRandom , 2 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x16c - WaitScreenFade , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x16d - WaitScreenFadeAll , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x16e - WaitScreen2Fade , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x16f - WaitSe , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x170 - WaitSpecialActing , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x171 - WaitSubScreen , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x172 - WaitSubSpecialActing , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x173 - worldmap_BlinkMark , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x174 - worldmap_ChangeLevel , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x175 - worldmap_DeleteArrow , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x176 - worldmap_MoveCamera , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x177 - worldmap_OffMessage , 0 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x178 - worldmap_SetArrow , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x179 - worldmap_SetCamera , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x17a - worldmap_SetLevel , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x17b - worldmap_SetMark , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x17c - worldmap_SetMessage , 1 params, Unk1: 0, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x17d - worldmap_SetMessagePlace , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 0x17e - worldmap_SetMode , 1 params, Unk1: -1, Unk2: 0, Unk3: 0 [/font] Those are only valid for Explorers of Sky though. Nerketur found out earlier that EoS and EoT/D opcodes don't always do the same things. I couldn't find a similar string table in EoT/D unfortunately. Maybe there would be one in the japanese rom, or maybe the european one? Still digging into the script engine code, we might find some more interesting stuff! EDIT: Here's the source code for the tool. Be warned, its not too pretty, and everything is hard-coded, but it does the job: https://github.com/PsyCommando/pmd2_opcodelister/blob/master/main.cpp
  14. Quickfix. The last version had a line still commented, and bad stuff would happen when exporting with "-nobake". Also disabled the whole loop legality check for samples inserted into the soundfont. So now the samples are as-is in there. https://github.com/PsyCommando/ppmdu/releases/tag/ppmd_audioutil_0.36
  15. Release time! I made a new version of audioutil. It doesn't really fix the PCM16 problem though. It just handles more games using DSE, and it now support modulation, something I forgot to enable for like 6 months.. And I finally ported the solution to VS2015. Its a bit glitchy though.. I might just make some brand new project files in the near future.. Still more DSE events to go though Here it is: https://github.com/PsyCommando/ppmdu/releases/tag/ppmd_audioutil_0.35 I was supposed to post this like 4 months ago, so it was long overdue. The next step will be a full rewrite, because it has become an unmaintainable mess. But that'll take a while before I get around to that. ..now I can get to the fun part of rewriting all my image handling code, to keep it from breaking everything and generally not being very flexible or practical.. I'm also working on scripts, maps, sprites, and animations on the side, since they all seems closely tied in a way. And since I need info from the scripts to guess some of the things in the other formats..
  16. That's some nice work! I wish I was able to figure out this kind of things. I've been trying to get a sandbox escape exploit for the Lua 5.1 script engine the game uses to work, but I keep triggering an assert or something, and I don't really know why.. It might be the heap corrupting or something.. But, I've bee doing that mostly to get full control over the game, since most of the useful functions aren't exposed by lua, and executing arbitrary code within the game is always nice for modding and maybe more If you ever feel like taking a look at that, it would be really appreciated to see what someone that knows more about this stuff would have to say about it. ^^; I also know that the game can save dungeon replays somewhere. (You have to use the meowth theater) I think on the SDCard maybe? So, there might be some potential to exploit the game further this way maybe?
  17. Well, if you want I could try to fix them and test them for you. PM me if you want. Hey! That would be helpful! Also, getting feedback on the program would help a ton! I've been waiting on getting some feedback on the way I'm outputing stats and how the program works for a while! I've also been investigating scripts support a bit too. Evandixon made some interesting discoveries lately about them too! EDIT: Also, I'm still stuck with my audioutil tool. PCM16 samples still don't play at the right pitch when they're ripped from the game. And I have no clues why. And I've been having issues rebuilding SMD files from midis, mainly because my code is doing something stupid and I have a hard tracing it back.. I'd love to figure out all the remaining files formats this year, so we can build some more decent tools for PMD2.
  18. One other thing to watch out for is that the first color is "transparency". Except that portraits don't have transparency, and all the pixels using that first color will be black instead. So you really have 15 colors max! You should take a look at the original python script. I can't remember the context when I wrote that ^^;
  19. Little update. I've been trying for a while to use a weakness in the lua 5.1 engine the game uses to run arbitrary code from the game's binary. There's a known and fairly simple way to escape the lua sandbox, and run C functions, by editing lua C closures, using a few tricks, to place a pointer to the desired function, and run the closure. https://gist.github.com/corsix/6575486 This in itself is probably not really exploitable for things like hacking the console and etc, but it would possibly allow us to make a layer to access extra functions in the game via the script engine. Because so far, after messing around it a lot, I can safely say that, you can't do much with the scripts only. Changing pokemon stats ability and etc is all handled in the game's binary, and so is loading levels and etc.. But if we could wrap calls to some of the functions handling that, we could perhaps write a lua function library that modders could use to easily gain that control over the game! However, I haven't been able to use the modified exploit successfully this far. But I'm fairly sure its only that I'm doing something wrong, as my test to make it work on my computer also failed. I'm guessing I might be putting the wrong offset in the pointer, and ending up trying to execute non-executable memory, crashing the game. That, or the assert check that the exploit publisher assume has been disabled, is actually enabled in PSMD. If its truly an assert check causing this, I managed to find the assert function in the binary using the demo version of IDA, and it would be trivial to nop it out. I however managed later on to get the code to execute a bit further, by specifying a more accurate address offset, based on the position of the LuaB_auxwrap function in memory. It seems the LuaB_auxwrap function is located here in the US rom's binary : 0x68237C Here are the address of the lua wrapper functions for both the SysMsg function variants: * SysMsg1 0x82AC4 <- Probably the one that takes a string to print it. * SysMsg2 0x42200 <- This might be the one taking a string hash. So, in order to run the SysMsg function, you need to calculate the difference between the SysMsg function's offset and the LuaB_auxwrap function: 0x68237C - 0x82AC4 = 0x5FF8B8 Then you turn that into a negative value, so its subtracted from the LuaB_auxwrap function. 0x5FF8B8 => -6289592 I managed to figure this out by looking at the lua 5.1 sources, and by tracking down the individual functions using the function loading the lua function table in the binary. That very long function is located at 0x12FAC in the US codebin. (Or it should if I translated the offset correctly ^^; ) Here's an example of how each function is registered: (Note that I had to turn the codebin into an elf to use the IDA demo on it, so the offsets are translated by 0x100000, because the first 0x100000 bytes of the elf are reserved(?). ) .text:00115758 LDR R2, =sub_18BA88 ; Load from Memory //Func ptr to CreatePageMenu fun .text:0011575C ADR R1, aCreatepagemenu ; "CreatePageMenu" .text:00115760 MOV R0, R4 ; Rd = Op2 .text:00115764 BL sub_1D8BE0 ; Branch with Link //Call Register Function function .text:00115768 LDR R2, =sub_14C83C ; Load from Memory .text:0011576C ADR R1, aCreatepagemenu ; "CreatePageMenu" .text:00115770 MOV R0, R4 ; Rd = Op2 .text:00115774 BL sub_1D8BE0 ; Branch with Link //Call Register Function function .text:00115778 LDR R2, =sub_1615AC ; Load from Memory .text:0011577C ADR R1, aCreatepageme_0 ; "CreatePageMenuBigStack" .text:00115780 MOV R0, R4 ; Rd = Op2 .text:00115784 BL sub_1D8BE0 ; Branch with Link //Call Register Function function .text:00115788 LDR R2, =sub_15A180 ; Load from Memory Basically, R2 is assigned the funtion ptr of the function whose string's address is then put into R1. IDA makes this all seems pretty and simple, but there are some cross-references to handle here. Anyways, knowing this should make it a bit easier to read. Below is the functions needed by the exploit. I changed and tried a lot of different things over time, and so its pretty dirty and etc. But it goes all the way up to actually the calling of the modified coroutine before crashing. Also, note that, apparently after calling the inner() function, the lua stack is messed up and that literals won't work anymore. Which is why I did that stupid thing with the 10 variables for the values 1 to 10. But it might not even be needed. As long as you find a way to pass the variable amount of args to the function we're trying to call through the exploit. I copied as closely as possible the code the PSMD devs were using to pass an arbitrary number of argument to a lua functions in the "flowsys" class, just to be sure it would work with their setup. But that didn't seem to help. I strongly recommend reading this : https://gist.github.com/corsix/6575486 to understand what's going on, and before trying to make changes. But in short, all numbers in lua 5.1 are 64bits doubles. And its possible to convert them into raw tables of characters/bytes. So by finding a way to turn the C structs used by lua into several lua numbers, you can access them as raw bytes. All lua variable are in fact a C struct with type information and data on the variable. Which means, its trivial in theory to turn a function closure into a number for instance, if you see where this is going. Upvalues, aka variables shared between function and sub-function scope, are re-used in lua. Which means if you re-define the upvalue later on, some of the bits of the struct will not have been cleared and still contained the old value! So its possible to access normally inaccessible variable's values that way, or sort of cast them into raw bytes if you want. That's what they demonstrate in one of their example. They turn a raw c pointer from a "closure" struct into a lua number, and do some bit manipulation to extract the value from the double, and they now have the raw pointer address! Then, you can use the string manipulation capabilities of lua to merge and edit those bytes, to assemble a replacement C struct which you can then inject back into the lua state and stack considering what we know. Or at least, that's how I understood it.. ^^; --[[ Code adapted from : https://gist.github.com/corsix/6575486 ]]-- asnum = loadstring((string.dump(function(x) for i = x, x, 0 do return i end end):gsub("\96%z%z\128", "\22\0\0\128"))) function ub4(x) -- Convert little endian uint32_t to char[4] local ub1 = {[0] = -- Convert uint8_t to char[1] "\0", "\1", "\2", "\3", "\4", "\5", "\6", "\7", "\8", "\9", "\10", "\11", "\12", "\13", "\14", "\15", "\16", "\17", "\18", "\19", "\20", "\21", "\22", "\23", "\24", "\25", "\26", "\27", "\28", "\29", "\30", "\31", "\32", "\33", "\34", "\35", "\36", "\37", "\38", "\39", "\40", "\41", "\42", "\43", "\44", "\45", "\46", "\47", "\48", "\49", "\50", "\51", "\52", "\53", "\54", "\55", "\56", "\57", "\58", "\59", "\60", "\61", "\62", "\63", "\64", "\65", "\66", "\67", "\68", "\69", "\70", "\71", "\72", "\73", "\74", "\75", "\76", "\77", "\78", "\79", "\80", "\81", "\82", "\83", "\84", "\85", "\86", "\87", "\88", "\89", "\90", "\91", "\92", "\93", "\94", "\95", "\96", "\97", "\98", "\99", "\100", "\101", "\102", "\103", "\104", "\105", "\106", "\107", "\108", "\109", "\110", "\111", "\112", "\113", "\114", "\115", "\116", "\117", "\118", "\119", "\120", "\121", "\122", "\123", "\124", "\125", "\126", "\127", "\128", "\129", "\130", "\131", "\132", "\133", "\134", "\135", "\136", "\137", "\138", "\139", "\140", "\141", "\142", "\143", "\144", "\145", "\146", "\147", "\148", "\149", "\150", "\151", "\152", "\153", "\154", "\155", "\156", "\157", "\158", "\159", "\160", "\161", "\162", "\163", "\164", "\165", "\166", "\167", "\168", "\169", "\170", "\171", "\172", "\173", "\174", "\175", "\176", "\177", "\178", "\179", "\180", "\181", "\182", "\183", "\184", "\185", "\186", "\187", "\188", "\189", "\190", "\191", "\192", "\193", "\194", "\195", "\196", "\197", "\198", "\199", "\200", "\201", "\202", "\203", "\204", "\205", "\206", "\207", "\208", "\209", "\210", "\211", "\212", "\213", "\214", "\215", "\216", "\217", "\218", "\219", "\220", "\221", "\222", "\223", "\224", "\225", "\226", "\227", "\228", "\229", "\230", "\231", "\232", "\233", "\234", "\235", "\236", "\237", "\238", "\239", "\240", "\241", "\242", "\243", "\244", "\245", "\246", "\247", "\248", "\249", "\250", "\251", "\252", "\253", "\254", "\255"} local b0 = x % 256; x = (x - b0) / 256 local b1 = x % 256; x = (x - b1) / 256 local b2 = x % 256; x = (x - b2) / 256 local b3 = x % 256 --return string.char(b0, b1, b2, b3) return ub1[b0] .. ub1[b1] .. ub1[b2] .. ub1[b3] end function f2ii(x) -- Convert double to uint32_t[2] if x == 0 then return 0, 0 end if x < 0 then x = -x end local e_lo, e_hi, e, m = -1075, 1023 while true do -- this loop is math.frexp e = (e_lo + e_hi) e = (e - (e % 2)) / 2 m = x / 2^e if m < 0.5 then e_hi = e elseif 1 <= m then e_lo = e else break end end if e+1023 <= 1 then m = m * 2^(e+1074) e = 0 else m = (m - 0.5) * 2^53 e = e + 1022 end local lo = m % 2^32 m = (m - lo) / 2^32 local hi = m + e * 2^20 return lo, hi end function ii2f(lo, hi) -- Convert uint32_t[2] to double local m = hi % 2^20 local e = (hi - m) / 2^20 m = m * 2^32 + lo if e ~= 0 then m = m + 2^52 else e = 1 end return m * 2^(e-1075) end -- Extra params are passed to the function -- offsetfun is the offset from the LuaB_auxwrap function of the C function to execute function RunCode( offsetfun, ... ) WINDOW:SysMsg("Got into RunCode!") local funtorun = loadstring(string.dump(function(funaddress, ... ) WINDOW:SysMsg("Began loadstring function!") local magic = nil local argTbl = {...} local function middle() WINDOW:SysMsg("Got into middle!") local print, asnum, f2ii = print, asnum, f2ii local co, upval local function inner() WINDOW:SysMsg("Got into Inner!") do local l0 = 2^52 local l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7 = l0, l0, l0, l0, l0, l0, l0 end co = coroutine.wrap(ub4) -- create a CClosure upval = 2^52 .."next".."t".."m".."pa".. ub4(asnum(co) - 2^52 + 12) local upval_ptr = ub4(asnum(upval) - 2^52 + 16 + 20) magic = upval_ptr .. upval_ptr WINDOW:SysMsg("Finished Inner!") WINDOW:CloseMessage() end --local dll_name = "my_dll.dll" --local function_name = "entry_point" local delta = funaddress WINDOW:SysMsg("Setup Inner!") local argNum = #argTbl local zeroargs = 0 local onearg = 1 local twoargs = 2 local threeargs = 3 local fourargs = 4 local fiveargs = 5 local sixargs = 6 local sevenargs = 7 local eightargs = 8 local nineargs = 9 local tenargs = 10 WINDOW:SysMsg("Running Inner!") inner() local env, f = f2ii(asnum(magic)) f = f + delta magic = ii2f(env, f) if argNum == zeroargs then co() -- calls elseif argNum == onearg then co(argTbl[onearg]) -- calls elseif argNum == twoargs then co(argTbl[onearg], argTbl[twoargs]) elseif argNum == threeargs then co(argTbl[onearg], argTbl[twoargs], argTbl[threeargs]) elseif argNum == fourargs then co(argTbl[onearg], argTbl[twoargs], argTbl[threeargs], argTbl[fourargs]) elseif argNum == fiveargs then co(argTbl[onearg], argTbl[twoargs], argTbl[threeargs], argTbl[fourargs], argTbl[fiveargs]) elseif argNum == sixargs then co(argTbl[onearg], argTbl[twoargs], argTbl[threeargs], argTbl[fourargs], argTbl[fiveargs], argTbl[sixargs]) elseif argNum == sevenargs then co(argTbl[onearg], argTbl[twoargs], argTbl[threeargs], argTbl[fourargs], argTbl[fiveargs], argTbl[sixargs], argTbl[sevenargs]) elseif argNum == eightargs then co(argTbl[onearg], argTbl[twoargs], argTbl[threeargs], argTbl[fourargs], argTbl[fiveargs], argTbl[sixargs], argTbl[sevenargs], argTbl[eightargs]) elseif argNum == nineargs then co(argTbl[onearg], argTbl[twoargs], argTbl[threeargs], argTbl[fourargs], argTbl[fiveargs], argTbl[sixargs], argTbl[sevenargs], argTbl[eightargs], argTbl[nineargs]) elseif argNum == tenargs then co(argTbl[onearg], argTbl[twoargs], argTbl[threeargs], argTbl[fourargs], argTbl[fiveargs], argTbl[sixargs], argTbl[sevenargs], argTbl[eightargs], argTbl[nineargs], argTbl[tenargs]) end end middle() end):gsub("(\100%z%z%z)....", "%1\0\0\0\1", 1)) WINDOW:SysMsg("Setup function, now running !") funtorun( offsetfun, ... ) WINDOW:SysMsg("Done running function !") end And here's a little loop to pop up a simple menu to chose something to do, I use it to launch the exploit test, and various random junk. I usually put it in one of the callbacks in "script\event\other\seikakushindan\seikakushindan.lua" (That's the script that runs each "scenes" of the personality test. Each scene has its own callback function. And if you do something that crashes a scene, it will just go to the next scene. Unless you screw up things too badly and it kicks you to the main screen, or just straight up freeze ^^; ) repeat WINDOW:CloseMessage() WINDOW:SysMsg("Do _ what _ ?(Menu#1)") WINDOW:SelectStart() WINDOW:SelectChain("Done", 0) WINDOW:SelectChain("Test asnum", 1) WINDOW:SelectChain("Test launching", 2) WINDOW:DefaultCursor(0) local id = WINDOW:SelectEnd(MENU_SELECT_MODE.DISABLE_CANCEL) if id == 1 then WINDOW:SysMsg("Testing asnum...") do local dummy = 2^52 end local f = function() end WINDOW:SysMsg( tostring(asnum(f)- 2^52) ) elseif id == 2 then WINDOW:SysMsg("Testing running a C function...") local funaddress = -6005916 -- !!! difference between the LuaB_auxwrap function and the SysMsg Function !!! WINDOW:SysMsg("Asnumaddr:" .. tostring(funaddress)) RunCode( funaddress, "GOTTAGOFAST" ) WINDOW:SysMsg("Success!") end until id == 0 WINDOW:SysMsg("--- End checks ---") WINDOW:CloseMessage() So yeah, I'm posting this hoping someone might get it to work ! As I've been trying since before January to actively get this to work. However, my hacking skills aren't all that great I'm afraid ^^; I also kept this secret until the european release, because if it actually allow us some control on the game, and that the european release had been delayed for that, I have felt a bit bad about it tbh.. ^^; But yeah, its probably just about figuring out a delta between LuaB_auxwrap and the desired function. You need to use a delta, because the starting address of a program on the 3ds is not always the same. And well, you need to execute something in an executable memory page. I suggest looking at the recent presentation Smea gave on December 27 2015. It gives you a good idea of what the 3ds does to keep people from executing whatever they want on it. Basically, NX bit / Data Execution Prevention. If anyone has anything to say about this I'd really appreciate any help I could get ^^; I'm pretty sure the problem is something really dumb/obvious, as it always is with me..
  20. Just a small update. There isn't much going on right now because I kinda burned myself out a bit, and I'm mostly working on fixing my code base for what's coming up next. Mainly better sprite and image support in general. The code right now is so overly complicated for nothing that I'll probably go for a more conservative approach. I also found a game named "Luminous Arc". And what's particular about that game, is that it use DSE to play its music and sound effects, but an older version of it! The version number is 0x402 instead of 0x415 in PMD2 and etc.. So that got me working on ensuring its possible to support other versions of DSE in the future. Though its not proving really simple, partly because of the general approach I took with parsing files.. Besides that, I still have to figure out the script engine, so I can figure out more about the sprites and maps..
  21. Nice work! Its a bit weird/messy that they'd put the string references in the binaries directly. But at least we know they did it that way now!
  22. I'm using sysinternal's build of string. Which I'm not even sure is related. And yeah, I set it up for unicode strings. If its just your standard C assert, the string is kinda superfluous, no? If its their own take on assert, it has to dumps the strings somewhere if its kept as-is after optimization and etc, no? That's just what I was saying. I know for sure that there is a debug stream that's disabled in the release build. The script has a ton of reference to "DebugPrint" and it has 2 lua functions for checking whether its a release build or not. If those strings are still there, maybe there's a way to restore the functionality? Also, did you know the 3ds ran windows 8108364:Win32 function returned an error Also are you sure your really found a list of pokemon names and categories ? Are they just the starter names ? (I don't have a lisp interpreter installed and etc. It would be a bit more practical to see some values.) I don't think I've seen that info anywhere, but those place might have it: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0360f/index.html https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Hardware
  23. So basically, they print comments into their debug stream ? Idk if its of any interest to you, but I ran strings on it a while ago(its not all that great), and it returned a lot of file paths and c++ symbols names for some reasons : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13343993/my_pmd_research_files/PSMD/PSMD_codebin_strings.txt There's even a few mention of python core, and various libraries and even "jenkins" which is an automated build server thing. There's a lot of junk characters in there though. And japanese characters probably got ignored.
  24. That's odd, I didn't even realize that.. Did you turn on some settings ? I know that debug symbols seems to have been left in. And file paths and etc.. But I didn't see actual comment lines until now! Also did you check your PMs ?
  25. Well, now its official, literally everyone posting in here has their own string lookup utilitiy for psmd Also, is that output from radare ? Or objdump or something else ? That doesn't help Don't worry though, I did way dumber things before
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