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About marat569

  • Birthday 08/26/1993

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  1. Hello, Maratx from PP/Serebii IRC here c: I'm always idle in both irc rooms 24/7 with 99% up time, so if you ever want to leave me a message i'll eventually see it. /me gives tasty apples to all
  2. Well I'm getting a check soon and want to buy a 3DS and either the latest pokemon game + tools or a flash cart. All I want to do is be able to save edit/generate "legit" pokemon [evs/ivs] and play online. I used to do this via pokesav long ago when it was easy; but times have changed. Please tell me what I should buy. 1) What version 3DS, do I need a specific firmware 1a) What firmware 2) Should I buy a flash cart + save edit 3) Should I buy the game and use some tools like power save 3a) If i need to get tools, what tools should i buy 3b) What software should I use 3c) Are there guides available? Thank you, I make this post every year or so, it's been over that now and I think pokemon generation is possible. If this is the wrong section, please move my thread instead of deleting it; I'd really appreciate the help. I've been out of the loop a long time, back in the day I'd plug in my SD card, open the .sav file, and edit my box -- but I am not a "noob". Thanks again.
  3. Where you the one that deleted my thread v-v I was gonna use it for other places and it's NOT just useful for powersave fyi If you can, PM me the text back if it was only a soft delete please I'll use it elsewhere
  4. windbg > cheat engine windbg is harder to use though, but reading dump files yeilds better results if you dump the process at the right time (eg while decrypting) edit: put better windbg link http://ravibayyana.blogspot.com/2011/01/installing-windbg.html ollydbg is also another amazing tool, cheat engine is considered an infant toy when you match them with these bad boys. http://www.ollydbg.de/ I still suggest windbg though with dump files, to create a dump file go to task manager, right click process, and create dump Don't just create the dump at a random time; dump it when the program is performing the process you want to examine. Then use windbg to analyze the dump, I can help out if needed (note: i don't own a 3ds, pokemon game, or powersave) but i'm willing to do all I can
  5. Damn, I wish I had a 3ds, that powersave tool to dump a save and I'd be sitting here on my windbg all day working on poke-edits for you weather it's messing with the powersave app or the actual save file I used to play gen5 on dsmume and use their wifi and have an old brick DS + old fake flash cart
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