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Everything posted by ignisrothe

  1. This Mew is confirmed for Australia too. Same distribution dates. https://twitter.com/SerebiiNet/status/690804924972699648
  2. Moves are Waterfall, Trash, Ice Fang and Earthquake.
  3. From my understanding, you only need to download a Gen I game to get a Mew serial code for XY/ORAS; You don't have to buy the 2DS bundle. You only need to buy the bundle if you want Mew in Gen I.
  4. Pokemon: Charizard (shiny) Gender: Random Level: 36 OT: メガトウキョ ID: 12124 Ability: Blaze Nature: Random Moves: Overheat Solar Beam Focus Blast Hold Hands Item: Charizardite Y Pokeball: Cherish Ball Ribbon: Premier Ribbon Location: a Pokémon Center Dates: Jan. 1 to 31, 2016 Game Distribution: OR/AS Distribution Type: Local Wireless Distribution Location: Pokemon Center Hiroshima --- Pokemon: Rayquaza (shiny) Gender: None Level: 70 OT: コロコロ ID: Ability: Air Lock Nature: Moves: Dragon Pulse Twister Thunder Extreme Speed Item: Pokeball: Ribbon: Location: Dates: Feb. 1 to 29, 2016 Game Distribution: OR/AS Distribution Type: Distribution Location: Pokemon Center Hiroshima --- Pokemon: Gengar (shiny) Gender: Level: 25 OT: ハロウィン ID: Ability: Levitate Nature: Moves: Shadow Ball Sludge Wave Confuse Ray Astonish Item: Gengarite Pokeball: Ribbon: Location: Dates: Mar. 1 to 31, 2016 Game Distribution: OR/AS Distribution Type: Distribution Location: Pokemon Center Hiroshima --- Pokemon: Carvanha, Numel, Swablu, Bagon and Ralts (eggs) Gender: Level: 1 OT: Hatcher's ID: Hatcher's Ability: Nature: Moves: Item: Pokeball: Ribbon: Location: Dates: Apr. 1 to 30, 2016 Game Distribution: OR/AS Distribution Type: Distribution Location: Pokemon Center Hiroshima --- Pokemon: Vivillon (PokeBall Pattern) Gender: Level: 12 OT: ポケセン ID: Ability: Nature: Moves: Stun Spore Gust Light Screen Struggle Bug Item: Pokeball: Ribbon: Location: Dates: May 1 to 31, 2016 Game Distribution: OR/AS Distribution Type: Distribution Location: Pokemon Center Hiroshima --- Pokemon: Pikachu (shiny) Gender: Level: 36 OT: メガトウキョ ID: Ability: Nature: Moves: Thunder Substitute Play Nice Hold Hands Item: Pokeball: Ribbon: Location: Dates: Jun. 1 to 30, 2016 Game Distribution: OR/AS Distribution Type: Distribution Location: Pokemon Center Hiroshima Sources: Official Site http://i.imgur.com/nMmVEI0.jpg
  5. According to Serebii, this same Pikachu will be distributed in Pokemon Center Tohoku from Jan. 2 to 11. http://www.serebii.net/news/2015/18-December-2015.shtml Original Source: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2015/12/151218_p06.html?ep002=news
  6. According to a recent post from the FB page, the codes will be given out on December 23 at 6.30 PM (local time).
  7. Level: 50 OT: ポケセン Nature: Random Moves: Diamond Storm, Moonblast, Reflect, Return Item: Normal Gem Ribbon: Classic Location: a Pokémon Center Sauce: my own Pokemon
  8. Source: Official Site Only available on OR/AS. The site also doesn't say anything about these Pokemon being "region-locked" to JPN console and games.
  9. Official announcement. Just like the shiny T-tar, this event is region-locked.
  10. I think I heard something like this particular Tyranitar having fixed IVs. Can anyone confirm if it's true? Could be worth noting.
  11. This is what's stated on the official news.※ 海外仕様の『ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・アルファサファイア』では、受け取ることができません。 which roughly translates to: "If [you] use a foreign-made Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire, then you will not be able to receive [this event]. --- Looks like this one's a special case of region-locked wireless event.
  12. Pokemon: Tyranitar (shiny) Gender: Male Level: 55 OT: ヤミらみこ ID: 03866 Ability: Sand Stream Nature: Adamant Moves: Crunch Rock Slide Low Kick Protect Item: Life Orb Pokeball: Cherish Ball Ribbon: Battle Champion Ribbon Location: Route 7 (fateful encounter) Dates: Nov. 7 - Dec. 6, 2015 Game Distribution: OR/AS Distribution Type: Nintendo Zone Distribution Location: Pokemon Center and Stores Sources: Official Site Additional Info: IVs are locked to 31-31-31-14-31-0 --- I got the info on Kotone's team here. It should also be noted that this event is locked to JPN console and games, even if you were to go to a PC.
  13. Location is "the Pokémon cartoon"
  14. Pokemon: Diancie Gender: None Level: 50 OT: Universe ID: 10045 Ability: Clear Body Nature: Random Moves: Diamond Storm Moonblast Reflect Return Item: Normal Gem Pokeball: Cherish Ball Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Location: a lovely place Dates: Oct. 15, Oct. 29 Game Distribution: X/Y/OR/AS Distribution Type: Serial Code Distribution Location: Nintendo Hong Facebook (woobox) Sources: Official Nintendo announcement, Official Facebook page
  15. Here is a link to the official announcement: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/anime-special/present/
  16. OT: Harry ID: 10235 Ribbon: Classic Source: Reddit edit: Item is also Focus Sash
  17. French Press Release Spanish Press Release (the same site as the French one, so you'll have to change the country to view the corresponding announcement) Official site (UK)
  18. Pokemon: Pikachu Gender: Random Level: 10 OT: 초보트레이너 ID: 10095 Ability: Static Nature: Random Moves: Teeter Dance Play Nice Tail Whip Nuzzle Item: Persim Berry Pokeball: Cherish Ball Ribbon: Event Ribbon Location: a Pokémon event Dates: Oct. 9 - Oct. 11 Game Distribution: OR and AS Distribution Type: Infrared Distribution Location: Pokemon Store, 1F Salrim Hall at Dongdaemun Design Plaza Sources: Official Site, Official announcement image --- It's probably gonna be the same as the Yokohama Pikachu from the looks of its moves.
  19. Japan is also set to receive this event. The distribution will take place in Pokemon Center and Stores from Oct. 10 to Nov. 1. Here's a link to the official reveal.
  20. Pokemon: Mareep Gender: Random Level: 10 OT: 완전전국도감 ID: 06055 Ability: Static Nature: Random Moves: Hold Back Tackle Thunder Wave Thunder Shock Item: Ampharosite Pokeball: Cherish Ball Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Location: a lovely place Dates: September 15, 2015 - August 31, 2016 Game Distribution: OR/AS Distribution Type: Serial Code (comes with Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Official Guidebook Complete National Pokédex Full Guide) Sources: Link
  21. You meant since Gen IV, right? Japan has always received more events that any other region.
  22. Yessir. In Pokemon Centers and Pokemon Stores. =)
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